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Labourer killed by people at a wedding, who then had lunch whilst his corpse lay on the floor

1. You didn't utter a squeak about those two young Pakistanis who suicided last year.

2. Starvation is no longer the case in DPRK though yes food shortages are there because DPRK is a mountainous country where thus the traditional open land agriculture is difficult to organize and hence lesser crops grown than say in the vast plains of USA. Such a sentiment was confirmed some years ago by Harpal Brar of the Communist Party of Great Britain in an interview to the late British journalist Morris Herman. Harpal Brar has visited DPRK. That interview is no longer available because of perhaps YouTube's policy of deleting accounts on request by the deceased's near and dear ones. However, if DPRK takes up Vertical Farming and general Urban Farming like in Venezuela it can grow lot more crops. But you in Pakistan should go to DPRK and try doing what it does in agriculture. DPRK does enough in its given circumstances.

The last source is about North Korean defectors to the South. And for the first two sources :

1. How did they get the numbers given that such records are understandably not given to Western mainstream media ?

2. There is no context of the suicides.

@Irfan Baloch @waz @LeGenD, am I allowed to call this non-contributory, misinformed and misguided person a murtad too like he is calling a good Islamic scholar who was present before this person's father was born ?

Secondly, Mr. Idiotic Bravo6ix, in your hurry to utter misplaced outrage you didn't understand who I was quoting and why.

What is a wannabe Communist ? I am one
. And the Russian Communist party which is the second-largest party in Russia has given full support to the Putin government regards the special military operation in Ukraine despite some ideological differences. Secondly, there were two photos of two Russian tanks in Ukraine on two separate occasions and carrying USSR flags. And you can travel the world convincing the Communists that they don't exist, that they are holograms. Lastly, when humans begin setting up settlements on Mars in 15 years what do you think that new start for humanity will have as its political and socio-economic systems ? Elon Musk has already said that the political system on Mars should be direct democracy and that is what Communism has as one of its desires - "The Withering away of the State" i.e. people governing themselves directly. As was present in Libya for 36 years until 2011. Will you now go to Elon, call him names and declare that he is most wrong ?
(A) You talked about those suicides in response to North Korean starvation and I showed you the mirror that your beloved communist dictatorship has it worse
Yes there are suicides in Pakistan I am not going to deny it like you retards do and yes this needs to be addressed

(B) No source no facts and figures just a self narrated story as usual lol

(C) Where is the interview? I don't want your excuses source or it never happened

(D) Another IF as always all bark and no bite just another IF keep living your life in IFs, IF they can do it why don't they?

(E) Still doesn't change the fact that they are North Koreans

(F) Obviously those figures are reported by the North Koreans themselves which I'm sure is highly underestimated

(G) No context doesn't change the fact it is still a suicide under the communist dictatorship you don't commit suicide if life is fulfilling

(H) Hadith rejecters and Islam reformers are not scholars anyone who thinks Islam is not perfect is a murtad such as yourself

(I) Calling me an idiot? Ironic coming from someone who is a communist in the 21st century and yes it was an error on my part but still doesn't change the fact what you quoted is an outright lie without any facts and figures

You commies are starving and dying everywhere you exist except for Capitalist countries lol

(J) You certainly are a wannabe communist who thinks he will be the next lenin lol keep dreaming retard communism is dead for good no atheist cult can replace Islam

(K) The Russian communist party can do whatever it wants it still doesn't change the fact communism is dead and will never come back

(L) And what does that prove? I can place a photo of Nazi flag on my car will it bring back the 3rd reich? Retarded logic as expected from a retarded person

(M) That is if communists don't starve to death until then 😂

(N) Another IF and that too a retarded one as usual who told you communism will be the way of life on mars? LOL

(O) That sentence is an oxymoron Democracy and Communism are opposite of each other communism is pure dictatorship Elon Musk talked about DEMOCRACY NOT COMMUNISM

(P) I don't have to call him names he is the ceo of a multi billion dollar corporation and a surprise surprise CAPITALIST he never acknowledged or adored communism and with his huge income I doubt he would ever want communism unless he was an incompetent low life scum like you who thinks he is entitled to everything without working for it

(Q) People governing themselves directly? Just like they do under Kim Jong Un? LOL what a retard I hope you get to live under Kim's dictatorship you deserve it

(R) Libya was a socialist state not a communist one but that still doesn't change the fact that it was an absolute shithole to live in

As usual more and more "WHAT IFs" and no facts or figures just made up bullshit which is expected from communists like you
(C) Where is the interview? I don't want your excuses source or it never happened

This is a broken link but points to the fact that the interview existed.

