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Killer Of F-35 Jets: US Dominance Of 5th-Gen Fighter Aircraft To End With Supersonic Stealthy ‘Flying Machines’?


Mar 1, 2019
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Killer Of F-35 Jets: US Dominance Of 5th-Gen Fighter Aircraft To End With Supersonic Stealthy ‘Flying Machines’?

By Apoorva Jain - July 29, 2021

Undeterred by its removal from the F-35 fighter jet program by the US, Turkey has unveiled a stealth carrier-based unmanned aircraft program to consolidate its position as a drone superpower.

Selcuk Bayraktar, the son-in-law of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the chief technology officer of Turkish defense company Baykar, released a video on July 20, sharing the details of the future unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV).

“Unmanned aircraft will change the concept of air warfare and will replace fifth-generation aircraft,” Bayraktar can be heard saying in the video..


Dubbed MIUS, the Turkish acronym for National Unmanned Aircraft System, the unmanned fighter eventually will possess supersonic speed, stealth capability with a maximum payload of nearly 1.5 tons.

Following the announcement, the company released concept images of the MIUS drone, demonstrating the aircraft carrier variant of the fighter with short-takeoff capabilities.

MIUS is expected to be a gamechanger for the Turkish defense industry, which is on course to establish itself as a drone superpower.

The MIUS Project
The MIUS project was introduced along with the Bayraktar TB2 drone and the twin-engine armed drone called Akıncı during the 2019 Innovation Week.

The video shows Selcuk Bayraktar strolling inside his family-owned company’s armed-drone research and production center in Istanbul. Viewers also get to see many semi-finished drones in the video.


Based on the concept images shared online, analysts suspect the MIUS to be a single-engine unmanned aircraft with a tailless, blended wing body design optimized for reduced radar cross-section (RCS). The aircraft will have two canards but no horizontal stabilizers and two canted vertical stabilizers. The air intakes are located on each side of the fuselage.

Bayraktar said in the video that the MIUS will incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent fleet autonomy technologies, enabling multiple air vehicles to operate independently or fly alongside and support manned fighter aircraft.

“The MIUS will be used for different combat roles such as close air support, suppression and destruction of enemy air defenses, and air-to-air combat,” he said.

The unique element of the MIUS aircraft is that it will be able to take off without a catapult system, making it one of the few UCAVs which can operate from carriers with short-take-off abilities.

The company announced the MIUS is expected to operate from Turkey’s Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) Anadolu, which is to be commissioned by 2022.

“Unlike other prototypes developed in this field in the world, the most important aspect is that it can land and take off from carriers. MIUS will be able to land and take off from short-runway carriers like LHD Anadolu. It will be able to take off without the help of a catapult and land on the ship with a hook system.” Selcuk Bayraktar said, adding that it will become a “force multiplier” in a theater of war.

In March 2021, the Turkish Government had approved the transformation of the future LHD Anadolu, an amphibious assault ship, into a carrier ship for attack drones, as reported by Naval News.

Lets be honest -- without an independent, reliable GPS system, Turkey CANNOT become drone Superpower other than being a manufacturer of these drones. I believe there is a home grown national navigation system in Turkey which works in Turkey only but that's about it.
Lets be honest -- without an independent, reliable GPS system, Turkey CANNOT become drone Superpower other than being a manufacturer of these drones. I believe there is a home grown national navigation system in Turkey which works in Turkey only but that's about it.

That is some wild assumption.. They do have relieable GSP systems.. They are already drone superpower not becoming one but this is entirely against fighter jets
No, it is not. F-35 brings a lot more to the table than any UCAV.

Only Eurasian Times would come up with this kind of click-bait theme.

i believe that unmanned can overcome manned combat eventually
Why some people believe that out of nowhere some asian country can come up with a totally new warfare and change the dynamics of the war.....

USA and some western European countries are in the war business since the time when these newly formed countries were not even recognised..... It's great to see if some asian country is trying to achieve something on it's own but jumping on the guns and posting articles like US dominance end and bla bla is really funny...
Why some people believe that out of nowhere some asian country can come up with a totally new warfare and change the dynamics of the war.....

USA and some western European countries are in the war business since the time when these newly formed countries were not even recognised..... It's great to see if some asian country is trying to achieve something on it's own but jumping on the guns and posting articles like US dominance end and bla bla is really funny...
Articles like this come out on a quarterly basis. The US is always portrayed as 'hate', 'terrified', 'shaken', and assorted similar emotional descriptors. We are used to it.
Killer Of F-35 Jets: US Dominance Of 5th-Gen Fighter Aircraft To End With Supersonic Stealthy ‘Flying Machines’?

By Apoorva Jain - July 29, 2021

Undeterred by its removal from the F-35 fighter jet program by the US, Turkey has unveiled a stealth carrier-based unmanned aircraft program to consolidate its position as a drone superpower.

Selcuk Bayraktar, the son-in-law of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the chief technology officer of Turkish defense company Baykar, released a video on July 20, sharing the details of the future unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV).

