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Let's Fight This Corona Virus Together (Please Support us)

"Its just a flu"
No, it's not a flu.

Flu is causing more death.
In 2018 alone, in U.S only flu kill 61,000 people.

Yep everthing is under control relax, we got this

>>proceed beating an old man for not wearing masks.and locking people as if they were animals lol
So the CCP asked everyone to go back to work. Guess what happened ? Yeahh you guess that right @Daniel808

This Is What Happened After One Chinese Company Rushed To Reopen After The Corona-Chaos

by Tyler Durden
Wed, 02/12/2020 - 19:44

laid out succinctly the dilemma facing Beijing, when he said that "China appears to have perhaps decided that the economic damage being wrought by a demand collapse and supply-chain shutdown is just too much to bear." As reported overnight, Xi Jinping stated that China will meet its economic goals AND win the battle vs. the virus, and Beijing is urging firms to increase output even as the capital itself is largely locked down – and other cities are physically locking people into their homes. That’s as even the US admits that the Phase One trade deal will be slow off the market due to the virus impact.

Of course, China is no stranger to Double Think: as Every put it, "a freely-floating, controlled currency; market-determined, state-directed interest rates; and free-trade mercantilism. Yet increase economic activity from here and the virus will spread, both internally and globally. Concentrate on just the virus, and the local and global economic impact will be enormous."

That, in a nutshell, was how Rabobank saw China's "dialectic that has no comfortable Fichtean synthesis to the thesis and antithesis" and concluded that "things are going to get nasty for economies and markets – especially with official WHO word that a vaccine is 18-months away."

Today, two days after China officially returned to work, we got the first confirmation of just how catastrophic Beijing's order to local enterprises and businesses to rush back reboot the economy could be, when Jennifer Zeng reported that a company in Suzhou reopened, and immediately at least one CoVid2019 case found. As a result, the company's 200+ employees couldn't go home and were immediately placed under quarantine. At least the workers managed to "organize" quilts for themselves.

曾錚 Jennifer Zeng@jenniferatntd


Company in #Suzhou reopened. One #CoVid2019 case found. Over 200 employed couldn't go home and immediately under quarantine. They managed to organize quilts for themselves.
苏︍州单位提前开工,确诊一例 #武汉肺炎 ,全单位的人上了一天班,家都回不去了,200多人自带被子,全部隔离


11:55 PM - Feb 12, 2020
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862 people are talking about this

This is just the first such case. Expect many more - especially across Hubei and its neighboring provinces - as latent cases of Coronavirus which were never caught and cured spark new infections and mini epidemics, all of which dutifully captured on a smartphone clip for everyone in China to watch and freak out even more.
So the CCP asked everyone to go back to work. Guess what happened ? Yeahh you guess that right @Daniel808

Honestly it's a good thing, that's mean their preventive and monitoring system is effective.

The main problem is when you cannot track suspected people.

So big congrats for them to take that preventive measure and monitoring the suspect.

Anyway, there is another good news for China doomed cult followers like you today :enjoy:

There are Recovered patients more than new case of infected for last several day :china: A good sign from China, wish all the best for them :-)
Honestly it's a good thing, that's mean their preventive and monitoring system is effective.

The main problem is when you cannot track suspected people.

So big congrats for them to take that preventive measure and monitoring the suspect.

Anyway, there is another good news for China doomed cult followers like you today :enjoy:

There are Recovered patients more than new case of infected for last several day :china: A good sign from China, wish all the best for them :-)
Ofc globaltimes (a ccp mouthpiece ) will never publish stories like this ehe.

China car sales tumble by 92% as coronavirus weighs on industry

CPCA says ‘barely anybody’ has looked to make purchase in first half of February

Mark Sweney
Fri 21 Feb 2020 05.21 EST
Car sales in China have collapsed by 92% as the coronavirus shutdown wreaks havoc on the automotive industry.

The China Passenger Car Association (CPCA) said “barely anybody” had looked to buy vehicles in the first half of February. Most dealerships have remained closed as a precaution.

Coronavirus: air travel demand 'will fall for first time in 11 years'
The plummeting domestic sales – down 96% in the first week of February and 92% across the first half of the month – come days after Jaguar Land Rover revealed it was currently making no sales in China.

“There was barely anybody at car dealers in the first week of February as most people stayed at home,” said Cui Dongshu, the secretary general of the CPCA. “Very few dealerships opened in the first weeks of February and they have had very little customer traffic.”

Only 4,909 cars were sold in the first 16 days of the month, down from 59,930 in the same period last year, in a market where more than 25m cars were sold in 2019.

