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Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

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4) Korea beat China? :rofl: Then why are Koreans so small?! Go successfully invade NK THEN YOU COME AND TALK KOREAN BS ON THE INTERNET. Or else just keep your kimchi mouth shut.
Go take Taiwan before you start yakking about how badass is the PLA.
LOL............. do you even know what being a vassal state means? It means for the past 1000 years China simply tells the Korean king to send over silver, Korean girls and an emissary to do the prostration in front of the emperor whenever China needs something. That's called enslaving Koreans.

Do you remember what happened after your Battle of Salsu? China got together with Silla and destroyed Goguryeo, including sacking Pyeonyang in 669. I assure you the Chinese army got their revenge against the Goguryeo people.

Do you know why Koreans are always being killed by Japanese, Americans, Manchurians, Mongols and other Koreans? It's because China offers Korea as a meat shield to weaken potential enemies of China. Sometimes, we use Silla to kill Goguryeo, sometimes we use North Korea to kill South Korea, sometimes we offer Choseon as a sacrifice to slow down Imperial Japan.

This is why everyone laughs at Chinas terrible understanding of history. A vassal state of China meant that a country was willing to establish relations with the Chinese emperor by giving him a gift. It had nothing to do with being conquered by China you delusional Chinese nationalist. The Chinese emperor refused to trade with countries that did not offer tribute. Korea would pay a tribute of 1 gold piece and would end up making 1000 gold pieces by trading with China. That was why Korea became a vassal state of China. It was a buisness transaction, nothing more.

Did you know that the British Empire was also a tributary of China? The British wanted Chinese tea and fabrics so they willingly agreed to become a vassal state of China. THat didn't stop the Brits from latering conquering all of China with a few thousand men and force feeding the Chinese populace opium.

Once again, China demonstrates its hilariously feeble understanding of history.

^Watch this video. Japanese, Chinese and Korean sources CLEARLY SHOWS THAT KOREA WAS CHINESE DEPENDENCY!
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Gaogouli was a founded by a minority group originated in Dongbei, they were not Koreans.

Those Dongbei became Koreans genius.

Thats like saying French people are not actually French because they were descended from proto Europeon cavemen. Think before you speak.
Complete BS from the Indian media. :lol:

Where is the quote from any Chinese official? Where is the statement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry?

If we wanted a military base in Pakistan, why didn't we just accept their offer of Gwadar as a Naval base? Instead we declined it.

OK, never mind.. I will try to give alternate sources but in the mean time answer this.

You mentioned they offered China to setup Naval base at Gwadar so how exactly did you saw that offer as? you saw that as a sign of friendship & trust or an act of subjugation..
Your comeback is not even the tiniest bit insulting towards Korea. The UN murdered hundreds of thousands of Chinese and we have a trade surplus with China. $40 billion dollars more goes into Korean pockets then vice versa. We are allowed to pollute your country, exploit your people, sell our products and make billions of dollars from it.

And what exactly can you guys do about it? While 99% of the Chinese populace suffers, the 1% are perfectly content with allowing foreigners to turn your country into a money making toxic dump.
LOL.......... what kind of stupid utterance is that? Korea companies come to China to do business under Chinese laws and government on the same terms as anybody else (USA, Japanese, etc.).

The last time I checked, China is doing just fine from international commerce and investments. You can masturbate yourself to death about how your Korean companies are supposedly taking advantage of China, but the reality on the ground is China is taking money from Koreans and copying their (copied) Japanese technologies.
1) Free Chinese from Manchu? ROFL!!! What freedom? Hans were living just fine then. Perhaps you meant the other way around!? Koreans should thank Japanese because Japanese freed Korea from Chinese cage.

1st Sino-Jap War- RESULT:
Date 1 August 1894 – 17 April 1895
Location Korea, Manchuria, Taiwan, Yellow Sea
Result Japanese victory; a significant loss of prestige for the Qing Dynasty.
Joseon Korea removed from Qing vassalage.Korean Peninsula transferred to Japanese sphere of influence.

2) What did Koreans destroy? Koreans were always the little bitches of asia. LOL!

3) Korean War Chinese did the most damage. If China did not come in, NK would be under SK today.

4) Korea beat China? :rofl: Then why are Koreans so small?! Go successfully invade NK THEN YOU COME AND TALK KOREAN BS ON THE INTERNET. Or else just keep your kimchi mouth shut.

5) Korea the vassal state of China(Enjoy Chinese bros this vid has alot of valid sources):

Korean claim just as fake as NKoreans crying over Kim's death. :rofl:

Too long read, too much BS by you.

Chinas last 400 years in a nut shell

The Manchus ruled your country for nearly 3 centuries and genocided your people in the process. Then the Brits ruled you. Then the boxer rebellion occured and China was split up and ruled by Russia, British empire, France, US, Germany, Austria Hungary, Italy and other foreign powers. Then your country lost the Sino-Japanese war. Then WW2 occurred and Northern China was swallowed by the Japanese. The US nuked Japan and the war ended and Japan left Northern China but not after murdering 30 million of your people. You guys fought in the Korean war and lost hundreds of thousands of men. More then any other country by a large margin. Then you guys attempted to invade Vietnam and were soundly kicked out by a bunch of rice farmers.Today, China tries to act like a mighty country but can't even conquer that insignificant tiny speck known as Taiwan.

And this is only recent Chinese history. We can dwelve even further at Chinas pathetic military history.
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Those Dongbei became Koreans genius.

Thats like saying French people are not actually French because they were descended from proto Europeon cavemen. Think before you speak.

You Koreans always stuck your history within the Korean peninsula, and you got nothing to do with people in Dongbei.
OK, never mind.. I will try to give alternate sources but in the mean time answer this.

You mentioned they offered China to setup Naval base at Gwadar so how exactly did you saw that offer as? you saw that as a sign of friendship & trust or an act of subjugation..

I suppose they were trying to be friendly by making that offer.

We never asked them for it, so subjugation is out of the question.
Complete BS from the Indian media. :lol:

Where is the quote from any Chinese official? Where is the statement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry?

If we wanted a military base in Pakistan, why didn't we just accept their offer of Gwadar as a Naval base? Instead we declined it.

How does this source look to you?

China seeks military bases in Pakistan

It is sourced from a HongKong based newspaper. Hongkong which is numero uno in Free Media index as per your claims..
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