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Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

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Korea king kowtow to Qing emperor if I remember correctly.
Yes, that was the king who lost the war. Subsequent kings didn't, and this is why there is Kando territory dispute stretching even to today. Why would there be a territorial borderline dispute with Qingin Eastern Manchuria if Korea was part of Qing as Chinese posters imagine it to be? Why did Qing court say to the French ambassador that Qing's law does not extend to Korea and that the French were on their own?
This "opinion" piece is a joke. :lol:

Even the Western media acknowledges that no country has more influence over North Korea than China does.

Whenever the North Korean leadership is worried about anything, they travel to China. Not to South Korea, Japan or the USA. (Obviously).

But people are free to dream. :lol:
Even the Western media acknowledges that no country has more influence over North Korea than China does.
That's not what the US state department officials hear from Chinese officials behind the closed door.
It's the US officials talking to press "off the record".

That is really incredible. It must be true then! :lol:

If that is true, then when is the North Korean leadership going to start being friendly to South Korea and Japan in public? :rofl:

Instead, they sunk the Cheonan, bombarded a South Korean island, and developed nuclear weapons.

You can continue to believe in your "rumours". These rumours have been around for decades, but none of them turned out to be true.
That is really incredible. It must be true then! :lol:

If that is true, then when is the North Korean leadership going to start being friendly to South Korea and Japan in public?
Well, at least we know Kim Jong Il never bad-mouthed the US, ROK, or Japan in private according to Kim Jong Il's personal chef Fujimoto Genji; the only country Kim Jong Il frequently bad-mouthed was China. This is a common knowledge in Korea and Japan thanks to Fujimoto who published three memoirs and spoke on TV, but a shocking news to Chinese nationalists who feel backstabbed by Kim Jong Il. The very fact that Kim Jong Il's personal chef was Japanese and Kim Jong Eun's mother was a returnee born in Japan shows Kim Jong Il personally harbored no ill-feelings toward to Japan, but even Kim Jong ill hated China so much.

Well, at least we know Kim Jong Il never bad-mouthed the US, ROK, or Japan in private according to Kim Jong Il's personal chef Fujimoto Genji; the only country Kim Jong Il bad-mouthed was China. This is a common knowledge in Korea and Japan thanks to Fujimoto who published three memoirs and spoke on TV, but a shocking news to Chinese nationalists who feel backstabbed by Kim Jong Il.

Kenji Fujimoto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hahaha, you mean that Japanese guy who "claimed" that he was once a Chef of Kim Jong-il? :rofl:

Kim Jong-il has his own mouth, he can say whatever he wants in front of the camera with no worries. After all, he was a God in North Korea.

But he never said that in public did he? And Kim Jong-il never acknowledged that he had even seen that "Japanese Chef" before in his entire life.
Hahaha, you mean that Japanese guy who "claimed" that he was once a Chef of Kim Jong-il? :rofl:
Japanese intelligence service was de-briefed by Fujimoto and does not dispute his claims. This is why he can write three best-selling books and frequently appear on Japanese TV as a Kim Jong Il expert, who knew the most intimate details of Kim Jong Il's private life.

In fact, it was Fujimoto who provided the details on Kim Jong Eun when nothing was known about him back in 2008.
Japanese intelligence service was de-briefed by Fujimoto and does not dispute his claims.

LOL the Japanese intelligence service? :lol: And do you even have a link?

Tell me then, what stopped Kim Jong-il from saying all these "shocking truths" himself on national television?

He had nothing to fear, in North Korea he was essentially a God.

And he never even acknowledged that he had seen that "Japanese Chef" even once in his entire life. :rofl:
A typical Chinese nationalist in denial of the reality. There are millions of these out there.

If you want to show me reality, give me actual sources from the mouth of Kim Jong-il himself. :lol:

Not "rumours" from US sources, or Japanese claims for which you don't even have a link. Obviously there is a conflict of interest there, and even then... they still have to put it as "off-the-record".

Again, he was a God in North Korea. He could say anything he wanted on national television. If what you say is true, he would have either said it himself or done something about it... both of which were well within his power.
No disrespect but it looks like North Korea hasn't evolved much in the last couple of decades, maybe even evolved reversely. It is incredibly sad for North Korean citizens though, being prisoned in a country with food shortage, while their brothers in South throw food in the garbage that could feed whole of North Korea...

U miss the point, it's not that Nk is not in 1950s, it's the world.
no more USSR, China isn't doing things based on ideology anymore
Opinion: A Chinese takeover of North Korea? Unlikely. | Asian Correspondent

Being pro-China is a crime whose punishment is either death or the life in prison-camp in North Korea.

Cut it anyway you like. Out of the 6 parties...Russia, S Korea, N Korea, Japan, US and China,
China is the biggest winner.

US refused direct talk with N Korea and shot themself in the foot.
Japan sabotaged any influence with N Korea after including kidnaping in the 6 party talks and then scantioning N Korea.
S Korea ended the sunshine policy and also shot themself in the foot.
Russia does not care.

And China just wait patiencely and now N Korea falls into China's lap.
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