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LCA will not be able to penetrate enemy lines

well siryou are right SAMs can do agreat Job for Point defnce but we also need to become self sufficient or at least tosome extend and devlop owr own aviation industry LCA is like the first step for us in that direction swedes; russians , americans , french , british and germans are making such fighters for long we have to start some where

i know LCA is late and is not perfect but something is better than nothing we despartelli need a replacement for Mig 21s and mig 27s and a singleLCA does the job of one Mig 21and a Mig 27 simontainousli

LCA does havs a short range but thats on internal feul onli with couple of drop tanks and a inflight refuling probe it has a decent range for a point defnce fighter so tillrafales and FGFAs and MK2 & AMCA start trickling in we can offord LCA for the goalkeeping job

Guru bhai honestly speaking you're unnecessarily mixing point defense system with LCA Tejas. Point defense per se is a defense of very limited area like airfields, ships, sensitive installations etc etc. SAMs are preferred over short range interceptors because of SAM's quick reaction time, aircraft can't be scrabbled that quickly & it's impossible for aircrafts to fly around the clock. Moreover how will you deploy LCA for point defense of navy vessels, given Tejas can fire anti ship missiles? The world has moved on and so does India, we are no longer living in the era of 2nd world war. Tejas is a multi role aircraft, claimed to be capable of firing ATA, ATS and ASM - don't make it a point defense aircraft that per se is more a short range interceptor and less a MRA. The idea behind tejas development was to replace aging fleet of IAF, it is supposed to replace Mig 21 and Mig 27, former is a fighter and latter is an attack aircraft. How can a point defense, preferably a fighter aircraft, replace an attack aircraft?
If your head is filled up with too much sambar the don't troll here. Pata nahi kahan kahan se chale ate hai.

Shut up troll. If you cannot listen to truth then get lost. And by the way what are you doing in an Pakistani forum if die-hard fanatic nationalism is your concern?

What do you know about LCA ?
We are talking on the basis of TTA like MilSpec ,sancho posts who have an idea about the stuffs several times than you .
I can also post in same tone if I talks about North Indians you will embarrased like hell.But I dont do that because we have a lots of good NI in here.

If you have less Dal in your head you should answer the point .If the F 16 was strong enough to take any aircrafts like Su 47 or Pak Fa .What is the purpose of trillion $ investment in F 22 and F 35.?
What do you know about LCA ?
We are talking on the basis of TTA like MilSpec ,sancho posts who have an idea about the stuffs several times than you .
I can also post in same tone if I talks about North Indians you will embarrased like hell.But I dont do that because we have a lots of good NI in here.

If you have less Dal in your head you should answer the point .If the F 16 was strong enough to take any aircrafts like Su 47 or Pak Fa .What is the purpose of trillion $ investment in F 22 and F 35.?
He is a false flag!
Guru bhai honestly speaking you're unnecessarily mixing point defense system with LCA Tejas. Point defense per se is a defense of very limited area like airfields, ships, sensitive installations etc etc. SAMs are preferred over short range interceptors because of SAM's quick reaction time, aircraft can't be scrabbled that quickly & it's impossible for aircrafts to fly around the clock. Moreover how will you deploy LCA for point defense of navy vessels, given Tejas can fire anti ship missiles? The world has moved on and so does India, we are no longer living in the era of 2nd world war. Tejas is a multi role aircraft, claimed to be capable of firing ATA, ATS and ASM - don't make it a point defense aircraft that per se is more a short range interceptor and less a MRA. The idea behind tejas development was to replace aging fleet of IAF, it is supposed to replace Mig 21 and Mig 27, former is a fighter and latter is an attack aircraft. How can a point defense, preferably a fighter aircraft, replace an attack aircraft?
well you 100% right bhaijaan

LCA is just a light combat aircraft whoes main role is point defnce but it can perform prcission strike roles aswell but its range doesnt lets it become a true strike platform



so what it needs is a better aero dynamik profile bigger air intakes and possiballi levcons all of which are under testing and bigger and better MK2 is already in works so dont worry LCA wont dissapoint you sir

What do you know about LCA ?
We are talking on the basis of TTA like MilSpec ,sancho posts who have an idea about the stuffs several times than you .
I can also post in same tone if I talks about North Indians you will embarrased like hell.But I dont do that because we have a lots of good NI in here.

If you have less Dal in your head you should answer the point .If the F 16 was strong enough to take any aircrafts like Su 47 or Pak Fa .What is the purpose of trillion $ investment in F 22 and F 35.?
ignore him heis a false flagger and mods know that but they need him for the obvious reason so enjoy bro
So LCA is an Interceptor not Multirole? I thought it was a Multirole Platform.