On Friday the Japanese carmakers Nissan and Honda further delayed restarting their manufacturing plants near the centre of the coronavirus outbreak in China until at least 11 March after the latest government directive to contain the spread.

The shutdown in China has disrupted the global supply chain as carmakers struggle to source the tens of thousands of parts needed for each car.

This week, Ralf Speth, the chief executive of Jaguar Land Rover, said the company had been forced to fly parts in suitcases from China to the UK as supplies continued to dwindle.

Fiat Chrysler has warned it could halt production at one of its four European plants if the supply from China continues to be affected. Toyota and Peugeot-Citroen said their supply chains may be affected but neither expected to close UK plants as a result.
Ofc globaltimes (a ccp mouthpiece ) will never publish stories like this ehe.

China car sales tumble by 92% as coronavirus weighs on industry

CPCA says ‘barely anybody’ has looked to make purchase in first half of February

Mark Sweney
Fri 21 Feb 2020 05.21 EST
Car sales in China have collapsed by 92% as the coronavirus shutdown wreaks havoc on the automotive industry.

The China Passenger Car Association (CPCA) said “barely anybody” had looked to buy vehicles in the first half of February. Most dealerships have remained closed as a precaution.

Coronavirus: air travel demand 'will fall for first time in 11 years'
The plummeting domestic sales – down 96% in the first week of February and 92% across the first half of the month – come days after Jaguar Land Rover revealed it was currently making no sales in China.

“There was barely anybody at car dealers in the first week of February as most people stayed at home,” said Cui Dongshu, the secretary general of the CPCA. “Very few dealerships opened in the first weeks of February and they have had very little customer traffic.”

Only 4,909 cars were sold in the first 16 days of the month, down from 59,930 in the same period last year, in a market where more than 25m cars were sold in 2019.

On Friday the Japanese carmakers Nissan and Honda further delayed restarting their manufacturing plants near the centre of the coronavirus outbreak in China until at least 11 March after the latest government directive to contain the spread.

The shutdown in China has disrupted the global supply chain as carmakers struggle to source the tens of thousands of parts needed for each car.

This week, Ralf Speth, the chief executive of Jaguar Land Rover, said the company had been forced to fly parts in suitcases from China to the UK as supplies continued to dwindle.

Fiat Chrysler has warned it could halt production at one of its four European plants if the supply from China continues to be affected. Toyota and Peugeot-Citroen said their supply chains may be affected but neither expected to close UK plants as a result.

Though car sales tumble during the corona fears is making sense, at the moment we can't simply believe news/information both from CCP nor from western media. We are in the middle of warfare between US (including western) vs China now, not only trade but also information warfare (propaganda).
Ofc globaltimes (a ccp mouthpiece ) will never publish stories like this ehe.

China car sales tumble by 92% as coronavirus weighs on industry

CPCA says ‘barely anybody’ has looked to make purchase in first half of February

Mark Sweney
Fri 21 Feb 2020 05.21 EST
Car sales in China have collapsed by 92% as the coronavirus shutdown wreaks havoc on the automotive industry.

The China Passenger Car Association (CPCA) said “barely anybody” had looked to buy vehicles in the first half of February. Most dealerships have remained closed as a precaution.

Coronavirus: air travel demand 'will fall for first time in 11 years'
The plummeting domestic sales – down 96% in the first week of February and 92% across the first half of the month – come days after Jaguar Land Rover revealed it was currently making no sales in China.

“There was barely anybody at car dealers in the first week of February as most people stayed at home,” said Cui Dongshu, the secretary general of the CPCA. “Very few dealerships opened in the first weeks of February and they have had very little customer traffic.”

Only 4,909 cars were sold in the first 16 days of the month, down from 59,930 in the same period last year, in a market where more than 25m cars were sold in 2019.

On Friday the Japanese carmakers Nissan and Honda further delayed restarting their manufacturing plants near the centre of the coronavirus outbreak in China until at least 11 March after the latest government directive to contain the spread.

The shutdown in China has disrupted the global supply chain as carmakers struggle to source the tens of thousands of parts needed for each car.

This week, Ralf Speth, the chief executive of Jaguar Land Rover, said the company had been forced to fly parts in suitcases from China to the UK as supplies continued to dwindle.

Fiat Chrysler has warned it could halt production at one of its four European plants if the supply from China continues to be affected. Toyota and Peugeot-Citroen said their supply chains may be affected but neither expected to close UK plants as a result.

