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Learn Why Indians are obseesed with CPEC by an India

India has far better reach to Middle east. And India is doing this for itself not to serve interest of others. Indians have an aim you people don't.

India got Maldives, and Lakshdweep, Kochi, Mumbai more over Chabahar port under construction deep water ports. Just for Arabian Sea and west Indian ocean region.
On the east India has got Vishakapatnam, Kolkata, Andeman Nicobar connecting the Sea routes for East IOR, exploring the Market in the ASEAN countries way far from Pak.

Coming to flow of energy, you should be aware that world is shifting away from petrol towards green energy. Secondly, India has enough resources and technology and funds to exploit energy production opportunities for ITSELF not to serve others.

India is not Pakistan that it cannot even fulfil the demand of 200 Million people, where as India is going forward to feed energy requirements for it's 1Billion + population, be it green energy or nuclear.

1 Billion population means 5 Pakistan!

Forget land, the current era is for sea routes and India has gained upper hand on that. There is more money for transporting goods via vessel than truck. And India is doing well.

Already answered above.

Cheap Chinese product which will soon be substituted by Indian brans in 4 years time.

Talk about CPEC, and Pakistan.

You are talking for China, talk for Pakistan and CPEC
1.Please elaborate how India has far better reach to middle east???I thnk U haven't seen a thing called Map yet..india has to pass through Pak and Iran to reach Middle east.
2. All the places you mentioned are inside india or Maldevies(which China has already access)...So it again invigorates my point that by build 100s of roads you are just connecting india to india...there is nothing new here..no other country is connected via these roads..and chinese can use them just to sell products to indians
3.We'll see when world actually shifts to green energy..when aircraft don't fly on petrol ..it will take atleast 50 years..so till then even your super duper india is dependent on these energy resources.
4.Where these so called energy exploitation are taking place in india...please elaborate how many wells of oil and other energy resources are discovered in india
5.The whole world is making roads and connecting countries...as every one knows trade through ships/air is way more costly..i know you are butt hurt..but still can you explain how a 13000km sea rout is cheaper than 3000km road rout..please enlighten the world.
6.First try to boycott chinese products....and have an industry under so called Make in india to compete with chinese products and then talk...simple blabbering won't do anything good
7. I am talking about CEPEC..but you are so jelous you don't even want to see it..as far as Pak is concerned..first Pak will collect the toll tax...just imagine even if 10% of chinese trade passes through Pak..how much money Pak will collect. Secondly it has also improved infrastructure in Pakistan and energy production..so it is helping Pak to overcome its own challenges. N last but not least...Chinese are going to shift their industries in Pak...So it will also increase our exports....Just like EU and west has shifted their most of industries in China and some of them in india...so i don't think u will quarrel on this point that how it will benefit Pak
.Please elaborate how India has far better reach to middle east???I thnk U haven't seen a thing called Map yet..india has to pass through Pak and Iran to reach Middle east.
What nonsense. Go and see the map , India is peninsular country I hope you know what Peninsula is?

2. All the places you mentioned are inside india or Maldevies(which China has already access)...So it again invigorates my point that by build 100s of roads you are just connecting india to india...there is nothing new here..no other country is connected via these roads..and chinese can use them just to sell products to indians

OH China has access in India? I hope you know India has naval base in Maldieves too?

India is not Pakistan that Chinese don't require permission! During doklam issue, message was sent and this is why disengagement happened. India is highly capable to create blockade in Arabian sea. India is far more better strategically placed than Pakistan in Arabian Sea.
.We'll see when world actually shifts to green energy..when aircraft don't fly on petrol ..it will take atleast 50 years..so till then even your super duper india is dependent on these energy resources

Energy production and transportation are two different segments. Learn something before making noise. Germany and Switzerland have already began using 40% of green energy
4.Where these so called energy exploitation are taking place in india...please elaborate how many wells of oil and other energy resources are discovered in india

Help your self, and by the way India has the highest reserves

of Coal and Thorium :P

5.The whole world is making roads and connecting countries...as every one knows trade through ships/air is way more costly..i know you are butt hurt..but still can you explain how a 13000km sea rout is cheaper than 3000km road rout..please enlighten the world.

I don't want to educate you.
7. I am talking about CEPEC..but you are so jelous you don't even want to see it..as far as Pak is concerned..first Pak will collect the toll tax...just imagine even if 10% of chinese trade passes through Pak..how much money Pak will collect. Secondly it has also improved infrastructure in Pakistan and energy production..so it is helping Pak to overcome its own challenges. N last but not least...Chinese are going to shift their industries in Pak...So it will also increase our exports....Just like EU and west has shifted their most of industries in China and some of them in india...so i don't think u will quarrel on this point that how it will benefit Pak

I have better reply than what I am typing right now but I really do not wish a Pakistani gets aware and remains in dreams what is being shown to you people.

