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Lahore Literary Festival - Mighty Literature, World Arts Festival

The point again harks back to people like Spring Onion who behave like 10 year olds do on being denied a candy or rather a Pakistani 10 year old - who also see's a grand Indian/Israeli/American conspiracy behind being denied a candy.

I clarified that the Embassy has no control or power over any individual on a trip to anywhere on the globe.

I wish I could possess such naivety... Anyways, I tried there being rationale.. Your call to deny or consider.
I wonder how I will work around my issues when the book is published. Will someone else go on behalf of me? Damn, I wish I was ok

Which book have you authored? Or did you just wish to visit like that?

The Tenth Unknown - I guess you can google it
I think its in Johar Town in the Expo Centre right ?

Yea - agent based in India - can put you in touch if you require.

That is great. Let me send a friends request.

Really? Does that offer to link me with an agent stand for like ever because I have decided to add even more edits to my book and improve greatly on my networking and influence. That means getting articles published and all. Can that wait?

What publisher if you don't mind me asking? Harper collins, Randomhouse-Penguin (those 2 merged-hell 80% of all booksales-imagine that-I get there its an instant success).

Another thing is I am very sick so going out for signings and the book opening can be an issue. I also have an inside source and am waiting to hear from him. He might use influence with an agent but then I also have to do some final editting.
Pakistani delegations were in india during the most hostile period when temprament swere hot too. they didn't fear for their life. btw indian members were not carrying any flags that they cound be identified. anyways its better they left. there is no point in trying to promote superficial friendship between Indai and Oakistan. these two countries are each others worst enemies both on state and individual level. We should prohibit all cross border trave, trade and even diplomatic relations. Its all waste of effort and money.

Well your KPK Chief Minister just got attacked today. what chance an Indian have.

I think the security concern is valid.

Its a mass gathering and killing Indians will certainly strain Indo-Pak relations even more after what have been going in past recent weeks.

Be rational. Its a good target for terrorists who want PA to fight IA so that they can have reduced action against them.
The first ever Lahore Literary Festival (LLF) will take place between February 23 and 24 at the Alhamra Arts Center.
Talk on Afghanistan by William Dalrymple and Ahmed Rashid:

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