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KSA : Kingdom Tower (Mile-High Tower)

^^ Is there prove that the Tower of Babel existed or is it a religious story ?

Since they say it was 2,484 m, sounds unreal..

Yes, it is in fact existed history......deja vu to rise star, Arabs countries does again!

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Thanks, but it was not Arab until it got Arabized during the Islamic conquest.
Saudi Arabia to build world's tallest tower, reaching 1 kilometer into the sky

It is expected that construction of the tower will require 5.7 million square feet of concrete and 80,000 tons of steel.

For buildings of this stature, wind load could also put stress on the structure. To battle this, the design of the structure will change every few floors.

There are plans for a 98-foot sky terrace on the 157th floor. When completed, it will be the highest terrace in the world.

The structure will overlook the Red Sea, posing additional challenges to the building process. It's particularly important that the foundations -- 200 feet deep -- won't be affected by saltwater from the ocean.

Like the Burj Khalifa, the Kingdom Tower will have a flower-shaped footprint.

The project is expected to cost $1.2 billion.

Engineers will also need to design a pump to help deliver concrete to high levels.

According to Construction Weekly, construction will start on the Kingdom Tower -- slated to be the world's tallest at 1 kilometer (3,280 feet) tall -- next week.

Saudi Arabia to build world's tallest building 1-kilometer tower - CNN.com
In other news ksa to donate 3 billion to israel to rebuilt houses destroyed by hammas rockets and expand illegal settlements in gaza.
Foundation for world’s tallest building completed – owners
Construction of the tower starts

The Kingdom Tower and City as envisioned. (Inset) Mounib Hammoud, CEO of JEC, stands beside a replica of the Kingdom Tower which will be the tallest in the world when completed. — Courtesy photos

Last updated: Thursday, April 24, 2014 9:39 AM

JEDDAHThe Jeddah Economic Company (JEC), owner and developer of the Kingdom Tower and City in Obhor north of Jeddah, has completed the raft piling works for what could be the tallest tower in the world rising to more than 1,000 meters on an 85,000 square meter land area at more than $1.5 billion.

The foundation and piling works, one of the most important and difficult stages of the project, took 12 months to complete, the JEC said.

The JEC seeks to achieve new world records using latest technologies for foundation works of high rise buildings. At least 270 piles were cast in the site reaching 105 meters below the natural ground level and with a diameter that vary between 1.5 – 1.8 meters.

The raft is considered one of the world’s largest one-piece reinforced steel foundations with thickness ranging between 4.5 – 5 meters. Both piles and raft are supported with anti-corrosion technologies to preserve the steel reinforcement, using a constant electric current system known as Cathodic Protection.

In addition, strain gauge instrumentation and load cells have been built in to detect any changes in the soil and provide continuous readings about any environmental changes to the area around the foundation. Finally, earthing and lightning prevention systems were installed into the raft piling foundation.

Mounib Hammoud, CEO of JEC, said the work on the Kingdom Tower is now above the ground and construction is moving at an accelerated pace and in accordance with the highest construction standards using the most advanced techniques.

“Some of the techniques have been specified, such as the use of a high strength concrete reaching Cylinder Compression of 85MPa. The reinforced steel used is deformed bars Grade 60 and up to 40 millimeters in diameter and with yield strength of 520 MPa,” he said.

“A further double height eight-full refuge floors that are fire resistance will be allocated throughout the Tower. The Kingdom Tower will be ahead of any other high rise building in the world with specifications surpassing what is usually required,” he added.

“The Tower will have 58 high-speed elevators including the double-decker high-speed elevators reaching a speed of 12 meters/second, in addition to other distinctive features making the Kingdom Tower an iconic landmark that will be a source of pride for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its people.”

Hammoud also said that Saudi Arabia’s economic growth and prosperity make the Kingdom an important hub for local, regional and global investments.

JEC will emphasize this fact in order to make the Kingdom City a preferred destination for investors and ensure a prosperous future for generations of young Saudis by creating employment opportunities and providing an effective response to the growing demand for housing.

