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Stateless Barbarians must not be granted their freedom.

Slaughter Barbarian rats Arab king :yahoo:



Don't you think that you need to concern yourself, with the Valley of Jordan that will be annexed by Israel...For the king, the Polisario are plenty capable to remove his aging army from their territory...

Funny that you show pictures of the F16...They are all grounded, for lack of money to operate them....They haven't even formed their squadron...
A la différence de la Cisjordanie, au Sahara Occidental il existait un Etat souverain et indépendant
vendredi, décembre 27, 2013
Diaspora Saharaui

Récemment, plusieurs publications israéliennesrapportaient l'insurrection du professeur Eugene Kontorovich, de la Northwestern University, contre la décision du Parlement Européen d'exclure les implantations israéliennes en Cisjordanie des accords signés avec Israël. Il compare la Cisjordanie au Sahara Occidental pour dénoncer les "deux poinds deux mesures" de l'institution européenne après avoir signé l'accord de pêche avec le Maroc incluant les eaux territoriales du Sahara Occidental.
Selon Kontorovich, la similitude entre le SaharaOccidental et la Cisjordanie se trouve dans le fait que dans les deux cas, il n’existait aucun état souverain sur ces territoires disputés avant qu’ils ne soient occupés. Ce qui est faux, selon le professeur Carlos Ruiz Miguel, de l'Université de Saint-Jacques de Compostèle.
Dans un article publié dans son blog, Ruiz Miguel reprend l'éphéméride du Royal Ordre du 26 décembre 1884, "une date d'une grande importance historique, politique et juridique : la proclamation espagnol du protectorat au Rio de Oro en 1884". Il rappelle qu'à ce moment-là, l'Espagne avait conclu un accord avec des sahraouis politiquement indépendants et organisés sous la direction des chefs des tribus. Un argument, ajoute-t-il, repris par la Cour International de Justice dans son avis du 16 Octobre 1975.
Selon la Cour de la Haye, "il ressort des renseignements fournis à la Cour : (a) qu'au moment de la colonisation le Sahara occidental était habité par des populations qui, bien que nomades, étaientsocialement et politiquement organisées en tribus et placées sous l'autorité de chefs compétents pour les représenter; (b) que L'Espagne n'a jamais agi corne si elle établissait sa souveraineté sur une terra nullius; ainsi, dans son ordonnance du 26 décembre 1884, le roi d'Espagne a proclamé qu'il prenait le Rio de Oro sous sa protection, sur la base d'accords conclus avec les chefs des tribus locales".

Do you want me to translate it for you..sugar lips?
The rights of Sahrawis must be respected
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By Javier Bardem and Kerry Kennedy
Published on: 31/12/13
Former Spanish colony, Western Sahara was occupied by Morocco since 1975. This is the last African nation not to have acquired the postcolonial independence.


The "last colony in Africa."

For decades, the debate on the Western Sahara was marked by one side, numerous calls to self-determination made by the indigenous people of Western Sahara, the Saharawis, and the other by allegations of territorial sovereignty by Morocco. This claim of sovereignty has never received support from the international community.

Indeed, the International Court of Justice ruled in a 1975 decision in favor of the invalidity of the claims of Morocco on Western Sahara territory. In 1991, afterthe breakdown of the cease-fire between Morocco and the Sahrawi Polisario Front, the referendum on self-determination of the Saharawi people under the United Nations and the international community has not yet organized .

The international community has adopted until now an avoidance strategy and passivity, ignoring the promise of the referendum, for several decades, and respect the right of the Saharawi people to decide their future, and it silence allows the commission of violations of human rights .

The continuing violations of the rights of Sahrawis fundamental result of the indifference of the international community. We visited the Saharawi people on several occasions, both in the territories of Western Sahara and the refugee camps in Algeria. We met Sahrawis who have reported violations of human rights by the police and by Moroccan security officers. Disappearances, torture, arbitrary arrests, police brutality and military intimidation, surveillance and beatings many victims.

Despite systematic persecutions in their own territory, attacks against Saharawis continue under the veil of indifference and ignorance, paving the way for future abuses. Neglect, ignorance and serious violations reported are the responsibility of the international community, which has, for decades, chose silence to the legitimate claims and general impunity.

The Mission of the United Nations to organize a referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) is the only mission "modern" of peacekeeping UN does not include a mandate to identify and report violations of the rights.

The Security Council UN renews the mandate of MINURSO each year, ignoring the requests of the Special Rapporteurs of the UN, the Secretary General of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and many local organizations and international human rights to include a verification mechanism to monitor the situation in Western Sahara and the refugee camps.

