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Kim Jong Eun doesn't leave China sympathizers alive

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Didn't realize, Koreans people are so emotional and weeping crying due to the death of their holy god father (Kim Sung/Kim Jong).

Kim Jong Il dead: Video of grief and mass hysteria in North Korea - YouTube

North Koreans weeping hysterically over the death of Kim Jong-il - YouTube
After watching the movies I got so much amazed that the Koreans cried so much for their late leader such as their most beloved person died.....realli its amazing to see pplz weeping like that.....never seen or heard even in my life.....:smokin:
I guess Ure statements against China and NK is nothing but CIA'z propaganga.......:smokin:
But his level is too low,This kind of bulls*** would never gonna work.
If CIA really trust him,I doubt CIA is filled with reta**s,hahahaha.
It's really funny to see those wierd ,strange and childish korean logic.
For us, Kim Jong-nam is a better choice, but too bad he is an illegimate child.
Yes, everyone in East Asia know about North Korean hatred of China. This is why I do not list North Korea as China's friend like Pakistan and Iran.

Nope. Being a China-sympathizer, or even agreeing to Chinese style reform is an act of treason. And you know what Kim regime does to the enemy of the state.

When North Korea aborts or kills all half-Chinese babies at birth, you know their hatred of China runs deeper than in the South, also famous for anti-Chinarism.

That is why there are more north koreans living illegally in China than Seoul. And your coast guard are pvssies, getting a$$ kicked by Chinese fishermen.
That is why there are more north koreans living illegally in China than Seoul. And your coast guard are pvssies, getting a$$ kicked by Chinese fishermen.

1. the border between South Korea and North Korea is the biggest militarized zone in the world. it is easier said than done, go look up some documentaries about people who tried to escape to South Korea. the Chinese-North Korean border however is not so guarded. beside, corruption is a big problem there. you pay you pass, you dont... you get killed when captured.

2. South Korean coast guards now have permission to shoot Chinese fishermen who resist arrest.
1. the border between South Korea and North Korea is the biggest militarized zone in the world. it is easier said than done, go look up some documentaries about people who tried to escape to South Korea. the Chinese-North Korean border however is not so guarded. beside, corruption is a big problem there. you pay you pass, you dont... you get killed when captured.

2. South Korean coast guards now have permission to shoot Chinese fishermen who resist arrest.

1. thats right. we need to start shooting more illegal immigrants the way US does it.

2. if they shoot our fishermen we will shoot their navy.

---------- Post added at 06:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:06 AM ----------

So you hate North Koreans too!! That proves the point, it's a race thing.. So is NK still a Chinese ally? The reason I am asking is coz they are Korean whom you hate deep down your heart..

---------- Post added at 03:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:36 PM ----------

Vietnam has land/sea disputes with China that probably is the reason they hate them. There may be some other angle to it too that I am not aware of.. May be because China try to do a lot of interference and act like a bully to all small countries in the E Asia..

Every strong country has to deal with despicable dictators to do business. Did US not deal with brutal dictators like Amin, Pinochet, Suharto and the Shah of Iran?
Honestly, China has the same problem as India, the small surrounding countries will have distrust of China, since China is a giant. This is despite the fact that historically China has generally not been an aggressor, same as India.

I know there are exceptions, but its a generalisation.
Koreans used to be an obedient vassal state of China, for a very long time, unlike Japan.
When Qin Dynasty was weak, Japan took korea as a vassal state and ruled ruthlessly.

After SK and NK were formed, SK went ultra nationalism, while still being more or less still a vassal state of USA, they use the ultra-nationalism as a mental weapon against communism and NK.

NK on the other hand, Kim rooted out all his political enemy to become a dictator; ignored China's warning went into war with SK with USSR support; got their ***** threw to the NK-China border, forced China to intervene. After korean war, NK had a good relationship with China even under USSR pressure.
After China formed relationship with USA and opened up, NK felt betrayed, the relationship went sour for a while.
Recent decades, the only useful friend NK had left is China. With China's help, it avoided collapse.

While the only reason China supports NK is geopolitical, more and more Chinese think NK is a backward country that sometimes went behind China's back for its own interest.

In essential, Chinese despise SK's ultra-nationalism as vanity and being a watch dog of USA; Chinese despise NK leaders' little tricks under the table but pity NK people's ignorance.

SK hate China's intervention during korean war. Moreover, inferiority complex because of being big countries minion for so many years also generate a lot of hatred.

