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Do you think you can really hit our nerves with your idiotic comments ? :)

I'm only replying you because xenon replied you or else i don't even read Indian's comments in ME section.

good for you. keeping ur head firmly inside the sand is the best option for you !
Headless bodies litter streets of siege town

THIRTEEN-year-old Dillyar cannot get the image of his cousin being beheaded out of his mind. The pair were fleeing Kobane and running down a street when Islamic State fighters blocked their exit.

Dillyar managed to get away but his cousin Mohammed, 20, was seized, and gave a blood-curdling scream as one of the black-clad men drew out a knife.

“They pushed him to the ground and sawed his head off, shouting Allahu Akbar,” (God is greatest) the boy said yesterday.

“I see it in my dreams every night and every morning I wake up and remember everything.”

According to those who escaped, the jihadists’ savagery is worse than anyone feared. Headless corpses litter the streets of the besieged Syrian border town, they say, and some of the mainly Kurdish townsfolk have had their eyes gouged out.

Refugees who made it to Suruc, just across the border in Turkey, speak of witnessing unspeakable horrors in hushed tones, as if they can barely believe it themselves.

Amin Fajar, 38, said: “I have seen tens, maybe hundreds, of bodies with their heads cut off. Others with just their hands or legs missing. I have seen faces with their eyes or tongues cut out – I can never forget it for as long as I live. They put the heads on display to scare us all.”

It worked. Fajar, a floor fitter, and his wife and four children aged three to 12, ran for their lives.

“The children saw the headless people. They saw them,” he said quietly, sitting in his tent in a squalid refugee camp in Suruc.

Ahmed Bakki, a farmer from a village near Kobane, said his cousin, a 48-year-old father of seven, stayed behind when the rest of the family fled. “We phoned my cousin and IS answered his phone. They said: ‘We’ve got his head and we’re taking it to Jarabulus (an IS stronghold).’”

He added: “An English teacher in our village tried to reason with them but they just called him a ka***r (non-believer) and tied him to their car and dragged him away. We heard they beheaded him later. My neighbour was beheaded because they said he was ‘delivering vegetables to the (non-believers)’. They burned his farm, livestock, even his bees – they destroyed everything.”

This “scorched earth” policy is being waged by jihadists whose most brutal members seem to be Europeans.

“They are Chechen, English, they are from all over Europe. We know because we can hear their accents,” Bakki said.

Another man, Khalid, a teacher, claimed he had seen two fighters involved in the crushing of Kobane and had been told by a friend the pair were boasting they were British.

The UN estimates there are still 700 civilians in Kobane, mainly elderly, and up to 13 000 in the surrounding areas under siege from Islamic State, who “will most likely be massacred” if the town falls.

IS has released a video offering a glimpse into the hell taking place at street level. The professionally-filmed clip shows its militants waging ferocious attacks on homes in Kobane, capturing the town house by house and blasting rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns.

They are said to be in control of half of the town and have reached its centre. Earlier in the week, punishing air strikes from US and Arab war planes appeared to force IS fighters back towards the edge of Kobane. Yesterday, there were more bombs from fighter jets.

But although the air strikes are slowing the militants’ advance in some areas of the town, reinforcements are reportedly on the way from al-Raqqa, their stronghold in Syria about 120km away.

A few kilometres along the dusty border from Kobane, there is a new threat – IS snatch squads are said to be lying in wait in Turkey to seize more Western hostages – Daily Mail
So when will the few million Berbers safe the likewise stateless Kurds? Can I expect to see you in Ayn Al Arab?
Kurds will defeat and are defeating your baby test tube...I don't have to worry about them, nor of their future state. They remind me of "us" ,iron cojones, courage of the gods and a motivation on a turbo!
You are still around?
Kurds will defeat and are defeating your baby test tube...I don't have to worry about them, nor of their future state. They remind me of "us" ,iron cojones, courage of the gods and a motivation on a turbo!
You are still around?

Yes, they indeed remind me of your stateless Berbarians. Both of you are stateless and amount to nothing in history. So I understand your affinity. It comes natural. Bravo Ceylal, you are learning it at last!

Make sure to celebrate this event by buying yourself a donkey to move around with and some Moroccan hashish!
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Anyone have a feeling that once the thousands of reinforcements arrive from Raqqah, Kobane will fall? Woohoo, go ISIS!
Anyone have a feeling that once the thousands of reinforcements arrive from Raqqah, Kobane will fall? Woohoo, go ISIS!

After looking at the goıgle map closely, I have seen that this town almost equals to a city. House to house battle will take some time, i guess. Maybe a few days, maybe one to two weeks.
Be realistic....you think 30.000 militants can oppose our military ?? Really ?

They will never attack Turkey, they have no goals in Turkey.
DO you understand please I said their goal is a united Islamic nations under their rule so isn't Turkey an Islamic country or I'm wrong.

about your army and capability ok I got that but what don't you realize is that they use your own people to open all the hell doors on you they use you just like in Iraq they used Iraqis in Syria the use Syrian and so on once they have supporters they start to snake in.

Remember Russia which has more capability more than you, still they needed two wars to get rid of them.
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