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Let's PUMP up some Turkish Nationalistic Tracks and Tunes.. All is welcome

TOMMORROW... is officially the 100 years since the ADAPTATION of Turkish Republic... it's not 29th OCTOBER 2023..

We could be in for a earthquake all around Turkiye and it's surrounding nations, including GayREECE..

They can go all out for voting.. while we are in the comfort of our house, watching the events unfold.. RTUK and it's 100% kuffur media coverage. False propaganda.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each persons native language..


"There is and has been since 1900 (was happening also before) 197 million ABDUCTED children.. where they the real mother gives birth and they swap it with another kuffar child. This was the work in ingenious of Mevlud Cavusoglu and Mufti Menk."

Elhamdullillah.. none is homeless but some are desperate to reside in their "False" and "Pretentious" parents...

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will provide those who have been taken away from their real parents, real siblings, real family... a device, which he knows best (i dont know), so they can communicate with their real parents, real siblings, real family... where they can make and receive calls.. inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will also give their real date of birth, their (both family, siblings, parents) current images, a brief outline of how, when, where they were abducted, and any other material which he knows and we don't know, since he is Allah-HU MALIK..

inshaALLAH, the UMMET will keep this quiet and prevent a FREUDIAN SLIP from their mouths.. otherwise i will cut your tongue.

Tom Robertson... is a former prophet named SAM.. yes, SAM. He is the reason why IRELAND is 99.6% is Ehl-i Sunnet Muslim.. he is Hz. ALLAH (cc) most beloved.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will prevent kuffars from viewing this post, and take it off from search and list of the forum list.. if i have any short comings, inshaALLAH, he Hz. ALLAH (cc) will complete it, since he is ALLAH-HU MALIK..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform these TWO musical track into each Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims own native language..

Just like OUR brother Canbay says.. who is also Ehl-i Beyt.. Yaradan yoktan var etmish.. Our Lord creates it out of nothing, since he is the absolute power and authority.

Just like in this piece of scene from the series Payitaht Abdulhamid.. he says "Taht istenmez, nasip edilir" meaning.. Leadership can NOT be asked for, but is gracefully given by the LORD.

Who was the real Emi-r Ul Muminin.. after 1964 Suleyman Hilmi Tunahan departure to Mars with his wife? It was given to Seyfettin Alkan Hoca.. he is "TEYZE cocugu" and is also Ehl-i Beyt.. but, Kemal Kacar, Ahmet Denizolgun and Alihan Kurish.. were promised leadership status by... you know who? Kadir Misiroglu.. with soft words, and stroking their EGO's, the idea of Emir-ul Mumin crept up to them and began to consume them..

Kadir Misiroglu was CATAPULTED from head to belly, into two pieces, by Seyfettin Alkan Hoca..

Kemal Kacar, Ahmet Denizolgun, and Alihan Kurish... thier repentance was accepted but is to be outside of the circle for the time being.. Kemal Kacar really is from us, so is Ahmet Denizolgun and so is Alihan Kurish.. Ehl-i Beyt..

Kadir Misiroglu is the famous story of how.. A obedient servant of Hz. ALLAH (cc) requested for his NEFS/EGO to jump out of his body.. he made this DUA every day and night... for a total of 34 years.. and his NEFS eventually did jump out from his between his eyes, like a RAT.. Sheytan crept into him, and trying to make it appear that he has less intellect now because his enemy was outside of his body.. He remained in this status for 13 months in total.. then began to dislike this NEW Kadir Misiroglu, so he was on the hunt for this RAT.. He made DUA's to Hz. Allah (cc) to find this rat for 3 days, and he eventually caught it. He housed it, pet it, and ate it raw on the 4th day.. and eventually cursed eternally..

Just like one of the ULEMA's of US has SAID......Hz. ALLAH (cc), some times accepts your DUA's from his "KAHIR",. meaning, SORROW.. He gives up on you, and says " To HELL WITH YOU"

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this video footage of Payitaht, into each persons native language..

Seyfettin Alkan Hoca.. Emir-ul Muminin... has GAYB.. zero NEFS.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this speech of our ABI, to each persons own native language.

Something DISTURBING... I've heard... not seen, but HEARD when i WAS in Turkiye, last year..

Our neighboring apartments both in Fake Istanbul... and also in Ankara, our residential houses.. they the KUFFAR MEN were PENETRATING and engaging sexual conduct with minors even at the age of 6 or 9... i can hear the child crying in agony saying "it's hurtttting, please dont"

Yet.. these kuffars Masturbate to **** every couple hours per day.. their NEFS/EGO totally ENGULFS them, they are living in OBEY'DIYANCE of their own CARNAL DESIRES... they engage in homosexual, incestuous, transsexual acts.... yet, have the nerve to state they our beloved prophet Hz. Muhammed Mustafa sas, was PEDOREST and was a child rapist.