China's openness and departure from personal warship threaten the very base of Kim family's governing. Koreans are generally every sensitive, their feelings of being looked down upon can be too easily provoked.
However, Korean the poster is the same troll as usual and the article he posted also the same misleading propaganda articles he usually find.
Kim Jong Eun can barely stay in power even with China's help right now. So, readers please use your common sense, would he kill north-korean China sympathizers as the article claims at the risk of Chinese back-lash or losing Chinese support entirely?

This isn't 1950's anymore.
However, Korean the poster is the same troll as usual and the article he posted also the same misleading propaganda articles he usually find.
Kim Jong Eun can barely stay in power even with China's help right now. So, readers please use your common sense, would he kill north-korean China sympathizers as the article claims at the risk of Chinese back-lash or losing Chinese support entirely?

This isn't 1950's anymore.

No disrespect but it looks like North Korea hasn't evolved much in the last couple of decades, maybe even evolved reversely. It is incredibly sad for North Korean citizens though, being prisoned in a country with food shortage, while their brothers in South throw food in the garbage that could feed whole of North Korea...
Koreans used to be an obedient vassal state of China
No they weren't, and the French are the witness to this.

By mid-19th century, France obtained a Qing court guarantee of religious missions across Qing's territory and sent missionaries across Qing. When the French missionaries in Korea were executed by the Korean court because of a ban on Christianity, the French protested to the Qing court why the imperial guarantee was broken. The Qing court replied as follows.

1. Qing's law and edict does not extend to Korea.
2. Korea is a soverign country making its own foreign policy decisions.
3. If France got problems in Korea, then France should take the issue directly to the Korean king.
4. There was nothing that Qing could do to help France on this matter.

So what happened was that the French got duped into the usual exaggeration in China, and that the Chinese word "vassal" does not mean "vassal" in European languages, but "diplomatic recognition".

France then decided to deal with the Korean court directly per the recommendation of the Qing court, leading to the Korea-French War of 1866. French campaign against Korea (1866) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The outcome was that the French forces got repelled based on the strength of Korean artillary, which was the best non-European type in region(This is why Korea decided to battle European troops while Qing and Japanese didn't). Korea repeated the same feat with the US troops in 1871, which led the Korean court to incorrectly decide that the Western power could be dealt with and this delayed Korea's modernization by some 30 years.

After SK and NK were formed, SK went ultra nationalism, while still being more or less still a vassal state of USA,
If Chinese call the current Korea-US relationship as "vassal", non-Chinese posters here can understand what the relationship between Korea and Ming/Qing dynasties were like in the old days.

SK hate China's intervention during korean war. Moreover, inferiority complex because of being big countries minion for so many years also generate a lot of hatred.
The fundamental theory of so-called Korean nationalism that is the foundation of North Korea's Juche ideology states that Koreans are superior to all its neighbors.

their feelings of being looked down upon can be too easily provoked.
It is the other way. Koreans look down on Chinese, not the other way around.

Kim Jong Eun can barely stay in power even with China's help right now. So, readers please use your common sense, would he kill north-korean China sympathizers as the article claims at the risk of Chinese back-lash or losing Chinese support entirely?
Yes, because North Koreans see China merely as resource to be utilized, not as equal to them in terms of genetic superiority.

Kim dynasty have been killing all China symphasizers from the 50s, and this will not stop with Kim Jong Eun. Frankly, North Koreans just don't care what Chinese say, and China in turn turnaround and tell Americans that they have no influence over North Korea, so don't tell us to pressure North Koreans, because it doesn't work.

If you need to understand how North Koreans see the world around them, following is an excellent read.

Amazon.com: The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves and Why It Matters (9781933633916): B.R. Myers: Books
BR Myers: The Cleanest Race – Re-Examining North Korea | One Utah

Analyzing the propaganda used by North Korea, Myers argued that it is a mistake to consider North Korea a Marxist or Stalinist state. Again and again, he found examples of North Korean propaganda using racial rhetoric not Marxist rhetoric. He argues that North Koreans have spent decades learning that they’re “the cleanest” – i.e. the purist – race on earth and hence superior to everyone else.

So accusing Koreans of "superiority complex" is correct, but the "inferiority complex" is not, especially not against the Chinese.
Greater Korea region is complicated, neither SK or NK trust their imperial big daddy, but are forced to retain the status quo of being vassal states.

And no, NK don't hate China as far as I know, and China aren't interested in taking over Korea. There's ideological difference between different communist states.
Korea king kowtow to Qing emperor if I remember correctly.
North Korea is a joke of the world..
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