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Leadership of PAF needs a healthy change !

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By the way in the indian navy follows the traditions of the Royal Navy - in that even an observer (navigator / non-pilot) can become the CO of a flying squadron. the policy recognises the fact that the command of a squadron requires flying experience and knowledge of aircraft operations, but not necessary piloting experience.

this ofcourse is not followed in the IAF as far as I know
How can you argue that an engineer would have made better decisions? This is a rather speculative argument,

And let me ask you the same that how can you argue that a pilot would have made better decisions? Is it not also a speculative argument?

Based on the last 60 years of PAF history, it has been proven, starting from ACM to all the way down to squadron level, that pilots are unfit for most of the positions and they have made serious blunders time after time. I think it’s about time to have a change; if not at the ACM level but at least at AVM level.

The ACM is responsible at the end of the day for operational decisions, even if on the advice of the Director Operations - how can you expect the ACM to correctly give the go ahead (or not) on an operational decision if he has no clue about operations?

So what you are saying that ACM is responsible for making day to day operational and planning decisions? And by the way what are those operational and planning decisions that require the services of ACM? Is there any? Are not the planning and operational decisions made at directorate level? I think PAF does not even know what her role is less talking about strategy and operational planning.

They could not even coordinate the timings of the 3 formations assigned to attack Pathankot, Adampur and Halwara in 1965 to keep a moment of surprise. If you really want to know the planning and strategy, then please read the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. That will tell you how Israeli planned and executed the air war precise up to a minute and how effectively they used their complete air force. In 1971 war, our highly sophisticated Electronic Intelligence B57 was also an available asset at PAF Masroor, it should have scanned the Arabian Sea daily, starting well before the war, finger printing all Indian naval ship and shore radars! This aircraft did not get airborne throughout the war and was lost due to enemy night bombing! Even on the night of the 3rd, the Director Naval Operations had sighted the Indian convoy from a PIA Fokker; all that was needed was that the B57s mop them up.

You want to know what goes in Air HQ, read the following quote from a pilot himself: “I was posted to Air HQ Plans Directorate in the summer of 1964. This meant about half an hour’s work a week. Others had less. I was comparatively over worked, but who is complaining. Air HQ was a great place and we had endless samosa and tea sessions, visits to the library and calling on friends.”

So much for your planning and strategy sessions!

How can you argue that none of them went through the selection process and were qualified to be selected and achieve the positions they did?

Once again, a spurious and speculative argument.

Have you ever been to Pakistan? Merit is nowhere to find and Safarish/bribe is the name of the game. Don’t tell me that sons/daughters and relatives of PAF elites are more qualified than a common person. Go and check around and find yourself how many sons/daughters and relatives are in officer cadre.

"So you are saying that administration is separate from operations and a good or a bad administration has no consequence on operations??".

I have never said such a thing. I only said, that some one does not need to be a fighter pilot, to know that his work is contributing towards good operations or not.

"I am sure that next time I ask my Admin or Accounts officer to brief me on Base Air defense plan ... ... ... "

Of course, an accounts officer will not know this. This is what the purpose of the discussion is, do not put wrong people at wrong places. If you are putting an account officer, where he is not fit, then it is absolutely wrong to say.

"There are million of operational requirements that are dealt and decided by DCAS( Admin)".

Operational requirements, that need administrative assistance, are generated from operational directorates. Admin directorates are supposed to fulfil them. Fulfilling those requirements does not need a background of fighter flying.

"In Kamra all the factories are lead and RUN by MDs who are all from the Engg branch ... I think we will keep running in circles and will not be able to decide ... "

It has been repeatedly said in this thread, that top administrative posts should not be limited to any specific branch. Of course, the top position of PAC should not be limited to pilots or engineering people, or any body. These posts should be given based on a solid criteria, which judges qualities like overall administrative abilities, instead of qualities like fighter flying.

"Yes I do agree that its been headed more times by a GD guy than an Engg…..But as PAC board can be chaired by either of branches and both have got their chances, so I don’t think that it should be really a matter of concern."

You right, as long as it does not become a rule that only pilots will reach the post.

"When CAE (college of Aeronautical Engg) shifted from Karachi to Risalpur , ever since then it has been tradition that Academy Under Officer is made alternately from GD and Engg branches. I witnessed the same while I was a cadet. As you are saying that now only GD guys are made AUO, well I don’t have a clue about that. And if you are right then I must say that it’s a gross injustice….Anyways I will check with any cadet or an instructor from there, if I happen to meet one.".

Kindly update your information. AUO has to be a pilot, as per current norm of the academy. This is injustice, as you have rightly said.

"You started with Admin branch, then PAC, then Base commander, then squadron pilots, then Heli / Tpt pilots , then cadets at academy and now you have started to question and doubts about the pilots who won medals during 65/ 71 war. Which area you are going to hit next??? Any clues ?? ".

Please remain true to the discussion. I think I have stated more than 10 times, that I do not doubt the sacrifices of our noble pilots. I honor their deeds. I am saying it once more, I would repeat it again if you are still not happy. The purpose of this thread has nothing to do with doubting the services of PAF pilots.

"A lot of officers from every branch get TBt, SBt etc each year for their performances during peace time…Now your question that why not in war, then what about squadron leader M. E. A. Bhuya , Squadron leader Aurangzeb Malik, Squadron leader Abdul A K Raja, Flight Lieutenant Sajjad A Khan, Corporal Ghulam Abbas, Corporal M Omar Ali, Corporal Sher Mohammad, Corporal Afzal Abbasi…..and I can go on and on with Non GD officers / men who were awarded for their valor in 65/71 wars for various reasons…..If you do not know anyone of them, it doesn’t mean that they weren’t honored".

You are part of the Air Force, you must know them. But, me as a civilian do not know any of them.

