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Lahore 'attackers identified'


Aug 23, 2006
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Pakistani authorities have said that they have identified the assailants involved in Tuesday's attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team.

Up to 12 men staged the attack, in the eastern city of Lahore in Punjab, in which seven police officers and one bus driver died.

"We have identified the people who did the operation," Salman Taseer, the provincial governor, said late on Thursday.

More than two dozen men have reportedly been detained in different parts of Punjab in relation to the attacks, including the suspected mastermind of the assault.

The detainees are said to be members of the Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi groups, which are linked to al-Qaeda.

Easy escape

All of the 12 attackers are at large having escaped the scene of the crime with ease.

Footage from security cameras has shown the armed men calmly walking or driving down side streets unhindered by any police pursuit.

Criticism has arisen following the attacks on two buses, one carrying the Sri Lankan cricket team and another transporting match officials to the Gaddafi Stadium.

The British and Australian umpires accused security forces of leaving them like "sitting ducks", which Pakistani authorities refuted.

However, earlier Khusro Pervez, the Lahore police commissioner admitted that there had been "security lapses", particularly that back-up police support was missing.

Pakistan's ability to combat Taliban- and al-Qaeda-linked fighters in the country, who have carried out a significant number of attacks over the past two years, has also been called into question.

South Punjab has become a focal point for religious extremism and groups such as Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi have increased their sway in the eastern region.

Sharif protest

On the political front, Punjab continues to be restive.

Thousands of people are expected to attend a protest in Lahore on Friday against the banning of Nawaz Sharif, the leader of the PML-N, the largest opposition party.

Kamal Hyder, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Lahore, said: "This is going to be a show of force by the PML-N," Hyder said.

"This will be the real test for the [party], which claims that it has absolute majority in this key province."

"There are strict security measures in force given the fact that just days ago there was an attack on the [Sri Lankan] team."
Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Lahore 'attackers identified'

WOW and politicians are fighting each other while country is slidding towards civil war.
i see only way to clear the **** out of country is kicking mullahs a ss out of civilization and back to Afghanistan.
But then again i wanna here from terrorist sympathisers what they have to say about there brothers destroying my country.
Updated at: 0915 PST, Friday, March 06, 2009 ISLAMABAD: A defunct religious outfit ambushed the Sri Lankan cricket team and the assailants had come from the tribal areas. Sources said that the law enforcing agencies have dug out evidences against the attackers, which revealed that the terrorists having links with Afghanistan give rise to this conclusion that Al Qaeda was also indirectly involved in the Libery tragedy. Sources said that the two vehicles near the Big City Plaza, which were used for Sri lankan team’s ambush had come there early in the morning and no one checked them. Sources said that the terrorists, who has stayed in the Youth Hostel, took part in the action, while the other accomplices had stayed at Kot Lakhpat and Township Area. Secret agencies have found out from the record obtained from cellular phone that the terrorist’ four associates were present around Qaddafi Stadium, who in touch among themselves through mobile phones---one of them stationed near Punjab University new campus, other at Lahore Canal near Qaddafi Stadium, the third one at nearby Boulevard, while the fourth in the Firdaus market area. Sources claimed that the terrorists kept using the station code for Sri Lankan team van and as soon as the van reached Liberty Chowk, the terrorists told each other that the ‘station’ was about to arrive. According to information, among the 14 terrorists a few belonged to Lahore, while others came from the tribal areas armed with explosives RDX highly inflammable. Sources said that a breakthrough has been achieved as plausible evidences have been obtained and some crucial arrests could be made in the next one/two days
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It's not important who they are.

It's the hand controlling them, that is the culprit. Look East.
It looks like many have decided the culprit before giving it a second look. And now, they are striving hard to anyhow turn each finger being raised in the direction they want.
It's not important who they are.

It's the hand controlling them, that is the culprit. Look East.

Rubbish. You mean India control Jaesh-e-Mohammed . LOL.

And that's a THINKTANK saying it.
Are you saying india is controlling "Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi ". Please elaborate do not talk in riddles

It is a known fact India uses Jihadi groups to carry out proxies in Kashmir.

It is a known fact that India is using consulates in Afghanistan to launch Jihadi wars in Swat (read sticky thread).

