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‘Killers’ of renowned clerics Yusuf Ludhyanvi, Nizamuddin Shamzai arrested in CTD raid

he doesn't owe you or me any apology for terrorists.
recall how we begged the west not to paint all Muslims as terrorists?

our hatred and name calling a community will only earn the thanks of Ajit Dovel.
recall what Jadev said in his interview confession that sectarian fight was part of his mission as well as ethnic targeting.
Its not about apologizing my brother, he didn't do it so why should he apologize. The point i was trying to make to him in the other thread was iran has been funding terrorism, arming terrorists, requiting terrorist from pakistan, creating in violence among different sects, providing india a safe route for her spys etc etc. So iran is no better of a country for us. Thats it.
I'm not that fussed about Iran actually, I just think the Arabs are clowns
I think both are clowns, but Iran the bigger one. Good day.
Zakirs say whatever they can say to please audience. Many times they accuse umahat and Sahaba for the sins that they never committed. These things spark controversy. In the results these 5 ruppee entertainers get killed for obvious reasons.
Then comes this Sipah e Muhammad in action and kills a Jayed Sunni Aalim who has nothing to do with the murder of a useless life.
i have come accross intelligence reports on sectarian incitement from elements of lashker jhangvi sipah Sahabah, nosahri and shia groups and they are vile and distressing
dont share videos or picutres that are hurtful.

what content is on line and WhatsApp leave it there. because this firum is not a lynching platform of TLP.

story is about capture of alleged killers of a senior Muslim cleric of Ahl hadith faith.

put your hand on heart and pray police is telling thr truth and their masterminds are caught too.

but avoid using news to corner the shia followers because they are not answerable like you or I are not answerable to what TTP has done to APS or what lasker jhangvi does to hazaras as an example.

we read how muslim countries fell just before invasion because people were infighting issuing fatwas insulting and one wonders why didnt they see the obvious outside hands that stirs them? well this moronic tendency seems to have flourished among us.

i fear the day when some muslim is killed by ahmedi or Christians then it might be used to instigate violence against already persecuted communities.

if people love Ajit dovel doctrine then continue to bring religion sect and ethnicity in such stories he will thank all these useful idiots for free work.
Mostly IRAN and its trained terrorists are usually behind these kinds of sectraian killings.
usually is not good enough

needs evidence and then shared.
there is no stopping our State
there is no ahmedi Shia or Christian group in Pakistan strong enough to take actions in safety of Pakistan
Its not about apologizing my brother, he didn't do it so why should he apologize. The point i was trying to make to him in the other thread was iran has been funding terrorism, arming terrorists, requiting terrorist from pakistan, creating in violence among different sects, providing india a safe route for her spys etc etc. So iran is no better of a country for us. Thats it.

I think both are clowns, but Iran the bigger one. Good day.
stay strong stay together

take example from my brothers in Uniform
we pray together while on borders or in cities.

pak military is a reason why we didnt disintegrate like lybia syria and Iraq.

i am from quetta where i attended funerals of my friends killed in sectarian violence.
our class from school goes to every funeral regardless of sect. the horror stories are so graphic and distressing that i am surprised i didn't get insane.

say prayers gor all who fell victim to hatred and terrorism
BC, clowns are in power in our country. The deep state has become spineless. Questions need to be asked.
You didn’t get a warning - you literally just got a notification with a reason for why your post was deleted (hint - not about mentioning Iran, since there are other posts on Iran still on this thread).

But since you can’t be an adult about it - thread banned.
sectarian killings are a depressing and unfortunate tragedies because they have far reaching impact on our State beyond the victim sect.
the targeting of the Ahl Hadith Alim is sad because he was not involved in any inflammatory sermons like some shia or sunni clerks engage in. his targeting was clearly meant to fan the sectarian violence like the Pindi incident few years ago

just a video is an eye opener if someone cares for Pakistan and willing to listen and allow his good sense

the Takfiri terrorists attacked a Deobandi mosque in shia outfit and killed many people and blamed on shias after which many shia were killed in revenge attacks.

former DG ISPR in his press conference exposed the plan. I must say that we must not rule out the other less obvious culprits as we make our minds up on the primary suspect in this case allegedly the Iranian Mullah regime and its intelligence network,. Karachi has been a target of many hostile agencies. no matter how mad or unbelievable I would add Arab agencies, Indian and other western hostile agencies as well that would love to see the climate of early to mid 2000s return in this city and rest of Pakistan.