Torture, disappearances, persecution

There is no valid reason not to include in the mandate of human rights in a peacekeeping mission of the UN peace. However, the United Nations was founded "to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security." No officials met has been able to provide an answer to the lack of monitoring mechanism for human rights in MINURSO. This silence shows that there is no valid reason to oppose a human rights mission. Shame prevents policymakers trying to find a logical solution to this situation.

The international community can not continue to shirk its responsibilities historical, political, legal and moral vis-à-vis the people of Western Sahara. The Security Council of the United Nations will once again the opportunity, in early 2014, to meet its obligations towards the Saharawi people.

Does not support the establishment of a mechanism to protect human rights in MINURSO and continue to ignore the situation has led to an increase of torture, arbitrary detention, crossing tobacco, disappearances and persecution of women, children and innocent Saharawi men.

France and Spain have a special responsibility towards the Saharawi people. It is time to fully respect the rights of the Saharawi human people through the creation of a permanent mechanism for protection of human rights.

Javier Bardem

Actor and producer of the documentary on Western Sahara entitled "Son clouds"

Kerry Kennedy

President of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights
Former Spanish colony, Western Sahara was occupied by Morocco since 1975. This is the last African nation not to have acquired the postcolonial independence.


The "last colony in Africa."

For decades, the debate over Western Sahara has been marked by one side, numerous calls to self-determination made by the indigenous people of Western Sahara, the Saharawis, and the other by allegations of territorial sovereignty by Morocco. This claim of sovereignty has never received support from the international community.

Indeed, the International Court of Justice ruled in a 1975 decision in favor of the invalidity of the claims of Morocco on Western Sahara territory. In 1991, after the breakdown of the cease-fire between Morocco and the Sahrawi Polisario Front, the referendum on self-determination of the Saharawi people under the United Nations and the international community has not yet organized .

The international community has adopted until now an avoidance strategy and passivity, ignoring the promise of the referendum, for several decades, and respect the right of the Saharawi people to decide their future, and it silence allows the commission of violations of human rights.

The continuing violations of human rights of Sahrawis result of this indifference of the international community. We visited the Saharawi people on several occasions, both in the territories of Western Sahara and the refugee camps in Algeria. We met Sahrawis who have reported violations of human rights by the police and by Moroccan security officers. Disappearances, torture, arbitrary arrests, police brutality and military intimidation, surveillance and beatings many victims.

Despite systematic persecutions in their own territory, attacks against Saharawis continue under the veil of indifference and ignorance, paving the way for future abuses. Neglect, ignorance and serious violations reported are the responsibility of the international community, which has, for decades, chose silence to the legitimate claims and general impunity.

The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) is the only mission "modern" of peacekeeping UN does not include a mandate to identify and report violations of the rights.

The Security Council UN renews the mandate of MINURSO each year, ignoring the requests of the Special Rapporteurs of the UN, the Secretary General of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and many local organizations and international human rights to include a verification mechanism to monitor the situation in Western Sahara and the refugee camps.

Torture, disappearances, persecution

There is no valid reason not to include in the mandate of human rights in a peacekeeping mission of the UN peace. However, the United Nations was founded "to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security." No officials met has been able to provide an answer to the lack of monitoring mechanism for human rights in MINURSO. This silence shows that there is no valid reason to oppose a human rights mission. Shame prevents policymakers trying to find a logical solution to this situation.

The international community can not continue to shirk its responsibilities historical, political, legal and moral vis-à-vis the people of Western Sahara. The Security Council of the United Nations will once again the opportunity, in early 2014, to meet its obligations towards the Saharawi people.

Does not support the establishment of a mechanism to protect human rights in MINURSO and continue to ignore the situation has led to an increase of torture, arbitrary detention, crossing tobacco, disappearances and persecution of women, children and innocent Saharawi men.

France and Spain have a special responsibility towards the Saharawi people. It is time to fully respect fundamental rights of the Saharawi people through the creation of a permanent mechanism for protection of human rights.

