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Learn Why Indians are obseesed with CPEC by an India

1.Please elaborate how India has far better reach to middle east???I thnk U haven't seen a thing called Map yet..india has to pass through Pak and Iran to reach Middle east.
2. All the places you mentioned are inside india or Maldevies(which China has already access)...So it again invigorates my point that by build 100s of roads you are just connecting india to india...there is nothing new here..no other country is connected via these roads..and chinese can use them just to sell products to indians
3.We'll see when world actually shifts to green energy..when aircraft don't fly on petrol ..it will take atleast 50 years..so till then even your super duper india is dependent on these energy resources.
4.Where these so called energy exploitation are taking place in india...please elaborate how many wells of oil and other energy resources are discovered in india
5.The whole world is making roads and connecting countries...as every one knows trade through ships/air is way more costly..i know you are butt hurt..but still can you explain how a 13000km sea rout is cheaper than 3000km road rout..please enlighten the world.
6.First try to boycott chinese products....and have an industry under so called Make in india to compete with chinese products and then talk...simple blabbering won't do anything good
7. I am talking about CEPEC..but you are so jelous you don't even want to see it..as far as Pak is concerned..first Pak will collect the toll tax...just imagine even if 10% of chinese trade passes through Pak..how much money Pak will collect. Secondly it has also improved infrastructure in Pakistan and energy production..so it is helping Pak to overcome its own challenges. N last but not least...Chinese are going to shift their industries in Pak...So it will also increase our exports....Just like EU and west has shifted their most of industries in China and some of them in india...so i don't think u will quarrel on this point that how it will benefit Pak
Kardeshim, the bottom-line is - if you're a part of an inter-continental trade route you win, if you lose that route you lose big time. The Ottomans lost the financial clout after losing the land trade routes to the Atlantic sea routes. In the case of Pak, CPEC is an additional staff, so all transactions are additive!!!! Not to mention all the additional infrastructures, power projects, industrial zones etc. Practices of modern supply chain management will kick in, so more demands for addition of value to the goods as they pass through. For example, instead of fully finished goods, final assembly before the embarkation is desired to reduce cost. It also includes final testing, QRA etc. This all translates into $/yuan etc. in Pak coffers and folks. So, here your gains outweighs loses to a great extent....

Yeah you are just supporting my point here...China currently connects to the outside world via sea..but that's where CEPEC comes in..it provides China an alternative path to connect to the outside world. So if China feels it's threatened in the SCS..it can use this way to conduct whole of it's trade..that's the strategic point about CEPEC.

The map you should, reveals most of your urban areas are on Pakistani side..and not in the bey of bengal ..so it shows the oil consumption will be higher in these areas...So once CEPEC completes and Pak actually benefits from it..it will improve our economy and our navy..and with EEZ now we control much more portion in the sea..so that will be a threat to indian trade...oil supplies from iran,iraq to india...And one thing to clear we are not hoping that things will simply turn around overnight..it will take time atleast a decade..and if u know CEPEC has multilpe phases..roads and power plants are just one phase. Industrialization of Pak is the real phase which will benefit Pak.

And CEPEC is going to help Xinjiang..that's the part of CEPEC by chinese side..to develop their under-developed areas...The eastern side is already much more developed...and it will help China to make more urban areas in the Xinjiang side..as only 5% of their population lives there....so if this area is developed there will be more opportunities for people and they can inhabit in this area.
With CPEC China will turn into a two ocean power like the USA and, thus, will be able to populate her cities/towns etc. along the entire breadth. And, Pak will be able to add flank-like value (connectivity, distribution, financial, industrial, strategic etc.) the way the West Coast (California, Oregon, Washington states etc.) does to the USA. Guess what? With recent stand-off and threat to cut-off Chinese supplies through IOR India has in fact done a great favor to CPEC!!!!