(D) Another IF as always all bark and no bite just another IF keep living your life in IFs, IF they can do it why don't they?

1. Bark ? You time travel 100 years back and tell this man :

2. You call yourself a Muslim yet don't know that the socio-economic and progressive ideas in it are also What Ifs. The computer and the internet you are using now are designed to handle "What if" situations so stop using them if you so don't like Ifs.

(F) Obviously those figures are reported by the North Koreans themselves which I'm sure is highly underestimated

Yes, you have personally gone to each North Korean house and enquired as to how many of their family members suicided and for what reason. :rolleyes:

(H) Hadith rejecters and Islam reformers are not scholars anyone who thinks Islam is not perfect is a murtad such as yourself

Listen to this carefully. I as the so-called murtad have explained to non-Muslims on the forum or its readers on how progressive Islam is. I have debunked the wrong views on Islam propagated by Hindutvadis and misguided Christians. You a Tableeghi will only make misinformed non-Muslims hate Islam even more.

(I) Calling me an idiot? Ironic coming from someone who is a communist in the 21st century and yes it was an error on my part but still doesn't change the fact what you quoted is an outright lie without any facts and figures

Why 21st century, Communism will be present in the 31st century as well. And how will you convince our Chinese member, MH Yang, who visited North Korea that your Capitalist Pakistan, as also my Capitalist India, are better than North Korea in tidiness and amenities ? Two of my threads :

You commies are starving and dying everywhere you exist except for Capitalist countries lol


(N) Another IF and that too a retarded one as usual who told you communism will be the way of life on mars? LOL

You are at least one step ahead of your comrade @Areesh who refuses to believe that humanity will ever be on Mars let alone in 15 years.

(P) I don't have to call him names he is the ceo of a multi billion dollar corporation and a surprise surprise CAPITALIST he never acknowledged or adored communism and with his huge income I doubt he would ever want communism unless he was an incompetent low life scum like you who thinks he is entitled to everything without working for it

SpaceX is not on the stock market because Elon doesn't want his ideas and the company's vision to be pulled here and there by greedy investors on Earth.

Also, Pakistan also is a Capitalist society yet there was no Elon Musk from there.

(Q) People governing themselves directly? Just like they do under Kim Jong Un? LOL what a retard I hope you get to live under Kim's dictatorship you deserve it

I have written regularly on PDF that yes the DPRK is not truly a Communist society because not only is the main leader part of a ruling dynasty but also the country is ruled by a party. Any true Communist society will be party-less and the people will be governing directly like in the Libyan Jamahiriya. Read this post of mine on democracy, anti-democracy, the origin of democracy and an article quoting about Libya.

(R) Libya was a socialist state not a communist one but that still doesn't change the fact that it was an absolute shithole to live in

Yes the Libyans didn't call their society as Communist but Gaddafi had written an essay titled "Has Communism arrived yet ?". He didn't use the word Communist perhaps because he didn't think the Libyans were evolved to the point ( though they were more evolved than Indians and Pakistanis ) where they will not summarily reject the world Communist because of the association in many minds of Communism with atheism, like you too. However, other than that essay, the political system of Libya was essentially Communist via "People governing themselves" aka "Withering away of the State". Further, part 2 of Gaddafi's Green Book has this very Communist text :
The final step is for the new socialist society to reach a stage in which profit and money disappear. Society will become fully productive; the material needs of society will be met. In this final stage, profit will disappear, as will the need for money.