Good luck :)
What nonsense. Go and see the map , India is peninsular country I hope you know what Peninsula is?

OH China has access in India? I hope you know India has naval base in Maldieves too?

India is not Pakistan that Chinese don't require permission! During doklam issue, message was sent and this is why disengagement happened. India is highly capable to create blockade in Arabian sea. India is far more better strategically placed than Pakistan in Arabian Sea.

Energy production and transportation are two different segments. Learn something before making noise. Germany and Switzerland have already began using 40% of green energy

Help your self, and by the way India has the highest reserves

of Coal and Thorium :P

I don't want to educate you.

I have better reply than what I am typing right now but I really do not wish a Pakistani gets aware and remains in dreams what is being shown to you people.

Good luck :)

All u have are excuses...and fact that u don't wanna accept that india has no strategic importance as compared to Pakistan...U need sea to carryout your trade and u still have to cross pakistan and Iran to reach middle east...if u can't fathom this simple fact...i don't know how dumb you are??

One thing India is shifting away from coal...and secondly China and Pak also have nuclear power plants and more are in pipeline..so you are not living in some alien's technology era

So you don't wanna educate me n burst my dreams..haha...your comments show how much burnol is required by indians whenever they hear or see the word CEPEC...all you can do is get jelous..and we are simply fine with that
All u have are excuses...and fact that u don't wanna accept that india has no strategic importance as compared to Pakistan...U need sea to carryout your trade and u still have to cross pakistan and Iran to reach middle east...if u can't fathom this simple fact...i don't know how dumb you are??

One thing India is shifting away from coal...and secondly China and Pak also have nuclear power plants and more are in pipeline..so you are not living in some alien's technology era

So you don't wanna educate me n burst my dreams..haha...your comments show how much burnol is required by indians whenever they hear or see the word CEPEC...all you can do is get jelous..and we are simply fine with that

You are strategically too important only if India was a friendly nation. You don't sit on Eurasian region nor you have any place close to a busy shipping line. All your shipments to central Asia can be replaced by Iran.

By taking into consideration, the economic growth which it will face in the coming years, countries like Iran, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and to a great extend Nepal will draw it's benefits. Don't be surprised if Nepal becomes more richer than you even with or without CPEC.

Another idiotic blunder @ghauri05 said is India has no oil reserves India had about 750 Million metric tonne of proven oil reserves as April 2014 or 5.62 billion barrels as per EIA estimate for 2009, which is the second-largest amount in the Asia-Pacific region behind China.

Also, that we are not depended on any middle east country for oil. We import oil from a large basket. Including Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Venezuela also we are going to import shale from US.

Your ignorance is clearly visible from all these, also one of our largest export is not IT, but it's refined petrol.
Yeah, we have the largest refinery in the entire world.
The whole world is making roads and connecting countries...as every one knows trade through ships/air is way more costly..i know you are butt hurt..but still can you explain how a 13000km sea rout is cheaper than 3000km road rout..please enlighten the world.

Another Big blunder. Carrying something through ship is so cheap and reliable. If you want to transport 500000 dwt (dead weight ton). and you can transport this at 3 cents for 3 liters(approx).

How do you think Chinese will ship oil through CPEC. Avoiding oil tankers. Only if they are stupid.

Now pray tell me, how is shipping materials through trailer trucks is cheaper than ships?
You are strategically too important only if India was a friendly nation. You don't sit on Eurasian region nor you have any place close to a busy shipping line. All your shipments to central Asia can be replaced by Iran.

By taking into consideration, the economic growth which it will face in the coming years, countries like Iran, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and to a great extend Nepal will draw it's benefits. Don't be surprised if Nepal becomes more richer than you even with or without CPEC.

Another idiotic blunder @ghauri05 said is India has no oil reserves India had about 750 Million metric tonne of proven oil reserves as April 2014 or 5.62 billion barrels as per EIA estimate for 2009, which is the second-largest amount in the Asia-Pacific region behind China.

Also, that we are not depended on any middle east country for oil. We import oil from a large basket. Including Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Venezuela also we are going to import shale from US.

Your ignorance is clearly visible from all these, also one of our largest export is not IT, but it's refined petrol.
Yeah, we have the largest refinery in the entire world.

Another Big blunder. Carrying something through ship is so cheap and reliable. If you want to transport 500000 dwt (dead weight ton). and you can transport this at 3 cents for 3 liters(approx).

