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Lca Tejas SP1 - SP10 in pictures

Now, Rahul meets a leading defense manufacturer in USA... deal struck... He start questioning the Rafale deal knowing that government cannot disclose the details as it is not in NATIONAL INTEREST... still acted like political HITMAN...
NEW procurement process slowed down...

NOW, everything (in case of 110 jets and further development of Tejas) depends upon 2019 elections... If congress makes the goverment, it will be F-18 or F-16 (very minuscule chance)... IF BJP wins, EF or Rafale, whichever provide best deal and TOT... F-18 won't win untill we receive some 5th gen tech along with it...
This is the new theory being pushed by the usual suspect channels.

Let's all conveniently forget then that the SEF tender (in order to pick F16) was planned before any of this Rafale controversy and that it's only because of the Oppostion raking up this issue that Rafale is back in contention for MMRCA 2.0. They didn't want one more controversy and scrapped the SEF.

If the current govt had its way, Lockheed would already be counting the money.
This is the new theory being pushed by the usual suspect channels.

Let's all conveniently forget then that the SEF tender (in order to pick F16) was planned before any of this Rafale controversy and that it's only because of the Oppostion raking up this issue that Rafale is back in contention for MMRCA 2.0. They didn't want one more controversy and scrapped the SEF.

If the current govt had its way, Lockheed would already be counting the money.

LM was never getting that MONEY... It was made to look like we now want SEF as operating a dual engine jet will be expensive...

The Rafale controversy gained momentum only after GOI's decision to float a tender to avoid single vendor situation... why?

The only change is that the procurement process has been slowed down and no jet would be selected till 2019 elections...

And most of the things I'm saying are not based on news reports...
Tejas is good but cost is too high they say MK1A will cost 463 crores per plane .... which is almost equivalent to su - 30.....

Local production cost should be always at higher side as it will be reinvested locally instead paid to some one as commission.

Do you personally knows Niramala Sitharaman :)

In December, she asked IAF chief 1 reason to keep flying MiG-21 and ignoring Tejas... and IAF chief was looking here and there...

HAL is preparing answer for that... we need to wait till than... it is really hard to believe that cost...

HAL has working on various R&D works which are not in the preview of GoI and to fund them it will have to keep premium price for its top end/selling products, i don't see anything missing here Eg. as for as Tejas concerned ADA offer to produce Tejas Mk1 and it was HAL offered to upgrade Tejas to Mk1A with inhouse R&D.

The cost is too high to believe but it was reported by many news houses ..... seems another attempt to halt the progress of the plane ..... development of this plane will led to lose of business to many foreign countries...... and scope of bribe for future govts.....

Do you know how much these news houses charge for adds in their prime time ? ever anybody questions them on the rational of this irrational pricing ?

It is matter of time that foreign countries will stop putting hurdle in the way. Its not about halting progress instead it is all about commission, who gets how much is halting the progress and it will take time, once cleared new production line with churn out Tejas in good pace.

There was a lobby to import Metro Coaches & parts from abroad what happened to it now ? are not they operating inside India ?
India was getting ripped off my Russia is on everything from naval warship to tanks with massive bills for spares and maintenance .

Europeans don't give Tech iSharing and charge good plated prices and sanction you St a drop of a hat.

We have to go Indengious to future safe guard our security

Our navy builds awesome warships and we have good nuclear missle .capability .

Now it's the turn of our air force.

I want to see 125 tejas by 2027 and another order for 36 more rafales asap
Tejas is good but cost is too high they say MK1A will cost 463 crores per plane .... which is almost equivalent to su - 30.....
Of course tejas mk-1a avionics will be far more advanced than su-30mki so price is justified. Though thats the price HAL quoted not the final price.
Of course tejas mk-1a avionics will be far more advanced than su-30mki so price is justified. Though thats the price HAL quoted not the final price.

Not to mention the LOWEST RCS
Most advanced Flybewire composite airframe
lowest maintenance cost and flight cost
This thread should be moved to stupid&funny section.
@KapitaanAli @Storm Force

Look bro, we have a news on what I was saying... F-16 procurement was a hoax... nothing else... they will buy 100+ EF or Rafale... and technological know how would be used to make MK2 more deadly... If Modi G comes into power in 2019, you will see that the deal would be signed by the end of the year or very early in 2020... They want to start the production if MK2 by 2022/23... currently they have 7 or 8 CAD models (may be more) and most of them are designed by keeping Kaveri Engine in mind...

