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Legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap dies, aged 102

if PLA fought so well like what u said, then why your "human wave" tactic didnt work in battle of Dien Bien Phu 1954 against French colony and why PLA also were pushed back by quite easily after few weeks by VN border guards and women militias in 1979 ??

Pls note that even VN regular armed forces also couldn't defeat US in Tet full offesive 1986.

At Dien Bien Phu the entrenched positions of the French was not ideal for human wave assaults. The Vietnamese failed to utilize night fighting tactics that the PVA used against the Americans and UN. The PVA fought at night using gongs and bugles for communication and it worked.
In 1979 the PLA was not like the PLA of Mao's time - it was technologically backwards and the best fighting units were stationed along the Soviet border.

The battle at Dien Bien Phu was decisive because of the emplaced artillery positions looking down the valley at French positions - Artillery pieces given by China after being captured from Americans in Korea.
You're sucked for calling Pol Pot is the hero ...
As I checked, until now, China never accept the fact that Khmer Rouge is the regime must be destroyed or they are war criminals.
was it not your Viets who put Khmer Rouge in power in the first place, it was not until they turned against your Viets that you started complaining, again Pol Pot is the hero the same as Hitler wishing for an honourable agrarian society but it was sadly destroyed because of your evil Yuon race, I am sure the puppet Hun Sen is also the Khmer Rouge why you don't say anything against him, also if you hate Chinese why you are living in China, I think you are the 2 faced person denounce Chinese but living in their country
Who were those 'invaders'?
the French, Americans, Japanese, Chinese, etc...all foreign troops that occupied our country without consent. Vietnam must be ruled by Vietnamese. Period.

History shows whoever expelled the invaders (e.i. the Trung sisters) or Gia Long, who ended the civil war, became queen or king of the country. The communists won the wars and united Vietnam, so they are deserved to rule the country.
U19 Vietnam To Wear Black Armband During A Diversion Opposite Australia
Posted by: vivian on October 7, 2013 in Sports Leave a comment

VietNamNet Bridge – In memory of General Vo Nguyen Giap who upheld divided on Oct 4, a U19 football group of Vietnam will wear a black armband during a qualifier compare of U19 Asian Championships this afternoon, Oct 7.

Immediately after a news of a genocide of General Vo Nguyen Giap was released, a group leaders designed to wear black armbands during a compare opposite Australia to commemorate a mythological General, pronounced a team’s conduct – Mr. Duong Nghiep Khoi.
The Vietnam Football Federation (VFF) has also asked a Asian Football Confederation’s (AFC) accede to have one notation of overpower during a compare this afternoon to commemorate a dear General of a nation.

After defeating Hong Kong, U19 Vietnam has had a few changes. Midfielder Duc Huy, due to a amiable wound on his foot, will be incompetent to play a final game. Meanwhile, Tuan Anh and Van Son have gradually recovered from their illness and will lapse to a diversion along with midfielder Xuan Truong.
This morning, a group had a use to ready for a diversion this afternoon in Kuala Lumpur.
And we trounced Australia 5-1 in that match

the French, Americans, Japanese, Chinese, etc...all foreign troops that occupied our country without consent. Vietnam must be ruled by Vietnamese. Period.

History shows whoever expelled the invaders (e.i. the Trung sisters) or Gia Long, who ended the civil war, became queen or king of the country. The communists won the wars and united Vietnam, so they are deserved to rule the country.
The word 'invasion' generally have a negative context, as in wanting something from the victim country. No one 'invade' for nothing. It was clear what France, China, and Imperial Japan wanted. But if you are going to say the US 'invaded' Viet Nam, you have to show what was it that Viet Nam have that the US: Either does not have and wanted, or have but wanted more of.

Did the US 'invaded' Viet Nam for oil? Land? Women? What?

The fact is that the US was invited into Viet Nam, first by necessity in WW II, then later by the South Vietnamese government. Whatever your feelings are about the South Vietnamese government, they are irrelevant. What is relevant is that the US took nothing from Viet Nam.
At Dien Bien Phu the entrenched positions of the French was not ideal for human wave assaults. The Vietnamese failed to utilize night fighting tactics that the PVA used against the Americans and UN. The PVA fought at night using gongs and bugles for communication and it worked.
In 1979 the PLA was not like the PLA of Mao's time - it was technologically backwards and the best fighting units were stationed along the Soviet border.

The battle at Dien Bien Phu was decisive because of the emplaced artillery positions looking down the valley at French positions - Artillery pieces given by China after being captured from Americans in Korea.
The battle of Dien Bien Phu was too soon after the end of the Korean War for any kind of analyses to have been performed and disseminated throughout the communist bloc. The human wave tactic was the only thing the Chinese knew when it came to fighting units versus units.
Yes I did not live through that era but my parents were there as well as Cambodia during the war. They tell of Americans indiscriminately strafing civilians, killing neighbors and the wooden block shelters they used for cover from american attacks.
You talk of the war being "optional"? Then what were the Americans and French doing in Indochina? Did they have to be there?
As usual the the Imperialists kill without conscience in a continent on the other side of the world.
Giap was fighting a Vietnamese war, between north and South. Americans as usual just had to stick their noses in.
If your neighbour was fighting, do you butt your nose in? Kick in their door, beat up the wife and kill the husband?
Spare us all the typical Marxist lingo. It is way passe.

France was in Indochina long before the US got in. France was the region's colonial master.

