For me personally. i know this will hurt the members here but. Countries like Turkey and Iran and rest of the ME, are weak nothingness
What Iran or Turkey does or doesn't do doesn't matter.
Even if the whole ME got together what can they do??
Kurdistan is happening. Balkanization is coming!
A little too late for that now
Shame really. could've prevented a lot of misery.
But this has been planned for a long time I feel.
I personally don't see either Iran or Turkey as weak, in the geo-politcal sense, Turkey has sway in Syria and Iraq via different ethnically Turkish groups. Iran has more sway with Shiites (since the overall narrative and facts do support this, is that Shiites are the underdogs in the region outside of Iran).
Like for instance In Syria, Iranian blood has been spilled in possibly the thousands and Iran has won so far in it's goal, that being keeping the Assad government in power (Russia played a big role in this, although their help and influence came much later in the course of the conflict).
Turkey just lost 3 or so soldiers in an apparent attack by the Syrian air force, which Turkey has said they will respond (interesting to see where this will go, basically the Russians have a do or die moment here, either they shoot down Turkish jets trying to attack Syrian troops or loose all credibility). In this regard I'm intrigued about the course of action Turkey will take.
But if we really think about Turkey has a lot of influence, (some thing that ones citizens should either be proud or ashamed, depends on your view point). Turkey is in Iraq, and Syria simultaneously, with its forces and the forces it's backing attacking ISIS and expanding, but Irans forces are doing quite the same but a faster pace. In Iraq alone, Iran's influence is felt almost all over the country, and Syria much the same within government held areas. But what must be clear is that it is INFLUENCE not CONTROL (I apologize for the caps, I just want others to know the difference).
I'm assuming the main issue between Turkey and Iran is the Kurdish one? I...really don't know what can be done about this (we live in an area where states fight through proxy so its literally sports teams fighting each other if you wanna take a lighter tone to it).
PKK, YPG, PESHMERGA, other Kurdish groups idk.. I kind of lost track so I apologize for my ignorance.
I do know that neither countries people or government will concede their lands and heritage to a Kurdish state, and the US has kind of back peddled on the Kurdish thing as well (well at least it seems that way).
(I also have a bias leaning toward Iranian interest since I am of born of Iranian parents in the US).
But the Pakistan VS Iran issue still boggles my mind.