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Lets Fight Against Poverty - Narendra Modi's Message to Pakistan

What does it look like? A peice of information some might say!?
what part of Pak ADIZ, which sector was this is in ? "within 10 miles of Pakistani airspace" also sounds very suspect, because "within 10 miles of Pakistani airspace" is Indian Airspace.

what is your source ?
what part of Pak ADIZ, which sector was this is in ? "within 10 miles of Pakistani airspace" also sounds very suspect, because "within 10 miles of Pakistani airspace" is Indian Airspace.

what is your source ?

If I tell you then I have to kill you. You are not obliged to belive me and I am not bothered to explain to you further.
Uff, that you can't do, sorry to say that. Only way for you to do that is if you want your own country to go extinct. Small border skirmishes or a short war or even a war limited to conventional weapons, may slow down but will not stop Indian economy. Only suicidal nuclear war will do that. Now if Pakistan is brave enough to do that then yes, be our guest.

Eh...This is your problem...U want to fight war from Indian advantage. Tell me why the hell you expect Pakistan to allow you to do so....Limited war or conventional war has no guarantee that it won't convert into NUKE WAR....So you want to damage Pakistan's economy by initiating limited war but expect us that we''ll play in your chosen battlefield and according to your own rules? Don't even think about it, if you love your dear ones, family etc. Frankly, you have no reason to believe in Pakistan...Expect anything from Pakistan...By blaming us without any proof and constant war mongering, u have shot yourself in foot. No one is believing you. NO ONE....

I doubt war will happen. Talk is cheap, especially for Indians but no body wants to see war b/w nuke armed states....
Too much focus on US has resulted in repeated blunders in policy on pakistan, china, kashmir and Russia. Very disappointed to see PM reporting the biggest attacks on army in 26 yrs from a party rally and not from his office since past 5 days

Don't be disappointed bro just cuz we didn't go to war. India has much more to loose than Pakistan. Even if we win the war, we loose. We will loose all of investment coming to india. Growing Economy is required to become a powerhouse. Nations pay much more respect to nations that are economic stable. This is much more important than firing a bullet.

However, Modi is nationalist, he WILL NOT let Pakistan get away with this. There's a massive undercover war going on with the sole purpose of breaking Pakistan from inside out. Grab a seat bro, eat some popcorn and watch the inevitable.
So what auqat you have to start a war ?

We are not the ones thinking about doing surgical strikes in India or conducting special operations inside Indian territory. Neither do we think of isolating India in the international area or trying to get it labelled as a terrorist sponsoring country. So the question does not arise of our auqat. On the other hand India does all the above only to get humiliated and bitch slapped. So yeah Indian auqat is only so much, crying all the time.
1st strike......Pakistan will pay heavy price for attack on Uri.
2nd strike.....we will chose our time and place to hit back.
3rd strike.....Pakistan is isolated, even Russians have called off exercise .... NOT
4th strike.....Pakistani actors and singers leave in 48 hours
5th strike....We export software and Pakistan exports Jihadis......and Pigeons
6th strike.....lets not fight each other but fight our joint relative....Mr Poverty ......man what a drop scene.
And here i was hoping my spare part business is about to get a boost,
You can hate Modi all you want but he is good for his country and working on eradicating poverty. Indians have a long way to go but they are on the right path at least.

What are our scumbag 'leaders' doing?
Eh...This is your problem...U want to fight war from Indian advantage. Tell me why the hell you expect Pakistan to allow you to do so....Limited war or conventional war has no guarantee that it won't convert into NUKE WAR....So you want to damage Pakistan's economy by initiating limited war but expect us that we''ll play in your chosen battlefield and according to your own rules? Don't even think about it, if you love your dear ones, family etc. Frankly, you have no reason to believe in Pakistan...Expect anything from Pakistan...By blaming us without any proof and constant war mongering, u have shot yourself in foot. No one is believing you. NO ONE....

I doubt war will happen. Talk is cheap, especially for Indians but no body wants to see war b/w nuke armed states....
Thanks, we both agree there will be no overt war. But yes covert war will continue. I am not for overt war but yes covert war as a response should be intensified depending on what the top security people feel right. I have no idea what evidence intelligence agencies have, but yes if they have some thing solid, then covert budget needs to be increased and actions taken. And I would not like covert actions on citizens, should be limited to those who are at the top of terrorist syndicates and supporting infra. See covert attacks in India will have short term impact but then economy moves on and I guess same stands for Pakistan.
If we have learnt anything from history, after realizing that india will not gain anything militarily or politically from direct strikes, they have fallen back to their usual tactics, an indirect attack on Pakistan using proxies. Soon they will attempt to hit some military target with valuable assets in Pakistan or kill innocent people in school/college/university or market by a suicide explosion. The best way for us to deal with such attacks is to have our own sleeper cells ready to strike back in a similar manner within minutes of such an attack in Pakistan.

Because they have been getting off scot-free from all such attacks previously, they think they can continue to bleed Pakistan in that manner, the only way to stop their terroristic adventures is to hit back in similar manner deep inside india, away from our borders right in the heart of their economic centers with attacks twice as sever as theirs. Once we show them that we are as capable and willing of asymmetric warfare only then they would realize that the only way is to stop lying, stop exporting terror in to Pakistan, stop interfering in our internal issues and honestly work for peace.

Dont trust this spineless ball less lying creature
modi now offering hot tea to pak yess its poisen tea, dont drink it. keep your guard up in matter of fact lock and load ready to fire, on fuly auto.
Thanks, we both agree there will be no overt war. But yes covert war will continue. I am not for overt war but yes covert war as a response should be intensified depending on what the top security people feel right. I have no idea what evidence intelligence agencies have, but yes if they have some thing solid, then covert budget needs to be increased and actions taken. And I would not like covert actions on citizens, should be limited to those who are at the top of terrorist syndicates and supporting infra. See covert attacks in India will have short term impact but then economy moves on and I guess same stands for Pakistan.

Covert war has been happening b/w two states since 1947. Its overt war that scare everyone like hell...No guarantee nukes flying here and there...So many angry and emotional people out there...I just hope international investigation body come and investigate this uri attack so that justice can be served...

No one likes to loose their loved ones in crappy war...

Nice talking with you...Hope sanity and peace prevails...:tup: Life is so much than war...No one wants mushroom clouds over their and family's heads....
Modi realized this in first 6 months they can't have a war with Pakistan no matter How much he wants it to happen. This was not what Modi wanted himself or came to conclusion but his Armed Forces told him that it's not their auqat anymore to start a war.
Have we ever started a war sir?
India is in between a transformation economically, what makes you think we can fight?Our forces are huge, it will take time to complete and we cannot fight without a proper armour for our balls(i mean soft spots), we wont pick up a meaning less fight.
Iam sorry to Indian brothers, but lives of 18 soldiers is nothing for these politicians..... And they will not risk their future plans, which will earn th votes in future....and iam back after 6 months of ban...
Alright. I agree that this can be a deceptive move. But time will tell if he wants war with poverty or with us. If he chooses poverty, great. If us, we are always ready.
He wants war this is deception and war will be on many fronts including diplomatic, proxy and once he feels we are weak enough not to strike hard he will start it if needed

Well this Modi can reduce poverty by spending less on arms....now Modi is behaving like a freshly slapped bnaya....immedeatly fall to feet and talk innocence...
Don't be deceived and start pounding chest

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