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Let's PUMP up some Turkish Nationalistic Tracks and Tunes.. All is welcome

As you know.. I have STUDIED at RMIT university in Melbourne.. from Mid-2014 to Mid-2016.. a TWO YEAR of DIPLOMA.. Diploma of Building and Construction..

The kuffar had ENTICED me to study this field, by hearing FROM OTHERS how much of a wealthy and high yearly salary the graduates were receiving by their employment. I had looked into their website, and it said most GRADUATES were receiving high come and their employment was easy.

Me... being THE PEN, that i am... i have INADVERTENTLY (unintentionally) made around the world, not only in Istanbul or Ankara, but also in Melbourne and U.A.E and Abu Dhabi, RIYAD and MEKKE and MEDINE.. made the buildings to be built in such a short period of few months... SKY SCRAPERS were being built in just 2 months in some parts of the world.

I was never hired in this field.. the kuffar Dejjals an Sheytans and their cronnies, had a firm idea that I WAS THE PEN.. before i even knew about it.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) ... NULLIFIES what i have typed on computer, or in word document, or on paper with pen.. as how he sees best fit us all HUMANS and JINNS in this world.

Just like AYCA says.. these are all crumbing down and collapsing by me. She also says, you send people to follow where ever i go, but it's probably for your own if you stop it.

Buraları yıkılıyo benden yıkılıyo
Hergün peşime bıyıklı takılıyo
Ben seni seçtim tahminin doğru
Yasla başını hadi degajeme doğru

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform these two tracks into each persons native language.

Kazim Yurdakul is Ehl-i Beyt, has been "waiting" to get married for 68 years.. Ayca (also Ehl-i Beyt) has been waiting to get married for 74 years.. both are written for each other

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We have MOSTLY played the game Assassins Creed on Playsation... it's a brilliant game, because it projects the realities.. Our Japanese engineers and software developers did some very CRAFTY work on it.

The question is, Who is the real ASSASSIN CREED? That had dressed like that in the game and covered his face in case his enemies seen HIM..

He is Hz. HABIL (as)... The second prophet after Hz. Adem (as).. He used to come and go, from paradise to earth.. he has lofty ranks in paradise but he wanted the children of Adem, to stick to the path of Sirat-i Mustakeem.. and said, I'd die for you my Lord, Hz. Allah (cc)..

Muslim Kisa, Ismet Bitim, Ahmet Akgunes and my father, Ahmet.. knew who Hz. Habil (as) was, since he used to come to our Campbellfield Cuma prayers.. They knew about me, The PEN, before i ever knew about it.. They asked, the ULEMA who knows more than them, Hz. Habil (as) as to how they could educate me, and raise me up to the office of leadership.. Hz. Habil (as) his answer like it always was, SU YOLUNU BULUR, ALLAH'da var.. meaning, the water always finds it path, there is Hz. ALLAH (cc) after all..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track to each persons native language

BOIL your waters... all around the world.. this is a ORDER..

I just drank some tap water, right now, taking my daily CLOZAPINE tablet.. and had TASTED an element of blood in it.

The KUFFAR are injecting blood in to our water pipes and water services..

They have currently 968 ton liters of blood in RESERVE currently.

Taking, or drinking other persons blood.. poisons you.. and you become ill, and lose your health.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) transforms this video into each persons native language..


Cellat's are Ulema and our TEKAMUL completed Imams/Hocas... You might have heard the phrase Osman'li tokati, or Osman'li punch... Since the pause of Devlet-i Alliye Osmaniiye, CELLAT's had lost their strength and capabilities.. This is what how Hz. ALLAH (cc) decreed..

Mehmet Yalciner.. had explained a story, how in the time of Devlet-i Alliye Osmaniye.. A DERVISH, had received a slap from a Cellat and that the DERVISH was slammed to the floor.. True story.. All our youth at the age of 16 and over, are DERVISH's essentially.. and our senior hoca's are CELLAT..


Cuzzi Irade is your own will.. Kuzzi is MADE and FORCED UPON you by the will and grace of Hz. ALLAH (cc)..

Sakal Amber is more than 100 years old, and has married recently.. he had option given to him, by Hz. Habil (as).. what do you miss out of Devlet-i Alliye Osmaniye.. his answer was, the Cellat hoca i had.. he put in a straight line..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will implement the CELLAT procedure and prevents those affected, preventing their hand being lifted.. inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will complete my short comings and provides the best as he sees fit for us all ummet.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) make this track being listened in each persons native language.

