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Learn what ? how to pose before a camera ?

They don't fight they just pose, only a few PKK women fight in the mountains against Turkey but mountain warfare for them is nothing that requires intense and physical power, it's hit & hide or place an IED and watch it go off from a mountain. the 100 ISIS killed PKK girl is a joke as well.

What is this then ? It's SAA vs opposition but you fall for the Kurdi propaganda, all it takes is a background song and the barbari falls for it, no wonder I keep educating you.

Learn what ? how to pose before a camera ?

They don't fight they just pose, only a few PKK women fight in the mountains against Turkey but mountain warfare for them is nothing that requires intense and physical power, it's hit & hide or place an IED and watch it go off from a mountain. the 100 ISIS killed PKK girl is a joke as well.

What is this then ? It's SAA vs opposition but you fall for the Kurdi propaganda, all it takes is a background song and the barbari falls for it, no wonder I keep educating you.

Indeed this is a fake video of kurds, i watched this video in 2013 and i thoughed i did see this video once:-).
Trusted sources reported to SOHR that violent clashes took place between ISIS and YPG in Kani Arban front east of Ein al-Arab Kobane" after ISIS fighters sneaked into the area. YPG targeted 2 vehicles for the IS south of the city, reports of losses in the IS. 2 mortars fired by ISIS fell on areas in the city. Azady yard near the cultural center witnessed advances for YPG after violent clashes against the IS. YPG also targeted 3 ISIS vehicles between Baghdak and Qara Mog villages in the eastern countryside, what killed at least 5 fighters from the IS, reports of more human losses.
Do you need a handkerchief?

Iraq before

Iraq now
Trusted sources reported to SOHR that violent clashes took place between ISIS and YPG in Kani Arban front east of Ein al-Arab Kobane" after ISIS fighters sneaked into the area. YPG targeted 2 vehicles for the IS south of the city, reports of losses in the IS. 2 mortars fired by ISIS fell on areas in the city. Azady yard near the cultural center witnessed advances for YPG after violent clashes against the IS. YPG also targeted 3 ISIS vehicles between Baghdak and Qara Mog villages in the eastern countryside, what killed at least 5 fighters from the IS, reports of more human losses.
You forgot to write this:

And they lived happily ever after.

The end.
Footballer Deniz Naki flees Turkey for Germany after attack
By Selin Girit
BBC Turkish

Turkish-German footballer targeted in an allegedly racist attack has left his club and flown out of Turkey.

Striker Deniz Naki, who plays for Turkish Super League club Genclerbirligi, was attacked in Ankara on Sunday and got a black eye as well a minor injury to a hand.

He had recently expressed support on social media for the Kurds defending the strategic Syrian border town of Kobane from Islamic State (IS) attack and posted comments and pictures criticising IS militants.

Naki told the BBC he was attacked by three men while out buying food.

Once they recognised who he was, he said they they started insulting him for being of Alevi-Kurdish origin - a religious and ethnic minority in Turkey. Turkey has an Alevi population of up to 15 million, including both ethnic Kurds and Turks.

"They were swearing and asking: 'Are you that dirty Kurd? Are you Deniz Naki?'" he said.

"Then they said: 'Damn your Kobane, damn your Sinjar'. I tried to calm them down. But suddenly one of them punched me in the eye. Trying to defend myself, I punched one of them back and started running away.

"As I was running I heard them shout: 'Was the first warning not enough? This is your second and last warning. Leave this country, leave this city, leave this football club!'"

He boarded a flight back to Germany on Tuesday night.

Naki was targeted on social media six months ago because of a tattoo he has on his right arm that reads "Dersim 62", the traditional name and vehicle number plate of the eastern Alevi-Kurdish town of Tunceli.

He played for German clubs St Pauli and Paderborn before being transferred to Ankara top-flight team Genclerbirligi last year.

His decision to leave Turkey now was not down to fear, but rather concern for his family and friends, he said.

This time he was punched, but what if next time he ends up stabbed or shot, he asks.

"If I go out with my team-mates and one of them gets injured, how can I live with that? If I go out alone, I might get attacked again three or four months later.

"My parents live in Germany. They were worried. They couldn't sleep at night. That's why I chose to leave."

Asked about his future plans, the 25-year-old told the BBC he had no intention of returning.

"There is no tolerance. I would only go back because I love my country, I love my hometown. That's it. I will carry on with my career in Germany."
Trusted sources reported to SOHR that the YPG advanced near al-Haj Rashad and al-Baladia areas in Ein al-Arab Kobane after violent clashes against ISIS, led to death of 13 ISIS and killed and wounded 6 YPG. Clashes continue in many fronts in the city. Reports that YPG targeted 2 motorcycles for the IS on the road between Kobane and Jarablis, reports of killing 4 ISIS.

dusty rat

IS attacking Kobane from Turkey , the lunatic just cant stand loosing Kobane

Heavy fighting resumes in Kobane between Kurdish forces and ISIS

KOBANE BORDER—Heavy fighting resumed between Kurdish forces and Islamic State (ISIS) militants in Kobane in the early hours of Saturday, a Peshmerga commander in the city said.

“Fighting has broken out in the south and northeast of the city and heavy weaponry is used in the fight,” Brigadier Toufik Khazyavayi told Rudaw by telephone.

Khazyavayi said coalition fighter jets have also bombarded ISIS positions around the city at least four times today.

“ISIS hasn’t been able to make any advance,” he said. “On the contrary the Peshmerga and Peoples Protection Units (YPG) are moving forward and ISIS is on the retreat.”

YPG commanders say that they now control about 80 percent of the city and that coalition airstrikes have taken their toll on the ISIS militants.

The Kurdish border city of Kobane in Northern Syria has been under siege by Islamic State fighters for more than three months. But Kurdish forces are managing to retain hold of most of the city. As well as keeping IS at bay � they see getting their story out to the rest of the world as a vital part of their mission. An Iranian Kurdish film-maker spent a few days inside Kobane following the men and women risking their lives to publicise the ongoing battle. BBC World News - Inside Kobane
I have some recommendations :

1. Declare OHAL again
2. Do a population exchange with the people living in Cizre ( apparently they hate Turkey so why not). Pay the KRG money or deduct it from their 500 million $ debt to take these traitors in.
3. Send 70k-90k soldiers to reinforce these directives
4. After no one else but Turkish military personnel remains in Cizre ( they will be the only ones there one way or another) raze that tiny little shit hole town
5. Build a huge military base on its rubble ( I mean a really huge one)
6. Mine mountain passes and establish armed UAV patrols on the Turkish side of the border against the little mountain rats known as PKK
7. Name the base Fort Yavuz to make things even more clearer than they are and declare the airspace above and around the base a no fly
8. There you have a strong and efficient solution
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