Javier Bardem

Actor and producer of the documentary on Western Sahara entitled "Son clouds"

Kerry Kennedy

President of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights

[URL='http://teo.resistenciasaharaui.com/2014/01/el-muro-de-berlin-continua-en-el-sahara.html']The "Berlin Wall" continues in the Sahara

This week there have been several events in Germany who remember the suffering that the country suffered as a result of a wall imposed by a foreign power, which divided the German people and sentenced to suffer an inhumane and unjust separation. The infamous Berlin Wall fell in 1989, however, far from thinking that this practice of building barriers to separate its inhabitants, relying on state terror methods (case during the Soviet occupation of the RDA) is over, " the Berlin Wall "continues today, particularly in the Sahara, where Morocco with Similar terror that has built its peculiar" Sand backdrop. "
Refer to the "Berlin Wall" involves also refer to other walls that still exist, and among those ranks highlights the wall of the Sahara.
These days, it has been common mistake of the media refer to other walls under the same label of "inhuman" or "shameful" when it should not be that way because there are many differences that have each other as well as the context which were constructed. After reviewing all who have currently received the title of "wall" in parallel to Berlin, I argue that none of them deserved it, and yet, the only one that met the parallelism in its entirety, Sahara, has not been mentioned by the media. One? Forgetfulness or error? In any case, unacceptable. Consider the differences between walls and walls and why.
When we refer to a border regulated between two States, recognized by the international community, which is permeable in both directions when proper documentation is submitted (passport, visa, tickets round trip, etc..) We can not speak of "wall "in the sense of" Berlin Wall ". An example of what I say is the border between the U.S. and Mexico, which some have described as bold "wall." That border is permeable in both directions. The mere fact that the U.S. authorities strengthen monitoring and constructed, properly marked to make it impenetrable electrified fences, has nothing to do with the term "wall" to which we refer in this article.

Unlike all the examples cited, and although some of them seem to us terrible and inhuman, insist that they should be called "walls" in the sense of "Berlin Wall". So what is a wall in the world that can be considered the reincarnation of that? Indeed, he who raised Morocco in the Sahara.
Hassan II decided to raise several objectives. First, defend the Polisario Front which supplied their material needs with great ingenuity in a guerrilla tactics that prevented the Moroccan army win the war. With the help of U.S., France and Spain, Morocco also got his second goal, convict Sahrawi isolation and separation from their families for ever and ever and it sowed mines, which kill indiscriminately all that happens, whether human or animal. The invading Moroccan state and squatter land that does not belong to you and that no country has recognized year after year basks gap inhuman 2,700 km long land has risen in Western Sahara. Morocco does not allow cross this huge wall and you try to kill him unceremoniously.
Much media have spoken of "Berlin Wall" and we have nothing in the Sahara. Silence is so outrageous that no apology possible. However, the reader of this article yes you can do something about it. Every time I hear about the "Berlin Wall" remember to refer to the Sahara. As has already been said here, this really is "the mother of all walls."

By María Suárez

[URL='http://teo.resistenciasaharaui.com/2014/01/el-muro-de-berlin-continua-en-el-sahara.html']The "Berlin Wall" continues in the Sahara

This week there have been several events in Germany who remember the suffering that the country suffered as a result of a wall imposed by a foreign power, which divided the German people and sentenced to suffer an inhumane and unjust separation. The infamous Berlin Wall fell in 1989, however, far from thinking that this practice of building barriers to separate its inhabitants, relying on state terror methods (case during the Soviet occupation of the RDA) is over, " the Berlin Wall "continues today, particularly in the Sahara, where Morocco with Similar terror that has built its peculiar" Sand backdrop. "
Refer to the "Berlin Wall" involves also refer to other walls that still exist, and among those ranks highlights the wall of the Sahara.
These days, it has been common mistake of the media refer to other walls under the same label of "inhuman" or "shameful" when it should not be that way because there are many differences that have each other as well as the context which were constructed. After reviewing all who have currently received the title of "wall" in parallel to Berlin, I argue that none of them deserved it, and yet, the only one that met the parallelism in its entirety, Sahara, has not been mentioned by the media. One? Forgetfulness or error? In any case, unacceptable. Consider the differences between walls and walls and why.
When we refer to a border regulated between two States, recognized by the international community, which is permeable in both directions when proper documentation is submitted (passport, visa, tickets round trip, etc..) We can not speak of "wall "in the sense of" Berlin Wall ". An example of what I say is the border between the U.S. and Mexico, which some have described as bold "wall." That border is permeable in both directions. The mere fact that the U.S. authorities strengthen monitoring and constructed, properly marked to make it impenetrable electrified fences, has nothing to do with the term "wall" to which we refer in this article.

