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Latest news about Oil Gas possible discovery

@niaz Sir can you please share your view the possible implications here?

What I understand (which could be wrong) cementing is done to tackle high-pressure risk ... Last time equipment got damaged due to high pressure at 5000 meters ,, this time they are working relatively carefully so it will slow down the process but will be done with relative ease
ISLAMABAD: The ongoing drilling by Mobile Exxon with ENI as operator at Kekra-1 well in the country’s ultra-deep sea is facing the major threat of tide season which may mar the whole spudding process, as currently the second side tracking at the depth of 4,810 meters got stalled on April 8 and at this point cementing is being done.

Although this is not a good sign, but the cementation process of drilling will now be very slow, a relevant official told The News. The drilling was initiated with 19 percent probabilities which according to the experts get reduced when side tracking starts taking place. In Kekra-1 well case, second side tracking was underway. Officials said the when side tracking process is initiated, this means that first plan of drilling was not well worked out.

It is interesting to note that earlier when at Kekra well vertical drilling reached at depth of 4,799 meters on February 21, a high pressure was felt causing huge mud loss and because of unsafe operation the well was plugged by March 23. Then the first side tracking started and when it reached down to 3,100 meters, it again met failure which is why the hole was also blocked. After that second side tracking began.

According to experts, the side tracking means that the first plan to drill the well was not well thought out and worked out.

Under the new timeline, the drilling under second tracking is to go down up to 5,460 meters deep by April end and Pakistan top leadership, Prime Minister Imran Khan and his some cabinet members, are pinning high hopes on drilling for major oil and gas discovery, but under new scenario, the relevant official said the drilling process may further drag up to May because of ongoing cementation that has slowed down the drilling. But in May, tide season sets in which will be very harmful to drilling process.

Another top official confirmed to The News that the drilling got stopped at 4,810 meter depth and the status has changed from second side tracking to cementing.

However, GA Sabri, an expert of oil and gas exploration, who has also been secretary petroleum, also came up with cautious observation on the new development, saying that cementation which may continue for couple of days has stalled the drilling and after cementing process is completed, the drilling will start, but it will get slowed down.

He said the drilling need to go more deep by 700-800 meters, but the delay on account of cementation, spudding process may enter in the month of May which will be detrimental as in this month seas turns very rough.

Sabri also opined that because of changes in climate, tides season may hit earlier. Amid the rough sea, it will be harder for the operator to keep the drilling ship standing in the sea. The modern facilities have enabled the rig operators to continue work but again it depends upon the intensity of the tides. He said that it is the same depth when Total, a French company, abandoned drilling in 2004 here in G Bloc.

Exxon Mobile, OGDCL and Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) are the sleeping partners of the joint venture. The spud drilling activities at Kekra-1 well was kicked off with $75-80 million by joint venture with 25 percent share each. Once the drilling turns a success story, then it will take five to six years to bring the oil and gas in the system of Pakistan. The gas price will not be less than over $10 per mmbtu as under current petroleum policy, the well head price in ultra-deep sea stands at $9 per mmbtu and when it reaches the system, after huge investment of $300 million, its cost will be even more than $10 per mmbtu.

what a poorly authored news article.....The News should have not bothered with giving in the Technical details because they don't even understand jack shit about Drilling Operation. I would to ask the author if he even understood half of the stuff he was writing. But then again we live in a country were a Vet is leading a Agricultural research center while a Doctor runs Police Department.
what a poorly authored news article.....The News should have not bothered with giving in the Technical details because they don't even understand jack shit about Drilling Operation. I would to ask the author if he even understood half of the stuff he was writing. But then again we live in a country were a Vet is leading a Agricultural research center while a Doctor runs Police Department.
Article indicates expert with no name, official with no name and clearly try to show negativity against this project.
@niaz Sir can you please share your view the possible implications here?

