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@niaz Sir can you please share your view the possible implications here?

What I understand (which could be wrong) cementing is done to tackle high-pressure risk ... Last time equipment got damaged due to high pressure at 5000 meters ,, this time they are working relatively carefully so it will slow down the process but will be done with relative ease

Since my expertize is oil refining and posts no. 127 by Hon. Balixd, no. 134 by Hon. Monitor & no. 137 by Hon. Clutch have already elucidated the technical aspects; I unashamedly admit that I have little to add.

I am not comfortable with the statements made by the journalist, as in the video (post 139) by the Hon. AZ-1, primarily because it is the job of the media to sensationalize and also because the journalists have little knowledge of oil exploration. IMO, the comments made by people in the oil industry as the one posted by Hon Adnanpindi (post 105) is closer to the mark. However, conflicting news such some say that the drilling ship has already left, others say that drilling is still going on has got me confused.

I have no reason to doubt the assertion made by Hon. Clutch that the drilling vessel left on March 1, 2019. In my experience; the drilling vessel would not normally depart the location until the drilling process is complete or is suspended for a long time because the adverse sea conditions make it impossible to continue drilling. It is also surprising that drilling was complete more than 6 weeks ago and thus far there has been no announcement by Exxon/ENI and or by the Pakistani partners about whether or not hydrocarbon deposits were discovered.

Good news normally travels fast. Therefore, in case no official statement is released by drilling companies / GOP by the end of April 2019, one should assume the worst.
Drilling at Kekra-1 under second side tracking halted

  • The drilling at Kekra-1 well in the country’s ultra-deep sea is facing the major threat of tide season
  • It may mar the whole spudding process
  • The drilling was initiated with 19 percent probabilities which according to the experts get reduced when side tracking starts taking place


ISLAMABAD: The ongoing drilling by Mobile Exxon with ENI as operator at Kekra-1 well in the country’s ultra-deep sea is facing the major threat of tide season which may mar the whole spudding process, as currently the second side tracking at the depth of 4,810 meters got stalled on April 8 and at this point cementing is being done.

Although this is not a good sign, but the cementation process of drilling will now be very slow, a relevant official told The News. The drilling was initiated with 19 percent probabilities which according to the experts get reduced when side tracking starts taking place. In Kekra-1 well case, second side tracking was underway. Officials said the when side tracking process is initiated, this means that first plan of drilling was not well worked out.

It is interesting to note that earlier when at Kekra well vertical drilling reached at depth of 4,799 meters on February 21, a high pressure was felt causing huge mud loss and because of unsafe operation the well was plugged by March 23. Then the first side tracking started and when it reached down to 3,100 meters, it again met failure which is why the hole was also blocked. After that second side tracking began.

According to experts, the side tracking means that the first plan to drill the well was not well thought out and worked out.

Under the new timeline, the drilling under second tracking is to go down up to 5,460 meters deep by April end and Pakistan top leadership, Prime Minister Imran Khan and his some cabinet members, are pinning high hopes on drilling for major oil and gas discovery, but under new scenario, the relevant official said the drilling process may further drag up to May because of ongoing cementation that has slowed down the drilling. But in May, tide season sets in which will be very harmful to drilling process.

Another top official confirmed to The News that the drilling got stopped at 4,810 meter depth and the status has changed from second side tracking to cementing.

However, GA Sabri, an expert of oil and gas exploration, who has also been secretary petroleum, also came up with cautious observation on the new development, saying that cementation which may continue for couple of days has stalled the drilling and after cementing process is completed, the drilling will start, but it will get slowed down.

He said the drilling need to go more deep by 700-800 meters, but the delay on account of cementation, spudding process may enter in the month of May which will be detrimental as in this month seas turns very rough.

Sabri also opined that because of changes in climate, tides season may hit earlier. Amid the rough sea, it will be harder for the operator to keep the drilling ship standing in the sea. The modern facilities have enabled the rig operators to continue work but again it depends upon the intensity of the tides. He said that it is the same depth when Total, a French company, abandoned drilling in 2004 here in G Bloc.

Exxon Mobile, OGDCL and Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) are the sleeping partners of the joint venture. The spud drilling activities at Kekra-1 well was kicked off with $75-80 million by joint venture with 25 percent share each. Once the drilling turns a success story, then it will take five to six years to bring the oil and gas in the system of Pakistan. The gas price will not be less than over $10 per mmbtu as under current petroleum policy, the well head price in ultra-deep sea stands at $9 per mmbtu and when it reaches the system, after huge investment of $300 million, its cost will be even more than $10 per mmbtu.
The News. The drilling was initiated with 19 percent probabilities which according to the experts get reduced when side tracking starts taking place.

