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LCA Tejas Vs JF-17: Lack of Clarity on Participation of JF-17 cast doubts on Big fight

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Plz tell me, I beg You. What Does the 60% Include ?

I am not a cheif desginer of JF-17 project and neither related to aeronautical field to know "exactly" what that 60% comprise of. We go by what has been reported in media. And I am sure you go by media as well to know much "indigenous" your Tejas is?
:coffee:listen sir i am too lazy to type so i prefer to speak through already explained posts!!:lazy2: & lately speaking their is a difference in development & designing :close_tema: which defines the difference of knowledge as jf -17 is a design based product where as tejas is a development based procedural product now plz don't derail the topic by asking for the specifications of development in each criteria i find u enough capable to fix these problems for ur self !!:azn:
further taking into consideration ur so called optimistic claims :pleasantry: for our mk-2 i would say thank's :thank_you2:

Let me get this straight -- JFT is a "design based product" --- while LCA is "Development based procedural product" --- okay sir --- your valuable wikipedian insight --- while not being able to form a simple sentence without copy-paste, is much appreciated.

If Cut the Bias Which you are While Your Analysis
Its Simple To Understand that LCA Moved From Development Phase to Production Phase

Like I Said Its Early Phase Production.The Production Phase is Already Planned 4 aircraft This year Next Years 8 and From 2018 16-20 Aircraft
HAL Also Planned Separate Assembly Line For LCA Like I Posted Above With Private Partners Its Already in its Raps

HAL is Much Mature In Production Phase Its Has Produced More than 18 MKI Alone this Year Don't Other Upgrade which has Under HAL UPG,M2K,Jaguar Darin 3.

We All Know How production of JF-17 Was It goes Back 2007
Bias ?? -- I've shown you a link of your AIRCHIEF questioning the delivery time frame that has been floated ...

IAF chief Arup Raha Challenges HAL to deliver LCA-Tejas Mk1-A on time

You can hope though ... I mean its just amazing how the LCA Tejas will be produced ... by your own numbers ... IAF would be having around 12-15 LCA's by the end of 2017 ...

and here comes the tricky part ... what about MK-1A ... it's supposed to be different then the MK1 -- what about the different phases of integration & testing etc. that it has to go before it sees the light of day ... Supposedly IAF has reduced the original order of MK-1's from 40 to 20 by 2018 ... and MK1-A is supposed to be the one going in to production by 2018 ... the question now is ... what happens if the MK1-A ends up with a similar story of delays etc. as the MK1 ... and ends up having a 2 year delay ... what will IAF do then ?? produce more MK1's that don't even meet its ASR or wait for MK1-A's while its squadron strength keeps on decreasing ??
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I am not a cheif desginer of JF-17 project and neither related to aeronautical field to know "exactly" what that 60% comprise of. We go by what has been reported in media. And I am sure you go by media as well to know much "indigenous" your Tejas is?

Son, First lesson for Defence is : DONT LISTEN TO MEDIA ! Period.
Let me TELL YOU where do you get the 60% Stuff.

Its from PAC Kamra website, which claims, PAC makes 58% of JF17. "Makes" is the keyword here.
Huge Difference between "Make" and Design.

Example : Apples Makes 0% of IPhones, they are 100% "Made in China" !
Finally the day is getting close :D ...............

Tejas meme1.png
and here comes the tricky part ... what about MK-1A ... it's supposed to be different the MK1 -- what about the different phases of integration & testing etc
The Production of MK1A is Schedule To 2019 By them the Production Will be Matured to 16 Per year As Stated By HAL Chief Himself
Also It Has 2nd Assembly Line

Supposedly IAF has reduced the original order of MK-1's from 40 to 20 by 2018
MOD is Assured That Order Of Mk1 will Be of 40 Aircraft's Which 2 Squadrons
1st Squadrons is of Already Gone To Production which are of IOC-2 Configuration
2nd Squadron is of FOC Configuration

Here Is How Its Done
Ajai Shukla: A second Tejas assembly line | Business Standard Column

it's supposed to be different the MK1 -- what about the different phases of integration & testing etc.
Its Not Goes to Major Structural Changes Except Integration Of AESA And EW Pod
what will IAF do then ?? produce more MK1's that don't even meet its ASR or wait for MK1-A's while its squadron strength keeps on decreasing ??
IAF Cheif Already Stated That LCA Meet Its Current Requirements We Should Not Discuss It on this Matter Further Now
Tejas would meet our requirements: Indian Air Force chief | Business Standard News

As For Falling Number HAL is Adding 18 MKI EACH Year. We Will Have 2 Squadrons Of Rafale by then
Don't Take Care About Falling Numbers
BY 2019 IAF have 272 MKI ,108 Mig-29UPG/K,49 M2k,36 Rafale and 2 Squadrons of LCA
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Its been flying for past 7 years... But you would not know because Youtube has been banned in Pakistan for a long time now...

Here is some help.

Flaying as active Deployed IAF aircraft?
or as Prototype for acrobatic shows?

Flaying as active Deployed IAF aircraft?
or as Prototype for acrobatic shows?

So the definition of flying can be changed to suit your agenda.... Just so you know... IAF men are getting trained on LCA for past 3 years....
So the definition of flying can be changed to suit your agenda
Not agenda............... just the ''REALITY'' .................

Flying Prototypes time to time is one thing.

Deploying a fully OPERATIONAL aircraft is another thing (real thing).................. Tejas is still restricted to first level...........

IAF men are getting trained on LCA for past 3 years....
Training on aircraft? Or testing the aircraft?
Not agenda............... just the ''REALITY'' .................

Flying Prototypes time to time is one thing.

Deploying a fully OPERATIONAL aircraft is another thing (real thing).................. Tejas is still restricted to first level...........
3000 Plus Sorties ... without an incident is some achievement ...

Do you know that JF17 has had 2 reported crashes ...one in Pakistan and one in China... and who knows how many in china... Chinese media is not so open about reporting such incidents.
Do you know that JF17 has had 2 reported crashes ...one in Pakistan and one in China
We know about one.............. Second one may be............ but only Indian media know that classified stuff......... rest of the World Don't............8-)
3000 Plus Sorties ... without an incident is some achievement
Its like Scoring centuries in First Class and comparing it with that of International cricket............... get my point here......:azn:

come up with some thing better ............... when Tejas will become operational, get deploy in IAF then do tell me....... or may be I will tell you before..........
Show me the ''tail'' of those aircrafts............ Like Serial number and squadron name.......... it will tell a lot :azn:
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