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LCA Tejas Reveals More Indigenous Features !

SAAB J-37 Viggen ........... lca Tejas
View attachment 774057

Cut back the rear section of the Swedish SAAB J-37 Viggen and add the Frontal of Mirage-2000 and you have the INDIGENIOUS LCA Tejas in all it's glory.

View attachment 774058
I work with Indians. I know they are knowledgeable. They are good businessmen. But when it comes to creativity, they prefer to copy. And this disease I have seen Indians from all corners of India.
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front view of the f-16 xl.
I low key want Jeff to evolve into something like this
A borderline operational aircraft, with hardly a squadron after more than 30 years of R&D, still in development.

Just read your own post again and try to understand how stupid you sound.
Every jet design takes decades. Given this one is the first modern jet, without proper funding this sure as well take 30 years. It is a normal frame for any nation again, this is not designing cars.

Given all you could make out from the thread is that 30 yrs R&D barely flying tell me who exactly sound stupid😂 Jog on man.... Instead of wasting others time by making a post for the purpose of just making a post when you don't have a coherent and intelligent reply.
Every jet design takes decades. Given this one is the first modern jet, without proper funding this sure as well take 30 years. It is a normal frame for any nation again, this is not designing cars.

Given all you could make out from the thread is that 30 yrs R&D barely flying tell me who exactly sound stupid😂 Jog on man.... Instead of wasting others time by making a post for the purpose of just making a post when you don't have a coherent and intelligent reply.
At less time period USA develop ànd induct f-22 1980 to 2005 , is your out of this universe vedic MAHAN junk samosa Tejas is better than f-22 lol, now you jog on, you're the only underage troll and nothing else
At less time period USA develop ànd induct f-22 1980 to 2005 , is your out of this universe vedic MAHAN junk samosa Tejas is better than f-22 lol, now you jog on, you're the only underage troll and nothing else
Lol! Did I touch a raw nerve or something? Your posts are getting insane...
Every jet design takes decades. Given this one is the first modern jet, without proper funding this sure as well take 30 years. It is a normal frame for any nation again, this is not designing cars.

Given all you could make out from the thread is that 30 yrs R&D barely flying tell me who exactly sound stupid😂 Jog on man.... Instead of wasting others time by making a post for the purpose of just making a post when you don't have a coherent and intelligent reply.
30 Years R&D and produces only a borrowed designed air frame..... :lol:

Locally produced engines project failed....
Locally produced radar system failed......
Many other failed things...

Having more than 64 to 70% foreign imported system.....

What a tragedy I must say.....:lol:
Every jet design takes decades. Given this one is the first modern jet, without proper funding this sure as well take 30 years. It is a normal frame for any nation again, this is not designing cars.

Given all you could make out from the thread is that 30 yrs R&D barely flying tell me who exactly sound stupid😂 Jog on man.... Instead of wasting others time by making a post for the purpose of just making a post when you don't have a coherent and intelligent reply.
So what’s the purpose of the whole exercise? Have an operational jet fighter in large numbers at a reasonable cost to replace obsolete aircraft or simply design an aircraft for the sake of designing one.

The original purpose of the Tejas was to replace large number of Mig 21 and 27s in IAF inventory. Was that purpose achieved? BTW I stand corrected, it has been in development for 40 years not 30.
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Damn, and I thought Tejas will reveal an Indigenous Toilet seat in the aircraft. I am very disappointed.
If it can fly and serve the purpose then thats all matters. Why to renvent the wheel when you can copy and save yourself from copy rights.

In a business, one should focus on sale (either by copying or slight modification), in research, one should come up with unique solution.

Pak copied/revers engineered tomahawk or whatever. IDK what is our stance on that, but if India has copied then either dodge the Q or say it. However, then don't say it is indigenous design.
I think this thread is pretty stupid really.

firstly, the issue with timelines is pretty moot, there’s a lot of red rape in India, to add to this, requirements and funding changes. There’s also issues with supplier and customer, these were resolved though of course.

aside from this, the task was mammoth really, and India did a pretty good job with the technical aspects of the aircraft. It’s a great little plane and a capable one at that too, the issues stems, once again, from Indian politics and the customer.

Comparisons with the US is pretty moot, the US has bucketloads of experience, India does not.

The euro fighter typhoons AESA has been in development longer than the F35 has been, does this mean that the Iranian engineers who pumped our AESA‘s sooner than the euro’s did made a better product? Does this mean the KLJ-7A is better?

it’s very obvious that alot of the people who shit on the Tejas, typically aren’t actually aware about the history of the aircraft, or even the aircraft in its current form, rather, rely on propaganda to feed them delusions.

Once again, this does not take away from the issues brought up, such as major fcs faults that were resolved years later, or the lack of orders, however, the latter is hardly an issue with the aircraft, but rather, the customer.
Yeah yeah like your minister and politicians claiming India invented internet, cell phone 📱 in ancient Vedic era 😂😂😂

Oh I forget you built VENAMAS (UFO) 7000 years ago in your Vedic civilization so why you guys building fighter jet which is crap for ancient Vedic time go guys develop VENAMAS BECAUSE YOU'RE HYPER POWER OF THE UNIVERSE 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
What is Venamas???
The narrative put up by chhatrapati is a typical Gobar Parsad rant to salvage some bruised ego...or as they say in our part of the world....Chor Machaye Shor.
It's no secret that it took all major players around the globe for Bharti Basanti to get induced with Tejas.
Once all was presented on a platter, there's no question who just did the nuts and bolts and did the paint job....the only thing indigenous on Tejas were only the Indian Coconuts and Lemons to bless it.

What actually happened between 1983 and 2000? First, let us take the promise of indigenous development. In 1986 an agreement was quietly signed with the United States that permitted DRDO to work with four US Air force laboratories. The to-be-indigenously-developed engine for the LCA -- Kaveri -- was forgotten and the US made General Electric F-404 engine was substituted. Radar was sourced from Erricson Ferranti, carbon-fibre composite panels for wings from Alenia and fly-by-wire controls from Lockheed Martin. Design help was sought from British Aerospace, Avion Marcel Dassault and Deutsche Aerospace. Wind tunnel testing was done in the US, Russia and France. As for armaments -- missiles, guns, rockets and bombs -- every last item was to be imported.
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