Unlike all the examples cited, and although some of them seem to us terrible and inhuman, insist that they should be called "walls" in the sense of "Berlin Wall". So what is a wall in the world that can be considered the reincarnation of that? Indeed, he who raised Morocco in the Sahara.
Hassan II decided to raise several objectives. First, defend the Polisario Front which supplied their material needs with great ingenuity in a guerrilla tactics that prevented the Moroccan army win the war. With the help of U.S., France and Spain, Morocco also got his second goal, convict Sahrawi isolation and separation from their families for ever and ever and it sowed mines, which kill indiscriminately all that happens, whether human or animal. The invading Moroccan state and squatter land that does not belong to you and that no country has recognized year after year basks gap inhuman 2,700 km long land has risen in Western Sahara. Morocco does not allow cross this huge wall and you try to kill him unceremoniously.
Much media have spoken of "Berlin Wall" and we have nothing in the Sahara. Silence is so outrageous that no apology possible. However, the reader of this article yes you can do something about it. Every time I hear about the "Berlin Wall" remember to refer to the Sahara. As has already been said here, this really is "the mother of all walls."

By María Suárez

Moroccan air losses with the polisario

After Panama, Paraguay no longer recognizes the "SADR" :victory1: ljebha ya Ceylal:pleasantry:

Visite el nuevo sitio de IP: www.ip.gov.py !!

Declaración del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

1. De conformidad con los principios enunciados en la Carta de las Naciones Unidas y en la Declaración sobre la Concesión de la Independencia a los Países y Pueblos Coloniales, contenida en la resolución 1514 (XV) del 14 de diciembre de 1960, de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, la República del Paraguay ratifica el derecho inalienable de todos los pueblos a la libre determinación y a la independencia;

2. El diálogo y la negociación son los medios ideales para alcanzar una solución política, pacífica, justa, duradera y mutuamente aceptable sobre la cuestión del Sahara Occidental, de conformidad con las resoluciones adoptadas por la Asamblea General y el Consejo de Seguridad sobre esta situación. El Paraguay acoge con beneplácito el esfuerzo y el compromiso de todas las partes de seguir mostrando voluntad política y trabajando en una atmósfera propicia para encontrar una solución satisfactoria para todos;

3. Por tanto, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, en nombre del Gobierno de la República del Paraguay, mientras dure el proceso de paz iniciado por el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, ha tomado la decisión de suspender los efectos del “Comunicado Conjunto sobre el Establecimiento de las Relaciones Diplomáticas entre la República del Paraguay y la República Árabe Saharaui Democrática”, firmado en la ciudad de Nueva York, el 9 de febrero de 2000, y el “Comunicado Conjunto” firmado en la ciudad de Asunción, el 18 de agosto de 2011.

Recently Mauritius

L’Ile Maurice retire sa reconnaissance de la prétendue RASD
Apa publié le : 16/01/2014 à 12:16 29 vues Dans: Afrique

La république de Maurice a décidé de retirer sa reconnaissance de la pseudo RASD, indique un communiqué de la primature de ce pays africain.Cette décision intervient dans le cadre d’«une révision de la position de la république de Maurice sur un certain nombre de questions internationales », précise la même source.

Le gouvernement de Maurice a exprimé, à cette occasion, sa détermination de continuer à soutenir les efforts des Nations unies visant à trouver une solution juste, équitable et acceptable par toutes les parties au conflit autour du Sahara.

Ce retrait constitue un nouveau camouflet pour cette entité fantoche, autoproclamée par le polisario en 1976, après tout récemment, celui du Panama et du Paraguay qui se sont rendus à l’évidence qu’ils ne peuvent plus continuer à reconnaître une entité qui n’existe pas, ce qui représente un triple affront pour les séparatistes du polisario et leur soutien algérien en l’espace de moins de trois mois.

Le conflit du Sahara, rappelle-t-on, est un conflit imposé au Maroc par l’Algérie qui finance et qui héberge sur son territoire à Tindouf (sud-ouest de l’Algérie) le mouvement séparatiste du polisario.

Le polisario, soutenu par le pouvoir algérien, revendique la création d’un Etat factice au Maghreb, une situation qui bloque tous les efforts de la communauté internationale pour une intégration économique et sécuritaire régionale.

Copyright : © APA
L'Ile Maurice retire sa reconnaissance de la prétendue RASD - Afrique - Actualités - StarAfrica.com

Today less than 30 countries recognize this imaginary republic :yes4:, and what countries ! :omghaha:
On the list Mali and Lybia soon they will do the same thing , Inchallah .
After Panama, Paraguay no longer recognizes the "SADR" :victory1: ljebha ya Ceylal:pleasantry:

Visite el nuevo sitio de IP: www.ip.gov.py !!

