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Leadership of PAF needs a healthy change !

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Your assessment of this forum is very true. I felt exactly the same when I came here.

Traditionally, we only glorify pilots. Of course, the pilots deserve the glory, but we must not forget all those who worked hard, so that the pilot could go on the mission. On the average, engineers and technicians have to work quite a number of hours, before the aircraft is ready for a one hour mission. We call the pilot a fighter, are the ground staff not fighting?.

The same thinking applies to whole of the PAF. The top posts of PAF are occupied by Pilots, and they have created a thinking that it is only they who have worked in their lives. We are not opposing pilots work here. But, in the best interest of our nation, efforts by every one must be appreciated.
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Mr. PakistanMYheart

Welcome to the forum. Sorry, I am kind of late in joining the excellent thread ever started by you in this forum.

I must agree with MastKhan and just remember not to be intimidated and be apologetic. This forum does not promote creativity and healthy dialogue but relies heavily on news clips, cut and paste from the internet, or childish threads. They prefer followers and not leaders. Once or a while, if a creative person like you show up, then they all get threaten and try to gang up and preach with dire consequences such as being getting banned (a big joke).

I have been following this forum for the last few months and here is my assessment of the forum. This forum consists of few ex PAF pilots and bunch of their followers. They feel it their right to say whatever they want but when a rebuttal is presented, and then they flip head over heels. They expect everyone to bow and give respect but at the same time failed to understand that respect is earned and not given.

Granted they served the nation and do deserve respect and we must respect them for their service but then failed to recognize that the career they chose was by their own choice and no one begged them to do so. In return they were handsomely paid as compared to others in Pakistan and that it was the best job they could find just after doing FA or FSC. Pakistani nation spent millions of dollars to give them the best training and education to make them what they claim to be today. They should be thankful to the Pakistani nation and not the Pakistani nation to them.

Now coming back to your thread, this notion of that the pilots being the best and jack of all trades is totally absurd. I can provide a long list of stupid blunders over the previous year’s made by higher command of PAF who happened to be all pilots. I totally agree with you that a person with the right qualifications and experience should be appointed for a specific job and not based on if he is a pilot or not.

And lastly let’s talk about these medals. The medals should be awarded to those who have gone above and beyond their day to day duty and not just for sneezing. In 1965 war, medals were showered on pilots just for doing a normal day to day job with some exceptions because the recommender and approver were all pilots. At the same time, the ground staff who worked relentlessly and long hours under heavy enemy air attack was totally ignored.

And lastly hang in….

Just for info:

1. Most decorated and best pilots were Bengalis: M M Alam, Sarfraz Rafiqui, Saif-ul-Azam.

2. Most Air chiefs came from No. 9 Squadron and few from No. 11 Squadron.

3. Six (6) out of nice (9) Air Chiefs starting with Asghar khan had their last name as Khan.

4. PAF is the only air force known to have shot down it’s own F-16 by one it’s pilots during Afghan war.
Well well well! No one sided with Muradk here because he is a pilot but because he is a senior member and knows what he is talking about.Muradk made a simple post and Pakistanmyheart gave a rude reply.
Muradk First Post in this thread
Just like to tell members who have friends and don't have actually know how PAF runs. When you get your first Command as a Wing Commander you are a Officer Commanding of a fighter Sqd, You as a SQD Commander (fighter pilot) have Air Def, Planning , Training, Engg, Logistics, Personal, Medical,Social Club under him and of all that he is running a fighter Sqd which is not a easy task. Now thats 1 man who is running the show how he runs his show ( SQD ) is up to him, You have a lot of people working for you, That is why a GDP is given preference over everyone else because he commands most departments than any 1 person.
Most of you don't know this there are only 2 people in PAF who have the Power the COAS and a SQD Commander of a Fighter SQD. Now as a Wing Cdre which is a Lt Col he can over ride any one he feels like except the COAS because of the fire power he has under him.
Just give you an example 1979 I took 9 Sqd to Kalabagh AFB came back to Shorkot the OC flying who is senior to me says why is your SQD not flying I said I grounded everyone sent all the airmen home and pilots back except ADA because they are all tired. He say bull **** I want planes in the air right now and I said no. He say I am senior to you and the OC Flying your Sqd Comes under me I said yes it does on paper not in reality if any plane crashes or a man dies I am responsible not you, Will you take responsibility if any thing happens to the plane or my men and by the time Base commander Reaches there and I said the same thing to him they both walked away.
So as a Wing Commander you are given so much power that you start seeing things differently.
Tell an Engg to run a fighter base which did happen in Decca. The guy didn't even know where to start he couldn't speak a GDPs language
we are all flying and I say ok time for PANCAKE and he sitting in his office listening to us says didn't you guys have breakfast, Pancake in a GDPs term means return to base. Well he did retire as a Group Capt and a very respected man, But when it came to anything pertaining to engg he was a GOD. And to tell you the facts after retirement the only people who make **** loads of money are the non GDPs