The KUFFAR are out in the streets... fornicating with another.. Like i said, the kuffar have this mind-set, if we are going to hell... we are going to draggggg all of them to us.

insaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will prevent this topic from being seen by the kuffars.. inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will give our brother Bulent Inal, method statement, mission statement, rules, and any material which he needs to complete his mission and duties, including live coverage of Sheytans and Dejjals orders to their kuffar clowns, and any plan they are taking, from today ON and until the end of Malhama Kubra.. InshaALLAH, Hz. Cebrail (as) will help him in this mission, including obtaining live and raw videographic evidence.. inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will complete my short comings and completes what i lack in knowledge..

inshaALLLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transfer this track into each persons native language..

WHAT is the SIRAT Bridge...

What happens to us when we die?

1. You die.. and are buried in the ground of a soil, without a casket but with a "kefen" with a cloth
2. You get questioned by two angels, Munkir and Nekir (this isnt their real/true names, but we know in time inshaALLAH)
3. Your souls gets taken to No.1 Mahser
4. You get questioned by another group of Angels, your sins and good deeds
5. These Angels read your good deeds and sins.. Your GOOD deeds are written in your right shoulder, and your SINS on the left
6. You get taken to the Bridge of SIRAT, and the Bridge of SIRAT is located above hell fire
7. You are ordered to try to walk over Bridge of Sirat, that is sharper than a sword but thinner than a strand of hair
8. You are then JUDGED by Hz. ALLAH (cc) whilst passing through that bridge, since he is the ABSOLUTE and can, not only monitor/observe/give orders all those on earth, but question you and JUDGE YOU
9. If he wants, he can make you fall down that bridge and fall into the steps of HELL FIRE
10. Some Muslim's will be burnt, not necessary fall into the HELL fire, but being burnt by the flames and smokes coming out from the hell
11. Some Muslims will take months trying to pass that bridge, whilst those who's sins are forgiven and have amassed good deed, pass in the speed of a lightning bolt

Hence, why in your DUA's everyday you should always ask Hz. ALLAH (cc) to pass through the Bridge of Sirat in the speed of lightning..

Is there going to be a FINAL.. MAHSER.. yes, where when the end of the world occurs and no human or jinn is alive..

I'll give you an example, for my self for example.

1. i die.. and have went through the questioning of angels.. if my good deeds are not accepted, and my sins are overwhelmed, i could possibly fall down the bridge into the depts of hell fire
2. if Hz. ALLAH (cc) forgives me.. and gives me a second option.. he takes me to the world of BARZAK, where it's a empty world and there's nothing happening.. they just walk, everyday and every night. There's not communication with other dead people in BARZAK
3. You could possibly me living in BARZAK world until the FINAL MASHER
4. Some BURNT Muslims, from past since Hz. Adem (as) and Hz. Aksamsedding (as) are living in the BARZAK world, after serving their punishment in the hell fire

Another example..
1. Say i go through, and pass the SIRAT BRIDGE.. and Hz. ALLAH (cc) grants me the level of 4 and gate 8, of this Paradise.. after the final MAHSHER, if i can get the Hakk "rights and forgiveness" of other people, i could possibly be elevated to the 8th level of 8 gate in paradise.
2. I can't possibly go below the level of, what is granted to me.

Those people in the BARZAK world.. is the paradise granted or promised for them? NO.... if they can get the HAKK "the rights and forgiveness" of others, they could make it to 1st gate and 1st level of paradise.

Paradise has 8 levels and each level has 8 gates.. Only the 8th gate and 8th level, can see their Lord, Hz. ALLAH (cc) in his form which he will show himself the best as he sees fit.. Hence, i make a dua stating "Ya RABB cennetini and cemalini gormeyi nasip et", meaning, "Ya RABB allow me to be in the paradise and see you in your form"

SEHIT.. Martyr's... DIEING FOR THE CAUSE OF ISLAM AND Hz. ALLAH (cc) in the field of war, or serving for Hz. ALLAH (cc)... gets you quick access to Paradise, no questions in Sirat Bridge.. but they also, will see the FINAL MAHSER. Your level of piety determine what level of paradise you deserve. For example, one is granted 2nd level and 4th gate, if you get can the rights and hakk of others in the FINAL MASHER, you will be and can be elevated to 6th level and 8th gate.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each persons native language..

Elon MUSK once said.. I Don't mind burning in hell..

Has he not been burnt in his life, even with just a small lighter.

There's going to be ZEBANI'ler in HELL FIRE... There is no ANGELS commanding there, since ANGELS deserve the best.

ZEBANI'ler are apostate prophets, where each ZEBANI can order each other to torment each other.. ZEBANI'ler are also going to torment those who they MISGUIDED..

Just like Hz. ALLAH (cc) tells us, in his 4 books, Zebur, Tevrat, Incil and Kuran-i Kerim.. people will be by those who they love the best. The APOSTATE's have deviated many billions, hence they will be with those who they love the best in HELL FIRE.