The Kingdom Tower features 170 stories, seven stories of which will be allocated for the five-star Four Seasons Hotel offering 200 rooms, eleven stories for 121 luxury serviced apartments, and seven stories for offices.

The Tower will also have 61 stories that include 318 housing units of various types, a gym, spa, cafes and restaurants, several sky lobbies and world’s highest observation floors located on the top floors 660-meter high enabling visitors to view the city of Jeddah from the sky.

Located on an area of more than 5.3 million square meters, the Kingdom City will provide a contemporary-lifestyle environment supported by an integrated advanced infrastructure. The City is designed to be a vital point for business and trade, as well as a tourist hotspot. The main objective of developing the Kingdom City is to provide a unique life, work and play environment offering residents and visitors elevated service levels. The city will significantly enhance Jeddah’s global status as a dynamic business, commercial, educational, medical and entertainment hub and will contribute to consolidating the sustainable growth of Jeddah’s real estate development. — SG

Foundation for world’s tallest building completed – owners | Economy | Saudi Gazette

Actually they are a bit slow - the ones reporting this news. They already moved the work from foundation pilling to the next step in the beginning of March as I wrote in another thread at the time.


Kingdom Tower project in Jeddah progressing as planned


Prince Alwaleed heads the JEC board meeting in Riyadh.

Published — Thursday 1 May 2014

Last update 1 May 2014 12:08 am
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, chairman of Kingdom Holding Company (KHC), headed the fifth board of directors meeting of Jeddah Economic Company (JEC) in Riyadh with the board members.
The board members are Abdulrahman Hassan Sharbatly, Saleh Bin Laden, Samaual Bakhsh, Talal Almaiman, executive director development and domestic investments, chairman and CEO of Kingdom Real Estate Development Company (KRED), a board member of Kingdom Holding Company and Jeddah Economic Company (JEC) and Hassan Sharbatly.
The meeting was also attended by Mohamed Fahmy, Kingdom Holding Company’s CFO and Fahad bin Saad bin Nafel, executive assistant to the chairman.
During the meeting, Talal Al-Maiman updated the board about the latest developments relating to agreements of operating the tallest tower which will be more than 1,000 meters high with value of SR4.6 billion.
Mounib Hammoud, CEO, Jeddah Economic Company (JEC), briefed the board about the status of the project and presented them with the progress of infrastructure and services for the project including electricity, water and district cooling.
The board has expressed their satisfaction with how the project is progressing and the completion of piling works.
In December 2013, Hammoud announced the completion of the piling works for the tallest tower in the world (Kingdom Tower).
This achievement is considered to be the base of works over ground.
In November 2013, JEC appointed a British company EC Harris Mace to provide Project Management services for the Kingdom Tower project in Jeddah.
The contract value is SR162 million and includes the management of all aspects of the project’s delivery with specific emphasis on the management of the program and cost.
Prince Alwaleed said: “This contract further confirms that the Jeddah project continues on its strategic path.”
Talal Al-Maiman added: “The selection of the working team has been completed to realize the vision of the investors and the city of Jeddah for this world-class standard national project. Also, I would like to reiterate that Jeddah Kingdom Tower piling works has been completed by Saudi Bauer Company.”

Kingdom Tower project in Jeddah progressing as planned | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.




PS: I was in Jeddah last week and tried to drive over to the building site but it is closed off. The work is ongoing though.



Burj Khalifa was 70.

It's a gigantic fundament. The fundament is also supposed to withstand seismic activity as this can occur from time to time in Hijaz. As some might know then there are several extinct and extant volcanos in Hijaz.​
Wouldn't the construction be easier and less dramatic if it was a mile wide instead of high? SA isn't ruuning out of horizontal real estate that they need to clim vertically.
Wouldn't the construction be easier and less dramatic if it was a mile wide instead of high? SA isn't ruuning out of horizontal real estate that they need to clim vertically.

Then it would not be a real skyscraper of that size (record-breaking) would it unless it would be the biggest structure ever built on this earth?!