What's really been happening to us, as w hole ENTIRE WORLD? Especially since the age of internet, and high speed internet.. where streaming pornography is readily available on your phone, at any time, any place, any area..

I don't watch **** but i can give you the statistics.. 96% of the **** consumers on a daily basis, check out SheMale (transexual) ****.. they consider it as the best of both worlds..

How did we become from, ONCE beating Lesbians/Gays/Phaggots on a weekly basis, vouching to never allow that SODOMITES to walk freely in our society back in the 80's and 90's... to, being ENTICED by homo erotic, homo sexual, and transexual sex deviance.. Especially, these smart phones.. we have been allowing LGBT to shape our communities and if you dare to speak AGAINST LGBT+, you are FROWNED upon and your jobs taken away from you.

...... INSHAAALLLLLLAHH... Hz. ALLAH (cc) will bring upon his WRATH upon the PORNOGRAPHIC ACTORS, who allow their sexually deviant ways to be viewed by the billions of masses.. and eliminate them FOR ONCE all FOR ALL..

Hz. Ayshe (ra), who was our beloved prophet Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (sas) second wife... she was at the age of 17, almost 18 when they were married.. She initially were promised, almost engaged to some one else before, but her Hz. Ebu-BEKIR El-Siddqie father didn't approve, hence that didn't happen. Our prophet only had 2 wives, not 7-9 like the MUNAFIQ kuffars on the internet claim...

This particular girl, is Ehl-i Beyt, and is DESTINED FOR... written for Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya.. she is a representation of how Hz. Ayse (ra) would look like with her sparkling green eyes..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this movie, and lyrics into each persons native language..
I'll say this ONCE.. and not give another chance...

38% of our Ehl-i Sunnet brothers and even some sisters are addicted to ****... and they are all living their day in a state of IMPURITY (CUNUP)... search how to get GHUSUL Ablution.. and stop it. You might not have a second chance, and have your heart sealed.

Sozler Kosku had a great video regarding ****, how it pumps dopamine and seratonin into the brain.. it gives a brief short time of "enjoyment" and then, soon after it has a "COME DOWN effect" where SHAME and DIRTINESS takes over and you feel nasty and depressive.

Just like BEN FERRO SAY's.. Belimiz olmadi FITIK... Lullz..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each persons native language as he sees fit..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform these 3 following videos into each persons native language..

KEREM ONDER... is Ulema and Ehl-i Beyt...

THIS Payitatht Istanbul also ENCOMPASSES Selanik (or otherwise known as Thesolaniki by GayREEKS).. we can say, the REAL SELANIK and Istabul is a BIG CHUNK of land in Balkans.. This is a NO GO ZONE, as drawn by my grandfather Sultan Abdulhamid II.. when ever a foreign/kuffar air craft (helicopter, jet or passenger plane) approaches the borders, they come down dropping down to the floor.. the kuffar has sent 674 air crafts and helicopters, they're all littered around outside the Payitaht Istanbul borders.

The BOSPORUS straight, no FOREIGN/KUFFAR ships can pass through it.. they have been attempting to cross but, they either run out of fuel or the ships sink down crashing an ice berg.. So far 14,000+ ships are under the surface of BOSPORUS.. Just like we say... CANAKKALE GECILMEZ...

The false Aya Sofya was built completed in 1926 and the false Blue mosque, in 1927, and the FALSE topkapi in 1930..
@LeGenD @waz Can you do something?
1. Suleymanlilar
2. Nurcular (inshaALLAH, we will read 12+ books of the GREATEST Mujjedid, Hz. Said-i Nursi hazretleri)
3. and General Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims on earth

How was your motivation on earning money, accumulating wealth and family ties and close SINCERE friend ties?

What has this corrupt system of Capitalism, how did it change you for worse, where everyone is competing with another in trying to ascertain the BIGGEST figures on bank balances..

We are living in the age of HYPER SEXUALITY.. and HYPER Capitalism, where every man is for him self..

Just, think about and reflect on it.. How were you 20 years ago, to how are you now.

Andrew Tate is having the last laugh, his bank balance is $48.. he donated all his money to a CREDIBLE charity. He drives a 15 year old BMW and is now content in his life.

Lara.. is a CLOSE family member, a relative of my wife to BE Dilara... Lara is a JINN.. in human form.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track to each persons native language

Our brother Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya.... is the 1st hand soldier and obeydiant to Seyfettin Alkan Hoca.. is a JINN and in human form.
There is a DABBE tomorrow.. What's DABBE? It's explained in Hz. Said-i Nursi Hoca (ra), 9th Book..

