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How, when, where, can, etc is for Army professionals to answer. I have quoted the number from Gen Musharraf and few other military proffesionals. Govt of Pakistan also have similar information. Many Kashmiri officials have also quoted similar number. have also

So, it is not us who are liers but you guys who are fooled and brain washed by your top 3's i.e., media, army and govt, who are infact manipulating and playing with your brain to keep their pockets warm.

Btw IOK is not 135 km x 32 km...lol
Precisely. And Thanx for admitting it.
Musharraf Lied about so many things, including this. It's your fault not to research and use your own common sense.

There are no soldiers in Jammu . The Area I quoted is the EXACT area of the KASHMIR VALLEY.
Precisely. And Thanx for admitting it.
Musharraf Lied about so many things, including this. It's your fault not to research and use your own common sense.

There are no soldiers in Jammu . The Area I quoted is the EXACT area of the KASHMIR VALLEY.

For you, every Pakistani lies, obviously.

Not just Musharraf, but Pakistan's army, Foreign office, govt and even Kashmiris have the same numbers.

And we take your word, because?
For you, every Pakistani lies, obviously.

Not just Musharraf, but Pakistan's army, Foreign office, govt and even Kashmiris have the same numbers.

And we take your word, because?

because You HAVE a common sense. or am I Mistaken ?
And No, Dont Generalize my statement. Just talk about .7 Million Army in Kashmir. Thats it.

Since India has HUGE borders, How and WHY will India Deploy 60% of its Army in Kashmir that too in 135 x 35 KM Area ? Is it logical ?

Dont Trust me, Ask Yourself. Decide Yourself.
because You HAVE a common sense. or am I Mistaken ?
And No, Dont Generalize my statement. Just talk about .7 Million Army in Kashmir. Thats it.

Since India has HUGE borders, How and WHY will India Deploy 60% of its Army in Kashmir that too in 135 x 35 KM Area ? Is it logical ?

Dont Trust me, Ask Yourself. Decide Yourself.

I know it is illogical and even occupying a territory by force and guns is also illogical but Indian occupiers are exception.

India's border with Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal are a joke because these are tiny countries with no proper military. India's main adversaries are Pakistan and China. Most border with China is rough terrain and Himalaya kinda form natural border. Indian occupiers are in IOK claiming that if they leave Pakistan will liberate IOK, Aksai Chin and Kashmiris uprising are few other reasons to mention.
I know it is illogical and even occupying a territory by force and guns is also illogical but Indian occupiers are exception.

India's border with Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal are a joke because these are tiny countries with no proper military. India's main adversaries are Pakistan and China. Most border with China is rough terrain and Himalaya kinda form natural border. Indian occupiers are in IOK claiming that if they leave Pakistan will liberate IOK, Aksai Chin and Kashmiris uprising are few other reasons to mention.
See, You are trying to discuss Kashmir which is not the Point I made. It's a Pandora's box, let's stay away from that.

I only referred to the assumption that .7 million troops exist in Kashmir valley. That's it. Nothing more.
See, You are trying to discuss Kashmir which is not the Point I made. It's a Pandora's box, let's stay away from that.

I only referred to the assumption that .7 million troops exist in Kashmir valley. That's it. Nothing more.

NOT an assumption but a figure, endorsed by Indian human rights activists, Kashmiris, Kashmiri Bar associates, etc etc.
NOT an assumption but a figure, endorsed by Indian human rights activists, Kashmiris, Kashmiri Bar associates, etc etc.
The Figure can even be 1.3 Million if it can be .7 million... but then these are 'impossible' figures. As I have repeatedly asked you : "use common sense" . You just need to ask 1 simple questions :

Is it possible for a nation of the size of India, .7 Million out of 1.3 Million ( 60% of TOTAL Strength ) are Concentrated over one small area of 135 KM x 35 KM ?
A worthy honour for a brave hero. He did his job with his head held high. Nothing came between him and his duty. That, is inspirational.
The Figure can even be 1.3 Million if it can be .7 million... but then these are 'impossible' figures. As I have repeatedly asked you : "use common sense" . You just need to ask 1 simple questions :

Is it possible for a nation of the size of India, .7 Million out of 1.3 Million ( 60% of TOTAL Strength ) are Concentrated over one small area of 135 KM x 35 KM ?

Why do you keep repeating yourself even when answered? Go find your answer in previous posts.
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