Recently Mauritius

L'Ile Maurice retire sa reconnaissance de la prétendue RASD - Afrique - Actualités - StarAfrica.com

Today less than 30 countries recognize this imaginary republic :yes4:, and what countries ! :omghaha:
On the list Mali and Lybia soon they will do the same thing , Inchallah .

Here your are lying to yourself, just google the countries that recognize the SADR, and you will be awaken from the dream you are in...
As long as the two big African Kahoonas are for the total independence of Western Sahara, Sahrawi have nothing but a bright future in front of them.
You cite Lybia as the next..First of all Libya as the Arab States have never recognized SADR, not under Kaddaffy neither under the radical islamist government of today...For Mali, Mali won't be able to breath without the DZ oxygen...She depends on us for her stability, so she has to tow the line...
:astagh: I don't lie , you can check yourself my informations .
And what is "Kahoonas" ?? If you talk about the African Union , it's good for us this gathering of great African democracies, corrupt by Algerian and in the Khaddafi era with petrodollars to integrate the "sadr" :cuckoo: you speak as if European union, the United Nations, the Arab League, and all global organizations recognize the "sadr" , it is no coincidence that the only organization that recognizes your friends is the AU . You dream my dear friend , the "sadr" is recognize only by bananas republic in Africa .
And you say they are for the total independence ??! they know in advance the result of an impossible referundum . Wow impressive .

Before the safety of Mali, secure your country at least, it will be a good start :ph34r: . And Mali don't worry , they are with us , inform you a little about the latest development of relations between Morocco and Mali . The presence of the King's at the official nomination of IBK, the send a military hospital in Bamako Mali to treat our Malian brothers, the formation of 500 Malians imams in Morocco .... And reminds you of this , they will withdraw their recognition of your imaginary republic in short time , our diplomacy work for this . I would come here to inform you of it ;)

Have a nice day Si Ceylal :wave:
:astagh: I don't lie , you can check yourself my informations .
And what is "Kahoonas" ?? If you talk about the African Union , it's good for us this gathering of great African democracies, corrupt by Algerian and in the Khaddafi era with petrodollars to integrate the "sadr" :cuckoo: you speak as if European union, the United Nations, the Arab League, and all global organizations recognize the "sadr" , it is no coincidence that the only organization that recognizes your friends is the AU . You dream my dear friend , the "sadr" is recognize only by bananas republic in Africa .
And you say they are for the total independence ??! they know in advance the result of an impossible referundum . Wow impressive .

Before the safety of Mali, secure your country at least, it will be a good start :ph34r: . And Mali don't worry , they are with us , inform you a little about the latest development of relations between Morocco and Mali . The presence of the King's at the official nomination of IBK, the send a military hospital in Bamako Mali to treat our Malian brothers, the formation of 500 Malians imams in Morocco .... And reminds you of this , they will withdraw their recognition of your imaginary republic in short time , our diplomacy work for this . I would come here to inform you of it ;)

Have a nice day Si Ceylal :wave:
You really need to cure yourself from the Makhzen moon shine you have been drinking! The one who is blocking the referendum is Morocco knowing well they will lose to the independist. By the big Kahoonas , I am talking about South Africa and Algeria. Kaddafy's Libya was against SADR. SADR will free herself from Morocco, just a matter of time and if Bouteflika fails to get elected again, your departure will be a lot sooner.
For Mali, they will never be with you...That is a fact that you need to come to term with it.
Press conference in Algiers Mali's foreign Minister with Lamamra..Yesterday

IBK's arrival to Algiers

His audition with Bouteflika

Morocco's role in Mali will be limited if not curtailed, playing the intruder in an area that is not in sphere of influence.
Morocco annexed two thirds of Western Sahara in 1976.
Morocco claimed the rest of the territory in 1979 after the withdrawal of Mauritania.
A 1991 UN brokered ceasefire ended a guerrilla war waged by Polisario Front contesting Rabat’s sovereignty.
Representatives of the Morocco Government have met the Polisario Front since June 2007 to negotiate the status of Western Sahara.
Struggle over the control of Western Sahara continues.
Around 46 countries recognise Western Sahara as a sovereign state.
Morocco still considers Western Sahara part of the Morocco kingdom.
Algeria supports independence of Western Sahara diplomatically.
UN placed Western Sahara on the list of territories to be decolonised.
Western Sahara is a member of the Africa Union.
Polisario Front maintains that Western Sahara is an occupied territory.
Western Sahara: Country Profiles-africareview.com

The wreckage of a Morrocan tank is pictured near the Western Sahara village of Tifariti. Western Sahara is a former Spanish colony which was annexed in 1975 by Morocco. The Polisario Front, backed by Algeria, wants independence for the territory on the west African coast.
SAN FRANCISCO — Earlier this year, Global Post ran an article by Jordan Paul, executive director of the Moroccan American Center for Policy, a registered foreign agent for the Moroccan government, which funds, supervises, and coordinates the group’s activities. The article contained a series of demonstrably false claims attempting to rationalize for Morocco’s illegal occupation of its southern neighbor, the country of Western Sahara.

