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Let's Fight This Corona Virus Together (Please Support us)

Animals which can carry viruses like AIDS, Rabies and which hunt. Since they're directly in contact with their prey and consuming it. They're unclean and can transfer viruses.

Quran recommends clean animals for a reason.

All animals carry some sort of virus or other.

Cows now can carry the mad cow disease. Are you stopping from eating it.
The Chinese are resilient and the people of Pakistan will stand by their brother in this difficult time. Many people will attack China with troll comments but don't fall into their trap and blame Pakistan. The majority in Pakistan have great respect for the Chinese.
Death Toll - 41 now.

Confirmed Case is 1287

5 People was monitored by NSW Health currently showing symptom of fever when 2 were discharged with negative screen result (so probably normal flu)

My dad collapsed yesterday in Hong Kong during Spring Festival Preparation, and lay in the toilet unconscious, and was immediately rushed to hospital, thank god it was due to low blood sugar (he have diabetes) and was conscious after IV treatment. But the scare is real...….
First case confirmed for Australia

A Chinese National in his 50s have been confirmed to have nCoV by Victorian Health authority, the person have recently travel to Wuhan.

He have spend time in Wuhan within 14 days and was inbound in Australia on a flight on the 19th January via China Southern Airline CZ321.

Since the flight arrive before national screening took place on the 21th January, Victoria Government have asked all passenger or anyone who may have contact to any of the passenger of that flight to come forward and test for the coronavirus
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I have two questions:
1. Why do many new viruses begin in China; surely there are plenty of less cleaner and filthier countries like in sub-sahara or even India. Is it because of frequent contact among Chinese with wild animals that they eat? If so then OP apologizing makes sense.
2. I'm importing aluminium material from Zhenghzhou and Shanghai; should i be worried? It will arrive by mid Feb and Mid March respectively. :o::o:
I have two questions:
1. Why do many new viruses begin in China; surely there are plenty of less cleaner and filthier countries like in sub-sahara or even India. Is it because of frequent contact among Chinese with wild animals that they eat? If so then OP apologizing makes sense.
2. I'm importing aluminium material from Zhenghzhou and Shanghai; should i be worried? It will arrive by mid Feb and Mid March respectively. :o::o:

1.) In term of virology, China is a better breeding ground of virus (sorry, but that is true) than Africa and India because of the geographic location and the also, more importantly, host available. Virus need host to survive and human were a perfect host for virus to do their stuff (basically just reproduction) also unlike most African country or Sub Continent, Most part of China are wet and hot in the summer (As oppose to hot and dry or equatorial condition in Africa or India), as well as laden with indigenous species, which make a perfect breeding ground to culture a virus.

But then that does not quite explain why China have these outbreak. People tent to blame Chinese eating weird food or local delicacy. But I think it's more about luck or unsafe handling of food product than simply eating bats and stuff like that.

2.) Virus would not do anything in inorganic surface, and most likely there would be decontaminate process during the outgoing or incoming custom procedure, you should not be worry about that.

Chinese ‘nurse’ claims dead bodies are left unattended at a Wuhan hospital
by internewscast24th January 202001
Corpses of coronavirus victims are being left unattended in a corridor of a hospital flooded with patients in Wuhan as the Chinese city is ravaged by the deadly infection, it has been revealed.

The chilling scene, captured by a woman who claims to be a nurse, was posted to the country’s social media today but quickly censored.

In a post, the self-proclaimed medical worker described how patients were being sent in non-stop without any quarantine measures, warning that ‘everyone will end up being infected and dying’.

1.) In term of virology, China is a better breeding ground of virus (sorry, but that is true) than Africa and India because of the geographic location and the also, more importantly, host available. Virus need host to survive and human were a perfect host for virus to do their stuff (basically just reproduction) also unlike most African country or Sub Continent, Most part of China are wet and hot in the summer (As oppose to hot and dry or equatorial condition in Africa or India), as well as laden with indigenous species, which make a perfect breeding ground to culture a virus.

But then that does not quite explain why China have these outbreak. People tent to blame Chinese eating weird food or local delicacy. But I think it's more about luck or unsafe handling of food product than simply eating bats and stuff like that.

