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'Kiss protest' held at Turkey subway station

A conservative group of some 20 people staged a counter-protest. Police set up barricades between the groups.

Did anyone even read this news? Maybe am too tired but what the heck?! How is publicly kissing considered CONSERVATIVE?!

Conservatism promotes retaining traditional social institutions
Did anyone even read this news? Maybe am too tired but what the heck?! How is publicly kissing considered CONSERVATIVE?!
yes, you are too tired to read the news. Read it again. You will understand. :cheers:
There are laws like this all over the world.

In UAE, a country most percieve to be outrageously liberal with the booze flowing, has laws that prohibit 'excessive display of affection' and 'kissing' etc.

Similar laws are in place in US and UK etc, I don't know about the legal backing of it but malls do have posters suggesting that a person would be fined/prosecuted.
With all due respect it makes no sense to discuss this with the Pakistanis in here, since there most Turks in here are way more laid back then the Pakistanis. Two different cultures, two different worldviews.

Some Pakistanis really have a bad habit of putting their noses everywhere! :cuckoo:

If it's not Pakistan, it shouldn't be our problem. This holds true for Indians as well.
Wow....now that's progress. Congratulations to the Turkish people for making a stand against fundamentalism.


What next, people will be demanding permission for sex in public?

In the end, their country, their rules. What's our problem.

They can have group parties in a metro for all I care!
If I bring my kids on the train and want them to be religious and pious, I don't want them witnessing making out of other people just because they are in the heat of the moment.

If those lovers are so hot for each other they can wait and get a room.

razpak u smoke and hangout with girls and hangout with girls and u r talking abt islam and morals.keep it up
BTW, I'd like to wish happy-herpes to these good people.

Ignorance at it's best! They were not kissing dozens of different strangers but couples kissing each other.Whoever suggests that a couple shouldn't be able to kiss in public is bat crazy,kissing isn't soft ****,it isn't outrageous,it's normal.Geez,where did you people grew up,in a cave? I still remember my first kiss in highschool,in a public park,good memories,better still that there were no idiots to say that is disgusting.
although you people are the most secular and modern...but isn't this un-islamic

Who says they are Muslim? I am sure most of them have a poor belief if they believe something..and it is none of my business also..When i talk about "secularism and democracy" , i mean the freedom..Turkey is free country and we need more and more liberal ambient to develop in all areas.

What next, people will be demanding permission for sex in public?

In the end, their country, their rules. What's our problem.

They can have group parties in a metro for all I care!
bottomline, is it their prevalent culture to do so? If yes, then rule is going to be opposed by some. Does not matter whether it is okey in USA or UK.

same can be said of holding hands in public.. what next? sex in public?...
dont cover your face? what next? public nudity?

eating chicken? what next? eat human too.. :cheers:
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