The US decided that once WW II was over, Indochina was to become independent under a gradual process via a UN trusteeship program. It was initiated by Roosevelt. Stalin and Chiang Kai-shek agreed. Roosevelt died but Truman had no reasons to deviate from that plan. It was the backstabbing deal between the Viet Minh and France via the Ho-Sainteny Agreement that undercut the UN trusteeship plan. That agreement literally invited France back into Viet Nam, specifically northern Viet Nam, with the intention of using the French military to suppress non-communist nationalists.
If in Vietnam and Korea Soviet troops had at least half of from the amount that sent the Americans - the war would be over in six months.
'One million in Peking rally over War'
Google News Archive Search

Peking rally supports Vietnamese people's just struggle against U.S aggression

Check again the source of this photo, here is photo of Vietnamese students were studied in China from 1964-1967, before Universities in China closed by Jiang Jing wife of Mao.

Pol Pot details Khmer Rouge killing enemies in the party to Chinese premier Hua Guofeng in 1977, warns him war with Vietnam is neccessary and looming

Beijing, 29 September 1977

By Nate Thayer

The day before Pol Pot arrived for a state visit in Beijing in September 1977, he made a speech in Phnom Penh in which he publicly revealed for the first time the existence of the Cambodian Communist Party and that he himself was its General Secretary. Neither the Cambodian people nor the world was aware of this even after they had been in power for over two years.

Five days earlier, on September 24, Khmer Rouge forces launched attacks against a number of villages inside Vietnam.

He arrived in Beijing 28 September and departed for Pyongyang on October 4, returning China a week later and returning to Cambodia on 22 October 1977.

It was Pol Pot’s only official visit outside Cambodia while in power as the leader of the Khmer Rouge government, to China and North Korea.


In China, he met with the chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese premier Hua Guofeng, who was Mao’s hand-picked successor, as well as soon to be top leader Deng Xiapeng.



The official Chinese diplomat passport Beijing issued to Ieng Sary under the false Chinese name “Su Hao,” falsely stating he was born in Beijing on 1 January 1930. The passport was issued by the Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs, to allow Sary to travel outside of China after the fall of the Khmer Rouge to Vietnam in January 1979.

POL POT: The strategic orientation, therefore, should be to develop revolution in Southeast Asia. Otherwise, it will take centuries to solve the problem between Vietnam and Cambodia. Laos, to our knowledge, will play an important role in the strategy of Vietnam. The Vietnamese-Lao Treaty of 13 July 1977 is a treaty under which Vietnam annexes Lao territory. Laos’ population is three million. Yet, the number of Vietnamese in Laos alone—not to mention the Vietnamese Laotians—is three million. The Vietnamese population is increasing by between one and two million every year. After five years, the Laotians will be a minority. Vietnam, however, is not able to control Laos because it has insufficient human, financial, and food resources. If the revolution in Southeast Asia advances strongly, exploiting the opportunities, then the situation will be better and we shall solve our problem. We have conversed with our Burmese, Malaysian, Indonesian, and Thai friends and reached agreement with them. This is a big political victory even though it will be more complicated when we go into details. We rely on our Chinese friends in the North. Southeast Asia is united. This situation encourages us strategically. As far as our foreign policy is concerned, we try to unite the Southeast Asian forces. Our Central Committee considers this an important task. We spend time working with parties in Southeast Asia. That Cambodia can defend itself is contributing to the defense of Southeast Asia. As before, we feel safe having the Chinese as friends. The recent 11th CCP Congress encourages us and promises us and the Southeast Asian revolution a bright future.

Hua Guofeng: Your strategy regarding the neighboring countries is correct.

and read more here.Pot Pot Tells China in 1977 that Killings Underway, to Continue | natethayer
We always appreciate the support of General Vo for the Sino-Vietnamese relationship, but USSR was much more powerful than China at that time, thus we don't blame most of the Vietcong politicians used to choose USSR.

The border conflict of 1979 was a thing in the past, both sides were obliged to defend its national sovreignty, thus the Viet members on PDF should stop the hatred against China for this event.
can Chinese members on PDF do the same?
At the end All Asians needed to be united as one if we Asians wanted peace in the region.
Vo Nguyen Giap, who died on October 4 in an army hospital in Hanoi, will be buried in the central province of Quang Binh, his native land, as Vo wanted. Rest in peace.

If in Vietnam and Korea Soviet troops had at least half of from the amount that sent the Americans - the war would be over in six months.
Do you know why the US was able to sent so much combat troops into South Viet Nam? Because the US could. Simple as that. No one could stopped the Americans. Simple as that.

Would the Soviets been able to send any large scale units into North Viet Nam? No. The US had effective control of the sea. The SVN/US alliance was fighting towards the goal of partition. If the Soviets were to get involved, that mentality would change and Soviet troop transport would be either deterred from transit or outright sunk before any could land in North Viet Nam. The alliance's mentality would change from partition to unification, under SVN's rule and US protection, including nuclear.

There was no way the Soviet Union would risk outright combat with American warships over Viet Nam.
can Chinese members on PDF do the same?
At the end All Asians needed to be united as one if we Asians wanted peace in the region.
The Asian peace the Chinese want is to be under Chinese rule. They already expressed their belief that such rule is theirs by divine right and racial superiority.
Do you know why the US was able to sent so much combat troops into South Viet Nam? Because the US could. Simple as that. No one could stopped the Americans. Simple as that.

Would the Soviets been able to send any large scale units into North Viet Nam? No. The US had effective control of the sea. The SVN/US alliance was fighting towards the goal of partition. If the Soviets were to get involved, that mentality would change and Soviet troop transport would be either deterred from transit or outright sunk before any could land in North Viet Nam. The alliance's mentality would change from partition to unification, under SVN's rule and US protection, including nuclear.

There was no way the Soviet Union would risk outright combat with American warships over Viet Nam.

do not underestimate the USSR. USSR could safely smuggle as many troops as would have wanted.
Korea and the USSR has the land border, but Stalin did not send troops.
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