Muslim Kisa hoca, used to say, to peoples face, ZEBANI'ler SIKSIN SENI.. and they will.. ZEBANI's will penetrate their followers whom they have fooled in the depths of hell fire.

Yeah I smell like success this Elon Musk, huh?
Everybody wanna be like us
We don't stop cause the top just ain't enough, huh?

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each persons native language.

When there was BEFORE INHABITANTS on earth, meaning Hz. ALLAH (cc) first creation... The EARTH was DARK, it had no sun in it's solar system.

There was the planet SUN, which is fairly close to earth, and is just x3 the distance to the moon.. The KUFFAR Physicians, the so called professionals in the education system, like NEIL De-Grasse.. they state that Sun is soo far away, that's actually a star. RUBBISH..

The sun had Hz. ALLAH (cc) created creatures as well.. not necessary human or the false projection of aliens on Hollywood, similar to humans and yet different. They the SUN, has had 642 PROPHETS, and out of which, 596 were APOSTATE and the rest were NOBLE obedient prophets.. The SUN, after it's last prophet, which became an apostate, became a SCORCHING HELL for the living habitants.. They loved their world so much, their own world became a SCORCHING HELL..... This is going be whats happening to earth.. after us, when we all die and our souls taken, this earth is going to be HELL..

The earths core, is already a hell there.. as we know in scientific world, the earths core is HOT and volcanic. If you love the world so much, you will spend your both human world and hereafter on earth..

ZAYD WOLF, never uploaded his image on the internet or google. he doesnt have social media accounts for any graven images.. Just like ZACK HEMSEY..

ZAYD WOLF completed this track in the year 1964.. after taking orders and guidance from AK SAKALLILAR

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each persons native language

Let's just point out one IMPORTANT FACT...I DON'T Lie.. even if i try, i get tongue tied..

When our beloved prophet Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (sas) had always went to the battle against the mushriks, and kuffars.. The Ehl-i SUNNET Muslim WOMEN, regardless single or married, had always marched a mid-length behind the men of Ehl-i Sunnet Muslims.. enough to see the men at the front, albeit in distance. When ever a KUFFAR or Munafiq turned away and walked backward to where they came from, the Ehl-i Sunnet Muslim WOMEN had CATAPULTED them from head to belly.

Hz. Hatice (ra) and Hz. Ayse (ra)... had lived in the same house... after the DEJJAL and SHEYTANIC era, a ORDER was given to the Muslims to have different houses for each wife. The KUFFAR did try to SMEAR the reputation of Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (sas) stating he was having orgies with wife at home.. When in reality, it was the KUFFAR's sharing their wife with another men, or having incestuous life.

SAM GOLD.. as given orders by Hz. ALLAH (cc).. Hz. Hizir (ra), had captured video graphic recording of both Hz. Ayse and Hz. Hatice and how they were conversing their husband, Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (sas).. inshaALLAH we will see this conversation at a time which Hz. ALLAH (cc) sees best.. as first explained by my cousin Bulent Inal..

Hz. Allah (cc) is going to intercept all TELEVISION telecast, and show how Hz. Muhammed Mustafa (sas) and his two wives, had talked to each other before the war.. They are covering their mouths, as it was directed by Hz. ALLAH (cc).. inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will give my cousin method statement, mission statement, rules, orders and DUA's to be made.. and give him a list of what needs to be done, before going live on tv.. and including what to show on television.. inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will help me in this regard and complete my short comings..

InshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each persons native language...

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There is a RULE in the Islamic Sciences... called ISTIDRAJ in Arabic.. meaning, Hz. ALLAH (cc) gives capabilities to his SERVANT regardless how pious or kuffar he is.. Just like i said before as MENTIONED by one of our ULEMA in Suleymanlilar, Sometimes Hz. ALLAH (cc) gives you capabilities out of his "SORROW" or known as "KAHIR" in both Arabic and Turkish, he says to his creation "TO HELL WITH YOU".. Just like he did to our former HOCA named Yusuf when he came into our Madrassa in 2017.. Yusuf was floating in the air when he was doing RABITA, and was giving false FATWA's to his follower... HE YUSUF... gathered allot of followers out of which 68% went to kuffur like him... His EGO consumed him... it consumned his body and nefs and was eventually a slave to his carnal desires and sheytan and dejjals..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform our ULEMA Nureddin Yildiz hoca speech, into nations native language.

The ACTOR Gokhan ATALAY, playing YUNUS EMRE in the TV series ASKIN YOLUCULUGU... is from the lineage of the true YUNUS EMRE..