The elephant Su30 is good for air superiority but it cannot sanely become a strike bomber it is a sitting duck for SAM and other air defences considering its RCS.
36 Rafaels will not be good i guess considering shri modi ji have scrapped the remaining 100 deal.
whats the plan from 2016 to 2022 untill FGFA arrives
The LCA is multi-role, but unlike the PAF and the (much inferior) JF-17, IAF can aford the use the LCA for second-line tasks such as point defense and interdiction (it will eventually replace much of the Mig-27 / Jaguar fleet)

Do you remember what happened to the "sitting duck" "elephant" F-15s of Israel when they met the Syrian SAMs at Bekaa?

The Rafales are not even meant for you

As for 2016-22, you should do well to focus on replacing the 45-year old Mirages that still trundle on in your fleet.
No he isn't! He's an Indian, can't reveal his IP and location because of our privacy policy.

Anybody who talks sense and if that sense bursts the fake ego bubble of some keyboard chauvinists then the other person becomes a "false-flag".

I had to block quite a few trolls to avoid spamming. The LCA was conceptualised as a mig-21 replacement and it turned out to be good for that role, but not for the overall picture of IAF. As a point defence fighter the LCA is absolutely hopeless and cannot do what is being expected for it to do. It cannot fight F-16 and cannot fight chinese J-11 aka Sukhoi-27. So what exactly can it do?

Some wise-cracks even compare LCA to USAF jets and I can only laugh at their lack of intellect.
It cannot fight F-16 and cannot fight chinese J-11 aka Sukhoi-27. So what exactly can it do?
Explain how it Cannot fight F-16 after FOC just explain me on technical grounds.If mig-21 can take on f-16 during cope india Lca Superior to Mig-21 in Every regard with india Awacs coverage LCA is Lethal
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IAF does not have Rafales.

Mirage are undergoing upgrades.
Are India and Pakistan currently at war? Time is not that critical then. Within 2-3 years both of these will be addressed to a large degree- fact.

Su30 struggling with 75% availability...out of 200 aircraft that's like 2 squadrons not ready at any time
Remind me again what fighter the PAF has that is even remotely comparable to the MKI?

75% of 200 (272, if not a bit more, by 2019) is a whole lot better than 100% of nothing.
And Mig 21 was also not there for 'overall picture of IAF'.Indians already see the overall picture of Mig 21 in Kargil.

Who the hell compare the LCA with US jets ?
Actually what is your problem Mr ?
You should answer my posts if you have guts .Comparison was between US jets and Russian jets ?(If you can inject that basic info in you hollow head)
If F 16 was enough for Pak FA and Su 47 what is the purpose of F 22 Raptor with a 350 million $ price tag USAf should deploy F 16 to take on Russian Su T 50 in any events in future .Right ?
Or if Mig 29 or 21 was enough for Russians to take entire US jets in foreign airspace and Russian airspace why should they spend billions for fifth gen from their medium economy ?
If you dont have anything to refute or answrr this question.Dont spew your BS against us or LCA not again.
Anybody who talks sense and if that sense bursts the fake ego bubble of some keyboard chauvinists then the other person becomes a "false-flag".

I had to block quite a few trolls to avoid spamming. The LCA was conceptualised as a mig-21 replacement and it turned out to be good for that role, but not for the overall picture of IAF. As a point defence fighter the LCA is absolutely hopeless and cannot do what is being expected for it to do. It cannot fight F-16 and cannot fight chinese J-11 aka Sukhoi-27. So what exactly can it do?

Some wise-cracks even compare LCA to USAF jets and I can only laugh at their lack of intellect.
Are India and Pakistan currently at war? Time is not that critical then. Within 2-3 years both of these will be addressed to a large degree- fact.

Remind me again what fighter the PAF has that is even remotely comparable to the MKI?

75% of 200 (272, if not a bit more, by 2019) is a whole lot better than 100% of nothing.

Sir i've already stated that PAF can only Match LCA in the next decade. SU30MKIs can never be matched or touched. They are the 'good' untouchables.
And Mig 21 was also not there for 'overall picture of IAF'.Indians already see the overall picture of Mig 21 in Kargil.

Who the hell compare the LCA with US jets ?
Actually what is your problem Mr ?
You should answer my posts if you have guts .Comparison was between US jets and Russian jets ?(If you can inject that basic info in you hollow head)
If F 16 was enough for Pak FA and Su 47 what is the purpose of F 22 Raptor with a 350 million $ price tag USAf should deploy F 16 to take on Russian Su T 50 in any events in future .Right ?
Or if Mig 29 or 21 was enough for Russians to take entire US jets in foreign airspace and Russian airspace why should they spend billions for fifth gen from their medium economy ?
If you dont have anything to refute or answrr this question.Dont spew your BS against us or LCA not again.

Always taking about the future, to make up for the pathetic past and present.

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