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Let's Fight This Corona Virus Together (Please Support us)

Some Cnese here say that we r sick cos we dont show sympathy to those victims.

Accident can happen, but when it happen, they (CN govt) must pay the compensation and appology to the victims all over the world. Not just quickly quarrantine the city to cover the truth and blame the others not showing sympathy to Cnese.

The first step to any crisis is to contain it followed by removing it.

Post mortem will establish the how & whys
Virus has nothing to do with China. It is just a virus.

So I don't understand why would you apologize?

Incidents like stubble/crops burning in India create tons of pollution in Pakistan and the region and the world at large, I never see any Indian apologizing or even stopping it. Keep in mind stubble burning has costed pakistan hundreds of lives.
The first step to any crisis is to contain it followed by removing it.

Post mortem will establish the how & whys
They will blame poor civet/bat or snake again and even make another " scientific proven report" to blame those poor animals.

Case closed. Bad guy ( who spread the virus) is the hero while we r sick cos we dont show our sympathy to the victims :cool:
The Chinese do not have to apologise at all. We all live in a world where such things will keep on increasing .

Volcano eruptions in Indonesia or fires in Aus , stubble burning in the Indian Sub continent etc create air pollution, Ebola , Polio ones that are lurking around us. Global warming is raising ocean levels.

The larger thing is that we all must realise that no nation is an island, we all are in it together for good or bad & answers must be found collectively.

Virus has nothing to do with China. It is just a virus.

So I don't understand why would you apologize?

Incidents like stubble/crops burning in India create tons of pollution in Pakistan and the region and the world at large, I never see any Indian apologizing or even stopping it. Keep in mind stubble burning has costed pakistan hundreds of lives.

It's Chinese culture.
When other people accusing, blaming you.
Doesn't matter you are right or wrong.
Just say Sorry and walk away

High Speed Train


Honestly if somehing like this happen in third world country, it will be like hell
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We as Chinese people apologize for this.
It is not the fault of the Chinese people and they have nothing to apologize about.

We will all pray for this crisis to pass and support you to our abilities.

Also, I blame those stupid people who eat gross animals like bat soup.

What is the criteria to determine that an animal is gross.
Stop oppressing Uighurs and fighting and mocking Islam.

Seek repentance from God and ask for forgiveness from God.

InshaAllah, this virus will disappear just like it appeared by the mercy of Allah.

Oh and stop blaming Americans for the virus. Nobody has the technology to create viruses. It's your own oppression that is responsible for this calamity that befell you.

I helped you. Hope you take this advice.

What is the criteria to determine that an animal is gross.

If you've to ask this question, you're so deep down the rabbit hole, you've lost touch with rest of humanity.
Also, I blame those stupid people who eat gross animals like bat soup.

Why? All around the world, people are eating wild animals. Tbh, South East Asians like Vietnamese, Cambodians and others are eating the same weird animals. Indigenous people in Africa and South America consuming almost everything you can find in the jungle still they don't develop dangerous diseases. Why?

Though in China, somehow, it creates problems. There must be another explanation.

Go China ! Go Wuhan ! :china:

Why always 20s :o:



It is not the fault of the Chinese people and they have nothing to apologize about.

We will all pray for this crisis to pass and support you to our abilities.

What is the criteria to determine that an animal is gross.

Animals which can carry viruses like AIDS, Rabies and which hunt. Since they're directly in contact with their prey and consuming it. They're unclean and can transfer viruses.

Quran recommends clean animals for a reason.

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