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Kurds protest wall being built by Turkey - clash with police


Aug 27, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Kurds on both sides of the Turkish-Syrian border protested against the construction of a wall meant to seperate the Kurdish communities of the two countries. The AKP government has recently intensified their efforts to build a wall that intends to create a further cliff between Kurds from Syria and Kurds from Turkey. The Kurds from this area are usually from same tribes and are often family members, though seperated between the border of two countries.

Today Kurds from Nisebin clashed with Turkish police to protest the construction of the '' Wall of Shame''.

A picture showing the artificial border dividing Kurds since WWI


The Kurdish mayor Ayse Gokkan of the Kurdish city Nisebin in Turkey went on a hunger strike for 9 days to protest the construction of the wall. She is now hospitalized.


Today, after weeks of construction, the Turkish state finally stopped the construction due to massive popular protests and demonstrations on both sides of the border. Both in Nisebin on the Turkey side and Qamishlo on the Syria side.









Thousands rally in Nusaybin-UPDATE | ANF

Turkish Police Fire Tear Gas as Kurds Protest Against Wall

Turkey mayor goes on hunger strike to protest Syria ‘wall of shame’
Kurds on both sides of the Turkish-Syrian border protested against the construction of a wall meant to seperate the Kurdish communities of the two countries.

lol at underlined part..Those separatist insects never miss a chance for a nice smooth propaganda..
Anyhow shame that they stopped the construction..I hope thats a temporary situation...This wall is crucial for stopping illegal drug/gasoline/human trafficing...
Kurds on both sides of the Turkish-Syrian border protested against the construction of a wall meant to seperate the Kurdish communities of the two countries. The AKP government has recently intensified their efforts to build a wall that intends to create a further cliff between Kurds from Syria and Kurds from Turkey. The Kurds from this area are usually from same tribes and are often family members, though seperated between the border of two countries.
lol at underlined part..Those separatist insects never miss a chance for a nice smooth propaganda..
Anyhow shame that they stopped the construction..I hope thats a temporary situation...This wall is crucial for stopping illegal drug/gasoline/human trafficing...

Lol. Stop it already. Jihadists flow freely into Syria. If you want to create a wall, create it at Kilis, Nizip or Reyhanli. Why do you build it in Nisebin? That area is peaceful. Qamishlo has not seen any clashes. There are close to no Kurds from Qamishlo who fled to Turkey. We both know that the flow of refugees are mostly Arabs and Alawis who come to Turkey via Kilis and Reyhanli and not via the Kurdish areas where the Turkish security is at its highest.

Why can't you see the reality in the eyes? Turkey is trying to divide Kurdistan. But it will fail. Trust me. It will fail just as it did with KRG.
Lol. Stop it already. Jihadists flow freely into Syria. If you want to create a wall, create it at Kilis, Nizip or Reyhanli. Why do you build it in Nisebin? That area is peaceful. Qamishlo has not seen any clashes. There are close to no Kurds from Qamishlo who fled to Turkey. We both know that the flow of refugees are mostly Arabs and Alawis who come to Turkey via Kilis and Reyhanli and not via the Kurdish areas where the Turkish security is at its highest.


Re-read my previous post one more time..I didnt mention about clashes, did i? I am talking about illegal drug/gasoline trafficing...Your petty attempt to turn everything in to propaganda wont work here...Just google Nusaybin and gasoline/drug trafficing and see the results for yourself

Why can't you see the reality in the eyes? Turkey is trying to divide Kurdistan. But it will fail. Trust me. It will fail just as it did with KRG..

lmao..Yeah right:sleep:
Re-read my previous post one more time..I didnt mention about clashes, did i? I am talking about illegal drug/gasoline trafficing...Your petty attempt to turn everything in to propaganda wont work here...Just google Nusaybin and gasoline/drug trafficing and see the results for yourself

I did, and nothing incredible came out of the search. Besides, naturally, the flow of illegal gas and drugs will follow the majority of refugee flows. And again, the majority of refugee flows is not between Nisebin and Qamishlo. The majority of refugee flows are between Aleppo and Kilis, Idlib and Hatay, Manbij and Gaziantep. The majority of the refugees from Syria are Sunni Arabs and Alawites who reside in refugee camps in Kilis, Hatay, Antakya and Reyhanli.There is a reason that the majority of people on both sides of the border are protesting. Listen to the people, not your government which is notorious for lying and decieving. 
If you really want to counter illegal activities, create a wall in Gaziantep or Hatay.where more than 160.000 refugess live OUTSIDE the refugee camps.
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Besides, naturally, the flow of illegal gas and drugs will follow the majority of refugee flows. And again, the majority of refugee flows is not between Nisebin and Qamishlo. The majority of refugee flows are between Aleppo and Kilis, Idlib and Hatay, Manbij and Gaziantep.