Pakistan army as always leads the way in keeping our unity and defeating all attempts by the extremists to use such killings to their advantage.
BC, clowns are in power in our country. The deep state has become spineless. Questions need to be asked.
write down your questions I will send them to my former colleague when we meet up
Are not we supposed to form some sort of geo political alliance with that neighbor?
By the end of few years GCc and iran will both be our true friends with current diplomacy we are perusing ...
Damn Pakistani police are good they knew who did it and had confessions little after the arrest... I am surprised Scotland yard hasn't taken these gems from us, Imagine all of Europe crime free because of Pakistani police..
Damn Pakistani police are good they knew who did it and had confessions little after the arrest... I am surprised Scotland yard hasn't taken these gems from us, Imagine all of Europe crime free because of Pakistani police..
thats the issue here. we are supposed to giver verdict based on names give away of the alleged terrorists and just make angry accusations on Iran and Shias and problem solved as far as police is concerned.

sometimes things may not be as simple and obvious as thought by emotional crowd.

check out the video conference by former DG ISPR who detailed an investigation on sectarian terrorists and their true identity who martyred people in a Deobandi mosque in Pindi during Moharam few years ago.
Damn Pakistani police are good they knew who did it and had confessions little after the arrest... I am surprised Scotland yard hasn't taken these gems from us, Imagine all of Europe crime free because of Pakistani police..

So all of a sudden Pakistani LEAs are $hit because they have arrested your beloved good terrorists... Reminds of protests in Parachinar against Colonel Umar who busted Zainabyun training camps and weapons caches...

P.S..These are arrests are usually made by IBOs predominantly consisting of Intel agencies..
Damn Pakistani police are good they knew who did it and had confessions little after the arrest... I am surprised Scotland yard hasn't taken these gems from us, Imagine all of Europe crime free because of Pakistani police..

Yes it is suspicious.

Why would Sindh police arrest their own operatives?
the Takfiri terrorists attacked a Deobandi mosque in shia outfit and killed many people and blamed on shias after which many shia were killed in revenge attacks.
Please spare us from this BS,this doesn't suits you.If someone told you this he was lying attack on that Masjid was done by pious Momineen of Rawalpindi after heated argument between Imam and Momineen.Momineen wanted to have Masjid Speaker Shut during their Jaloos while Imam wanted them to pray Juma.
In the end momineen took the lead and Govt came to damge control.
P.S:-I wonder what made you accept this tale when you know that Takfiris don't have working brain.
Damn Pakistani police are good they knew who did it and had confessions little after the arrest... I am surprised Scotland yard hasn't taken these gems from us, Imagine all of Europe crime free because of Pakistani police..
They use 3rd degree,their method even makes stone talk.
thats the issue here. we are supposed to giver verdict based on names give away of the alleged terrorists and just make angry accusations on Iran and Shias and pr
They are innocent guys,Police is framing them.
Please spare us from this BS,this doesn't suits you.If someone told you this he was lying attack on that Masjid was done by pious Momineen of Rawalpindi after heated argument between Imam and Momineen.Momineen wanted to have Masjid Speaker Shut during their Jaloos while Imam wanted them to pray Juma.
In the end momineen took the lead and Govt came to damge control.
P.S:-I wonder what made you accept this tale when you know that Takfiris don't have working brain.

They use 3rd degree,their method even makes stone talk.

They are innocent guys,Police is framing them.

It has a lot to do with Afghanistan.

The betraying Musharraf capitulated to Indo Faras nefarious strategies which required sacrifices by the unsuspecting Muslimeens.
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