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Kumbh Mela: 'Eight million' bathers on first day of festival

after all it comes in Every 12 years... This one is Maha Kumbha Mela which comes in every 144 years
in Last Kumbha Mela which was held in 2001 around 60 million people participated which include 1 million foreigners...

yes the 12 years part , is there an astrological reason for this ? & if so what are its significance ?, though i don't believe in it, but i do read about the subject of para-science, astrology as interpreted by some Sufi orders, & was just interested to know on this aspect plus maha kumb ka mela which has to be quiet significant as the last one took place on late 18 century also the time differences among the
Ardha, Purna, Maha etc could you shed some light on this
An infographic of the largest recorded gatherings in human history..

Ya kailash too. But hostile weather.
Youths like us, however, can visit there before its too late. :)

One of the most sacred places of Hinduism (Mt.Kailash and Manasarovar lake) in Tibet...:rolleyes:

I respect the right of people to celebrate their festivals. However, for my religion is a personal thing which does not need to be paraded. I would be very claustrophobic in such a place.

How come going to Ganga to take a dip in the waters considered 'parading' unless each one has a personal Ganga to himself/herself ?
One of the most sacred places of Hinduism (Mt.Kailash and Manasarovar lake) in Tibet...:rolleyes:

How come going to Ganga to take a dip in the waters considered 'parading' unless each one has a personal Ganga to himself/herself ?

It is parading if 8 million decide to go in at about the same time, at about the same spot - if they really wanted they could find a relatively secluded spot in its 2500 km stretch.
It is parading if 8 million decide to go in at about the same time, at about the same spot - if they really wanted they could find a relatively secluded spot in its 2500 km stretch.

Prayag is called Triveni Sangam...Dont tell me the Sangam (confluence of three rivers) happens for 2500 kms or Makara sankaranti happens 365 days a year..lol
Prayag is called Triveni Sangam...Dont tell me the Sangam (confluence of three rivers) happens for 2500 kms or Makara sankaranti happens 365 days a year..lol

One of which happens to be mythical. So basically a confluence of 2 rivers. It is all a matter of faith. I don't begrudge anyone his or her religious beliefs. It is as easy for me to mock Hindu religious beliefs as you try to mock my aloofness from such religious showmanship. So spare me the sermon padre.
One of which happens to be mythical. So basically a confluence of 2 rivers. It is all a matter of faith. I don't begrudge anyone his or her religious beliefs. It is as easy for me to mock Hindu religious beliefs as you try to mock my aloofness from such religious showmanship. So spare me the sermon padre.

I just corrected your wrong claim that they could take a dip anywhere in the 2500 km stretch not knowing the significance of taking a dip at Prayag. The Sangam does not happen all along the entire 2500 km strip or Makar Sankranti or Mauni Amavasya happen 365 days a year. It happens once a year and this festival itself happens once in 12 years. So how does your initial claims of "parading" hold ground ? You feel claustrophobic..that's not anybody else problem.

BTW no body said it was not an act of faith.
I just corrected your wrong claim that they could take a dip anywhere in the 2500 km stretch not knowing the significance of taking a dip at Prayag. The Sangam does not happen all along the entire 2500 km strip or Makar Sankranti or Mauni Amavasya happen 365 days a year. It happens once a year and this festival itself happens once in 12 years. So how does your initial claims of "parading" hold ground ? You feel claustrophobic..that's not anybody else problem.

BTW no body said it was not an act of faith.

Of course you could take a dip anywhere in the Ganga. Since you are so well versed in Hindu scripture - perhaps you will be kind enough to point out - where exactly is it written that taking a dip at the Sangam washes away more sins than taking a dip elsewhere or at any other time?

And by the way - also point of the Hindu barometer of sin - so closer to Sangam, are more sins washed away?

If not, what is this if not religious parading?
Of course you could take a dip anywhere in the Ganga. Since you are so well versed in Hindu scripture - perhaps you will be kind enough to point out - where exactly is it written that taking a dip at the Sangam washes away more sins than taking a dip elsewhere or at any other time?

And by the way - also point of the Hindu barometer of sin - so closer to Sangam, are more sins washed away?

If not, what is this if not religious parading?

It is called religious faith that you yourself accepted in the first post. So how can anyone scientifically prove that ?

The faith is that taking a dip at Prayag which is triveni sangam during the kumbh Mela washes away the sins and also finishes any Karmic balance with you thus liberating oneself from the re-incarnation cycle. Also Prayag is one of the 4 places where drops of nectar fell on earth during the churning of the ocean. So added significance.

Unless there are Sangams all along the 2500 stretch and inspite of that people come to this single spot then your argument might hold some sense..but not now. Now you are just trying to save face and extricate yourself after your condescending claims were denied.
Yeah what about hajj gathering? Haj is the largest global human gathering...but Saudis have probably spent more money in order to cater pilgrims than almost india's entire freakin' budget!!!.

Even your OWN dont agree with you, those who have been there and have had first hand account of what happened to them as for as the Hajj and hygiene is concerned.

Thoughts on Haj | Opinion | DAWN.COM

The camps at Mina were crowded, badly planned with inadequate sanitation services, made worse by extremely poor civic sense and lack of communal spirit among the pilgrims. For the three nights, we survived on sips of water and a few biscuits. People ate and threw garbage everywhere, and not even once were the toilets, the bins or the pathways cleaned.

We spent the compulsory few hours each day in Mina standing or sitting outside, or walking along the streets away from the camps. Outside, people sat, slept and ate alongside piles of rubbish.

South Asians in general and Pakistanis in particular demonstrated their worst attributes in two aspects. One was their almost total disregard for cleanliness of any sort.
The other was complete lack of discipline
in making lines and queuing up for food, tokens or getting on or down from a bus.

Despite the number of women exceeding that of men, the facilities for women were less adequate, poorer in quality, particularly in the way of toilets, washing and ablution places, prayer areas and arrangements to hear and participate in duas.
It is called religious faith that you yourself accepted in the first post. So how can anyone scientifically prove that ?

The faith is that taking a dip at Prayag which is triveni sangam during the kumbh Mela washes away the sins and also finishes any Karmic balance with you thus liberating oneself from the re-incarnation cycle. Also Prayag is one of the 4 places where drops of nectar fell on earth during the churning of the ocean. So added significance.

Unless there are Sangams all along the 2500 stretch and inspite of that people come to this single spot then your argument might hold some sense..but not now. Now you are just trying to save face and extricate yourself after your condescending claims were denied.

I am not asking you to scientifically prove it. I am asking you to show me a source in any Hindu scripture which explicitly states that taking a dip at the Sangam on a specific date is holier than taking a dip on any other day at any other point on the Ganga.

Save face? LOL - about what? You are the one taking it as a personal affront to Hinduism. I could be wrong - once you show me the source in the scripture, it will be settled.
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