Our defence forces have a typical leadership hierarchy. In the PAF for example, the top commanders are always Pilots. I am not concerned about operational posts, but posts such as Chairman of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), and the Chief Project Director of JF-17 project, Deputy Chief of the Air Staff for Administration, Deputy Chief of the Air Staff for Support services , and many more ... , are also taken by Pilots.

Chairman PAC has factories or in other words overall hangers for MirageIII, V, FT-5, 6, 7. F7, F7pg, K-8, JF-17 and Light air crafts.
The Air Marshall who is the Chairman is a fighter pilot because he knows about fighter what time it takes one to get fixed who needs a fighter at what base and he has Engg working for him who get to become AVMs now which was unheard off.
DSAC Admin has to be a GDP because he ran his SQD, his Wing, his Base so he has all the qualities a Admin needs, DCAS Support a new post which was created by ex-COAS Tanveer. Same thing it has to be a GDP because he knows how it works.

I know men who did noting all there lives in PAF but because of internal politics they got medals , Land, Houses and they still ***** about PAF. well I don't have anything else to say. I am going Pancake.
Then Pakistanmyheart made a rude reply.He could have written that post without attacking the poster (Muradk)This post clearly shows he has some serious attitude problems

Please do not quote examples from history or tradition. Because, historical trends and tradition is exactly what we are trying to change here. If you experienced something in your past, it does not mean the same should happen in the future. People like you want the young generation not to look forwards, and change for better. You only want them to look back, follow your silly traditions, and never change any thing. This kind of thinking has given Pakistan resistance to change and slow progress.

"You as a SQD Commander (fighter pilot) have Air Def, Planning , Training, Engg, Logistics, Personal, Medical,Social Club".
As opposed to what @Muradk thinks, I have first hand experience of the working of the PAF. A SQD Commander (fighter pilot) has all these departments under him, just because it is going on as such. Otherwise, no one wants to work under the illiterate person (as far as departments other than flying are concerned). The way engineering people, logistics people and administration people manipulate the poor SQD Commander is well known to all. He frequently has to go crying to the Base Commander (something that pilots are very fond of), and get his problems solved. This is exactly why pilots need a Base Commander to be a pilot.

"That is why a GDP is given preference over everyone else because he commands most departments than any 1 person".
Please donot misguide this forum. A GDP is given preference because, in an absurd way, the pilots want to keep ruling the Air Force. There are two ways to reach the top. One is to work hard, and show that you are at the top. The other way is to suppress everyone else, so you will automatically be at the top. This method is called Feudalism, which is exactly what happens in the Air Force.

"Just give you an example 1979 I took 9 Sqd to Kalabagh ... ".
This is a useless mention. Anybody working in any good organization or company knows, that you are the final authority in your own area of work. With your seemingly limited view of the world, you are considering your actions heroic. However, if you open you eyes, this happens daily, and everywhere.

"PANCAKE ...".
Another illogical example. A small boy would know, that if an engineer is leading a group of pilots, he cannot manage it well, until he is trained for it. And the same is true vice versa. The pilots that command departments that are not related to their field, face the same situation at the hands of engineers, administrators and logistics officers. They may use their seniority to shut people up, but that is what happens. And no pilot is bold enough to discuss this daily embarrassment.

"The Air Marshall who is the Chairman is a fighter pilot because he knows about fighter what time it takes one to get fixed who needs a fighter at what base".
You are again misguiding the forum. The Air Headquarters decides, who needs a fighter and when. The Chairman is not a part of the Air Force (he is a part of the Ministry of Defence). So, he does not make such decisions. His job is to ensure timely maintenance of whatever aircraft or equipment is sent to him. And a pilot is the most ill suited person for this job.

