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Labourer killed by people at a wedding, who then had lunch whilst his corpse lay on the floor

it is interesting PM IK was taking about state of Medina and it;s first principle of rule of law...

i guess these people dont care to listen.. which explains support for noonie and PeePeePee...

A simple revolution will do. :)

Yes.. just follow Islam
it is interesting PM IK was taking about state of Medina and it;s first principle of rule of law...

i guess these people dont care to listen.. which explains support for noonie and PeePeePee...

Yes.. just follow Islam
or Simply, you need to move to Afghanistan. There is no country follows islam more than IEA Afghanistan. They follow the holy book upto word, comma and period in a sentence.
OMG !!
Sad, where we are heading?

A person was murdered just for an allegation of pick-pocketing which was never proved. Even if true, how much money for 1000/10,000/100,000 from a participant of a wedding?

We used to kill poor people just on allegations and love those corrupts/thieves who looted billions from us and enjoyed leisure living in a foreign country and even many in Pakistan. No law/court in the state could apprehend them.

Here is another episode of a triple murder case in Lahore.

1992 - The person (Mohammad Amin) murdered someone, and his father paid 20,000/= to police for not registering FIR and saving his son's neck.
2014 - Same person (Mohammad Amin) with the help of his own son, murdered his own father in greed for the property. Mother pressurized other sons to pardon them both, consequently released from jail and got their part of 7~8 crore from the property.
2022 - The same person (Mohammad Amin) who was pardoned along with his son, planned and murdered the whole family of his own brother (Brother/Bhabi/Niece) to get their part of the property.
If you watch this interview, no slightest sign of shame/expression of sorry from the murderer:
OMG !!
Can't believe this clown just used this tragedy to sell his communist socialist chooran

You must be sad that the Aurat March has been canceled and you didn't get the chance to contribute 10,000 rupees to the chanda of the mullahs for them to buy stones specially shaped such that they will cause maximum injuries to the Aurat Marchers.

How can it be demolished when SPA is about to overrun Kabul?

The SPA is real, the "Ghost of Kiev" isn't. Instead of being snarky you should develop sensibility.

His brain is stuck in a loop. Sad.

I suspect the real reason is the deep complex due to traumatization by the oppressive majority of his country regarding his actual identity and the deep need for acceptance that has led to the urge to disassociate himself from the actual identity while still reviling the oppressive majority. So he’s using the guise of communism to form that dissociation from his identity and at the same time using it to criticize the oppressive majority without drawing the usual fire for being who he is.

You should redirect your psychoanalysis skills towards your friend, Areesh, whose posts usually are crass, uneducated / jaahil, a waste of forum server space and a waste of internet network packets.

Yes.. just follow Islam

As Pakistanis have followed no doubt for the last 75 years and as do follow the Taliban since their emergence in the early 1990s. :)

hahahahaha but he is a harmless man. At times he becomes irritating.. Trust me he was selling the same chooran in Ukraine-Russian war thread oh my god.

And in which progressive movement's worker / activist database might I find your name ?

There is one more guy there who has made 350 posts in 6 days and he alone is taking the Ukraine Supporters by replicating tweeter database with pdf database.

So that thread should be left alone for NATO's stooges to do their propanganda work and not be challenged on their lies ?
Stop attempting to derail every thread with your capitalism BS
That cunt has a habit of trying to shove that atheist cult everywhere in every possible discussion I’ve called out his bullshit many times and funny enough he has no counter arguments only “what ifs” and “what about” lol ignore him he is a delusional commie
These people do not seem very rich. They also are probably from lower middle class . And yet they tortured an economically struggling person to death. This is becoming frighteningly frequent in every society. Something somewhere is rotten. Humanity perhaps needs another world War.