Fatih Yagci, also ULEMA and Has GAYB and 0 NEFS, together with Mehmet Fahri Sertkaya.. will explain the events of DABBE soon inshaALLAH, when i go to sleep.

All Ehl-i Sunnet Muslim Jinns are on the command of my wife to be Dilara, inshALLAH.

Resul Aydemir is the GRAND son of Mehmet Akif Ersoy.. has GAYB and 0 NEFS, so does GeeFlow Musab.

Anyone who tries to CON and TRICK and Manipulate and CHEAT and DECEIVE us... is NOT ONE OF US.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each persons native language...

There is a FAKE PRETENTIOUS NICKLEBACK... the REAL Nickleback has never revealed them selves to the media and you won't find their image on the internet..

NICKLEBACK.. 3 brothers, the sons of the prophet Hz. Ismail (as)... A JINN, where they come into the human world, and also appear in the JINN world..

OMAN at large, has the largest JINN population.. There's more JINNS than HUMANS... So does PAKISTAN and AFGHANISTAN..

Hz. ALLAH (cc) ordered Hz. Ismail (as) to make a curse... and so did Hz. Ismail (as).. cursing the kuffars of their time, the 3rd wave of history of ALMOST END of the world.. Hz. Ismail (as) cursed the kuffars of their time, saying " May you allll become a HINZIR" and then he asked Hz. Allah (cc) what does the word "HINZIR" mean? Hz. Allah (cc) said, the pig/swine animal behind you, and their clans...

Hinzir's, essentially pigs come from HUMAN ancestry.. they're all males, and have no females.. the pigs have one penis and one anus.. that's it. The pigs penetrate the anus of another pig, and and they breed from the anus..

You might have heard Ismail Busevi Hz... That's Hz. Ismail (AS) him self..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this brilliant track into each nations native language..

When We Stand Together​

The QUESTION IS... Who were the first HUMAN's on earth?
1. Hz. Adem (ra) and Hz. Havva (ra)
Was Hz. Adem (ra) and Hz. Havva (ra) thrown out from Paradise for eating or touching the forbidden fruit? NO.. This world is a testing phase, and all tests are done here..

Was there LIVING BEINGS here before the first two humans.. yes, they were. JINNS.. Doesn't Hz. ALLAH (cc) state that there a INSU, (humans) and JINNS (Jinns).. in his four books.

The earth was dark, a bit like PLUTO.. at that time, since it never had a sun in its solar system.
PLUTO was and still is dark, it's outside our solar system..

Hz. Aksamseddin (ra).. and his wife Hz. Rabia (ra) was the FIRST BEINGS ON EARTH.. they eventually got married on earth, and the angels (10 of them) were their witnesses to their Islamic wedding and their Islamic ceremony.

Mufti Menk, was the next prophet in line.... Mufti Menk was the 10th born child from Hz. Aksamseddin (ra).. he how ever lusted after his mother.. and was major perv trying to get her/catch her in a naked guise. His father knew what was happening, and shackled him in chains and hung him upside down in a cave which is currently known as FIJI islands. (Bermuda Triangle)..

I will delve more on this later.. however, Hz. ALLAH (cc) cursed him and labelled him as DEVIANT being, who will GAIN many ISTIDRAJ benefits..

Mufti Menk, after breaking FREE from the shackles in the cave, just about 100 years ago, as of tomorrow... He challenged the CREATOR Hz. Allah (cc) and penetrated the minds, and communicated with many individuals NEFS.. all to rebel against the CREATOR..

TRON: Legacy for the most part was filmed in the planet PLUTO.. a world that has no sun in its solar system.

CLU is essentially Mufti Menk, a both sheytan and dejjal at the same time.


THE SPEECH OF CLU FROM TRON: LEGACY is made by MUFTI MENK, CALLING OUT TO THE REBELLION OF MASSES, to their CREATOR.. Hz. ALLAH (cc)... the first speech was made exactly 100 years ago, tomorrow..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will show this very event from 100 years ago, as to how the first speech was done and the masses gathered all the areas PALESTINE.. and how they all want to "blossom in the humans world"

Hz. ALLAH (cc), said him, which he already knows him self.. "Okay fine... you will get what you want, to hell with you"

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this scene to every persons native language..

The QUESTION IS... Who were the first HUMAN's on earth?
1. Hz. Adem (ra) and Hz. Havva (ra)
Was Hz. Adem (ra) and Hz. Havva (ra) thrown out from Paradise for eating or touching the forbidden fruit? NO.. This world is a testing phase, and all tests are done here..

Was there LIVING BEINGS here before the first two humans.. yes, they were. JINNS.. Doesn't Hz. ALLAH (cc) state that there a INSU, (humans) and JINNS (Jinns).. in his four books.