The Chairman knows what time it takes an aircraft to get fixed ?
He must be a Saint then. No one knows how much time it will take to get an aircraft fixed, unless the aircraft is opened up by the respective engineers and technicians, and a fault diagnosis is carried out. @Muradk, most kids know this, dont you?

DCAS (Administration) is a GDP, because he has all the administration capabilities ?
I would like to enlighten the forum that Administration in PAF is responsible for housing, security, medical services, accounts. @Muradk says that during a one or two years appointment as a Base Commander, a pilot can learn how the manage the housing, security, medical services and accounts of the WHOLE AIR FORCE. We really need a smiley here .

DCAS (Support) is a GDP, because he knows how it works?
For the forum, Support in PAF is responsible for supply of spare parts, fuel, clothing, vehicles and other things. This is called Logistics in most organizations. Any sensible person knows that logistics is an extremely specialized job, and people learn it over years.(First you have to study Logistics Management). It is the lifeline of any organization. @Muradk, I hope you dont claim that you can fly an aircraft without fuel, because a pilot can do anything ?

I cannot understand your last paragraph. If you would explain it in a more sensible manner (not considering that this is a comedy show going on), may be we all can benefit from it.
1. Most decorated and best pilots were Bengalis: M M Alam, Sarfraz Rafiqui, Saif-ul-Azam.
MM-Alam was Behair and what does Ethnicity has to do with Skills?These pilots were damn good not because they were Benglais..the real reason these pilots were good because of excellent PAF Leadership and Training.

"He could have written that post without attacking the poster (Muradk)This post clearly shows he has some serious attitude problems".
I do not suppose that this is a Military forum, neither am I any ones subordinate in a Military setup. We discuss military, but like free citizens of Pakistan (much like journalists writing in news papers). Please do not mention that I have attitude problems. I do not have any. But I really think, some other forum members have them. I know this is the typical Military style of dealings. If someone goes against your wishes, label him as "attitude problem". Quite like USA labeling anyone who goes against its wishes as a "terrorist"

Also note how @Muradk addressed me. "Listen Kid ... " , "I will not go into my Pathan mode ... " and a variety of other things. And let me assure you, this was only because I said something against the interests of Pilots, who are the feudal lords of the Air Force. A discussion forum, is a discussion forum. Much like a round table. Every body is a member, and that should be all. I was just considering Muradk as a forum member, in a forum where freedom of speech is available, and respected.

But still, due to my respect for Ex-PAF personnel, I said sorry to him openly. This should be more than enough. I would request forum members to stop harassing me for saying the right things. I hope the MODS are looking into this.

It is interesting to note, that none of the members who think I have an attitude problem, have replied me with logic. All I hear is "behave yourself ..." , "you will be kicked out ..." and stuff like this. As a true Pakistani, I had certain queries about the working of PAF, and I wanted this forum to guide me. And I am being told to keep quite in different ways. So long to freedom of speech !
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Let us close the topic. No need for emotions on topics while we need to see how we move from internal driven market to international competitor. In that we need our forces 200% and we can be extremely happy cause just count how many international competitors are bankrupt at this moment...

Let us honour our pilots. There is no need for fingerpointing.
When everyone joins PAF from day 1 they know that GDP rule that is how it is every where, fighting force will always stay on top, You cant have a Army COAS from engg, or logistics, He will always come from a Fighting unit or Command.
DCAS ENGG in PAF is a Air Marshal what else do they want. ACAS education is a Air Cdre. Becoming an Air Cdre in our days was Becoming an Air Marshal.
PAF is not IAF that they will make a helicopter pilot the COAS a person who has never gone beyond 200 knots, Now what will he know he is one of the guys who was suspended from fighters and and now he commands. Well he speaks good English but he will never understand how a GDP thinks or acts.

I would have agreed with you 30 years ago but then women did not undertake combat missions did they ?

As regards the best man for the best job I think anyone who is an able man can be the boss. After all now days the UAV's do a better job than what a manned fighter does and the brain of the battle will be an operator behind a console in an AWAC. Dog fighting days are done and dusted and so is the concept of the Fighter Man is always the boss.

After all now days the UAV's do a better job than what a manned fighter does and the brain of the battle will be an operator behind a console in an AWAC.

Neither of those two technologies are integrated into the PAF to the extent they are in the AF's of more developed countries.