Not a world war, humanity needs an asteroid strike. Will instill in them the thought that their stupid college degrees, Capitalist jobs and their misunderstanding of religion have not given them true freedom and not given their societies harmony. Let that asteroid give humanity the suspense for one week as to where it will strike and then it should crash into the Arctic ( not Antarctica because there are penguins there ). Let humanity know that their belief in the divine nor in their misguided governments will not stop the undeniable supremacy of Nature so they should tidy up their affairs and stop their cruelty against each other.

That cunt has a habit of trying to shove that atheist cult everywhere in every possible discussion I’ve called out his bullshit many times and funny enough he has no counter arguments only “what ifs” and “what about” lol ignore him he is a delusional commie

No, you have no original arguments. Just some rinsed and repeated Tableeghi and NATO propaganda. You don't reply rationally to the points I raise despite my points being detailed. And you should sent up to destroy that asteroid I mention above. As to this thread's topic why do you think it happened ?

And "That cunt" ? Shows your misogyny. You think a female is someone to be dismissed summarily.

If all PDF members become like you there will become no point in continuing here.
His brain is stuck in a loop. Sad.

I suspect the real reason is the deep complex due to traumatization by the oppressive majority of his country regarding his actual identity and the deep need for acceptance that has led to the urge to disassociate himself from the actual identity while still reviling the oppressive majority. So he’s using the guise of communism to form that dissociation from his identity and at the same time using it to criticize the oppressive majority without drawing the usual fire for being who he is.

That is a very interesting explanation for the miserable condition of this guy

It is either this or he is simply too delusional and low IQ to simply understand hard realities of the society he lives in. It can be mixture of what you said and what I think he is
Not a world war, humanity needs an asteroid strike. Will instill in them the thought that their stupid college degrees, Capitalist jobs and their misunderstanding of religion have not given them true freedom and not given their societies harmony. Let that asteroid give humanity the suspense for one week as to where it will strike and then it should crash into the Arctic ( not Antarctica because there are penguins there ). Let humanity know that their belief in the divine nor in their misguided governments will not stop the undeniable supremacy of Nature so they should tidy up their affairs and stop their cruelty against each other.

No, you have no original arguments. Just some rinsed and repeated Tableeghi and NATO propaganda. And you should sent up to destroy that asteroid I mention above. As to this thread's topic why do you think it happened ?

And "That cunt" ? Shows your misogyny. You think a female is someone to be dismissed summarily.
Lol stfu retard you are the one who keeps going on and on like a broken record about the same damn thing without any facts or figures

You didn’t counter any of my arguments but yeah lying is in your Indian genes but what else can we expect from a Hadith rejecter Islam reformer

I countered each and every one of your arguments and my post history proves that you simply ignored my response because you had none
That is a very interesting explanation for the miserable condition of this guy

It is either this or he is simply too delusional and low IQ to simply understand hard realities of the society he lives in. It can be mixture of what you said and what I think he is

Ji ji, you can say that full confidence because you have never been part of any revolutionary idea or group. I am still waiting for your "debunking" of Arooj Aurangzeb that you promised me two years ago. You should go to her and tell her all about herself in a similar manner that you have opined about me.

Lol stfu retard you are the one who keeps going on and on like a broken record about the same damn thing without any facts or figures

You didn’t counter any of my arguments but yeah lying is in your Indian genes but what else can we expect from a Hadith rejecter Islam reformer

I countered each and every one of your arguments and my post history proves that you simply ignored my response because you had none

LOL, from "That cunt" to now "Retard". Do you know mental retardation is an involuntary condition that one shouldn't make fun of ? Your condition really is environmental conditioning mostly and Nature not granting you that much intelligence as it grants to a few others. It is not your types who progressive humanity. Like Areesh you are a minuscule cog in a wheel controlled by others and you don't realize it.

Lastly, you don't reply rationally to the points I raise despite my points being detailed. All you do is use fear-imposing words like "It is ALLAH's order" and propaganda pictures of DPRK to avoid debating rationally.
Ji ji, you can say that full confidence because you have never been part of any revolutionary idea or group. I am still waiting for your "debunking" of Arooj Aurangzeb that you promised me two years ago. You should go to her and tell her all about herself in a similar manner that you have opined about me.

