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Killing India’s hidden ‘Cold Start’ strategy

I hope this answers some of your exaggeration cliams

Do want me to post more proof
The Last Paragraph says it all.

general jahangir karamt whom i assume is a Pakistani Think Tank or General suggests that over the next 10 years India will be in a position to intiate Cold Start successfully.

That is india end game.

If you look at all 3 services and the estimated $100 billion procuremernt plan you can see what shape and size the indians are taking

Most of the necessary equipment is on order or signed for already. But it will take UNTIL 2020 to acquire and deploy in cold start doctrine

C17 globemasters x 10
C130J transports x 16
Apache/longbow helos x 22
Indian indengiuos LAC helio x 60
Dhruv x 300
Mi17 ASSULT helos x 80 more
T90 tanks x 1600
Arjun tanks x 400
Smerch MBRL X 72
Pinka MBRL X 180
1000 bew mobile artllary order yet to be made
2 Airc raft carriers (one indengious) by 2015
Arihant nuke sub x 4 (1st in sea trials)
7 new kolkata class destroyers by 2016 1 nearing sea trials
16 talwar class/krivak class frigates by 2015 6 deplyed already
6 scorpene subs by 2014
Israel UACV
Phalcon awacs x 3 arrived 3 more ordered

*** Now i know Pakistan will respond but they will spend a fraction of $100 billion over the same period >>>

2020 cold start NOT 2011

u are saying like we are sitting ducks we will wait for ur cold start and u will capture us ;)
^^^ dont mock him, he is raising a good point. first we were outnumbered 3 to 1. in the next five years this ratio will be 7 to 1
the indians are being misinformed and misled by their media.....the indians are still maintaining an offensive posture on the border with us

and obviously, every move that may be even perceived as hostile subsequent to threat assesment and mil-int --- must be responded to at least to the bare yet credible minimum

it would be smarter for the indians to distance themself from this ludicrous and provocative approach
Unless Pakistan Answers or Matches INDIAN ECONOMIC POWER/ progress the FIRE POWER ratio and defense spend annually will be far bigger than it is today.

Today India spends aroound 5 times as much as Pakistan annually.

India is growing at twice the speed in GDP.

it means by 2020 India will outspend Pakistan TEN TIMES OVER annually.


Pakistanis ANSWER will be more reliance on NUCLEAR weapons.

And this is what various think tanks both in the WEST & IN india/pakistan believe is happening now already...
Guys calm down, the Cold Start Doctrine is as good as dead. Its not that the Indians dont want to implement a doctrine like that, but the fact is that they simply lack the capability to employ something on the lines of Cold Start. It also does not help them that their enemy has the necessary armour, mechanized divisions and air cover to thwart any Indian onslaught. Thus, let our Indian friends blabber about Cold Start as much as they can because certainly it does not holds any merit.

Just ignore the tall fanboy claims of our fellow Indian friends; the more i read about it, the more i realize how big of a joke it is. Their is a reason why it has failed to move from the drawing board to doctrinal change.
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i wouldnt consider it dead, cold start is sort of like the anaconda effect. it works slowly, you would probably see the result in the upcoming years. but by the time you realize, it'll be too late
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