I just hope they get this guy to reveal the truth ;)

It should be interesting.
It looks like many have decided the culprit before giving it a second look. And now, they are striving hard to anyhow turn each finger being raised in the direction they want.
India's anti-Pakistan activities have warranted this suspicion. India is suspected to be behind a lot of terrorism in Pakistan. This is natural.
India's anti-Pakistan activities have warranted this suspicion. India is suspected to be behind a lot of terrorism in Pakistan. This is natural.

And inspite of arresting and sending to gallows the guys who were responsible for such attacks, you still dont have proof against India.

So either you are lying or your govt.

If India was behind those attacks, how come no proof came even after arresting and proving their guilt in front of the court.
Pakistanis never thought this day would dawn upon them. All these years, thru 9/11. 7/7, 26/22 they were finding justification for jihad in 'suppression of muslims around the world'. And now when they see these same guys turing against their country, they are shell shocked. Open your eyes and see the enemy.
Rubbish. You mean India control Jaesh-e-Mohammed . LOL.

And that's a THINKTANK saying it.

You think they don't exist.

India has been caught red-handed supplying Jihadis in Kashmir to carry out extra-judicial killings, and to infiltrate the ranks of the jihadis. They use these jihadis to carry out massacres and blame them on the pro independence jihadis (and Pakistan).

"The phenomenon of renegade militants has been extensively documented by Human Rights Watch[3]. Since the 1989 insurgency in Kashmir, renegades have been used for extrajudicial executions of militants (besides human right activists, journalists and other civilians) and later conveniently dismissed as "intergroup rivalries".

"In March 2000, around the time of US President Bill Clinton's visit to India, 35 Sikh men were murdered in Chattisinghpora village in Kashmir by unidentified gunmen. India blamed Pakistan sponsored "foreign" militants, while many Kashmiris blamed Indian sponsored renegades. Renegades are former militants who have surrendered and changed sides to the Indian forces."
ZNet - Kashmir Militants

This should convince you that India supplies Jihadi movements with plans and arms.

I can provide you specific Jihadi group names that India supports in Kashmir if you want?
Forget it Bull, you're taking too long.

I'll just give you the names of the Jihadi groups in Kashmir that are known Indian counter insurgency outfits.

Ikhwaan-ul-Musalmoon. Sounds very Jihadi, doesn't it?

Who are they? Founded by Kukka Parrey, now high ranking BJP official in the Indian government, this group of Jihadis carries out the work of the Indian Army.

The "Taliban" outfit in Kashmir. Who are they? Yes, an Indian government sponsored outfit in Kashmir that executes civilians at the beckoning of the Indian government.

Are more required?
You think they don't exist.... I can provide you specific Jihadi group names that India supports in Kashmir if you want?

Forget it Bull, you're taking too long.... Are more required?

So you are suggesting that in Kashmir some of the bad guys are your guys who have been turned into our guys and are now being made to kill our guys just to make your guys look like the bad guys whereas your bad guys haven't really been killing a lot of our guys?!!

Boss, as my above statement proves... the thing with 'whodunit' theories are that there are an infinitely frustrating number of permutations & combinations. So give it a rest until the 'investigation' is over.
Pakistani authorities have said that they have identified the assailants involved in Tuesday's attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team.

Up to 12 men staged the attack, in the eastern city of Lahore in Punjab, in which seven police officers and one bus driver died.

"We have identified the people who did the operation," Salman Taseer, the provincial governor, said late on Thursday.

More than two dozen men have reportedly been detained in different parts of Punjab in relation to the attacks, including the suspected mastermind of the assault.

The detainees are said to be members of the Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi groups, which are linked to al-Qaeda.

Jaish-E-Mohammed - Pakistani ISI's foot soldier in Kashmir - founded by Maulana Masood Azhar - most wanted terrorist in India

Lashkar-E-Jhangvi - Wahabi terrorist organisation. Killed Daniel Pearl as well as Benazir Bhutto. Hates Shias and foreigners. Bombed protestant church in Islamabad killing 16. Affiliated with ISI and part of Taliban. also operates from Afghanistan.

ISI's murgas coming home to roost !! :agree:
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