LOL, from "That cunt" to now "Retard". Do you know mental retardation is an involuntary condition that one shouldn't make fun of ? Your condition really is environmental conditioning mostly and Nature not granting you that much intelligence as it grants to a few others. It is not your types who progressive humanity. Like Areesh you are a minuscule cog in a wheel controlled by others and you don't realize it.

Lastly, you don't reply rationally to the points I raise despite my points being detailed. All you do is use fear-imposing words like "It is ALLAH's order" and propaganda pictures of DPRK to avoid debating rationally.
(A) A retard like you shouldn’t talk about intelligence
(B) A wannabe commie talking about being controlled by others lol the irony
(C) I provide references for my points unlike you what you do is narrate a fairytale “what could be” “what if” “what about” “what will be” without any definitive proof or facts and figures all you do is quote “scholars” who think Islam needs reformation and hadiths need to be rejected

Furthermore you don’t provide any source for your info either
I said prove if communism works you can’t because communism doesn’t exist anymore

(D)Yes it is Allah’s order I’m a Muslim unlike you I do believe in Allah above everything and if that’s propaganda why don’t you prove it? Is dprk an economic super power? Is everyone in dprk prospering? Does USSR exist? Is Cuba a superpower? How many countries are former communist states?

You don’t have answer to any of these points that I raised before and yet you accuse me of avoiding rational debate
You are not just a retard but a demented one as well
Is dprk an economic super power? Is everyone in dprk prospering?

DPRK might not be an economic superpower in the Capitalist sense but I don't think last year two young North Koreans suicided because of unemployment like they did in Pakistan. @MH.Yang has visited DRPK and I don't think he will have seen the same misery there as in your "economic superpower" Pakistan.

And from this post by @yugocrosrb95 to our anti-Russian anti-Communist British-Pakistani TTA @aziqbal :
Those "half naked and half hungry communist" are less hungry than Indians and on par with your people.

I said prove if communism works you can’t because communism doesn’t exist anymore

Communism doesn't exist ? How ? I exist, so do other Communists in India, Bangladesh, Palestine, Turkey, Italy, Greece, Britain, USA, Russia, DPRK, other places. Will you pretend we don't exist and you are talking to a bot now ?

(D)Yes it is Allah’s order I’m a Muslim unlike you I do believe in Allah above everything and if that’s propaganda why don’t you prove it?

You can believe in Allah, that is your choice, but don't pretend to deny the supremacy of Nature. Can you utter some prayers and dive your spacecraft into a star and expect to be alive ?
DPRK might not be an economic superpower in the Capitalist sense but I don't think last year two young North Koreans suicided because of unemployment like they did in Pakistan. @MH.Yang has visited DRPK and I don't think he will have seen the same misery there as in your "economic superpower" Pakistan.

And from this post by @yugocrosrb95 to our anti-Russian anti-Communist British-Pakistani TTA @aziqbal :

Communism doesn't exist ?
How ? I exist, so do other Communists in India, Bangladesh, Palestine, Turkey, Italy, Greece, Britain, USA, Russia, DPRK, other places. Will you pretend we don't exist and you are talking to a bot now ?
You keep digging your own grave as usual
(A) Why suicide when starvation will take care of that? LOL but anyway since you are retarded enough to pretend that suicides don't take place in North Korea I'll burst your bubble here too


(B) You are seriously quoting Aziqbal? THAT IS YOUR SOURCE? But why am I even surprised a pathetic person such as yourself has no credible source all he can do is quote murtad "scholars" or communist atheists who think Islam needs reformation lol but yeah can't blame you because there is no credible source for your retarded argument

Furthermore aziqbal has hatred for India his words had a sense of irony in them but you're pea brain can't comprehend that either lol

(C) No communism doesn't exist, wannabe communists such as yourself do who are delusional enough to think that this atheist cult can come back to cast the world into a dark age

Any more what ifs or what about? or you're done with your bullshit?
You keep digging your own grave as usual
(A) Why suicide when starvation will take care of that?