What I understand (which could be wrong) cementing is done to tackle high-pressure risk ... Last time equipment got damaged due to high pressure at 5000 meters ,, this time they are working relatively carefully so it will slow down the process but will be done with relative ease
not necessarily, Cementing is a process / part of the Drilling Operation. It is done for number of reasons.

1) Cementing Casing: Once Drilling Operation is completed, we run a Casing for that section. Let's say we ran a Drilling Bit size of 17 1/2" and drilled the hole to the depth of 1000ft. In order to ensure that hole does not collapse, we will run a casing of Size 13 3/8". To ensure that formation pressure is sealed and does not cause deformation of the casing Cement is pumped through casing and with U-Tube effect, the Cement will reach on the outter area of the casing, once this is tried, it will seal the pressure. We will resume drilling with a different size Bit to drill further into the hole to reach desire depth.

2) Plug Back: one of the casing where you pump cement to plug the casing to ensure there is no flow of Hydrocarbon to the surface through the hole.
Sir THE NEWS need to say more? did some thread on it few days ago mentioning some news along with same line.Anyway some senior age members rem the time nuclear test back in 1998???After indian conducting test rem the discussion everywhere home,university,friends gathering sab jaga ek hi baat feel like same excitement :) jo hoga achy ky liye hoga bus Allah ki khair o barkat sath hu warna check today's date (12 april 2019 ) no oil life tu chal rahi hai na so avoid negative thoughts,pray and enjoy the excitement :)
what a poorly authored news article.....The News should have not bothered with giving in the Technical details because they don't even understand jack shit about Drilling Operation. I would to ask the author if he even understood half of the stuff he was writing. But then again we live in a country were a Vet is leading a Agricultural research center while a Doctor runs Police Department.
Sir THE NEWS need to say more? did some thread on it few days ago mentioning some news along with same line.Anyway some senior age members rem the time nuclear test back in 1998???After indian conducting test rem the discussion everywhere home,university,friends gathering sab jaga ek hi baat feel like same excitement :) jo hoga achy ky liye hoga bus Allah ki khair o barkat sath hu warna check today's date (12 april 2019 ) no oil life tu chal rahi hai na so avoid negative thoughts,pray and enjoy the excitement :)
I blame the Govt itself, they were the first one to have created a hype about a drilling operation without having Technical knowledge, PM or anyone in Govt should not have bothered with any comments, because Exploration wells take time. Let me give you a timeline of an exploration well drilled Onshore in Balochistan by ENI - it took them 10 months ----yes 10 months to drill a 3500mtr well...deep sea drilling can take more time given the risk involved
what a poorly authored news article.....The News should have not bothered with giving in the Technical details because they don't even understand jack shit about Drilling Operation. I would to ask the author if he even understood half of the stuff he was writing. But then again we live in a country were a Vet is leading a Agricultural research center while a Doctor runs Police Department.
The technical details given in the article appears logically consistent. It is true that today people are placed in fields which they don't understand. But considering the reports of other operations in oil drilling, the events here appear to be reasonable. The author has put in decent efforts to understand the topic and due credit must be given where it is due
They are doing deep drilling which is done only once positive results are obtained from shallow drilling, oil/gas is definitely there. The deep drilling is to accurately measure the total amount of oil/gas deposit at the drilling point.
Have to wait for it then.
The technical details given in the article appears logically consistent. It is true that today people are placed in fields which they don't understand. But considering the reports of other operations in oil drilling, the events here appear to be reasonable. The author has put in decent efforts to understand the topic and due credit must be given where it is due
Who is the expert article talking about ? and who is the official person? the rest is could be rumors without knowing the names?
Sidetracking is the drilling of a new lateral from an existing well that has poor or no productivity due to mechanical damage to the well or depleted hydrocarbons at that particular site.
Whom to believe, expert with no name and offical with no name says that it's not been drilled till 5000 meter and then we have this earlier

Whom to believe, expert with no name and offical with no name says that it's not been drilled till 5000 meter and then we have this earlier

Also to make it more confusing there is @Clutch who says drilling is already done and finished.
Also to make it more confusing therte is @Clutch who says drilling is already done and finished.