They already reported it, and of course there is slump in car sales. Because Lunar new year holiday and covid19 outbreak.
And some Auto factory there also mobilized to produce medical supplies and equipment.

But there is a sign, that China Auto Sales in Q2 will booming.
Because of this outbreak many people in China realize now, that's very important to have their own private cars.
And they have money, purchasing power to do that

China's auto sales slump amid epidemic but recovery on track

Xinhua, February 22, 2020

China's auto sales and production have taken a hard hit from the novel coronavirus outbreak, but industry insiders expect a rebound in April if the epidemic is gradually brought under control.

The retail sales of passenger vehicles plunged 92 percent on an annual basis in the first 16 days of February, according to a report from the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA).

The industry association attributed the sales fall to the delayed consumption demand due to the earlier start of the Lunar New Year holiday when consumers shop less, and the novel coronavirus outbreak which prevents residents from going out to public spaces.

The Chinese health authority Friday said it received reports of 889 new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection and 118 deaths on Thursday from 31 provincial-level regions and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

"The impact on the auto market is temporary," said the CPCA. "While the progress of the recovery relies on the measures taken by the government."

China will roll out more policies to stabilize the consumption of automobiles to mitigate the impact of the epidemic outbreak on its auto market, an official with the Ministry of Commerce said Thursday.

All localities are encouraged to beef up efforts to promote the consumption of new energy vehicles, ease vehicle purchase restrictions and carry out automobile replacement, said the ministry.

In Foshan city in south China's Guangdong Province, customers will receive subsidies if they purchase locally registered vehicles complying with the "China VI" vehicle emission standards.

China's Ministry of Transport has decided to scrap all tolls across the country until the end of the epidemic prevention and control work to aid the smooth transportation of supplies and resumption of work. This move is also beneficial to reducing logistics costs and stimulating demand for cars, according to the CPCA.

First-time buyers might have a stronger desire to own private vehicles to shield themselves from the virus as they intend to avoid public spaces, said the CPCA.

The industry association estimated that auto sales are expected to rebound in April as pent-up demand unleashes if the epidemic is effectively contained then.

On the supply side, some carmakers and suppliers of auto parts in China have suspended production to contain the spread of the virus. The hardest-hit province of Hubei, home to multiple auto joint ventures, manufactured 2.24 million cars in 2019, accounting for 8.8 percent of the country's total output.

While the production halt risks disrupting the global supply chain, the impact will be relatively short-lived as China's adequate capacity will soon catch up to make up for the losses, according to an analysis by Great Wall Securities.

FAW-Volkswagen Automobile Co. Ltd. had resumed production at its four production bases across China as of Monday, and the carmaker said it will increase production efficiency to make up for the affected output.

The Tesla Shanghai gigafactory and its supplier also resumed operation last Monday. Tesla's executives said the temporary shutdown may slightly impact the company's profitability for Q1 this year, but it would "try its best to make up for the suspension when the epidemic takes a turn for the better."

Several other automakers, including Guangzhou Automobile Group, SAIC-GM-Wuling and BYD, are set to refit their production lines to make medical supplies such as face masks as shortages hamper the country's efforts to contain the epidemic.

Ensuring the nationwide resumption of production and the epidemic control efforts are mutually reinforcing in China's fight against the ongoing novel coronavirus outbreak, said a senior official of the National Development and Reform Commission.

Seen from the perspective of the whole year, the impact on the supply end will be limited, according to Great Wall Securities

of course there is slump in car sales. Because Lunar new year holiday and covid19 outbreak.
And some Auto factory there also mobilized to produce medical supplies and equipment.
well that's the whole point i'm telling you all this time, am i right????
Pakistan has effective drug for COVID-19’
By news desk

Over 300,000 tablets exported to China as CEN is now collecting clues for heroes who made it possible

An article, “Pakistan has effective drug for COVID-19, Over 300,000 pieces exported to China”, published by Economic Daily – China Economic Net (CEN) on February 21st has got 5.71 million page views on Toutiao.com and 38,000 likes.

In nearly 10,000 comments, in addition to a lot of thanks to Pakistani friends for their help, some netizens were interested in the “multinational enterprise” mentioned in the CEN reporter’s article and wanted to know the hero behind the scenes who urgently dispensed the effective drugs at a Bayer subsidiary in Pakistan.

On February 20th, after noticing that the official Weibo account of Bayer China said it had made an emergency deployment of chloroquine phosphate tablets in Pakistan at the beginning of this month, CEN reporter quickly contacted to verify the matter.