TAPDUK Emre... is played in the tv series, is Hz. Yildirim Beyazit 2.. the former Sultan.. They called him the ZEUS, since he could with the grace and will and wisdom of Hz. ALLAH (cc), make thunders, clouds, bolts and rain.

There was SCENE in the TV SERIES Askin Yolculugu.. where Yunus EMRE, meets two other individuals in cave which they eventually transform and look in the same image, just like twins... as like him, same physical appearance and physical anatomy... WHO WERE these two other individuals, in the same shape and image as him.. 1. was his SOUL... 2. was his NEFS.. 3rd. was his physical human body.

I've seen, and talked to my NEFS in Broadmeadows Camii, twice.. and once i spoke to him in brief words, he spoke English to me.. True STORY. Our brother's from MAKSAT 114 is going to ELABORATE on this, as they too habe witnessed 3 bodies of their own. inshaALLAH, Hz.ALLAH (cc) will complete our short comings and provide whats best and completes our errors..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will enable this track to be shown in each persons native language.. and show the TRUE scene, as how he sees best fit for us all

Our brother Sahin Vari... from MAKSAT 114 and also formerly Cay House.. is Ehl-i Beyt and is also my cousin from fathers side.. NEFS 0, has GAYB..

He is 74 years old, and still waiting for the one written for him.. he doesn't age. This is the infinite wisdom of Hz. ALLAH (cc).. Our brother.. Sahin Vari is the HOCA of both, Fatih Yagci, Emre, and the crew from Sozler Kosku and also MAKSAT 114.. Don't worry about cinaralti, that Osman slept with his own mother during DEJJAL and SHEYTANS night on December 2018..

Sahin Vari has memorised allot of chapers and verses of Risale-i Nur (12 book in total) and is also a HAFIZ of Kuran-i Kerim.. He knows Arabic, Osmanli Arabic/Turkish, English, French, Italian, Spanish and German.. He has never taken any illicit or prescriptive drug, but has ZAM ZAM water in abundance. MashALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) prevented his state of mind being poisoned and altered and impacted. He was thrown into the prison though.. he spent 3 years and 5 months in prison in total.

IT'S ALL ABOUT NEFS... Just like he says in this clip, making references to his own NEFS.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this clip into each nations own native language..

This world.. who does it belong to?

1. Hz. ALLAH (cc), it's his planet, and has billions of humble obedient servents
2. Hz. ALLAH (cc), has made the 18 thousand worlds, the individual in CHARGE, His TALIBIN, Hz. Resul-u Ekber-i Eshad..

This is first Hz. ALLAH (cc) KINGDOM.. second, his VARIS (representative) Hz. Resul-u Ekber-i Eshad..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track in to each persons native language..

ALOHA TO ROME... Where Hz. ALLAH (cc) has TRANSFORMED parts of the ROME and VATICAN to the Middle-Ages, before prophet Hz. Isa (AS).. THE KUFFAR ARE HIDING THIS FACT,.. BUT.. inshaALLAH, we will witness it on our devices as how Hz. ALLAH (cc) sees best fit for us all, believers and non-believers..

Tyronne Briggs... an Ehl-i BEYT brother.. also a HAFIZ in Kuran-i Kerim, and Incil-i Kerim, and TEVRAT-i Kerim and Zebur-i Kerim..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will show on our digital devices as he sees best fit, how HE TYRONNE BRIGGS and our Ehl-i Beyt BROTHER DAVE CHAPEL.. The DAVE CHAPEL from Comedy Central.. inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will show it on our devices as he sees best fit, as to how they dugg the soil in various parts of the world, and unearthed and taken from the soil.. these 4 books hidden there, since the KUFFARS are always trying to confiscate our books, and try to burnt it. inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will complete my short comings and provide the best as he sees fit for us all..

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each nations native language..

The MODERN education system, in SECULAR democracies... TEACH our YOUTH;
1. To be HARDCORE .. i remember in grade 10, where we went onto a school excursion and the police officers were lecturing the students, to be HARDCORE... meaning, AGGRESSIVE, NARCISSISTIC AND HARD CHARACTER
2. For the past 23 years since 2001, New World Order.. they are trying to feed LGBT+ to our students, where the kuffar teachers even dress up in DRAG QUEEN and trying to entice the students to their DEVIANT ways..

Ilyas Mao, and Muslim Bilal, and Boona Muhammed.. has taken secret recordings for the NEW WORLD ORDER since 2001.. and how they the kuffars have been trying to FORCE FEED LGBT+ down our throats.. Hz. Cebrail (as) has helped them, and they have seen the Chief of Angels Hz. Cebrail (as) before me.. on our digital devices soon.

inshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will complete my short comings and provides whats best for us all. InshaALLAH, Hz. ALLAH (cc) will transform this track into each nations native language

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