2.) Virus would not do anything in inorganic surface, and most likely there would be decontaminate process during the outgoing or incoming custom procedure, you should not be worry about that.
Thanks for your answer and Chinese New year greetings to you and your near ones.
1.) Yes wet conditions are good for virus breeding I suppose. But I also understand that Chinese dishes include live uncooked animals. Scary stuff. I have seen people eating alive-and-kicking snakes and octopii. Is not this a real threat, I mean proper cooking kills a lot of mean stuff that's in the food, I believe.
2.) I hear that virus can be dormant till it finds host.
Any case I have zero-faith in govt. mechanisms working well in india (and the sub-continent.)
Indian govt. employees have the "iron bowl" protection and can't be fired. So they have near zero-efficiency in their jobs. Maybe I'm just being pessimistic. I hope china quickly eliminates this threat.
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Thanks for your answer and Chinese New year greetings to you and your near ones.
1.) Yes wet conditions are good for virus breeding I suppose. But I also understand that Chinese dishes include live uncooked animals. Scary stuff. I have seen people eating alive-and-kicking snakes and octopii. Is not this a real threat, I mean proper cooking kills a lot of mean stuff that's in the food, I believe.
2.) I have zero-faith in govt. mechanisms working well in india (and the sub-continent.)
Indian govt. employees have the "iron bowl" protection and can't be fired. So they have near zero-efficiency in their jobs. Maybe I'm just being pessimistic. I hope china quickly eliminates this threat.

I cannot comment on the way China or Chinese prepare their food. But it was believed that the previous outbreak are due to either unsafe handling of food or unsafe handling of viral host. So yes, if these food was properly cooked, it should limit the transfer/contraction of the virus.

About the aluminium, don't worry about that, virus cannot reproduce in it (Unless you have some fungi or stuff like that growth in it) the period of transition should be more than 1 reproduction cycle, and if virus is actually there, they will die out because there are no way to reproduce.
chinese should change their eating habits and diet if they want to avoid such diseases in future,best way is to follow Islamic foods and diet pattern

i think drinking cow urine may result in such diseases
All animals carry some sort of virus or other.

Cows now can carry the mad cow disease. Are you stopping from eating it.
I have two questions:
1. Why do many new viruses begin in China; surely there are plenty of less cleaner and filthier countries like in sub-sahara or even India. Is it because of frequent contact among Chinese with wild animals that they eat? If so then OP apologizing makes sense.
2. I'm importing aluminium material from Zhenghzhou and Shanghai; should i be worried? It will arrive by mid Feb and Mid March respectively. :o::o:
1. Han-Cnese race get sick easily in tropical weather and the climate change make the world more tropical.
2.U should be worry, the deadly disease can spread through the Eyes.

Coronavirus is spread through the EYES making surgical masks useless, expert claims

Death Toll - 41 now.

Confirmed Case is 1287

5 People was monitored by NSW Health currently showing symptom of fever when 2 were discharged with negative screen result (so probably normal flu)

My dad collapsed yesterday in Hong Kong during Spring Festival Preparation, and lay in the toilet unconscious, and was immediately rushed to hospital, thank god it was due to low blood sugar (he have diabetes) and was conscious after IV treatment. But the scare is real...….

Wish your dad okay and healthy, my friend.

I'm from Indonesia, and before this I have respect toward Chinese people from HK who voice their concern and political views.
(Even I don't agree and in my view it's digusting thing, when your kind burnt an old man alive, just bcause he had different opinion with you guys) But, I don't want to disscuss it in here.

Honestly because of this outbreak, I LOST my respect to the Chinese people from Hongkong City.
I know some of you don't like China Central Govt, but spreading disinformation, hatred, and many racial tweets is really Ridiculous and childish in this situation.

Yes it's your business if your kind don't like Central Govt in Beijing, but prioritizing your hatred in this outbreak situation is really Selfish and EGOISTIC !
This outbreak is a disaster for humanity, then if you guys are Human too. Step aside your problem and differences for a moment, and fight this outbreak together.

Ps : In Indonesia we look Chinese people from HK and other Cities in China as the SAME. You have same culture and you eat the same thing.

Already in MASS Production, and hopefully from today we can precisely detect suspect infected and help many quarantine offices :tup:

Another Help arrive for Wuhan Medical Forces

Jia you ! :china:

#Fightingcoronavirus #StandwithWuhan
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