The official Weibo account of Bayer China confirmed the news and said that the batch of medicines was completed in 24 hours. 200,000 of the 300,000 tablets were “sold” to Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited (GPHL) at zero yuan. Earlier, Economic Daily reported that on February 5th, GPHL first purchased 15,000 tablets of chloroquine phosphate in Pakistan through various channels, and then purchased another 200,000 tablets. The drugs arrived in Guangzhou at 7:00 p.m. on February 8th.

It took less than 4 days from purchasing in Pakistan to arriving in Guangzhou. In addition to the international and domestic airline time, it is not easy for Pakistan, a country with less developed transport infrastructure that is suffering from severe locust plague, to urgently collect, transport and cooperate to undertake the fastest international rescue for dispensing the effective drugs to treat COVID-19. It reminds people of “For 61 Brothers” in Chinese textbook.

CEN reporter learned from further interviews that chloroquine phosphate production was suspended in China for 20 years. In order to deliver the first batch of effective drugs successfully, from February 5th to 8th, in addition to GPHL and Bayer, there are many more heroes behind the scenes, such as China Southern Airlines and Urumqi Customs CEN is now collecting clues. What other heroes behind the scenes in both China and Pakistan are contributing quietly for this? If any information, please contact us!

well that's the whole point i'm telling you all this time, am i right????

And this the whole point I'm telling you all the time

But there is a sign, that China Auto Sales in Q2 will booming.
Because of this outbreak many people in China realize now, that's very important to have their own private cars.
And they have money, purchasing power to do that

Pakistan has effective drug for COVID-19’
By news desk

Over 300,000 tablets exported to China as CEN is now collecting clues for heroes who made it possible

An article, “Pakistan has effective drug for COVID-19, Over 300,000 pieces exported to China”, published by Economic Daily – China Economic Net (CEN) on February 21st has got 5.71 million page views on Toutiao.com and 38,000 likes.

In nearly 10,000 comments, in addition to a lot of thanks to Pakistani friends for their help, some netizens were interested in the “multinational enterprise” mentioned in the CEN reporter’s article and wanted to know the hero behind the scenes who urgently dispensed the effective drugs at a Bayer subsidiary in Pakistan.

On February 20th, after noticing that the official Weibo account of Bayer China said it had made an emergency deployment of chloroquine phosphate tablets in Pakistan at the beginning of this month, CEN reporter quickly contacted to verify the matter.

The official Weibo account of Bayer China confirmed the news and said that the batch of medicines was completed in 24 hours. 200,000 of the 300,000 tablets were “sold” to Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited (GPHL) at zero yuan. Earlier, Economic Daily reported that on February 5th, GPHL first purchased 15,000 tablets of chloroquine phosphate in Pakistan through various channels, and then purchased another 200,000 tablets. The drugs arrived in Guangzhou at 7:00 p.m. on February 8th.

It took less than 4 days from purchasing in Pakistan to arriving in Guangzhou. In addition to the international and domestic airline time, it is not easy for Pakistan, a country with less developed transport infrastructure that is suffering from severe locust plague, to urgently collect, transport and cooperate to undertake the fastest international rescue for dispensing the effective drugs to treat COVID-19. It reminds people of “For 61 Brothers” in Chinese textbook.

CEN reporter learned from further interviews that chloroquine phosphate production was suspended in China for 20 years. In order to deliver the first batch of effective drugs successfully, from February 5th to 8th, in addition to GPHL and Bayer, there are many more heroes behind the scenes, such as China Southern Airlines and Urumqi Customs CEN is now collecting clues. What other heroes behind the scenes in both China and Pakistan are contributing quietly for this? If any information, please contact us!


Yes, Choloroquine phospate is effective against this covid19 virus
All the best :china::pakistan:
According to the Chinese government authorities, the biggest humanitarian disaster in the history of the modern Chinese state and this will have negative consequences in the economy.

Too many articles blaming China are circulating on the internet. Many press organizations strengthen this perception. However, China is struggling with great sacrifice. Due to the measures taken by China, the whole world will soon thank China and its people.

Look this:

Decoding evolution and transmissions of novel pneumonia coronavirus using the whole genomic data


Guys, good to see most posters have refrained from making unwarranted and racist comments about Chinese eating habits for this virus.

We also need to be careful in laying blame on CIA etc if only because the virus is so infectious that it could easily have spread all over the world. If there was a way to restrict it's spread then this theory may have made sense.

Just like all other epidemics before it, it will be contained and ultimately defeated and good to see that the Chinese seem to have it under control now.
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