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LCA Tejas Vs JF-17: Lack of Clarity on Participation of JF-17 cast doubts on Big fight

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The fact is that JF-17 is in pursuit of export orders and BIAS is not the kind of airshow where potential buyers are there. Just compare the worth of deals of BIAS and near by Dubai Air Show (m not at all considering it worthy comparing it with Farnborough or Paris Air Show). May be it would be good for White body aircraft but for military it is basically just performing aerobatics and thats it. Wake me up when LCA gets a single order during this airshow. Plz keep the usual comments in media about IMMENSE INTEREST SHOWN IN TEJAS BY CROWD. GCC is full of NRIs and they would be dying to have a glimpse of their mighty Tejas. Thanks but No Thanks.
why are we indians celebrating so much over an air show i will open the bubbly when tejas gets FOC and an AESA radar .
why are we indians celebrating so much over an air show i will open the bubbly when tejas gets FOC and an AESA radar .
Dude.. its called Hard Selling.... India Airforce needs to feel the pressure that they need a very strong reason to reject LCA...mere "I feel" and "I believe" will not be good enough... IAF has to stop behaving like a customer and behave like an owner...
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The fact is that JF-17 is in pursuit of export orders and BIAS is not the kind of airshow where potential buyers are there. Just compare the worth of deals of BIAS and near by Dubai Air Show (m not at all considering it worthy comparing it with Farnborough or Paris Air Show). May be it would be good for White body aircraft but for military it is basically just performing aerobatics and thats it. Wake me up when LCA gets a single order during this airshow. Plz keep the usual comments in media about IMMENSE INTEREST SHOWN IN TEJAS BY CROWD. GCC is full of NRIs and they would be dying to have a glimpse of their mighty Tejas. Thanks but No Thanks.

Well said. There is no point participating in two airshows' in the same region in the same year. When you want to target potential orders, Dubai is the place to be not Bahrain.
Pakistan Air Force operated JF-17 have been quite regular at Bahrain International Airshow and have thrilled audiences with its Aerobatic manoeuvres in last three edition of the Airshow but a No show when India is sending its LCA-Tejas to Bahrain International Airshow for the first time will only fuel arguments in defence forums of been given Indian LCA-Tejas a walkover by its Rival.
LCA Tejas Vs JF-17: Lack of Clarity on Participation of JF-17 cast doubts on Big fight

who wrote this article?

Cant find JF-17 in BIAS 2012 list.
Airshows 2012 - Bahrain International Airshow - Review - Flightline UK

Cant find JF-17 in BIAS 2014 list.
Airshow Review – Bahrain International Airshow 2014 | GAR
so finally indian Tejas after 3 decades of development will be part of a air show :lol:
or, This is what is stuck in your throat and not able to spit out coz of patriotism. Anyhow, i still respect your sentiments.:coffee:

Your exactly right ... how in the blue hell is JF-17 going to outperform the "composite airfram'd" Tejas ... :D:rofl:

By the way this supposed big fight was already happening in the Indian media where several articles were comparing JF-17 with LCA showing us how superior the great teja bhai is ...
this alone has prooved that LCA ThEjas is T0000000000 Advanced the sight of it make the JF-17 run away.
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