The recognition of profit is an acknowledgment of exploitation, for profit has no limit. Attempts so far to limit profit by various means have been reformative, not radical, intending to prohibit exploitation of man by man. The final solution lies in eradicating profit, but because profit is the dynamic force behind the economic process, eliminating profit is not a matter of decree but, rather, an outcome of the evolving socialist process. This solution can be attained when the material satisfaction of the needs of society and its members is achieved. Work to increase profit will itself lead to its final eradication.
Communism via the way of Socialism or Communism from the start are both the same though the latter is much simpler, at least semi-Communism. Read this proposal of mine for a new, very simple socio-economic system that is Communist in the sense that it manages to abolish economic classes ( rich, middle, poor ) and delivers the right to every citizen free basic necessities and for non-basic necessities provision is made for potential equal access for every citizen to all the goods and services in the society. The system has money, as against the desire of Communism to abolish money, but the money system is an evolved system. Money exists in the system at the moment because ATM there exists no molecular replicators to produce things for free and another thing is to compensate for human labor and services, and as Gaddafi says, to take time to instill the thought in people that the attribute of profit must be abolished.
This is a broken link but points to the fact that the interview existed.

1. Bark ? You time travel 100 years back and tell this man :


2. You call yourself a Muslim yet don't know that the socio-economic and progressive ideas in it are also What Ifs. The computer and the internet you are using now are designed to handle "What if" situations so stop using them if you so don't like Ifs.

Yes, you have personally gone to each North Korean house and enquired as to how many of their family members suicided and for what reason. :rolleyes:

Listen to this carefully. I as the so-called murtad have explained to non-Muslims on the forum or its readers on how progressive Islam is. I have debunked the wrong views on Islam propagated by Hindutvadis and misguided Christians. You a Tableeghi will only make misinformed non-Muslims hate Islam even more.

Why 21st century, Communism will be present in the 31st century as well. And how will you convince our Chinese member, MH Yang, who visited North Korea that your Capitalist Pakistan, as also my Capitalist India, are better than North Korea in tidiness and amenities ? Two of my threads :


You are at least one step ahead of your comrade @Areesh who refuses to believe that humanity will ever be on Mars let alone in 15 years.

SpaceX is not on the stock market because Elon doesn't want his ideas and the company's vision to be pulled here and there by greedy investors on Earth.

Also, Pakistan also is a Capitalist society yet there was no Elon Musk from there.

I have written regularly on PDF that yes the DPRK is not truly a Communist society because not only is the main leader part of a ruling dynasty but also the country is ruled by a party. Any true Communist society will be party-less and the people will be governing directly like in the Libyan Jamahiriya. Read this post of mine on democracy, anti-democracy, the origin of democracy and an article quoting about Libya.

Yes the Libyans didn't call their society as Communist but Gaddafi had written an essay titled "Has Communism arrived yet ?". He didn't use the word Communist perhaps because he didn't think the Libyans were evolved to the point ( though they were more evolved than Indians and Pakistanis ) where they will not summarily reject the world Communist because of the association in many minds of Communism with atheism, like you too. However, other than that essay, the political system of Libya was essentially Communist via "People governing themselves" aka "Withering away of the State". Further, part 2 of Gaddafi's Green Book has this very Communist text :

Communism via the way of Socialism or Communism from the start are both the same though the latter is much simpler, at least semi-Communism. Read this proposal of mine for a new, very simple socio-economic system that is Communist in the sense that it manages to abolish economic classes ( rich, middle, poor ) and delivers the right to every citizen free basic necessities and for non-basic necessities provision is made for potential equal access for every citizen to all the goods and services in the society. The system has money, as against the desire of Communism to abolish money, but the money system is an evolved system. Money exists in the system at the moment because ATM there exists no molecular replicators to produce things for free and another thing is to compensate for human labor and services, and as Gaddafi says, to take time to instill the thought in people that the attribute of profit must be abolished.
Nothing about point (A) and (B) ok

Starting with
(A) It is a reddit link LOL and since there is no concrete proof of it that is still not an evidence to support your bullshit lies because the only comment there is also doubtful of its credibility

(B) Tell this man what? That his bullshit ideology failed? That millions starved under his death? That there are still some retards like Mr Jamahir who still believe this bullshit lie has any value in the 21st century?