“Unmanned aircraft will change the concept of air warfare and will replace fifth-generation aircraft,” Bayraktar can be heard saying in the video..


Dubbed MIUS, the Turkish acronym for National Unmanned Aircraft System, the unmanned fighter eventually will possess supersonic speed, stealth capability with a maximum payload of nearly 1.5 tons.

Following the announcement, the company released concept images of the MIUS drone, demonstrating the aircraft carrier variant of the fighter with short-takeoff capabilities.

MIUS is expected to be a gamechanger for the Turkish defense industry, which is on course to establish itself as a drone superpower.

The MIUS Project
The MIUS project was introduced along with the Bayraktar TB2 drone and the twin-engine armed drone called Akıncı during the 2019 Innovation Week.

The video shows Selcuk Bayraktar strolling inside his family-owned company’s armed-drone research and production center in Istanbul. Viewers also get to see many semi-finished drones in the video.


Based on the concept images shared online, analysts suspect the MIUS to be a single-engine unmanned aircraft with a tailless, blended wing body design optimized for reduced radar cross-section (RCS). The aircraft will have two canards but no horizontal stabilizers and two canted vertical stabilizers. The air intakes are located on each side of the fuselage.

Bayraktar said in the video that the MIUS will incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent fleet autonomy technologies, enabling multiple air vehicles to operate independently or fly alongside and support manned fighter aircraft.

“The MIUS will be used for different combat roles such as close air support, suppression and destruction of enemy air defenses, and air-to-air combat,” he said.

The unique element of the MIUS aircraft is that it will be able to take off without a catapult system, making it one of the few UCAVs which can operate from carriers with short-take-off abilities.

The company announced the MIUS is expected to operate from Turkey’s Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) Anadolu, which is to be commissioned by 2022.

“Unlike other prototypes developed in this field in the world, the most important aspect is that it can land and take off from carriers. MIUS will be able to land and take off from short-runway carriers like LHD Anadolu. It will be able to take off without the help of a catapult and land on the ship with a hook system.” Selcuk Bayraktar said, adding that it will become a “force multiplier” in a theater of war.

In March 2021, the Turkish Government had approved the transformation of the future LHD Anadolu, an amphibious assault ship, into a carrier ship for attack drones, as reported by Naval News.

If the son-in-law of Erdogan says it then that must be true. Seriously, maybe it’s time to think how to bring foods on people’s table instead of empty bragging, waging war here and there.
Even if china becomes economic super power... the us in terms of military technology is 2-3 decades ahead of any nation...
If the son-in-law of Erdogan says it then that must be true. Seriously, maybe it’s time to think how to bring foods on people’s table instead of empty bragging, waging war here and there.

Coming from Vietnam of all people.. You are living in the effin dark ages bro.. This reminds me about India talking about economy while living in the worlds largest poverty at whopping 1 bil below the bread line.. Turkey is 7th largest economy in the world by 2030
Articles like this come out on a quarterly basis. The US is always portrayed as 'hate', 'terrified', 'shaken', and assorted similar emotional descriptors. We are used to it.

I do agree that the article was made in sinister way to instigate between allies but the technology part is true tho this is a new innovation and as you know technological developments always continues worldwide and the US has no monoploy on intelletcual property or just geniuses.. The world has been just developing since forever and a forever circle since the dawn of man
Lets be honest -- without an independent, reliable GPS system, Turkey CANNOT become drone Superpower other than being a manufacturer of these drones. I believe there is a home grown national navigation system in Turkey which works in Turkey only but that's about it.

GPS system is just one small part of whole eco system of drone warfare.
Turkey needs to master chip manufacturing, mature domestic turbofan ecosystem this single technology required experties in mettulurgy which itself needs too many resources and time, next generation sensor suits.
Comparing matured US drone eco system with Turkish ones is a joke for now.
Specially when due to current political environment turkey not getting subsystems and tech knowhow from NATO.
GPS system is just one small part of whole eco system of drone warfare.
Turkey needs to master chip manufacturing, mature domestic turbofan ecosystem this single technology required experties in mettulurgy which itself needs too many resources and time, next generation sensor suits.
Comparing matured US drone eco system with Turkish ones is a joke for now.
Specially when due to current political environment turkey not getting subsystems and tech knowhow from NATO.

Turkey already has better performing drones than the US.. Turkey was the first country to use laser weapons in warfare and also the first country to use AI in warfare.. Not only Turkey but other countries have also advanced in many ways. The world has just entered a phase of technological expansion.. But not India tho still struggling with famine and poverty..

Also the US is not god in the technological sphere in fact nobody is and not all their shit turns into superb. Everything needs to be judged based on pragmatic performance.. I have also seen alot of people shouting down Chinese tech as in because it is chinese and it must be bad but that is not how things work if the chinese tech work and outperforms others than they have pragmatically better tech but nobody can prove this but nobody can either prove they have shitty tech as alot of so-called defense gurus like to claim.. It is entirely a matter outside of their knowledge and in the dark
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