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Killing India’s hidden ‘Cold Start’ strategy

Cold Start is a Concept at this stage. Its a New War fighting concept that India is building towards following the disastorous build up of operation Pakahram in 2001.

That build up was painfully slow and costly and achieved nothing.

India is not looking at a Mass Invasion border war taking swathes of Pak territory and losing lives and costing $billions.

India no1 priority is maintain its impessive Economic growth of last decade and get Indian GDP to $2 trillion by 2015 and $3 trillion by 2020. THE LAST THING INDIA NEEDS IS A WAR to throw its trajectory growth off this course.

BUT it cannot be seen to be a soft touch. THE GOI as to respond to the next terrorist attack because 1.2 billion indians will demand an answer.

Cold START CALLS FOR RAPID SHORT BURSTS of strikes by small forces both on land and in the air WITHOUT comitting MASSIVE build up.

In the WEST they call this punative mlitary action.

LIKE I SAID i repeat this COLD START DOCTRINE is just a concept at this stage but is being worked upon AND OPENLY debated by the indian top brass.

I REPEAT nothing is more important that the indian GROWTH OF ITS ECONOMY...

Cold start Doctrine was dead in 2004 after Congress has arrived along with POTA.:cry:
Cold Start is a Concept at this stage. Its a New War fighting concept that India is building towards following the disastorous build up of operation Pakahram in 2001.

That build up was painfully slow and costly and achieved nothing.

India is not looking at a Mass Invasion border war taking swathes of Pak territory and losing lives and costing $billions.

India no1 priority is maintain its impessive Economic growth of last decade and get Indian GDP to $2 trillion by 2015 and $3 trillion by 2020. THE LAST THING INDIA NEEDS IS A WAR to throw its trajectory growth off this course.

BUT it cannot be seen to be a soft touch. THE GOI as to respond to the next terrorist attack because 1.2 billion indians will demand an answer.

Cold START CALLS FOR RAPID SHORT BURSTS of strikes by small forces both on land and in the air WITHOUT comitting MASSIVE build up.

In the WEST they call this punative mlitary action.

LIKE I SAID i repeat this COLD START DOCTRINE is just a concept at this stage but is being worked upon AND OPENLY debated by the indian top brass.

I REPEAT nothing is more important that the indian GROWTH OF ITS ECONOMY...

Sure, you strike with force and capture some territory. THAN WHAT? Do you honestly believe PA wont counter attack at Indian forward positions where your troops are exhausted and your Armour has been severely weaken after taking hits from PA Infantry. Once you have captured the territory, how do you expect to keep your troops supplied when our MLRS are blasting your trucks at the border. OR; once your IBG's enter our territory, what makes you think PA wont encircle them? This whole plan is a joke and you Indians are not fooling anybody. We have already demonstrate during the Azm E Nau Exercise that we are fully capable of meeting the Indian challenge, if you dont like to accept this fact than even better for us.

The rest of your post is just another fanboy rant, you haven't talked anything about your strategic or tactical objectives. Each and everyone of your post is so identical, you start comparing the number of hardware and than descend down to the FX Reserves :lol:. Typical Fanboy Signature . Its quite clear to me that you have no freakin idea what Cold Start Doctrine is and dont have the slightest clue how wars are fought, so you be happy like a good fanboy looking at fancy new hardware :rofl:
Sure, you strike with force and capture some territory. THAN WHAT? Do you honestly believe PA wont counter attack at Indian forward positions where your troops are exhausted and your Armour has been severely weaken after taking hits from PA Infantry. Once you have captured the territory, how do you expect to keep your troops supplied when our MLRS are blasting your trucks at the border. OR; once your IBG's enter our territory, what makes you think PA wont encircle them? This whole plan is a joke and you Indians are not fooling anybody. We have already demonstrate during the Azm E Nau Exercise that we are fully capable of meeting the Indian challenge, if you dont like to accept this fact than even better for us.

The rest of your post is just another fanboy rant, you haven't talked anything about your strategic or tactical objectives. Each and everyone of your post is so identical, you start comparing the number of hardware and than descend down to the FX Reserves :lol:. Typical Fanboy Signature . Its quite clear to me that you have no freakin idea what Cold Start Doctrine is and dont have the slightest clue how wars are fought, so you be happy like a good fanboy looking at fancy new hardware :rofl:

India has no interest in capturing Pakistani territory.