"Its a simple concept that why pilots win more medals?????? Because by very nature of airforce, it’s only the pilots who go and fight out there….Is it too difficult a thing to understand??? Unlike Army where officers and jawans from every arm fight together, in Airforce it’s only the pilots that fight. While numerous elements support the fighter operations, in the end it all comes down to the proficiency of man in cockpit and how he fights.".

I never asked why pilots win more medals. You have generated this question yourself, and then answered it yourself too.

But you are wrong in saying that in the end it comes down to the proficiency of the man in the cockpit. The proficiency of each person in the whole chain matters, till the end. What if a proficient pilot, using the best of his skills, locks on to an enemy aircraft, but the missile failes to fire, just because some technician did not install the missile rightly?

"While it is true that pilots do want to grab every opportunity here, but one must also see and acknowledge the kind of a culture prevailing in our country. How can pilots stay unaffected from the effects of general society? They are only humans and do get influenced by whatever is going around them. I hope and pray that someone will change things some day not only in airforce but in Pakistan as well….Until then we all will continue to blame each other".

Yes, infact this is the core of the problem. When the central government, and the core leadership of Pakistan will establish a culture of giving the right jobs to right people, rest of the country will follow suit.

"If you ask pilots, they also have million things to say against Engineers and other branches…Yesterday I thought about opening a thread about their issues as well but then refrained…..Its my Airforce and my home….And every home and every organization has issues…..But we don't discuss an in-house issue in front of the whole world and make tamaash of everything….".

Of course you are free to discuss or not discuss any issues, as you find suitable. But on the top of it, I think that we are one country. And Pakistan is our real home. So, any issue that relates to Pakistan should be in-house for us.
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By the way in the indian navy follows the traditions of the Royal Navy - in that even an observer (navigator / non-pilot) can become the CO of a flying squadron. the policy recognises the fact that the command of a squadron requires flying experience and knowledge of aircraft operations, but not necessary piloting experience.

this ofcourse is not followed in the IAF as far as I know

This tradition of Royal Navy seems nice.
Ladies and gentelmen:

I am taking the lead and proposing a solution for the issue at hand as follow:

Air Headquarters
Chief of Air Staff (CAS) = Pilot
Vice Chief of Air Staff (VCAS) = Pilot
Deputy Chief of Air Staff (Support) = Pilot or non pilot
Deputy Chief of Air Staff (Personnel) = Non pilot
Deputy Chief of Air Staff (Administration) = Pilot or non pilot
Deputy Chief of Air Staff (Operations) = Pilot
DG Air Intelligence = Non pilot
DG C4I = Non pilot
DG Air Force Strategic Command = Pilot
Chief Project Director JF-17 Thunder = Non pilot
Deputy Chief of Air Staff (Engineering) = Non pilot
Deputy Chief of Air Staff (Training) = Pilot or non pilot
Inspector General Air Force = Pilot or non pilot

Air Officer Commanding, Central Air Command = Pilot
Commandant PAF Air War College = Pilot or non pilot
Air Officer Commanding, Northern Air Command = Pilot
Air Officer Commanding, Air Force Academy = Pilot or non pilot
Air Officer Commanding, Southern Air Command = Pilot
Air Officer Commanding, Air Defence Command = Non pilot

External billets
Chairman, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra = Non pilot
DG Logistics, Joint Staff Headquarters = Pilot or non pilot
Director, Precision Engineering Complex, Karachi = Non pilot
Deputy DG, Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) = Pilot
Additional Secretary-II at Ministry of Defence = Pilot or non pilot
Managing Director, Technology Commercialization Corp under Ministry of Science and Technology = Non pilot
DG Air Weapons Complex (AWC), Wah Cantt = Non pilot
DG National University of Sciences and Technology , Rawalpindi = Non pilot
Managing Director, Aircraft Manufacturing Factory Kamra = Non pilot

Your input is welcome.
This tradition of Royal Navy seems nice.

This tradition of Royal Navy seems nice.
My Air force my house, I told you not to quote, did I or did I not.

After 3 days you are still at it Wah kai bath hai. We all bow down too you and will forward your request to he higher command I promise.
If You like the traditions of RN join them may be they wount kick you of of the academy.
Yes every year the AUO changes 1 from CAE 1 from GDP.
You are not what you are trying to be on the forum I asked you and you said I have never been in any Armed forces now you were a cadet.

OK this is what you wanted to hear and I will say it in clear words weather you like it or not I don't give a damn.

PAF will always have Fighter pilots in Commanding positions this is how it was and this is how it will be, Don't like it climb a tree and protest I don't give a damn.

you just don't get it since 1995 PAF has increased the ranks 10 fold just because of the same reason today we have 5 AVMs from Engg dept , 3 from Air Def and the list is long. Look kid and I will say it again look kid don't mention or quote me otherwise 2 things will happen and both are not good for either of us. Take this under advisement:angry:
I wish you were my wing man during the wars I wish. But you couldn't even make it out of the academy and don't like the runnings of our force, When the first bomb landed in Lahore you wouldn't have been born so ask everyone around you where were they under the table and were we the pilots we all know
where they were.:angry:
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PAF will always have Fighter pilots in Commanding positions this is how it was and this is how it will be, Don't like it climb a tree and protest I don't give a dame.

You can say the same without being rude.
You can say the same without being rude.[/QUOTE

I have been very patient but when I have said don't quote me than a sensible person should understand. Yes I am angry after a very long time I have lost my cool.
Plus how are you its been a long time we haven't got into a discussion :lol: which I always enjoy because you know always do research before tangling with me :lol::lol:
Closed for moderation (essentially time for everyone to cool off). Nobody at the AHQ is changing the org chart and appointments based on the discussion happening here so lets not get too charged up.
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