2019 elections are very crucial for India... there are several powers who are rattled by the push for domestic production...

Also, take note of MAY in following headline

Indian Air Force May Induct Over 200 Indigenous Tejas Mark-II Fighters With More Powerful Weapons, Radar


@KapitaanAli @Storm Force

Look bro, we have a news on what I was saying... F-16 procurement was a hoax... nothing else... they will buy 100+ EF or Rafale... and technological know how would be used to make MK2 more deadly... If Modi G comes into power in 2019, you will see that the deal would be signed by the end of the year or very early in 2020... They want to start the production if MK2 by 2022/23... currently they have 7 or 8 CAD models (may be more) and most of them are designed by keeping Kaveri Engine in mind...

2019 elections are very crucial for India... there are several powers who are rattled by the push for domestic production...

Also, take note of MAY in following headline

Indian Air Force May Induct Over 200 Indigenous Tejas Mark-II Fighters With More Powerful Weapons, Radar

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View attachment 498828
This is of course great news. But the SEF tender was in no way a hoax. It was fully official. The path to Mk2 was cleared only once it was dead.

EF is a no go. It'll either be Rafale or F16. F16 thanks to the cost clause.

They should just buy 36 more Rafale without competition and then let Su35 win the competition provided Russia signs a favourable maintenance contract. 100 Su35, 72 Rafale, 200 Mk2. The best affordable and effective path imo.

I fear that 36 more Rafale will be bought as a bribe for letting F16 win. IAF has already chosen the winner. It's Rafale. So the decision will be in MoD.
This is of course great news. But the SEF tender was in no way a hoax. It was fully official. The path to Mk2 was cleared only once it was dead.

EF is a no go. It'll either be Rafale or F16. F16 thanks to the cost clause.

They should just buy 36 more Rafale without competition and then let Su35 win the competition provided Russia signs a favourable maintenance contract. 100 Su35, 72 Rafale, 200 Mk2. The best affordable and effective path imo.

I fear that 36 more Rafale will be bought as a bribe for letting F16 win. IAF has already chosen the winner. It's Rafale. So the decision will be in MoD.

Let us both agree to disagree on SEF hoax...

RAFALE & EF are to only two jets currently in race... the winner would be decided on two major factors...
1. Level of TOT
2. Price
Rafale had a little edge due to 36 already ordered jets and M-88 (bcos of Kaveri engine)
Rafale deal was almost there to be signed but unthinkable offer in terms of TOT and price from EF changed the entire scenario... Representatives of UK and Germany even mentioned to include India as 5th partner(a verbal offer while re-pitching)...

Initially, I also thought that F16 is a done deal but someone just cleared the clouds on F-16, SH, GRIPPEN and Su-35...

Although off topic, but wait till December... if everything goes as per plan, a big announcement on Arjun Tank (<50 ton, might be mk2) will also come... you might find Army doing user trails in 2019...
This is of course great news. But the SEF tender was in no way a hoax. It was fully official. The path to Mk2 was cleared only once it was dead.

EF is a no go. It'll either be Rafale or F16. F16 thanks to the cost clause.

They should just buy 36 more Rafale without competition and then let Su35 win the competition provided Russia signs a favourable maintenance contract. 100 Su35, 72 Rafale, 200 Mk2. The best affordable and effective path imo.

I fear that 36 more Rafale will be bought as a bribe for letting F16 win. IAF has already chosen the winner. It's Rafale. So the decision will be in MoD.

Mark my word there will not only 36 more Rafael's instead it will be 126 Rafael's unless US scuttle it with sweetest offer of F-35s.

unless IAF not wish to procure more Su-30MKIs i believe 40 nos Su-35s are might be brought.
My understanding is the air chefs want more rafales. They love the plane

They will then happily come-on board for mark two tejas and the initial one a .

I still expect a order for pak fa of three squadrons to replace mig 29.in 2025/2027

Tejas one will replace bison mig21,by 2027
Tejas two will replace jags and mirages starting 2030
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