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Leader captured in Turkey, handed to Iran, says Iranian separatist group

As usual Turkey has been a consistent friendly friend and I hope we are doing the same for them.

Though it could in theory be the case, it is not proven either that Turkish authorities played a role. Maybe they did, maybe not. In any case Iranian intelligence services are well capable of conducting such operations on their own. Whenever they achieve such a success abroad, it doesn't necessarily imply that another government collaborated with them, although the possibility is of course there.

Turkey is a partner indeed, albeit with sometimes competing policies like in Syria.

Not systematically friendly either, as seen with the involvement of Turkish intelligence in trying to promote separatist tendencies among Azarbadegani Iranians (during the Ahmadinejad administration, a Turkish diplomat from the consulate in Tabriz was expelled after being caught red handed spreading separatist propaganda).

That said, Iran has forwarded key intelligence to Ankara helping them neutralize the 2016 coup attempt. Which is indeed on a different level than helping with the arrest of a relatively small time oppositionist leader.

In the words of a Turkish analyst grateful to Qasem Soleimani for lending support to Turkey:

Going by the attitude of Iranians on PDF (toward Turkey)

And vice versa.

But going by internet forum users to draw conclusions about the nature of inter-state relations is flawed.
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