In 1975, the kingdom of Morocco conquered Western Sahara on the eve of its anticipated independence from Spain in defiance of a series of UN Security Council resolutions and a landmark 1975 decision by the International Court of Justice upholding the right of the country's inhabitants to self-determination. With threats of a French and American veto at the UN preventing decisive action by the international community to stop the Moroccan invasion, the nationalist Polisario Front launched an armed struggle against the occupiers. The majority of the indigenous population, known as Sahrawis, went into exile, primarily in Polisario-run refugee camps in Algeria.

Thanks to U.S. and French military support for the conquering Moroccan forces, Morocco was able to hold on to most of Western Sahara. Yet the Polisario achieved a series of diplomatic victories that generated widespread international support for self-determination and opposition to the Moroccan takeover. In 1991, the Polisario agreed to a ceasefire in return for a Moroccan promise to allow for an internationally supervised referendum on the fate of the territory. Morocco, however, recognizing they would almost certainly lose such a plebiscite, refused to allow the scheduled vote to move forward.

French and American support for the Moroccan government blocked the UN Security Council from providing the necessary diplomatic pressure to force Morocco to allow the promised referendum to take place. The Polisario, meanwhile, recognizing its inability to defeat the Moroccans by military means, decided against resuming the armed struggle. As a result, the struggle for self-determination shifted to within the Moroccan-occupied territory, where the Sahrawi population has launched a nonviolent resistance campaign against the occupation, which – despite widespread Moroccan repression – has sporadically continued.

More from GlobalPost: Western Sahara in geopolitical state

In an effort to justify their ongoing defiance of the international community for their illegal occupation, the autocratic Moroccan monarchy has redoubled its efforts to discredit their opponents, such hiring people like Paul to write articles like those that appeared in the Global Post in March.

Among Paul’s more bizarre claims is that the Polisario Front has links to Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM.)

In reality, though Sahrawis are virtually all Muslims, they historically practice a decidedly liberal interpretation of the faith. The Polisario has since its founding been a secular organization, based on the belief that religious faith is between the individual and God, not a government or other temporal organization. Women have taken prominent positions in leadership. Meanwhile, radical Islamists in Algeria have condemned them for their secular ideology and even attacked Polisario offices.

Even during the twenty years of armed struggle, the Polisario never engaged in terrorism or any kind of deliberate attacks against civilian targets. And there has been none since.

Furthermore, the autocratic Algerian regime controls security around the refugee camps, which are located in the heavily-militarized region of Tindouf. After surviving a bloody decade-long civil war against Islamist extremists, the idea that the Algerian government would allow any group collaborating the AQIM to operate in such a sensitive area is pure fantasy.

While there are some legitimate concerns regarding some of the practices of the Polisario leadership in the camps, no credible independent analysts have documented Paul’s claims that the Polisario has been involved in “arms and drug trafficking, armed incursions into Mali, fighting as Gaddafi mercenaries in Libya, and kidnappings for AQIM in the Sahel.”

Contrary to Paul’s claim, the Polisario Front is not a “separatist” group. It is the ruling party of the nation of Western Sahara – known officially as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic – which has been recognized by over 80 countries and is a full member state of the African Union. Western Sahara is recognized by the United Nations and virtually the entire international community as a non-self-governing country under foreign belligerent occupation.

And, contrary to Paul, the Polisario does not “force” the refugees to live in the camps. As someone who has visited both the camps and Moroccan-occupied parts of Western Sahara, it is clear that they are there to escape Moroccan repression in their occupied homeland, repression that has been well-documented by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and other reputable human rights groups.

As with Indonesia’s occupation of East Timor, Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, and Iraq’s short-lived occupation of Kuwait, there are those who will try to justify illegitimate foreign occupations by making up such bizarre stories. However, it doesn’t mean they should be taken seriously.[/quote]

The Reality of Western Sahara | GlobalPost

American support to the Moroccan "Autonomy" fallacy is waning, France too...So good luck, keep dreaming of a "greater Morocco"..I will be here to dry your tear when reality hits you in the face.
Have a great night FARSOLDIER!
Activists from the group of "refusing Moroccan nationality" are beaten up in Laayoune

According to the website Now Sahara , which is a non-Sahrawi Polisario site Sahrawi activists get beaten up on Saturday by the police for protesting in Laayoune on Smara Avenue , near the neighborhood Maatalla , which is a hotbed of separatism Saharawi.