India is just jealous of CPEC.
IMO it's not as simple as that. Any gains for Pak is essentially a loss for India!!!! And, here it's colossal. So, they're gonna do everything possible at their disposal to interrupt it for their salvation lies in Pak's destruction. The problem is they're now faced with far more motivated, determined, persevering and resourceful adversaries than they can plausibly handle. It all translates into severe desperation and frustration which usually lead to delusion/imagination etc....
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Kardeshim, the bottom-line is - if you're a part of an inter-continental trade route you win, if you lose that route you lose big time. The Ottomans lost the financial clout after losing the land trade routes to the Atlantic sea routes. In the case of Pak, CPEC is an additional staff, so all transactions are additive!!!! Not to mention all the additional infrastructures, power projects, industrial zones etc. Practices of modern supply chain management will kick in, so more demands for addition of value to the goods as they pass through. For example, instead of fully finished goods, final assembly before the embarkation is desired to reduce cost. It also includes final testing, QRA etc. This all translates into $/yuan etc. in Pak coffers and folks. So, here your gains outweighs loses to a great extent....

With CPEC China will turn into a two ocean power like the USA and, thus, will be able to populate her cities/towns etc. along the entire breadth. And, Pak will be able to add flank-like value (connectivity, distribution, financial, industrial, strategic etc.) the way the West Coast (California, Oregon, Washington states etc.) does to the USA. Guess what? With recent stand-off and threat to cut-off Chinese supplies through IOR India has in fact done a great favor to CPEC!!!!

IMO it's not as simple as that. Any gains for Pak is essentially a loss for India!!!! And, here it's colossal. So, they're gonna do everything possible at their disposal to interrupt it for their salvation lies in Pak's destruction. The problem is they're now faced with far more motivated, determined, persevering and resourceful adversaries than they can plausibly handle. It all translates into severe desperation and frustration which usually lead to delusion/imagination etc....
Your analysis was very comprehensive...hope indians can understand these things too before jumping to any conclusions.
And i hope Pak leadership..sincerely takes care of Pak's interest first in any dealing with China...so that it doesn't become another lost opportunity for us.
I have a strong feeling the Indians here are trying to brainwash Pakistani members. I saw how some Indian was really trying his best to convince a Pakistan member that China was stealing Pakistan land with the lease of the port. I stepped in and told our young iron bro the truth. :lol:
No country does charity. If Chinese investment leads to more jobs and better lives for Pakistanis, why should we begrudge them that? Indian concerns would be of military nature if China starts building a military base in Pakistan.
your brain sees everything as nonsense
Says some one who is from India :p

I have a strong feeling the Indians here are trying to brainwash Pakistani members. I saw how some Indian was really trying his best to convince a Pakistan member that China was stealing Pakistan land with the lease of the port. I stepped in and told our young iron bro the truth. :lol:
Thats the best they can do I suppose . Changes nothing on ground. The obsession will continue.
Hallucinating Hindus here are really off their heads ... why would China rely, let alone trust, on trade through India and discard CPEC when India claims that her nuclear programme is to counter China! Only fools of high calibre would think that your own declared enemy would put one of her major trade routes through your territory. But Indians never fail to amuse, even as downright fools.
it provides China an alternative path to connect to the outside world. So if China feels it's threatened in the SCS.
That's one big IF.
The map you should, reveals most of your urban areas are on Pakistani side..and not in the bey of bengal
I hope you are not color blind. Just take a look again. Most Urban centers in China are towards east. Not towards west. Tibet is sparsely populated land.

EEZ now we control much more portion in the sea. o that will be a threat to indian trade...oil supplies from iran,iraq to india.
Is that what you believe?
You don't understand what is EEZ. You believe it is territorial water:lol:. Well I don't wanna waste my bandwidth explaining to you the difference between them. Google it.
And CEPEC is going to help Xinjiang..that's the part of CEPEC by chinese side..to develop their under-developed areas...The eastern side is already much more developed...and it will help China to make more urban areas in the Xinjiang side..as only 5% of their population lives there....so if this area is developed there will be more opportunities for people and they can inhabit in this area.
Yeah, I heard that. Also, China is setting up a garment manufacturing industry on the same spot. It's a nice location isn't it. Since I remember one of your greatest export is garments.

May be it's good. Let's see the end result of development in Xinjiang and see the development in Pakistan.:-)
What nonsense. Go and see the map , India is peninsular country I hope you know what Peninsula is?

Here Is A Map
CPEC is new reality of the region; whether someone likes it or not it's their headache and for the cure they can ask their new sugar-daddy to release press statements. Which again is have no effect on us.... so cheers and enjoy the ride.
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