The drillship Saipem 12000 left the lease end of March. I have been watching the live satellite map of the area daily from here: https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:66.115/centery:22.493/zoom:14

As you will also see the drillship isn't there but other ships are especially the PACIFIC HERON which is a development ship. They are now building the infrastructure on the seabed surface basically.

In mid-March the drill encountered a high pressured zone (what the media has been calling a kick and falsely jumping up and down about)... They had to pull out of hole (POOH) and they then re-entered the well again. The kick off and dog legged the well... Which means instead of drilling straight down they kind of side tracked and tried to drill to the target bottom hole.
Which looks a bit like this:

This was probably completed end of March to an apparent depth 5,000 ish meters. (Not credible media sources for the depth)

Then they probably ran the following tests:
1. DST - Drill Stem Test - to collect fluid samples and do an initial build_up fall off pressure tests.
2. Then they probably did an AOF .Absolute OpenFlow Test... Which is basically opening the well up to maximum flow to find out the deliverability (how well the zone will flow back to surface).
3. Then they probably did an extended pressure buildup test to collect pressure data using gauge recorders to find out what the pool boundaries (how big is the pool). The basically do this by shutting in the well (i.e. now flow) after the step 2 above and just record pressures bottom hole.

4.Tho pressures recorded are analyzed ... You will normally shut-in and record from days to almost weeks ... If not more. You are basically gathering transient pressure data and with enough shut-in you start seeing boundary dominated data if the area of investigation is large enough. Basically, think of it this way....

Imagine in a lake you drop a large stone in the middle of the lake... You then watch the waves travel across the lake to the shores and then you know how big the lake is. (Very simple analogy)

Part 4 is what everyone is waiting for. That pressure data was sent to Houston for analysis. Sometime in April, it takes a couple weeks to analyse by an experienced Well Tester.

So everything you hear in the media about reserves this or that .. or about them still drilling... Please ignore.

Wow... That was long.. sorry.
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The drillship Saipem 12000 left the lease end of March. I have been watching the live satellite map of the area daily from here: https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:66.115/centery:22.493/zoom:14

As you will also see the drillship isn't there but other ships are especially the PACIFIC HERON which is a development ship. They are now building the infrastructure on the seabed surface basically.

In mid-March the drill encountered a high pressured zone (what the media has been calling a kick and falsely jumping up and down about)... They had to pull out of hole (POOH) and they then re-entered the well again. The kick off and dog legged the well... Which means instead of drilling straight down they kind of side tracked and tried to drill to the target bottom hole.
Which looks a bit like this:

This was probably completed end of March to an apparent depth 5,000 ish meters. (Not credible media sources for the depth)

Then they probably ran the following tests:
1. DST - Drill Stem Test - to collect fluid samples and do an initial build_up fall off pressure tests.
2. Then they probably did an AOF .Absolute OpenFlow Test... Which is basically opening the well up to maximum flow to find out the deliverability (how well the zone will flow back to surface).
3. Then they probably did an extended pressure buildup test to collect pressure data using gauge recorders to find out what the pool boundaries (how big is the pool). The basically do this by shutting in the well (i.e. now flow) after the step 2 above and just record pressures bottom hole.

4.Tho pressures recorded are analyzed ... You will normally shut-in and record from days to almost weeks ... If not more. You are basically gathering transient pressure data and starts swing boundary dominated data if the area of investigation is large enough. Basically, think of it this way....

Imagine in a lake you drop a large stone in the middle... You watch the waves travel across the lake to the shores and then you know how big the lake is. (Very simple analogy)

Part 4 is what everyone is waiting for. That pressure data was sent to Houston for analysis. Sometime in April, it takes a couple weeks to analyse by an experienced Well Tester.

So everything you hear in the media about reserves this or that .. or about them still drilling... Please ignore.

Wow... That was long.. sorry.
Thanks for this
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