The police response has been described by sources that have passed on the information to Sahara Now by "violent" . Many Sahrawi activists beaten by the police had to be transported to the regional hospital.

These protesters belong to the group of "refusing Nationality Moroccan"Sahrawi independence of various trends that have made themselves known by requiring that the MINURSO can monitor human rights in Western Sahara.

Le Maroc, terre d’asile pour corrompus, violeurs, pédophiles, tortionnaires et dictateurs déchus

Marcel Gosso à l’époque où il dirigeait le Port autonome d’Abidjan (Photo imatin.net)

Selon RFI, Marcel Gosso, l’ex-directeur général du Port autonome d’Abidjan, en Côte-d’Ivoire, qui était recherché par la justice de son pays, vivait tranquillement au Maroc depuis trois ans. Naturellement a su et au vu des autorités marocaines.

M. Gosso, qui a pris ce matin un avion de la RAM pour se rendre à Abidjan où il a été accueilli par des proches parents, n’est pas un saint homme. C’est lui, quand il dirigeait le Port autonome d’Abidjan, une formidable machine à cash, qui a financé pendant de longues années les frasques et les exactions des épouxGbagbo, Laurent et Simone, et leur a permis de résister à la pression internationale durant la sanglante guerre civile qui a secoué ce pays d’Afrique.

Après la chute deLaurent Gbagbo, en avril 2011, et la fuitede Gosso pour une destination inconnue (le Maroc, mais à l’époque on ne le savait pas), la justice ivoirienne avait lancé un mandat d’arrêt contre lui pour détournements de fonds et pour avoir financé l’armement destiné aux milices pro-Gbagbo qui ont ravagé l’ouest du pays en commettant de nombreux crimes de guerre contre les populations civiles.

Il faut dire que si c’est normal et même louable que le Maroc donne asile à des personnalités molestées pour diverses raisons dans leurs pays respectifs, paradoxalement le royaume de Mohamed VI n’offre quasiment jamais l’asile à des écrivains, journalistes ou activistes politiques étrangers persécutés chez eux. Ceux qui sont accueillis chez nous sont généralement des crapules.

En commençant par le politicien français Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK),dont les tentatives de viol sur des femmes se comptent à la pelle, comme celle de cette journaliste marocaine dont l’affaire a été étouffée par les autorités marocaines. Il y a aussi l’affaire récente d’Eliezer Berland, ce rabbin pédophile israélien qui s’était installé, avec la bénédiction conjointe des autorités marocaines et de la communauté juive locale, à Marrakech. On se demande bien pourquoi il a choisi la plus débauchée des villes marocaines pour refaire sa vie….

Mais il n’y a pas que ce genre de « persécutés » qui affluent au Maroc. A l’époque de Hassan II, ce dernier avait failli offrir le gîte au shah d’Iran, expulsé de son pays après une révolte populaire provoquée par une alliance inédite entre la gauche et l’islamisme iraniens. C’était au début des années quatre-vingt. Mais, et heureusement pour son règne, à la dernière minute le tyran a changé d’avis à cause d’un climat social et politique délétère au Maroc. Il avait vu juste. Moins de deux ans plus tard, Casablanca explosait et la grande révolte populaire qui sera noyée dans le sang par l’armée et la gendarmerie de « Sidna » senior, fera des milliers de morts.

Hassan II se rattrapera en accueillant le dictateur déchu zaïrois-congolaisMobutu Sese Seko, qui mourra dans son lit de Rabat et sera enterré au cimetière chrétien de la capitale marocaine.

Sous Mohamed VI, depuis quelques années on apprend au compte-gouttes que le Makhzen a offert l’asile à des criminels financiers de haut vol et à des assassins recherchés dans plusieurs pays occidentaux. Sans compter l’hospitalité chérifienne offerte à des tortionnaires et terroristes patentés comme Abdallah Al Senoussi, l’ex-âme damnée du colonel Kadhafi et son patron des services secrets, qui a passé un mois au chaud au Maroc avant d’être prié de voler pour Nouakchott où il a été arrêté. Cette présence au Maroc de l’homme accusé d’être le commanditaire de l’attentat du DC10 d’UTA, en 1989 qui fit 170 morts dont 54 français, a fait beaucoup jaser à l’étranger. Car officiellement, le Maroc a fait partie de la coalition internationale qui a délogé Kadhafi du pouvoir…

L’autre cas est celui du capitaine guinéen Moussa Dadis Camara, qui avait été hospitalisé à l’hôpital militaire Mohamed V de Rabat avant d’en êtreexpulsé comme un malpropre sur ordre direct de « Sidna » junior. Peut-être, racontent les mauvaises langues, sur recommandation de la France ou parce qu’il était apparu que le capitaine fou n’avait plus les moyens de reprendre le pouvoir à Conakry.