The earth was dark, a bit like PLUTO.. at that time, since it never had a sun in its solar system.
PLUTO was and still is dark, it's outside our solar system..

Hz. Aksamseddin (ra).. and his wife Hz. Rabia (ra) was the FIRST BEINGS ON EARTH.. they eventually got married on earth, and the angels (10 of them) were their witnesses to their Islamic wedding and their Islamic ceremony.

Mufti Menk, was the next prophet in line.... Mufti Menk was the 10th born child from Hz. Aksamseddin (ra).. he how ever lusted after his mother.. and was major perv trying to get her/catch her in a naked guise. His father knew what was happening, and shackled him in chains and hung him upside down in a cave which is currently known as FIJI islands. (Bermuda Triangle)..

I will delve more on this later.. however, Hz. ALLAH (cc) cursed him and labelled him as DEVIANT being, who will GAIN many ISTIDRAJ benefits..

Mufti Menk, after breaking FREE from the shackles in the cave, just about 100 years ago, as of tomorrow... He challenged the CREATOR Hz. Allah (cc) and penetrated the minds, and communicated with many individuals NEFS.. all to rebel against the CREATOR..

TRON: Legacy for the most part was filmed in the planet PLUTO.. a world that has no sun in its solar system.

CLU is essentially Mufti Menk, a both sheytan and dejjal at the same time.


THE SPEECH OF CLU FROM TRON: LEGACY is made by MUFTI MENK, CALLING OUT TO THE REBELLION OF MASSES, to their CREATOR.. Hz. ALLAH (cc)... the first speech was made exactly 100 years ago, tomorrow..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will show this very event from 100 years ago, as to how the first speech was done and the masses gathered all the areas PALESTINE.. and how they all want to "blossom in the humans world"

Hz. ALLAH (cc), said him, which he already knows him self.. "Okay fine... you will get what you want, to hell with you"

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this scene to every persons native language..

Bizde ZINA YOK... None in the Ehl-i Beyt circle.. has commited any fornication or adultry...

That includes my Eniste, my aunties husban Nazim Erdin.. Is 100% Ehl-i BEYT
That includes my Eniste, my brother in law Mert.. is 100% Ehl-i BEYT

The police come to their house and takes them away to their either prison or mental hospital.. and they were informed not to tell their wives about this.

Senden Gizledim.. a meaningful track

InshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track to each persons native language.

Be... wary.. anyone who torments Ehl-i BEYT.. will have Hz. ALLAH (cc) wrath upon them.
Chengiz Khan... is still alive and hasn't died yet... but every soul shall taste death.

His age is 2014 years... he is one of the MOST Blessed MUJJEDID's where his student Hz. Said-i Nursi (also a MUJJEDID) learnt all information in regards to Islamic Sciences from him.

He really did STORM Baghdad, 4 times in total.. Why? Because the once pillar of knowledge city Baghdad was engulfed into prostitution, alcohol, gay, homosexuality, gambling, drugs and intoxation.. hence, Hz. ALLAH (cc) ordered him to MASSAKA the once Muslims, but eventually turned kuffars.

Chengiz Khan, is the leading figure of governance in Turkic lands, from Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbek and Kyrgyzstan.. it's all peaceful and blessed with ABUNDANCE these central Asia Turkic countries.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this brilliant track into each persons native language

Why do AFRICANS of parts of South and Sourth East Asian countries HAVE A DARK COMPLEXION.. because their ancestors were burnt on fire.. some died, but many survived the fire.

Why do parts of Asia, South and South East Asian have CHINNGY, Slit eyes.. because their ancestors eyes were cut each eyes from left to right, slit and cut on each sides..

inshaAllah, Hz. Allah (cc) will heal our Ehl-i Sunnet Muslim brothers and sisters eyes and provide what's best for them as he sees fit for us all Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims...

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform these two tracks into each nations own native language..

Is there a AHIT SANDIGI... an AHID Cabinet?.. Yes, there is... it's in somewhere in Palestine, where Hz. Suleyman (as) built a special domain and no kuffars or unauthorised personal can get into..

Hz. ISA (as)... his mother Hz. Meryem (ra) had given home some papers and painting in colours and brushes, and at the age of 4 years and 11 months.. he drew this tracks cover ALL GOOD THINGS, for the Glory..

He said to his mother.. ANNA (mother), Allah is a warrior... now, it doesnt mean Hz. ALLLAH (cc) is a human or anything related to humans since we are all his creation, but at the age of 4 years that's all he could articulate.

This painting in hidden in AHIT CABINET, in the temple of Hz. Suleyman (as), somewhere in Palestine.. his Hz. Isa (as) disciples, 12 imams, have hidden it in that cabinet...

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each nations native language.

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