(C) Yet again NO link NO proof NO facts NO figures only self narrated story and the world doesn't work on what ifs either bring something concrete or stfu

(D) So I assume you live in a communist country or have visited each and everyone of them? I assume you live with communists? LOL

(E) Those hindutvadis and Christians are as bad to Islam as you progressive murtads are, You telling them that our religion is flawed and needs reformation or the words of our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) are not worthy of recognition and should be rejected is not defending Islam

Anyone else can debunk those lies by Christians and Hindutvadis too you didn't do anything remarkable by lying more about Islam

You keep barking about how Islam is a progressive religion but you don't have a single reference to Quran for that only more self narrated bullshit

(F) I do not have to convince "Mr MH YANG" and your capitalist India is a shithole no doubt about it

Those threads you posted are more of your self narrated bullshit talking without facts or figures as usual the links you did post is more bullshit from like minded people such as yourself who have no relevance

You call a facebook user a source? https://www.facebook.com/sukant.chandan?_rdc=1&_rdr

and furthermore those pictures prove nothing, The pharaoh of Egypt had beautiful statues and pyramids built in his name too yet the people of that land starved or sometimes died of thirst

(G) And yet again the retard proves why he is worthy of this title what you posted is a STOCK IMAGE you dumbfuck

(H) It's not the fact humanity will reach mars in 15 years its the fact that their choice will be "communist society" LOL

(I) And yet Elon continues to make money like the capitalist he is? Why isn't he distributing the wealth? Why is he making money? Why hasn't he given up his means of production? Don't bark if you can't back it up

(J) Yeah because there are many Elon Musks in USSR (oops doesn't exist), North Korea and Cuba

(K) And yet you continue to defend North Korea here like it is a communist society make up your mind first you confused and demented retard

(L) And that thread of yours isn't even making sense like the rest of your ramblings

(M) And yet again more stupidity this is the same ideology USSR had but I don't see any USSR today neither Gaddafi (killed by his own people lol)

As expected you can only shit from your mouth instead of bringing any evidence
And yes at the end I will add yes you are a Murtad if you reject Hadiths and believe in Islam's reformation

This is what disgusting Ahmadis do as well you are no different
(A) It is a reddit link LOL and since there is no concrete proof of it that is still not an evidence to support your bullshit lies because the only comment there is also doubtful of its credibility

Didn't you see the YT thumbnail at the upper right corner ?

Sukant Chandan is a Socialist from Britain whose activism I know from 2011 during the 2011 NATO + GCC + Al Qaeda + "Muslim" Brotherhood invasions of Libya and Syria. Sukant appeared on talk shows in support of the Libyan Jamahiriya and Syria. Below is he talking in 2014, watch it and calm down otherwise like I said before, if Faiz Ahmed Faiz and his Socialist and Communist comrades would have succeeded in his taking over of Pakistan in 1951 you would now have been cooling down in the salt mine in Khewra :
Last edited:
Didn't you see the YT thumbnail at the upper right corner ?

Sukant Chandan is a Socialist from Britain whose activism I know from 2011 during the 2011 NATO + GCC + Al Qaeda + "Muslim" Brotherhood invasions of Libya and Syria. Sukant appeared on talk shows in support of the Libyan Jamahiriya and Syria. Below is he talking in 2014, watch it and calm down otherwise like I said before, if Faiz Ahmed Faiz and his Socialist and Communist comrades would have succeeded in his taking over of Pakistan in 1951 you would now have been cooling down in the salt mine in Khewra :
Lol shut up faggot you and your "comrades" aren't shit just like the rest of communist leeches keep barking about throwing everyone in salt mines and that gay fag faiz was a poet that was his only "achievement" just like you he didn't amount to anything you waste of space

You keep bitching moaning about salt mines don't give me lectures about calming down you retarded bharti fag watch your own neck you live in a shithole where you are treated like a dog and rightfully so