Il existe des dizaines de cas comme ceux-là qui ont fait du Maroc un dépotoir et une terre s’asile pour corrompus, violeurs, pédophiles, tortionnaires et dictateurs déchus.

C’est à se demander si le régime marocain se croit être dans l’obligation d’être solidaires avec ces malfaisants.

Badr Soundouss
Morocco, haven for corrupt, rapists, pedophiles, torturers and deposed dictators

Marcel Gosso at the time when he headed the Autonomous Port of Abidjan (Photo imatin.net)

According to RFI, Marcel Gosso , former CEO of the autonomous Port of Abidjan in Ivory Coast, who was wanted by the justice of his country, quietly lived in Morocco for three years. Naturally and has given the Moroccan authorities.

Mr. Gosso, who took a flight this morning of RAM to get to Abidjan where he was welcomed by relatives, is not a holy man. That is, when he led the autonomous Port of Abidjan, a great cash machine, which has funded for years escapades and abuse of spouses Gbagbo , Laurent and Simone , and allowed them to resist the pressure International during the bloody civil war that rocked the African countries.

After the fall of Laurent Gbagbo, in April 2011, and fuitede Gosso for an unknown destination (Morocco, but at the time we did not know), the Ivorian justice had issued an arrest warrant against him for misappropriation of funds for financing and arming for the pro-Gbagbo militias that ravaged western countries committing numerous war crimes against civilians.

I must say that if this is normal and even laudable that Morocco gives asylum to persons molested for various reasons in their respective countries, paradoxically the kingdom of Mohamed VI offers almost never asylum to writers, journalists and activists foreign political persecution at home. Those who are with us are generally welcomed scoundrels.

Starting with the French politician Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK), which attempted rape on women have in spades, such as the Moroccan journalistwhose case has been stifled by the Moroccan authorities. There is also the recent case 'd Eliezer Berland , Israeli rabbi pedophile who had settled with the joint blessing of the Moroccan authorities and the local Jewish community in Marrakech. One wonders why he chose the most debauched Moroccan cities to rebuild his life ....

But there is not that kind of "persecuted" who flock to Morocco. At the time ofHassan II , he had failed to provide the lodging Shah of Iran , expelled from his country after a popular revolt caused by an unprecedented alliance between the left and the Iranian Islamism. It was in the early eighties. But fortunately for his reign at the last minute the tyrant changed his mind because of a deleterious social and political climate in Morocco. He was right. Less than two years later, Casablanca exploded and the great popular revolt that is drowned in blood by the army and gendarmerie "Sidna" senior, will make thousands of deaths.

Hassan II will catch hosting the deposed dictator of Zaire-Congo Mobutu Sese Seko , who died in his bed in Rabat and will be buried at the Christian cemetery of the Moroccan capital.

Mohamed VI in the last few years we learn dropper that Makhzen offered asylum to top-flight financial criminals and murderers sought in several Western countries. Besides Sherifian hospitality for torturers and terrorists licensed asAbdullah al-Senussi, the 'ex-damned soul of Colonel Gaddafi and his boss the secret services, who spent a month in warm Morocco before being asked to fly Nouakchott where he was arrested. This presence in Morocco of the man accused of masterminding the bombing of UTA DC10 in 1989 which caused 170 deaths, including 54 French, gained much attention abroad. Because officially, Morocco was part of the international coalition that ousted Gaddafi from power ...

The other case is that of Guinea captain Moussa Dadis Camara , who had been hospitalized at the Mohamed V military hospital in Rabat before beingexpelled as a messy on direct order "Sidna" junior. Maybe tell gossips on the recommendation of France or because it was clear that the mad captain had the means to regain power in Conakry.

There are dozens of cases like these that have made Morocco a dump and earth haven for corrupt, rapists, pedophiles, torturers and deposed dictators.

It makes you wonder if the Moroccan regime is believed to be under an obligation to show solidarity with these evil.

Badr Soundouss

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