How do you think Chinese will ship oil through CPEC. Avoiding oil tankers. Only if they are stupid.

Now pray tell me, how is shipping materials through trailer trucks is cheaper than ships?
Pak connects middle east, central asia and China...all are enrgy rich countries and China is way ahead in terms of economy and technology.
If iran can replace Pak..then why all the NATO supplies and Afghhanistan trade isn't happening via IRan???
Indian sea ports total capacity is 400 million tonn wheras Gawadar alone can handle 500 million tonns.

If countries like bangladesh, nepal can draw their benefit from india..then how difficult is it for you to understand..a country Pak can draw benefits from China???

If you have such a huge oil reserves..then why do you import oil..???your population is also huge and for that you need to import oil and again you need to reach Iran through Pak..how else do u plan to reach iran, iraq without passing sea through Pak????

you may have largest refinery..but you need to import crude oil first....so that you can refine it later on ..Einstein

Well i am not sure about your data of 3cents for 3 liters....but one thing is sure that land routes are cheaper...train is the most economical way of transporting goods and people..that's why all these countries are going for OBOR..even britain is willing for train from China to EU..via turkey...if sea rout is that cheaper why china n britain have agreed for such an arrangement????
Pak connects middle east, central asia and China...all are enrgy rich countries and China is way ahead in terms of economy and technology.
Google is your friend, take a look at the world map. The ways China can connect to outside world.

If iran can replace Pak..then why all the NATO supplies and Afghhanistan trade isn't happening via IRan???
Indian sea ports total capacity is 400 million tonn wheras Gawadar alone can handle 500 million tonns.

Poor champ, went all the way to calculate the total tonnage of shipment but missed a critical fact.
It's not the size of the port. You handle 5 Lakh tonnes through Gwadar right now, it can be expanded in the future as per requirements.
If countries like bangladesh, nepal can draw their benefit from india..then how difficult is it for you to understand..a country Pak can draw benefits from China???
This image shows the Urban and rural centers in India and China, and an average person would understand what does that mean.

I'm not saying CPEC is a failure, but the shipment and boom in economy are exaggerated by many of you guys.


If you have such a huge oil reserves..then why do you import oil..???your population is also huge and for that you need to import oil and again you need to reach Iran through Pak..how else do u plan to reach iran, iraq without passing sea through Pak????

So, when was the last time India imported oil from Iran through Pakistan? Please tell me?

India needs more oil, because of the improved economic activity and development. We are growing at 7% a year. Which is very high compared to your country. So, we need more than what we already have.

This also helps us to have more business relation. For example, we now export medicines to venuzuela as a barter for oil. We save a lot of dollars by that.

you may have largest refinery..but you need to import crude oil first....so that you can refine it later on .

Yeah einstein :lol: can't you read English, I already said India import oil from a large basket of countries. Not limited to Middle east. From Nigeria, Iran, Venuzuela and going to import oil from US.

Well i am not sure about your data of 3cents for 3 liters....but one thing is sure that land routes are cheaper...train is the most economical way of transporting goods and people..that's why all these countries are going for OBOR..even britain is willing for train from China to EU..via turkey...if sea rout is that cheaper why china n britain have agreed for such an arrangement????
I'm not having a discussion with you anymore. Since you are completely new to the idea of ships and oil tankers.

here is the table, be my guest and do the math. There is a broad map for the costs.


Roads have advantage of being faster but shipments are expensive.

CPEC could benefit the low developed areas in China, it is towards Xinjiang, Tibetan region. But towards east the economic benefits of CPEC is far limited to what you actually believe.
Google is your friend, take a look at the world map. The ways China can connect to outside world.

Poor champ, went all the way to calculate the total tonnage of shipment but missed a critical fact.
It's not the size of the port. You handle 5 Lakh tonnes through Gwadar right now, it can be expanded in the future as per requirements.

This image shows the Urban and rural centers in India and China, and an average person would understand what does that mean.

I'm not saying CPEC is a failure, but the shipment and boom in economy are exaggerated by many of you guys.

View attachment 424825

So, when was the last time India imported oil from Iran through Pakistan? Please tell me?

India needs more oil, because of the improved economic activity and development. We are growing at 7% a year. Which is very high compared to your country. So, we need more than what we already have.

This also helps us to have more business relation. For example, we now export medicines to venuzuela as a barter for oil. We save a lot of dollars by that.

Yeah einstein :lol: can't you read English, I already said India import oil from a large basket of countries. Not limited to Middle east. From Nigeria, Iran, Venuzuela and going to import oil from US.