Most likely the next terror attack would result in Surgial strikes, which the PA might or might not respond to in an offensive manner. If PA does go offensive, IA's objective will be to keep it short, do the most damage and get out before it get's late. Cold start will stop before you know it has started.. and the thing is, it started the day the report was published.. Most internet warriors have been paranoid ever since. The psychological damage is phenominal. ;)
well i want to make u one thing clear.during obama visit,india tried to influence the u.s to agree on cold start coz after all the support of u.s is necessary on global level.the cold start exist.but america is busy in afghanistan,so they dont want to take chance.

so ur philosphy of 2008----- etc is failed.india dont care abt pakistan strength etc but they wanted to make u.s with them.but they failed due to above mention reason

to use a cold start offensive u do not necessarily have to have the support of the world powers because u are not enaging full on.....it is just a quick burst adn by the time the international reaction comes ur cold start will have achieved its objectives if it goes according to plan....and if not then there is no point of having a cold start doctrine.......in theory what u are saying is the same to saying that india needs support or permission of US to engage in a war against pakistan.
to use a cold start offensive u do not necessarily have to have the support of the world powers because u are not enaging full on.....it is just a quick burst adn by the time the international reaction comes ur cold start will have achieved its objectives if it goes according to plan....and if not then there is no point of having a cold start doctrine.......in theory what u are saying is the same to saying that india needs support or permission of US to engage in a war against pakistan.

again i will say u.s support is necessary.
example is -->israel do every thing coz they have u.s support.we dont need permission but we cant ignore powerful america:)
again i will say u.s support is necessary.
example is -->israel do every thing coz they have u.s support.we dont need permission but we cant ignore powerful america:)

man...israel is not using cold start doctrine where as we are taling about a cold start doctrine.....a cold start means that u surprise everyone.....cant u get this point??

Several people including myself have just confirmed to you that COLD START is not en masse invasion of Pakistan right accross the LOC.

India cannot afford a major war this decade.

They do not want a WAR this decade

They will not scarfice anything that derails their march to $3 trillion GDP by 2020.

Cold start is nothing more than

a small surgical strike by air or cruise missle or indeed a small rapid reaction force accross the LOC/border. Almost certainly immediate retreat there after.

India has no idea of Pakistans threshold at which point they may panic and escalate the war.

LIKE I SAID THIS CONCEPT IS being studied/modified and will evolve over the next few years.

This useless points of we will encircle you, we will deny you air supremacy, we will go nuclear is nonsense talk.
India has no idea of Pakistans threshold at which point they may panic and escalate the war....
Storm Force,

These very words, if they indeed were true, make the very concept of CS, null and void Sir. One can not design a blitzkrieg without calculating the enemy's appetite. Either the InA did that, or CS doesn't exist.
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Storm Force,

These very words, if they indeed were true, make the very concept of CS, null and void Sir. One can not design a blitzkrieg without calculating the enemy's appetite. Either the InA did that, or CS doesn't exist.

Or may be they have calculated it, but such a situation is gonna tell did they calculate it correctly or they were wrong.

Wrong calculations are a part of military history and battles & wars fate depends on such calculations / decisions.
Storm Force,

These very words, if they indeed were true, make the very concept of CS, null and void Sir. One can not design a blitzkrieg without calculating the enemy's appetite. Either the InA did that, or CS doesn't exist.

You've covered Option 1 and Option 2.
Option 3- part of it is a "trial balloon".
that foolish strategy by the more foolish general has been taken care off...so lets move on with our lives...and discuss some more realistic issues...shall we my brothers and friends? :smitten:
One can not design a blitzkrieg without calculating the enemy's appetite. Either the InA did that, or CS doesn't exist.

Please be kind to them all for they know not what they speak..

Pearls of wisdom should never be thrown unless the recipient is willing to do the catching and understand.
Or may be they have calculated it, but such a situation is gonna tell did they calculate it correctly or they were wrong.

Wrong calculations are a part of military history and battles & wars fate depends on such calculations / decisions.

Whatever calculations the InA brass might have done remains a classified thing, however, its seems the InA has finally started moving its thinking from a deep battle of attrition to quicker battle of annihilation. Whether they are right in that, is a different debate.
Please be kind to them all for they know not what they speak..

Pearls of wisdom should never be thrown unless the recipient is willing to do the catching and understand.
Point taken Sir. I rarely but in and rather do the reading job of whatever the gents have to say. Sometimes though, the temptation gets too strong.
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