That faiz ahmed story is also an IF by the way LOL
Keep living in la la land
Communism is a lie and it got what it deserved and those who support it will suffer the consequences too Inshallah

Islam is the truth and it will prove itself time after time no matter how many of you self proclaimed "Muslims" try to overthrow or change it you murtads are destined to fail
Lol shut up faggot you and your "comrades" aren't shit just like the rest of communist leeches keep barking about throwing everyone in salt mines and that gay fag faiz was a poet that was his only "achievement" just like you he didn't amount to anything you waste of space

You keep bitching moaning about salt mines don't give me lectures about calming down you retarded bharti fag watch your own neck you live in a shithole where you are treated like a dog and rightfully so

LOL, you are a dangerous and out of control mosquito but I will leave this story of the beloved leaders of your types :
ALIGARH: An Aligarh Muslim University professor's alleged comments on madrassas that they are "dens of vice and homosexuality" has triggered a storm of protest in the campus.

The professor, Waseem Raja of the university's history department, has been accused of saying in a WhatsApp message that he sent to a TV channel that "maulanas are involved in such activities" and that the fortunes of Muslim youth will only change for the better if madrassas in the country are banned.

Chat grabs show Raja saying, "We want removal of madarsa... Where homo sexuality is rampant...Maulanas are part of it".

The professor, who has been teaching in AMU for the past three decades, has, however, denied he said any such thing. "I did not say anything like that," he told TOI on Tuesday. "I have been part of SAARC conferences in the past and I have always spoken about reformation of the community. Are madarsas not part of the community? That does not mean I said such things, my phone was hacked and I have blocked the chat group now."

But students have taken to social media to condemn Raja's remarks. Shah Alam Turk, a research scholar, said, "I was chatting on the group when Raja popped saying such things -- his personal views. I messaged him saying 'You have constitutional rights to express (your views), but don't defame (madrassas) without verifying facts first. This is prejudice, not logic, and will weaken the community, not strengthen."

Other students hit back equally hard. One of them said: "People like you spoil the name of the university. God has given you reason, so think before speaking."

Mustafa Zaidi, AMUTA secretary, said the professor should have "calculated" what to say. "Such statements can be misconstrued and can result in anger," he said, adding, "If he said so in the first place."

Rashid Shaz, director of AMU Bridge Course that deals with madrassa students, condemned Raja's views and said, "Students of madrassas are very cultured and have standards of morality. One should show evidence before questioning them en masse."

AMU PRO Rahat Abrar said course of action against the professor will be decided only when the VC returns. "VC is away, decision will be taken only when he returns," he said.
LOL, you are a dangerous and out of control mosquito but I will leave this story of the beloved leaders of your types :
Already said that before haven't you? Guess you are a demented faggot after all
And I already acknowledged these gay retards like you exist here too and we need to punish them as well so they don't grow up to be murtads like you

And don't share any stories from India you're all alike retarded shit nation

And you call me a mosquito what are you? A leech a vile filth sucking maggot who wants to live on the crumbs of others LOL
Already said that before haven't you? Guess you are a demented faggot after all
And I already acknowledged these gay retards like you exist here too and we need to punish them as well so they don't grow up to be murtads like you

And don't share any stories from India you're all alike retarded shit nation

And you call me a mosquito what are you? A leech a vile filth sucking maggot who wants to live on the crumbs of others LOL

Go to sleep you out-of-control waste of internet packets.
Their punishment on earth is assured after this video became viral but there is a special place in hell waiting for these cretins. I personally know one of the IO's involved in this case and PM office has thrown a chittar at the IG and the IG threw a chittar a the RPO demanding swift action.

The point is that it shouldn't take a video to go viral and the Prime Minister to get involved for the police to get off their rear ends and do what they are paid to do. I can understand the odd slip here or there but this is bread and butter policing, interestingly the FIR was registered at the very last minute when the IG got involved.
or Simply, you need to move to Afghanistan. There is no country follows islam more than IEA Afghanistan. They follow the holy book upto word, comma and period in a sentence.

You know about Islam as much as my chair
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