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Lahore Metro Train Project | News and Updates

Hope they use non slippery and non shiny industrial heavy duty tiles/surface around the main platform, this use of shiny slippery tiles should have been avoided even in the corridors, they breaks under heavy traffic and looks cheap also. Grey slate like neutral shade is ideal...every color looks good on a neutral grey surface and with matt unfinished look.


tihs could have saved billion of rupees, simple concrete was enough..
but hey comissions
could have saved billion of rupees, simple concrete was enough..
but hey comissions

Could be about commissions or/and also about lack of common sense and aesthetic sense. 'Form follows function' thought should be used in just about any project.

Though overall the pillars and the girders and the engineering looks neat and clean, like the design of the girders and pillars, Dubai-ish Metro shape here...

Orange Line Metro Train Islam Park Station
Maintenance Work Train On Metro Track



How much is this project costing the tax payer ? And what is the Return of investment on it ?
Orange Line Metro Work Near UET Gt Road




Slabs for Tracks of Metro Train Arrived At Depot


That project is Built by Chinese Firm on BOT basis!
Hope it's a self-sustainable project unlike the metrobus system where each 20 Rupees ticket costs the government 60 Rupees. And hence, instead of metrobus contributing to the government revenue is eating up subsidies.
So a tank Manufacturer is building a railway and will operate it too ? Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen
Hope it's a self-sustainable project unlike the metrobus system where each 20 Rupees ticket costs the government 60 Rupees. And hence, instead of metrobus contributing to the government revenue is eating up subsidies.
A lot of ways to make metro bus at least close to self sustainability, if innovation was encouraged in our govt...use the pillars of the elevated sections for rectangular advertisements, use the bus stations for advertisements and tuc shops, use the buses themselves for external and interior adverstisements. Raise the ticket price to 30( still a lot less than people would pay on private transport), start feeder mini bus route connected to metro in cities like pindi to bring more commuters to the helm etc.

So a tank Manufacturer is building a railway and will operate it too ? Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen
Ever heard of companies with multiple products?
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Hope it's a self-sustainable project unlike the metrobus system where each 20 Rupees ticket costs the government 60 Rupees. And hence, instead of metrobus contributing to the government revenue is eating up subsidies.

i dont think these project ever built for getting profits, its infra structure Project, and Millions of People will be benefited directly or indirectly.
So a tank Manufacturer is building a railway and will operate it too ? Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen

You should look in to Samsung and Mitsubishi for the example. They make washing machines to mobile phone to defense equipment and satellite components.
You should look in to Samsung and Mitsubishi for the example. They make washing machines to mobile phone to defense equipment and satellite components.
Norinco’s primarily works on defence products such as missiles, Tanks and guns, And worst of all it looks like that the Lahore orange line is their first infrastructure project
i dont think these project ever built for getting profits, its infra structure Project, and Millions of People will be benefited directly or indirectly.

Thats the thing. Infra projects provide profits to the wider economy in an indirect sense. For example an unemployed individual has a much higher change of acquiring a job if he can expand his geographic radius. I have several cousins in Lahore who have gotten jobs in more distant parts of the city due to greater connectivity. One was unemployed for several months before after graduating. Now he is employed and paying taxes. These kind of benefits dont show up on the financials of infra-projects, but no doubt the benefits to the wider economy are huge.

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