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LCA Tejas Vs JF-17: Lack of Clarity on Participation of JF-17 cast doubts on Big fight

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Let Me Tell You the second largest air show in the world After Paris Air Show Is AERO India Itself.
In a joke it is zhuai dont u have eyes or ears AERO india only 8 jets perform
And here are some .... comments of Indian daydreamers.
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I think indian need some more injections bcz they are not feeling well over Lca is still not inducted after three decades.
so you are putting comments by general public who are just speaking out of patriotism.
well on this topic i've seen many pakistani on internet commenting how jf17 can destroy su30mki right of the sky.i guess they also need injection.:rofl::rofl:
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In a joke it is zhuai dont u have eyes or ears AERO india only 8 jets perform
And now we decide the scale of a Airshow by the number of Jets that did a flying display... and not by number of participants.. number of visitors...business transactions....what logic...
Pardon my ignorance, but Bahrain air show!! Really? Do they have such show there of any world recognition? JF-17 have participated and performed in shows like Farnborough, Paris, Shaghai , Dubai so on and so forth. Perhaps Bahrian is for rookies, a first step before moving on to bigger things? It will be step down for JF-17 to perform in rather unknown air show.
And now we decide the scale of a Airshow by the number of Jets that did a flying display... and not by number of participants.. number of visitors...business transactions....what logic...
Number is also Wrong Its 72 aircrafts
Pardon my ignorance, but Bahrain air show!! Really? Do they have such show there of any world recognition? JF-17 have participated and performed in shows like Farnborough, Paris, Shaghai , Dubai so on and so forth. Perhaps Bahrian is for rookies, a first step before moving on to bigger things? It will be step down for JF-17 to perform in rather unknown air show.
Dil ke khush rakhne ko ghalib yeh khayal achha hai...
History of LCA was For Development Phase which Now Its Shifted To Production Phase Since 2015 .HAL In Its Production Phase is Very Ahead And Its Known To All

The HAL in Talks With Private Firms Which in Final Phase To Set Separate Assembly Base for LCA Production
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, which manufactures the Light Combat Aircraft for the Air Force, plans to offload to industry larger chunks of the fighter plane to produce than is being done now.

It is working on a process to rope in eight to 12 large industry partners as tier-1 or tier-2 suppliers of bigger ‘modules’ or structures, according to HAL Chairman and Managing Director T. Suvarna Raju. He said an industry partner may gear up to the task over a couple of years.

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd seeks to lighten LCA burden - The Hindu

You See Unlike Pakistan, Indian Defense Industry is in Its Booming Phase With New DPP Its Bright Future Ahead For Us
Also We Will Plan To Procure More than 200 Fighters For Equipping Our Naval Air Arm Which Is A Separate Air-force Entity In Itself.

Just a few problems ...

-Oh goodness 200 jets here, 120 MK1A jets etc etc. Your living in 2025 ... as opposed to 2016... "IF" you don't miss the deadline this time, you will have around 4 production SP models of LCA in IAF by March, that's the same number of SQUADRONS we have serving right now in the PAF ..

- Now you say that since the LCA is moving in to production and all that ... the timelines will be met .. because the delays were in the R & D phase .... well ... last I checked there were nearly 33 short comings as per CAG that the next version of LCA is supposed to address ..... that's another daunting task ... but I don't need to tell you that ... you have people in your own midst playing the same music ...

Indian Air Force chief Arup Raha Speaking to media asked State-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to deliver as promised on LCA-Tejas Mk1-A on time and as per agreed Quality standards.

Defense analyst warns that Chief Raha is right to be skeptical on HAL due to its past record of missing delivery schedules of LCA-Tejas Program. IAF has been urging HAL to Start delivering 16 aircrafts from 2017 onwards for which HAL argued for more order of the Same platform and agreed to develop Mk1-A to overcome shortfalls found in MK-1 aircrafts.
IAF chief Arup Raha Challenges HAL to deliver LCA-Tejas Mk1-A on time

You see, unlike India -- Pakistan already has a solution set in place and add to that the production is set to grow -- while India is still "planning" to undertake such and such steps as solutions to the problems they are facing ...

:coffee:Fourth-generation jet fighter is a general classification of jet fighters in service from approximately 1980 to the present, and represent design concepts of the 1970s. Fourth-generation designs are heavily influenced by lessons learned from the previous generation of combat aircraft. Long-range air-to-air missiles, originally thought to make dogfighting obsolete, proved less influential than expected, precipitating a renewed emphasis on maneuverability. Meanwhile, the growing costs of military aircraft in general and the demonstrated success of aircraft such as the F-4 Phantom II gave rise to the popularity ofMultirole combat aircraft in parallel with the advances marking the so-called fourth generation.

During the period in question, maneuverability was enhanced by relaxed static stability, made possible by introduction of thefly-by-wire (FBW) flight control system (FLCS), which in turn was possible due to advances in digital computers and system integration techniques. Analog avionics, required to enable FBW operations, became a fundamental requirement and began to be replaced by digital flight control systems in the latter half of the 1980s.[1]

The further advance of microcomputers in the 1980s and 1990s permitted rapid upgrades to the avionics over the lifetimes of these fighters, incorporating system upgrades such as active electronically scanned array (AESA), digital avionics buses and Infra-red search and track (IRST).
Due to the dramatic enhancement of capabilities in these upgraded fighters and in new designs of the 1990s that reflected these new capabilities, the US Government has taken to using the designation 4.5 generation to refer to these later designs. This is intended to reflect a class of fighters that are evolutionary upgrades of the 4th generation incorporating integrated avionics suites, advanced weapons efforts to make the (mostly) conventionally designed aircraft nonetheless less easily detectable, and trackable as a response to advancing missile and radar technology (see stealth technology).[2][3] Inherent airframe design features exist, and include masking of turbine-blades and application of advanced sometimes radar-absorbent materials, but not the distinctive low-observable configurations of the latest aircraft, referred to as fifth-generation fighters or aircraft such as the F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning II.:disagree::agree:

What a knowledgeable post sir --- considering the entire input of yours was the smileys --- :D and I just love how we're having MK-2 in the comparison charts where the projected dates from the delivery of MK-II as per "the plan" have been moved back to 2022 and these are "optimistic claims" considering .... how the tejas has stuck to meeting the deadlines and whatnot .... :dance3:
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Why would Indian public think that Tejas participation is an auto summon to JF-17? Bahraini management did invite PAF which is nice of them. It would have given their show a boost. After all, JF -17's performance in Paris was nothing short of spectacular. But an invitation is NOT a binding obligation. We may have chosen some other venue or may be we don't want to overdo our marketing. Perhaps PAF is busy in something or they just want display team to have some rest. Maybe the government did not allocate funds to support participation or perhaps PAF wants to showcase Block-II in the next show. There could be million reasons. You really don't need to be at the same place for comparison in today's world. We have videos of JF-17 and we will have videos of Tejas. I bet youtube will be filled with all sorts of comparison videos within 24 hrs. Shall we postpone our silly arguments till then?


While Two of India’s homegrown LCA-Tejas fighter jet have been busy practicing for the Bahrain airshow at its first International outing, participation of Sino-Pak developed JF-17 are yet to be confirmed by Organizers while informed sources in Pakistan Air Force have informed few Pakistani Defence Portals that due to prior commitments, JF-17 might skip this year’s Bahrain International Air Show which begins today.

Organizers of Bahrain International Airshow have been trying hard to confirm the participation of JF-17 operated by PAF for some time now and had already allocated parking space bay next to Indian LCA-Tejas which fuelled much-anticipated showdown between fighters developed by Arch rivals which will see the bulk of Aerial action if India and Pakistan ever go to war again.

Pakistan Air Force operated JF-17 have been quite regular at Bahrain International Airshow and have thrilled audiences with its Aerobatic manoeuvres in last three edition of the Airshow but a No show when India is sending its LCA-Tejas to Bahrain International Airshow for the first time will only fuel arguments in defence forums of been given Indian LCA-Tejas a walkover by its Rival.

Responding to Question been asked about the participation of JF-17 in Bahrain Airshow, the official Twitter handle of Bahrain International Airshow till now only confirmed Static Display of JF-17 which means it won’t be flying, which will disappoint many International Aeronautic observers and Analyst to closely observe both planes to settle decade-old dispute between rivals on who has developed a superior plane.

LCA-Tejas recently received major upgrade to its software blocks which allowed it to pull beyond 8Gs and cleared it to perform manoeuvres which were never seen before. LCA-Tejas after coming back will also test fire Derby BVRAAM missiles which is one of the key requirements in its FOC Certification.

LCA Tejas Vs JF-17: Lack of Clarity on Participation of JF-17 cast doubts on Big fight
Why wasting time on comparison . Pakistan already successfully did early testing of Block 3 and fully market the plane. India still in testing phase . First time after so many years taking it to air show.
Struck a nerve did I ?? :D no one claims JFT is a 5th generation platform, although I do remember certain claims have been made for LCA as a "4.5 gen platform" only for the former IAF air chief to brand it as a "mig-21 ++" ... saying that "presently its not a 4th generation platform" ... so instead of giving us the rant about 'aircraft generation' etc. might as well start from the hometown ...

As far as the twin seater goes ... wow what an accomplishment by the LCA team ... reality check ... we have more squadrons of JF-17's serving in PAF today, then your supposed to have in 2018--- and that too "provided everything goes according to plan" --- which clearly has ... considering history of the LCA project.... :azn:

Struck a nerve? Nonono maybe in 2005 you would have now you all are just annoying.
"Former air chief?" You are stuck in 2010, go out and get your current events on. Our PSUs since 2010 have rolled out 9 LCAs with subsytems better than the current JF-17s. FACT.
We just don't like to induct something half baked with such minimum modern standards like the JF-17.

Twin seater is not such a big accomplishment really, it only goes to prove that JF-17 is a haphazard plane inducted in a lackadaisical fashion or vice versa. LOL the numbers you boast of is due to PAF having no choice but to induct a half-baked fighter like JF-17 coz you can't buy costlier planes.
Rafale's inception was sometime around the 70s and was officially inducted in 2004 and they had previous knowhow of fighter planes, but then again for you people it took less than a decade so JF-17 must be superior.

And really, don't worry about the time 5 years ago every Pakistani was saying Tejas wouldn't see the light of day before 2020 and now the years just keeps decreasing in every reposte.

You know I used to watch your videos its so refreshing to see you haven't lost your myopic bias.
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Some Pakistanis are real proud of their Chinese plane. Man let us jump around and show some pride for our Su 30MKIs too!

We cant compare the LCA with anything the Pakistanis have. First they must build a scooter engine, forget about a airplane.

Well we can make Scooter Engine Alhamdulillah... the Real problem is Money Gov doesn't Invest in R&D

Now let me look at Tejas India has Money and Scientist etc etc why doesn't you make Engine of Tejas in India?? Now you can call this Jet SHUDH HINDUSTANI SWADESI HALKA LARAKA TAYARAH??

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