1. You didn't utter a squeak about those two young Pakistanis who suicided last year.

2. Starvation is no longer the case in DPRK though yes food shortages are there because DPRK is a mountainous country where thus the traditional open land agriculture is difficult to organize and hence lesser crops grown than say in the vast plains of USA. Such a sentiment was confirmed some years ago by Harpal Brar of the Communist Party of Great Britain in an interview to the late British journalist Morris Herman. Harpal Brar has visited DPRK. That interview is no longer available because of perhaps YouTube's policy of deleting accounts on request by the deceased's near and dear ones. However, if DPRK takes up Vertical Farming and general Urban Farming like in Venezuela it can grow lot more crops. But you in Pakistan should go to DPRK and try doing what it does in agriculture. DPRK does enough in its given circumstances.

LOL but anyway since you are retarded enough to pretend that suicides don't take place in North Korea I'll burst your bubble here too


The last source is about North Korean defectors to the South. And for the first two sources :

1. How did they get the numbers given that such records are understandably not given to Western mainstream media ?

2. There is no context of the suicides.

(B) You are seriously quoting Aziqbal? THAT IS YOUR SOURCE? But why am I even surprised a pathetic person such as yourself has no credible source all he can do is quote murtad "scholars" or communist atheists who think Islam needs reformation lol but yeah can't blame you because there is no credible source for your retarded argument

Furthermore aziqbal has hatred for India his words had a sense of irony in them but you're pea brain can't comprehend that either lol

@Irfan Baloch @waz @LeGenD, am I allowed to call this non-contributory, misinformed and misguided person a murtad too like he is calling a good Islamic scholar who was present before this person's father was born ?

Secondly, Mr. Idiotic Bravo6ix, in your hurry to utter misplaced outrage you didn't understand who I was quoting and why.

(C) No communism doesn't exist, wannabe communists such as yourself do who are delusional enough to think that this atheist cult can come back to cast the world into a dark age

Any more what ifs or what about? or you're done with your bullshit?

What is a wannabe Communist ? I am one. And the Russian Communist party which is the second-largest party in Russia has given full support to the Putin government regards the special military operation in Ukraine despite some ideological differences. Secondly, there were two photos of two Russian tanks in Ukraine on two separate occasions and carrying USSR flags. And you can travel the world convincing the Communists that they don't exist, that they are holograms. Lastly, when humans begin setting up settlements on Mars in 15 years what do you think that new start for humanity will have as its political and socio-economic systems ? Elon Musk has already said that the political system on Mars should be direct democracy and that is what Communism has as one of its desires - "The Withering away of the State" i.e. people governing themselves directly. As was present in Libya for 36 years until 2011. Will you now go to Elon, call him names and declare that he is most wrong ?
Just returned from Pakistan, visited KHI, ISL, LHE.

Pakistanis have no moral campus and have lost any and all concept of courtesy and humanity.

Everyone is out to get each other and is in hyper drive when it comes to scamming, fooling others, driving, jumping queues, pretty much anything unethical and immoral.

However, when it comes to doing your job or doing good, there is no urgency and everyone is laid back and chill...

I don't see a bright future for our nation, it's a lost cause, the affliction is deep rooted and affects every facet and each strata of the society from uneducated laborer to affluent businessmen and educated professionals.

Prime example of this is condition was Badshahi Masjid, it was littered (on the inside) with garbage, grafitti and administrators sitting on chairs with their fat bellies directing everyone where to go for ziyarat of tabarukaat (our state religion of shirk) instead of getting their fat asses and picking up the trash.

No wonder IK is failing, he grossly under estimated the potential of Pakistani qom to be outright imbeciles.

Nothing will change and I hope IK realizes this and goes back to his charity work for the sake of Allah.
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