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Yes, I have noticed that. All of those Iranian users who initially told that they were Azeri suddenly turned anti-Azeri/Turkish at the first opportunity and started their usual "Tork", "Torke Khar" etc. It is really hilarious. This bunch on PDF are a bunch of uneducated morons obviously. I do not hope that most Iranians are that because then God save the sane Iranians inside Iran. No wonder that Iran looks like Iran.

Haman10 is a silly Kurd. Imagine that for once?
Im the real Azerbaijani.. ;) We never go against Turkey, thats the first way to test the purity of their blood. I wonder he might also turned to be an Armenian.. )
So ISIS still cant defeat few YPG's after several weeks ? seems their ape alike blitzkrieg came to a halt by a bunch of isolated Kurds.
DO you understand please I said their goal is a united Islamic nations under their rule so isn't Turkey an Islamic country or I'm wrong.

about your army and capability ok I got that but what don't you realize is that they use your own people to open all the hell doors on you they use you just like in Iraq they used Iraqis in Syria the use Syrian and so on once they have supporters they start to snake in.

Remember Russia which has more capability more than you, still they needed two wars to get rid of them.

Not gonna happen. If PKK couldn't even take control of a town in 30 years even for a brief moment. ISIS can't do it also. All they could do is suicide bombings other, firing to our border towns. But they can't capture...forget town, a single village in our country.

So ISIS still cant defeat few YPG's after several weeks ? seems their ape alike blitzkrieg came to a halt by a bunch of isolated Kurds.

You gave the answer.
Not gonna happen. If PKK couldn't even take control of a town in 30 years even for a brief moment. ISIS can't do it also. All they could do is suicide bombings other, firing to our border towns. But they can't capture...forget town, a single village in our country.

You gave the answer.
You are part of NATO, how on earth can a NATO member lose a town to few terrorists ?

Thats not even a accomplishment... it would be a accomplishment if you totally dismantled them.
You are part of NATO, how on earth can a NATO member lose a town to few terrorists ?

Thats not even a accomplishment... it would be a accomplishment if you totally dismantled them.

Some guys say, Turkey will be next and stuff like that. I'm only answering.

Other than that. About Turkey attacking on ISIS.....that's not gonna happen. We won't fight to secure US interests in region. US should do his own work instead of trying to push it on their allies.
Yes, they indeed remind me of your stateless Berbarians. Both of you are stateless and amount to nothing in history.[/quo[camel driver as head of state, gave him a title of king and then to embellish it, they added a kinship to the Prophet Mohamed [sa3s], if it wasn't for the British, you will still wandering in the unknown quarter.
The Kurds are your spineless *** the meaning of self dignity, and self esteem.
you can't even defend your country, if it wasn't for the Americans, Egypt will be suffocated with your camel fragrance. You need, every time the name "kurd" within earshot, you should bury yourself in shame et plead to the good lord for a spine, it seems that you were left out...
For history , you have none...you made nothing, you left nothing... simple as that. It was persian , ouzbecks that contributed the most to Islam. If you were that great how in the hell you were lost in your own desert if it wasn't for the Brithish that corralled you like a bunch of cattle and created a state for you...If the Arab genie was so great , how in the hell you forgot all that talent the minute Isabella disposed of you? You have no culture, you have no talent, you have no spine...You are nothing , if I had to quote Sadat..
.If it wasn't for camel piss, you will die of thirst ...Thank god that he created a camel to squinch it and to wash flies excrement from your face...Berber country is almost 1,000,000 sq miles, Tomorrow the Kurds will have one of their own, and there is nothing that Arabs with their miyhycal greatness and their phantomatic army can do about it...instead being an idiot and swimming in arab past that does not exist and has never existed, you should watch those Kurds and try to learn something from them...That's the only thing that will keep Frogman safe from your camel staunch.
So I understand your affinity. It comes natural. Bravo Ceylal, you are learning it at last!
Imazighen= freeman , do you know what Peshmerga means?

Make sure to celebrate this event by buying yourself a donkey to move around with and some Moroccan hashish!
I can't buy the donkey, apparently you ruined it for everybody after your try to sodomise him......

I have two video's taken from a SAR aircraft showing a Saudi molesting a donkey and the other a camel...I am going to enjoy this .
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I told you many times that I prefer our world-famous Arabian horses. You know those that helped us in creating 3 of the 10 biggest empires in history (more than any other ethnic group in the world) and subjected your stateless Berbarian *** like other previous Semitic peoples did (Phoenicians, Carthaginians etc.) who civilized your illiterate Berbarians.

List of largest empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Camels were the second most expensive land animals for transportation throughout the world. From China to Morocco. Besides there are more camels in Algeria. We import camels from Australia who have the biggest number of wild camels in the world and from Somalia.

Anyway no surprise that the stateless Berberian moron is posting a photo of a old farmer that was lost in a desert and got a heart attack and died.

Stay classy stateless Berbarian and just pray that no barefooted Berbarian terrorists led by your cousin Mr. Marlboro will humiliate your country again by hijacking oil fields deep inside your country!