The whole area around the Kingdom Tower will be full of skyscrapers (smaller ones obviously). I predict that the Kingdom City that the Kingdom Tower will be built in, which lies about 20-25 km from Jeddah, will one day merge with Jeddah and expand. Maybe all the way to Rabigh where another huge industrial city is being built at a fast rate (King Abdullah Economic City)

KAEC to have 2m people, projects worth $100bn on completion: CEO

The Kingdom Tower is also very close to the King Abdulaziz International Airport that will be among the biggest in the world after the expansion project is finished. After all this will be the gateway to not only Makkah but also Madinah during umrah and hajj.

King Abdulaziz International Airport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The location is ideal.

So in short lot's of project are taking/going to take place in Hijaz and KSA overall which is fantastic.:yay:
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Narrated Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu): Allah’s Messenger (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “The Hour will not be established till …the people compete with one another in constructing high buildings…” [Sahih Bukhari]

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) told us that “you shall see barefoot, naked, penniless shepherds vying in constructing high buildings.”(Sahih Muslim) This hadith describes people who become rich all of a sudden and then build not for need but only in competition.

Will you stop spamming this thread with your off-topic nonsense?

Arabia has been one of the richest areas of the world since the dawn of civilization. Reading my post below (all facts with several sources and links attached) will explain it further.

Excellent news.

Can anyone tell that Russian vodka addict that over 50% of KSA's economy has nothing to do with natural resources as of 2014 and that this side of the economy will only grow and grow and that the non-oil/gas part of the economy is the fastest growing? Or that KSA is listed as a top 15-10 economy on almost every economic rapport that deals with future economic forecasts?

KSA is already a regional power and a economic powerhouse (G-20 major economies member state) on a international scale and this position will only be strengthened further in the future.

KSA Economy News & Discussions

GCC States Economy & Development

Saudi Arabia | Economic Forecasts | 2014-2030 Outlook

Saudi Arabia to have 6th highest per capita GDP by 2050: Report - Economic Times


So keep crying children. Maybe your tears will fill up a oasis or two.

Besides KSA is one of the richest countries in the world when it comes to oil, gas AND minerals and other natural resources.

For instance we have the oldest and biggest gold mine in the ME that has functioned since 5000 years ago and recently diamonds were also found in KSA.

Mahd adh Dhahab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gem of a find: KSA may have diamond mines | Front Page | Saudi Gazette

Those are very, very rich lands.

And since we are the ancient and indigenous inhabitants (the Arabian Peninsula is the oldest inhabited place on earth after Africa) those are rightly our riches.

Even 1400 years before Islam some of the richest resources/materials were found in Arabia during the first real international trade route.

Incense Route - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But let the ignorant army here bark.

In short Allah (swt) decided to bless the lands of his known Prophets, the lands of Prophet Muhammad (saws) the Sahabah and the Ahl al-Bayt and that of the greatest Islamic dynasties and ruling families.

Now all those immense resources should be further used to help the locals, the country and the world in general which also has taken place but more can be done indeed.

@Arabian Legend @JUBA @Bubblegum Crisis @Yzd Khalifa @Full Moon @Hadbani @Tihamah @BLACKEAGLE @Awadd @Altamimi @Rakan.SA @Halimi @ebray etc.

If somehow (highly unlikely) the current positive developments should come to a halt and negative ones would reappear I suggest that our PDF gang should make a coup d'état.:lol:

In any case don't spam this thread. Skyscrapers are built across the world and they are a sign of wealth and power and are the architectural wonders of our present world.

If you don't like skyscrapers then stop visiting modern cities across the world. Go live in the Amazon rainforest among untouched tribes or something.
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If there is Arabic coffee (the original one), dates and PLENTY of Arabic desserts then count me in.:lol:

Desperate pervert.:lol:


man i thought you will be the one who is doing the preparation :ashamed:
what ever you have to offer , just give me a call

Yes, preparation in terms of paying for the meal as we are talking about a restaurant.:lol:

In all seriousness then you are welcome if you will ever visit KSA and I will be around.

Arabian hospitality is world-renowned and since I am not yet fat, old, spoilt and filthy rich I think that I can be quite welcoming for now at least.;):lol:

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