Not true..These illegal activities have been going on for years, long before Syrian civil war...You are connecting these activities with refuge flow which is not accurate...These smugglers come from Iraq and Iran too but its impossible for Turkey to control as the geographical conditions wont allow that to happen but as for Syrian border, it can control...And thats what happening now, you dont need to be a drama queen and connect everything to Kurdish issue as if the world revolves only around you
So tell me, why did Turkey not build it before the Syrian civil war? It makes even less sense to build it now in Nisebin when we know that the illegal activities are generally higher in areas like Hatay. Remember the Reyhanli bombing? Now that was a good reason to build a wall. And naturally also in Gaziantep and Kilis where a lot of refugees reside. But in Nisebin? There is not even a refugee camp in Nisebin.

Mate, Turkey is trying to divide Kurds. It is a very old tactic. As a centralist and oppressive state Turkey can do that but as you can see, the power of the people is greater than that of the state.
So tell me, why did Turkey not build it before the Syrian civil war? It makes even less sense to build it now in Nisebin when we know that the illegal activities are generally higher in areas like Hatay. Remember the Reyhanli bombing? Now that was a good reason to build a wall. And naturally also in Gaziantep and Kilis where a lot of refugees reside. But in Nisebin? There is not even a refugee camp in Nisebin.

Mate, Turkey is trying to divide Kurds. It is a very old tactic. As a centralist and oppressive state Turkey can do that but as you can see, the power of the people is greater than that of the state.

Well spare me of your standart propaganda set lines...You talk as if you are already connected but Turkey will build a wall and divide you in the middle...There is already a border where you cant pass and the wall will be in the middle of it...You know that right? But anyhow believe what you want, my 2 cents...We will talk after the wall is constructed
Yes, big Turkey will do a lot of things. But it is clear that its chauvanist mentality has taken over you. You actually find pride in dividing families and related people? Go and reconstruct the Berlin wall and the wall in Gaza then.
Yes, big Turkey will do a lot of things. But it is clear that its chauvanist mentality has taken over you. You actually find pride in dividing families and related people? Go and reconstruct the Berlin wall and the wall in Gaza then.

You are dodging my question as expected...How will Turkey divide if there is already a division by the border? Accuse France and UK for creating that border then instead of turning everything in to propaganda..As i said, lets talk after the construction is finished and lets see the will of "the people"
On the foot step of Zionist israhell Ataturk as good student wants to follow its teacher example.
Shame on turkey .
We will always love you salahuddin and will never forget your service to islam .
Inshallah in near future we will see complete kurdistan.ameen
Yes, big Turkey will do a lot of things. But it is clear that its chauvanist mentality has taken over you. You actually find pride in dividing families and related people? Go and reconstruct the Berlin wall and the wall in Gaza then.

You are dodging my question as expected...How will Turkey divide if there is already a division by the border? Accuse France and UK for creating that border then instead of turning everything in to propaganda..As i said, lets talk after the construction is finished and lets see the will of "the people"

You are avoiding my questions. You say that the activities have been going on for long time. Why did Turkey not build it before the civil war then? If Turkey really wants to prevent illegal refugee activities, why does it build a wall in the city with least refugees?
You say that the activities have been going on for long time.

I dont say anything, just stating facts..Smuggling tobacco, textile products, gasoline and drug traffic is widespread in the region since 90s

Why did Turkey not build it before the civil war then?

Because successive Turkish governments have kept a blind eye to such activities in the impoverished southeast to a certain degree as the state was unable to create jobs for locals mainly due to terrorism threat. But the intensity and the number of people involved in the illegal business have shot up dramatically in a couple of years along the Syrian border because of lax security and power vacuum in Syria.

If Turkey really wants to prevent illegal refugee activities, why does it build a wall in the city with least refugees?

I told you many times..I dont know why you keep ignoring..This wall has nothing to do with refugees..The smuggling activity is a lucrative business for powerful tribes now..

Read this News Analysis: Smugglers benefit from Syrian crisis, pose threat to Turkey - Xinhua | English.news.cn

So now you tell me, according to you Turkey wants to divide Kurds..So how will a wall on the border divide you?
A Wall of Fear

Turkey is scared of the rising power of the Kurds , whose BIG army cant even defeat 5000 PKK members, who are 60 % women with WW2 weapons
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