Can. Any one explain how?

To me it seems factually incorrect ..

How would drilling technique effect the presence or absence of oil in a field..

If its as large as they expect . They will drill uowards downwards sideways oblique till they reach desired depth...

U dont abandon 100 million USD well just cause you encountered aoft or hard earth
Oil Drilling Suspended In Arabian Sea Due To Technical Fault
The drilling of oil in Kekra block of Arabian Sea has been stopped due to technical fault.

Media reports said that the technical fault occurred during drilling.

The drilling for oil discovery is reported to have been temporarily suspended due to possible technical fault in the drilling rods, Drilling at Kekra-I reached 5000 meters depth. Work stopped for two days due to fault in Bit York Rod.

Media reports said it might take a few days to fix the technical fault. The drilling work will be resumed after the fault is removed.

Courtesy Urdu point/GNN
Oil Drilling Suspended In Arabian Sea Due To Technical Fault
The drilling of oil in Kekra block of Arabian Sea has been stopped due to technical fault.

Media reports said that the technical fault occurred during drilling.

The drilling for oil discovery is reported to have been temporarily suspended due to possible technical fault in the drilling rods, Drilling at Kekra-I reached 5000 meters depth. Work stopped for two days due to fault in Bit York Rod.

Media reports said it might take a few days to fix the technical fault. The drilling work will be resumed after the fault is removed.

Courtesy Urdu point/GNN
Old news. Not true. The drillship left end of March.
Old news. Not true. The drillship left end of March.
Ok What's the current location of the drilling ship? I tried your link and tried to find its current location but its asking 36 USD for full membership Lolz.
Ok What's the current location of the drilling ship? I tried your link and tried to find its current location but its asking 36 USD for full membership Lolz.
you should be able to see a live map for free for the coordinates. There are only develop ships there now.

The story doesn't make sense because Eni confirmed finding hydrocarbons in March for the target zone. Once you have drilled to you target zone in March does it make sense that they are still drilling in April to reach the zone/formation?
Wait for ExxonMobil statement. We still don't know the reserves estimates yet.
Sir G, IMO ExxonMobil will first share the real information with US government and then upon advise (any modifications in information) from US government will share with GOP. What's your opinion?
Sir G, IMO ExxonMobil will first share the real information with US government and then upon advise (any modifications in information) from US government will share with GOP. What's your opinion?

That is not how it works. ExxonMobil is one of number of parties that has interest in the lease. They cannot keep confidential certain information from the other partners and invested stakeholders.
Joint-venture partners ExxonMobil, Oil and Gas Development Company and Pakistan Petroleum Limited.

That is not how it works.

Ok What's the current location of the drilling ship? I tried your link and tried to find its current location but its asking 36 USD for full membership Lolz.

You have to pay for the latest GPS location of the Saipem 12000. However, the live map with the coordinates is free.
Seems like every day a new media house comes up with fake news of the oil drilling when the map clearly shows the drill ship has left the location. Goes to show that these media houses are more loyal to anti-Pak forces and do not want us to prosper.
Is it possible that the oil theft will be done in case the corrupt rulers return again or as the well is 250+km from shore, Exxon-Mobil can load the oil in US tanker ships and carry out theft even in presence of IK Govt.?

I suspect such things in case of large Chagi Gold-Copper mines. Otherwise how a country like Pakistan with so huge manpower suffering economically and IK visiting friendly countries for loan.

Is there a way out to bring these corruption practices to zero by severe punishment and even death penalty if allowed by Islamic Sharia?
A lot of fake news in the world. Oil discoveries are speculative gambles. Let's wait for the official statements. Don't get to high or low. Focus on the other unfinished energy tasks our nation has.
Is it possible that the oil theft will be done in case the corrupt rulers return again or as the well is 250+km from shore, Exxon-Mobil can load the oil in US tanker ships and carry out theft even in presence of IK Govt.?

I suspect such things in case of large Chagi Gold-Copper mines. Otherwise how a country like Pakistan with so huge manpower suffering economically and IK visiting friendly countries for loan.

Is there a way out to bring these corruption practices to zero by severe punishment and even death penalty if allowed by Islamic Sharia?

Exxon Mobil is not working on the well alone. They have ENI (Italian), OGDCL (Pak org) and Pak Petroleum Limited (Pak governmental org). They cannot just start stealing without the other partners knowing. Even if they bribe or payoff the other partners to stay mum, such things always get leaked. Why would a global organization risk being blacklisted and not get ANY future contracts from ANY country?
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