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Let's Fight This Corona Virus Together (Please Support us)

First, massive negative reports world wide about Uyghurs get killed in China to raise a bad impression against china. Then the Honkong Student Movement by this CIA Guy Wong to put China even more into the "The Dark side" corner. In addition, the economic war between US and China.
Now the Corona Virus, which already caused so much economical damage.

What a coincidence guys...

I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories but if I were to place a bet, this doesn't look like an accident I will say that much.

Wuhan's local government though exacerbated the situation through their ignorance and inaction. If they had responded quickly, they could've probably contained this far earlier.
I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories but if I were to place a bet, this doesn't look like an accident I will say that much.

Wuhan's local government though exacerbated the situation through their ignorance and inaction. If they had responded quickly, they could've probably contained this far earlier.
Corona will not be the last CN epidemic. Due to global warming and polluted water poisoined by CN steel-rare earth factories, More and more disease will come to CN...deadly H5N1 thats just killed thousand CN chicken....or virus from sick pig suddently transmitt to people....and CN officials will still so incompetent as usual.

Nothing change. No hope in CN, just like no hope in Chernobyl :cool:
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Corona will not be the last CN epidemic. Due to global warming and polluted water poisoined by CN steel-rare earth factories, More and more disease will come to CN...deadly H5N1 thats just killed thousand CN chicken....or virus from sick pig suddently transmitt to people....and CN officials will still so incompetent as usual.

Nothing change. No hope in CN, just like no hope in Chernobyl :cool:

Yeah, I'm sure the CIA will plant another virus somewhere in China later this year. Just like how the Coronavirus and last year's swine flue mysteriously appeared.

And I don't buy that Vietnam is cleaner than China. China's sanitation is 10X better than Vietnam's cities by a huge measure. There is something fishy going on with all of these virus outbreaks happening in unison with the Hong Kong riots, the trade and tech war, the Huawei persecution, the labeling of China as enemy no. 1 and the Uyghur propaganda campaign.
Foreign Support for Chinese People :china:

From Nepalese :smitten:

From African people in China

From Russian

From Italian, a lucky guy indeed :enjoy:

From French people in China

From Cambodian

and many others. That's what I called humanity :smitten:

I hope the Chinese people take note of this solidarity being expressed from throughout the developing world and realize they need to stop their pathetic White worshiping mentality where they constantly bend over backwards to befriend Western Anglos who hate their country's guts. Instead, they need to people from the developing world much better and represent them better in their own media.
Yeah, I'm sure the CIA will plant another virus somewhere in China later this year. Just like how the Coronavirus and last year's swine flue mysteriously appeared.

And I don't buy that Vietnam is cleaner than China. China's sanitation is 10X better than Vietnam's cities by a huge measure. There is something fishy going on with all of these virus outbreaks happening in unison with the Hong Kong riots, the trade and tech war, the Huawei persecution, the labeling of China as enemy no. 1 and the Uyghur propaganda campaign.
Not sure abt CIA can do something in CN, but we all know that CIA is not so "super", thats why they were fooled by VN spies in VN war.

In VN , we dare not open any steel factories like in Wuhan ( as I know, biggest steel factories r all in Wuhan) cos it extremely polluted ( VN Formosa steel got heavy fined and close till now). So, Im sure that VN is clearner that CN cos we dont open any polluted steel&rare earth factories till now.

So, we can believe that 90% of the next epidemic will start in CN again. CIA was fooled by VN spies during VN war, so blaming CIA wont solve the problem, it only make ppl think that Cnese IQ is lower than CIA and VN :cool:.
Not sure abt CIA can do something in CN, but we all know that CIA is not so "super", thats why they were fooled by VN spies in VN war.

In VN , we dare not open any steel factories like in Wuhan ( as I know, biggest steel factories r all in Wuhan) cos it extremely polluted ( VN Formosa steel got heavy fined and close till now). So, Im sure that VN is clearner that CN cos we dont open any polluted steel&rare earth factories till now.

So, we can believe that 90% of the next epidemic will start in CN again. CIA was fooled by VN spies during VN war, so blaming CIA wont solve the problem, it only make ppl think that Cnese IQ is lower than CIA and VN :cool:.

Coronaviruses are a zoonotic virus, they weren't caused by metallic pollution.

Also, the CIA is more than capable of this. They've deployed bio weapons against African Americans in the past, you think they wouldn't do it against a country that is a major rival superpower?
Coronaviruses are a zoonotic virus, they weren't caused by metallic pollution.

Also, the CIA is more than capable of this. They've deployed bio weapons against African Americans in the past, you think they wouldn't do it against a country that is a major rival superpower?
Okay,Coronaviruses are a zoonotic virus but why it always chose Cnese to spread Sars-corona first ?? Bcs Cnese body resistant is much weaker than the others due to drinking too much polluted water ??(everyone know that using polluted water/food will weaken body resistant)

There r many ways to stop CIA suck as arrest all Amrican and her allies in CN,no matter they r students or tourist, very simple. So, keep blaming CIA will not solve the problem.
Okay,Coronaviruses are a zoonotic virus but why it always chose Cnese to spread Sars-corona first ?? Bcs Cnese body resistant is much weaker than the others due to drinking too much polluted water ??(everyone know that using polluted water/food will weaken body resistant)

There r many ways to stop CIA suck as arrest all Amrican and her allies in CN, very simple. So, keep blaming CIA will not solve the problem.

All the circumstances point to this being a bio weapon. The issue with that it is nearly impossible to ascertain completely who is responsible and that is the genius of it. But who gains the most from the chaos that has ensued and why has the Western corporate media been weaponized to spread false stories in the wake of this?

Only truly naive people would believe this came from bat soup from Palau.
Gilead provided China with remdesivir to fight coronavirus, then China immediately patented the use of remdesivir in treating coronarius.

大家知道美国的“瑞得西韦”在中国的治疗专利是被谁抢注了吗?武汉病毒研究所,他们联合军事单位,在1月21日(!!)抢注了”用瑞得西韦治疗2019年新冠病毒专利“,并且通过国际协议把权益伸张扩散到全球。这是什么神鬼操作? https://t.co/T0S3hGXcYu https://t.co/Ki7zq87CmG
All the circumstances point to this being a bio weapon. The issue with that it is nearly impossible to ascertain completely who is responsible and that is the genius of it. But who gains the most from the chaos that has ensued and why has the Western corporate media been weaponized to spread false stories in the wake of this?

Only truly naive people would believe this came from bat soup from Palau.
Okay,then CN must arrest all Amrican and her allies in CN now,no matter they r students or tourist ( VN arrested all Amrcan and her allies enterring North VN during war, only few JP jounalists were allowed to enter )

If u can not, then u guys Cnese only can blame yourself.
Just came back from Hong Kong. It's Horrible over there, Nothing in the shelf in the supermarket, $200 HKD a box of mask, and medical worker went on strike, on top of that, first case of death reported a few days ago.

Still Carrie Lam refused to close the border with China (still 4 ports open) man o man

A lot of medical expert in Hong Kong is saying this will not be contained until weather got warmer, and the "hot" period will persist until March.

I went back to Hong Kong 10 days ago. And it already expanded 500%. are there any end in sight? The cases are already more than SARS and the death number is really close.
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