The PAF remains a very traditional AF in that sense, for now.
Neither of those two technologies are integrated into the PAF to the extent they are in the AF's of more developed countries.

The PAF remains a very traditional AF in that sense, for now.

Yes but that still does not explain as some posters have pointed out why all top establishments are headed by Fighter Pilots only or why Helicopter Pilot cannot be CAS ?

People must get out of this feudal mentality and start thinking ahead.


You don't need to be patronized over here by anyone---now you are being 'ganged' up by our senior member ARAZ---that is in poor taste.

Nobody challenged the dedication of the fighter pilot over here---. What kind of statement is " explain to me what is wrong with current setup "---now we are in a threatening mode to a new member who has brought up some new issues.

Pakistanmy heart---you don't need to be cowed down by threats. It is a normal practise---don't agree with someone---threanten or harrass them. Thankyou for bringing up this conversation.

If it comes down to what we see, the top man has been a failure in the last 20 years. Nobody is saying that an outsider wll run the paf---it just that a non flyer may take charge as well---like someone from the engr branch.

Mastan Khan
my friend you always grab the Bull by its tail:enjoy::cheesy::D.Man I have not ganged up on my children in my life. Even my 3 1/2 yr old speaks his mind:D:lol:.Read my POSTS again and if you want me to explain it , we will do so On this forum like brothers that we are. However, if you are spoiling for a fight__ I will bow out of this discussion. Let me know which way you want to play it.
Let us close the topic. No need for emotions on topics while we need to see how we move from internal driven market to international competitor. In that we need our forces 200% and we can be extremely happy cause just count how many international competitors are bankrupt at this moment...

Let us honour our pilots. There is no need for fingerpointing.

No post in this thread is dis honoring our noble pilots. It would be a sin to do so. The objective of this thread is very clear, and has nothing to do with the professionalism of pilots.

Why do you think this topic should be closed?
This is an excellent thread - the debate between all the concerned parties is enlighting to say the least. Do not lock this thread - it does not deserve locking.

To take this a bit further. Okay if only GD officers can lead the AF, whats the objection for a Transport or a Helicopter pilot become a base commander of a fighter station or become a CAS? Can a GD(N) officer do the same?
This is an excellent thread - the debate between all the concerned parties is enlighting to say the least. Do not lock this thread - it does not deserve locking.

To take this a bit further. Okay if only GD officers can lead the AF, whats the objection for a Transport or a Helicopter pilot become a base commander of a fighter station or become a CAS? Can a GD(N) officer do the same?


Thinking ahead and out of the box is very important. We love our history, and those who made it. But history also presents us a way to learn from our mistakes.

Sadly, in PAF, helicopter pilots / transports pilots / navigators are not allowed to reach the top ranks. This tradition has to change now. Top ranks are responsible for overall administration of PAF, and any one who has good administration skills, future vision, sincerity of purpose, love for the country, ability to put service before self should be able to reach the top posts. And we must understand that these abilities are not limited to fighter pilots only.

it might be premature to claim that they are not allowed to rech top ranks. perhaps their strength is not yet in sufficient numbers?

you may find a larger perencetage of such officers grow in IAF - for one simple reason. every second pilot in the IAF might be a transport or a heli pilot. yes, with nearly 550 helis and transports, and two pilots per ac, that ratio is possible. for every heli and transport there will be equal number of navigators. so the proportion of fighterpilots to heli/tp pilots and navigators is even. consequently you will see more of them rise to senior posts. So fighter pilots ratio to heli/tp pilots? I think its 1:1 in the IAF

I am no expert on PAF matters, but I am likely to guess that the ratio of fighter pilots to transport/heli pilots in PAF should be something like 8:2? (Based on 400 fighters to 50 tp/helis?)

So isnt it likely that we will see fewer heli/tp pilots rise to the top? that said, i would like to see that lone guy who rises up the ladder is not restricted in his command. for example even the CAS position should not be out of his reach. before that the PAF should have a mental make up that allows the heli / tp pilot to lead combat stations if possible.

Yes, the ratio of transport/heli pilots to fighter pilots is quite low. But, NO ONE other than a fighter pilot has EVER reached the top rank.
The question is, were there any tp, heli pilots who served in other senior positions. like AOC-in-C, DCAS ops, ACAS Ops etc etc.
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