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Lets be fair.

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Zaki lets forget "we should be the role models for every one" or miss goody two shoes attitutde here. This is a big bad world we are living in....... if you are not going to fight for your rights then they will eat you alive. I have no interest in india or any of her matters, but at the same time I wouldnt approve of indians spreading venoum against Pakistan or my religion.

Your message is conveyed to the higher authorities and I think they will look in to that. If there is a need of change of policy they will definitely discuss within the management. I do understand your concerns but trust me I am happy with the way this forum is running right now. There has been a lot of issues where I personally disagreed and even felt bad when I initially joined this forum but then after looking at the good and bad sides of the story, my opinion is changed. There are not many Pakistani forums in the world where you can be so pro or anti-Pakistani on certain issues. We take every issue to greater depth that I don't remember any other Pakistani forum on the planet which allows that.

Regarding Indians, I think many indian members gets banned every now and than because they will say something anti-Pakistan or Islam and you don't need to worry about it. I am a Pakistani myself and will never tolerate anybody talking against my country or religion. If there was ever, I always banned him.
Few days back, there was a thread asking Pakistanis about why they dislike America....... and guess who started answering on Pakistanis behalf :azn: Zaki..... you wanna comment on that? Do we really want our enemy state to present our POV? Its like asking a cat to protect the milk.
Sir, actually I don't blame CD for it. He might bash Indians but he has given me reasons and he has given me links of posts/threads of the time when Chinese openly defended Indians on right points and bashed their compatriots. Since then we have been good friends. His proofs matter to me.

I can say same for another one, Wanglaokan, who is a new member and if he is treated by the Indians like the way other Chinese treats Indians in general, he might become one India bashing poster, which I doubt.

As I said, its a vicious circle.

He has been on this forum for so long, and a person like you can notice that only handful of Indians and Chinese talk with civility.

All it takes is people to not to cross certain lines even if they are forced by cheap posts.

Point always is that which individual has self control and maturity to display on the forum. Few outbursts, leg pulling, casual jokes etc are acceptable. But as I say, we can make our lines for ourselves.

Several points, first about personalities.

wanglaokan is a breath of fresh air; I agree with you that some Indian members are so hostile that he, too, may turn anti-Indian over time.

Chinese-Dragon is head and shoulders over the bully-boys, but is not unaffected by the Indian bully-boys. It all depends on him. I have not used a racist slur, ever. On the one occasion that I can remember, I did so to emphasise that the other person should not use a corresponding word about Indians that is offensive. One can write without abuse.

I have, again speaking personally, not been behindhand in chiding Indian posters who have been racist.

About threads, I think there should be NO social threads except about Pakistan, and participation in those should be restricted to Pakistanis. Social threads about India, China and Bangladesh are only troll-bait.
On the one occasion that I can remember, I did so to emphasise that the other person should not use a corresponding word about Indians that is offensive. One can write without abuse.

I have, again speaking personally, not been behindhand in chiding Indian posters who have been racist.

About threads, I think there should be NO social threads except about Pakistan, and participation in those should be restricted to Pakistanis. Social threads about India, China and Bangladesh are only troll-bait.

This is why I recommended KRAIT and Joe Shearer for the job of Indian moderator.

They seem to be the only Indians here who are reasonable, even more so than the current "administration" of this forum, which includes some but not all of the moderators.

I love Asim Aquil, but I couldn't stand him or the Webmaster telling me to my face that these guys who are repeatedly and abusively using racial slurs against us are fine, while my Chinese friends get banned instead simply for defending ourselves.
Few days back, there was a thread asking Pakistanis about why they dislike America....... and guess who started answering on Pakistanis behalf :azn: Zaki..... you wanna comment on that? Do we really want our enemy state to present our POV? Its like asking a cat to protect the milk.

Well MODs are not angels who would have the knowledge of unseen. I do not even know the thread you are talking about. All of us are busy man who try to give as much time as possible to this forum but you can't expect me/us to be active 24/7 or moderate every single thread :cry:
This is why I recommended KRAIT and Joe Shearer for the job of Indian moderator.

They seem to be the only Indians here who are reasonable, even more so than the current "administration" of this forum, which includes some but not all of the moderators.

I love Asim Aquil, but I couldn't stand him or the Webmaster telling me to my face that these guys who are repeatedly and abusively using racial slurs against us are fine, while my Chinese friends get banned instead simply for defending ourselves.

I think every moderator in this forum is fair but it is possible that the reported post may have been missed by every moderator. We moderate as much as possible and take strict action against those who uses racist slurs. Like I said I have personally issues hundreds of infractions for the same offense but see there are pages of reported posts everyday so sometimes when everybody is busy, some of the posts get missing. It doesn't happen everyday but there are days when no moderator is online... but it does not mean we were unfair or biased.
1: Indian social ills = We don't give a crap what happens to them
2: Chinese social ills = They are more than equipped with cash to fix them, none of our business
3: Pakistan issues = Its our country, therefore it makes sense to discuss it on web's largest Pakistani forum. Lastly, its easier for us to moderate our own issues when we don't have to worry about stuff we don't have to worry about or doesn't affect us.

If, we keep making threads on how many poor in India don't get food and Chinese issue -- we will not have the space to discuss our own domestic ones. So its not about fairness but about whats important and whats not.

ya i agree with you, social issues of other countries should not be discussed, i m happy for this forum that spartacus got banned for what he did, Pakistanis should resist from this type of thing it only get the forum and your reputation down,lets be fair i also do bashing on indians but i dont create any thread of my own, i only bash on others existing threads since it was not my thread and i was only commenting. We should mind our own business!
I think every moderator in this forum is fair but it is possible that the reported post may have been missed by every moderator. We moderate as much as possible and take strict action against those who uses racist slurs. Like I said I have personally issues hundreds of infractions for the same offense but see there are pages of reported posts everyday so sometimes when everybody is busy, some of the posts get missing. It doesn't happen everyday but there are days when no moderator is online... but it does not mean we were unfair or biased.

You're one of the better moderators Zakii, no doubt about that.

But the screenshot I posted clearly shows it was not an issue of it being "missed", in fact Asim Aquil was on that thread himself, and in that post he was even explaining to me why that guy was NOT being banned.

Despite him obviously having done it multiple times in that same thread.
Most of the social issues are already banned in the Banned Topics List.

Social issues regarding Pakistan can continued to be discussed as long as thread is started by a Pakistani.

Mods kindly enforce such policy in strict fashion.
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