I'm not having a discussion with you anymore. Since you are completely new to the idea of ships and oil tankers.

here is the table, be my guest and do the math. There is a broad map for the costs.


Roads have advantage of being faster but shipments are expensive.

CPEC could benefit the low developed areas in China, it is towards Xinjiang, Tibetan region. But towards east the economic benefits of CPEC is far limited to what you actually believe.
kindly let me burst your shipment idea.
The more cheap and innovative way to transfer oil is Pipe line along with pumping stations.
roads, train, tunnel and pipelines with pumping stations are also included.

The Road, train and tunnel will not be used for Oil but the pipelines with pumping stations. :enjoy:

i have request please my Indian fellow dont be jealous anymore. it will not help you seriously. :smitten:
The more cheap and innovative way to transfer oil is Pipe line along with pumping station. road, train, tunnel and pipelines with pumping stations are also included.
Please read what is being discussed. Jumping in the middle of discussion can make you look like this.

I'm not saying Oil Tankers are the cheapest means. I was just giving the comparison to Road transport and shipping oil.
:rofl: tmhain tmhari jealousy hi mar daly gi hamain kuch krny ki zarort nhi...

well whom is stopping you make an other alternative route to counter CPEC ? go ahead we dont have jealousy like Indians.

India is having port more than 4 times the biggest port called Karachi...India has many major ports both east and west.Pakistan cannot dream such ports near future...

India is having port more than 4 times the biggest port called Karachi...India has many major ports both east and west.Pakistan cannot dream such ports near future...

:cheesy: congrats you got the ports India to India connectivity
Japanese are financing India projects at 0.1% interest repayable in 50 years with 15 years moratorium. The Infra being developed will be entirely owned by India. Infra being developed will be made by India , Indian Companies, Indian Labor, Indian design and everything. The project details are available for every one to see. There is no Army involvement or Army providing security...etc etc etc. There is no need to give any guarantee to Japanese on returns from these projects at all.

When we see CPEC etc project .....we know you are selling your family jewels to China and therefore we wonder ARE U GUYS CRAZY. ....u think that as India being obsessed.

Now try to post the
Google is your friend, take a look at the world map. The ways China can connect to outside world.

Poor champ, went all the way to calculate the total tonnage of shipment but missed a critical fact.
It's not the size of the port. You handle 5 Lakh tonnes through Gwadar right now, it can be expanded in the future as per requirements.

This image shows the Urban and rural centers in India and China, and an average person would understand what does that mean.

I'm not saying CPEC is a failure, but the shipment and boom in economy are exaggerated by many of you guys.

View attachment 424825

So, when was the last time India imported oil from Iran through Pakistan? Please tell me?

India needs more oil, because of the improved economic activity and development. We are growing at 7% a year. Which is very high compared to your country. So, we need more than what we already have.

This also helps us to have more business relation. For example, we now export medicines to venuzuela as a barter for oil. We save a lot of dollars by that.

Yeah einstein :lol: can't you read English, I already said India import oil from a large basket of countries. Not limited to Middle east. From Nigeria, Iran, Venuzuela and going to import oil from US.

I'm not having a discussion with you anymore. Since you are completely new to the idea of ships and oil tankers.

here is the table, be my guest and do the math. There is a broad map for the costs.


Roads have advantage of being faster but shipments are expensive.

CPEC could benefit the low developed areas in China, it is towards Xinjiang, Tibetan region. But towards east the economic benefits of CPEC is far limited to what you actually believe.

Yeah you are just supporting my point here...China currently connects to the outside world via sea..but that's where CEPEC comes in..it provides China an alternative path to connect to the outside world. So if China feels it's threatened in the SCS..it can use this way to conduct whole of it's trade..that's the strategic point about CEPEC.

The map you should, reveals most of your urban areas are on Pakistani side..and not in the bey of bengal ..so it shows the oil consumption will be higher in these areas...So once CEPEC completes and Pak actually benefits from it..it will improve our economy and our navy..and with EEZ now we control much more portion in the sea..so that will be a threat to indian trade...oil supplies from iran,iraq to india...And one thing to clear we are not hoping that things will simply turn around overnight..it will take time atleast a decade..and if u know CEPEC has multilpe phases..roads and power plants are just one phase. Industrialization of Pak is the real phase which will benefit Pak.

And CEPEC is going to help Xinjiang..that's the part of CEPEC by chinese side..to develop their under-developed areas...The eastern side is already much more developed...and it will help China to make more urban areas in the Xinjiang side..as only 5% of their population lives there....so if this area is developed there will be more opportunities for people and they can inhabit in this area.
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