In Amenas hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or for the French to mass-murderer you and rule your *** for another 120 years.:lol:

Return to your native Northern Mali you stateless Berberian.
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I told you many times that I prefer our world-famous Arabian horses. You know those that helped us in creating 3 of the 10 biggest empires in history (more than any other ethnic group in the world) and subjected your stateless Berbarian *** like other previous Semitic peoples did (Phoenicians, Carthaginians etc.) who civilized your illiterate Berbarians.
You are a real sick mythoman...You need to see a doctor...All the conquest were not done by Arabs ..

[quot]Camels were the second most expensive land animals for transportation throughout the world. From China to Morocco. Besides there are more camels in Algeria. We import camels from Australia who have the biggest number of wild camels in the world and from Somalia.[/quote]
We don't delight in zoophilia like you do..We don't molest our Camels or donkeys, we don't molest our infant daughters like you do, or bury them alive like you do...Our women drive, you are the only species, because you are subhuman that take your shortcomings and hung ups on women

Anyway no surprise that the stateless Berberian moron is posting a photo of a old farmer that was lost in a desert and got a heart attack and died.
I don't care how you paint it, he was sodomizing the donkey and was kicked by the later...

Stay classy stateless Berbarian and just pray that no barefooted Berbarian terrorists led by your cousin Mr. Marlboro will humiliate your country again by hijacking oil fields deep inside your country!
You need to worry about ISIS, you don't need to worry about the land of the free, the one your kingdom payed to do us harm know the price to pay...They know they won't be facing the Sauds..Hell they never did face the Sauds, they faced the french that you had to islamise for 24 hrs so they can enter your mosque or the Pakistanis...

38 hostage takers killed, 4 taken alive, 38 hostages dead, 720 freed... only American SF or British SAS are capable to duplicate that results... that the army of the Berbers...one rule , one choice to her ennemies: surrender or die...

Or for the French to mass-murderer you and rule your *** for another 120 years.:lol:
they came, they stayed, they left..
In 132 years, there was only one year, where he had a respite from firefight...

Return to your native Northern Mali you stateless Berberian.
You keep talking about northern mali, those inhabitants beside the Touaregs who are berber [light skin] are the only true arab descendants, called the Barabishs.They are black skin like the Arabs..And those pictures you showed before with the ISIS bandana, are not berbers, they are Moroccans of the MUJAO, a splinter group created by the Moroccan secret service to act against Algeria. Same role it was given to Jordan against the Syrian...

Anything else, faux cul?
So ISIS still cant defeat few YPG's after several weeks ? seems their ape alike blitzkrieg came to a halt by a bunch of isolated Kurds.

ISIS has captured half of Kobani so far. Only the city center remains. You have to understand, many Kurds have came from Turkey to help defend Kobani. Hundreds of Kurdish fighters have been killed already. Kobani is right off the Turkish border. If Kobani falls, Kurds would be finished. ISIS territory is over a third of Syria. Kurdish territory is almost gone. It is Kurds who are fighting for their lives.
It is not a surprise that us Semitic peoples (Arabs, Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Punics) civilized you illiterate Berbarians and gave you the name Berbarian. Similarly the Romans.

During the war against France it were the Algerian Arabs that were the backbone of the resistance while you Berbarians were aiding the French. To this day you can find French flags flying high in your only Berbarian inhabited region of Algeria, tiny Kabylie.

Likewise your local Al-Qaeda branch is composed solely by Berbarians and your cousins from Mali.

In France and Benelux the Berbarians from Morocco and Algeria are famous for being criminals, drug addicts, social outcasts, lowly skilled, without education, engaged in prostitution and **** etc. while the Algerian and Moroccan Arabs are successful.

Historical facts are historical facts my stateless Berbarian. I know it hurts being a conquered people on all fronts by us Arabs.

Just return to your native Mali you stateless and enslaved Berbarian. Berbarians were enslaved all over the Arab world until not long ago. Don't forget that. Your people were cleaning our palaces, castles, houses and worked on our farms and did other unwanted jobs.
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You have to understand, many Kurds have came from Turkey to help defend Kobani. .
This alone tells that you are a big bullshitter. Since when did Turkey allow the Kurds cross over and help the civilians in Kobane ?

Latest news were that Turkey blocked the Kurds from doing anything in the city.
This alone tells that you are a big bullshitter. Since when did Turkey allow the Kurds cross over and help the civilians in Kobane ?

Latest news were that Turkey blocked the Kurds from doing anything in the city.
Turkey blocks noone from leaving, those who were blocked was because of illegal border crossing, otherwise everyone is free to go throught a bordergate, there is no visa neither for Iraq nor Syria.
Turkey blocks noone from leaving, those who were blocked was because of illegal border crossing, otherwise everyone is free to go throught a bordergate, there is no visa neither for Iraq nor Syria.
There is a risk of a massacre just right next door and all your officials can think about are ''illegal border crossings'' ? lol.... AKP party officials are so dumb and stupid, they cant fool the world with such idiotic statements, they sometimes remind me of our own officials.

Just let those Kurds who want to defend the city through... if needed bring them to the border with armed supervision.
Some guys say, Turkey will be next and stuff like that. I'm only answering.

Other than that. About Turkey attacking on ISIS.....that's not gonna happen. We won't fight to secure US interests in region. US should do his own work instead of trying to push it on their allies.

Its not the 1900's, these wars don't happen on borders. They happen from within and then go towards the border. All you have to figure out is who will bank roll the weapons for them this time.
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