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Australia to buy 58 new F-35 fighter jets

Hmm, that's kinda surprising. 240 per year is high, very high. Take F-15 for example, a total of 1198 F-15 of all variants were built and that is over the course of four decades. 4500+ F-16 were build, but that is also over the period of 40 years. Both the above fighters are also multination planes and 240 per year is still pretty high.

Keep in mind the US government had initially restricted export of the F15.
The F16 is a better example. Even though a large number of F16's have been built the production peak was probably long ago. I'm guessing around 1990. Right now they probably have only 1 assembly line open filling orders.
Australia has beef with Indonesia so it's understandable they buy that many F35. It's going to be fun in Asia Pacific in 2020s when we roll out our own J-20.
Australia has beef with Indonesia so it's understandable they buy that many F35. It's going to be fun in Asia Pacific in 2020s when we roll out our own J-20.

Who said we have beef with Indonesia??
Keep in mind the US government had initially restricted export of the F15.
The F16 is a better example. Even though a large number of F16's have been built the production peak was probably long ago. I'm guessing around 1990. Right now they probably have only 1 assembly line open filling orders.

It does make certain amount of sense. Though to be honest, I am having a bit trouble relating F-35 to F-16 since the former's price has being going up to the point it exceed the cost of F-22 while the latter is a cheaper alternative to F-15. Time will tell.
Who said we have beef with Indonesia??
Are you serious? Lately there have been dispute and Indonesia is also building up its navy to prevent Australia from intruding in Indonesia and spying on them through NSA program.
Are you serious? Lately there have been dispute and Indonesia is also building up its navy to prevent Australia from intruding in Indonesia and spying on them through NSA program.

So is the US has been spying French and Germany, so should we say French and Germany have a beef with the US??

Well, if a country's president held grudge over some spying, then I guess either the whole war should be already at war, as everybody is spying everybody, or that would be the most stupidest president or PM ever.

Australian naval ships have went into Indonesian territories at least six times last year.

Well, that's was accidents, not like our navy intrude Indonesian water and start making havoc.

The incidents in mentions have complaint filed, our top politician has already apologized for that and the head of Indonesian government have already accepted the apology, It's all been done and taken care of, I don't see how this was a beef of anyhow.
So is the US has been spying French and Germany, so should we say French and Germany have a beef with the US??

Well, if a country's president held grudge over some spying, then I guess either the whole war should be already at war, as everybody is spying everybody, or that would be the most stupidest president or PM ever.

Well, that's was accidents, not like our navy intrude Indonesian water and start making havoc.

The incidents in mentions have complaint filed, our top politician has already apologized for that and the head of Indonesian government have already accepted the apology, It's all been done and taken care of, I don't see how this was a beef of anyhow.
You probably have a different understanding of "beef" than we do.
There is always a cold peace (or war) between Australis and Indonesia. These 124 F-35 are obviously aiming at Indonesia. So how would Indonesia respond to this fleet of stealth jets?
There is always a cold peace (or war) between Australis and Indonesia. These 124 F-35 are obviously aiming at Indonesia. So how would Indonesia respond to this fleet of stealth jets?

After 2020 insyaALLAH we will get our own stealth fighter with Korea (KFX/IFX), and from 2014 until 2020 there are high possibility that we will acquire Su-35 as Russia has already offered us that plane.
After 2020 insyaALLAH we will get our own stealth fighter with Korea (KFX/IFX), and from 2014 until 2020 there are high possibility that we will acquire Su-35 as Russia has already offered us that plane.
KFX/IFX is not true 5th gen stealth. More likely a 4+ variance stealth.
KFX/IFX is not true 5th gen stealth. More likely a 4+ variance stealth.

Yup, it is the initial plan, but there is a push recently to make it in par with F-35, and there are huge TOT that will be given by Lockheed Martin for KFX/IFX program after SK decided to buy F-35.
This note about procuring these 58 aircraft is just an announcement. It is NOT a contract. IIRC Australia has set a fixed budget for the f35 programme involvement, if productions costs remain high until 2020 and if the cost of fixing bugs during testing become "exorbitant" , this will lead to cuts in the numbers ordered.

On a personal note, both the Canadians and Australians face a similar dilemma, both defensive in nature, both (AF) have to cover a lot of ground and have to do so fast. IMHO the super hornet supplemented with the growlers would have been a better choice.
Thats just my 2 cents.
That's a nice decision to commit to the project that has already seen such a massive investment initially. IMHO Australia is one of the few countries in the world which has absolutely no enemies, considering that all the immediate regional military forces, Indonesia, India, China and Russia have cordial relations with them. While Aussies take American assistance in defence, they are a friendly country generally to all.

However, they are rich in resources which is what puts them at the risk of getting 'democratized and given freedom' :lol:.

While no one can predict enemies, it is always best to take precautions. And for Australia which has such a robust economic structure, they should invest in at least 150 JSFs and consider more of missile defense.

Look at the Chinese for example; while they lag behind USA in terms of defense platforms despite their rise, they chose a smart and cost effective method to circumvent the strategic gap: tactical missile, a whole storm cloud of them. If it is a carrier attacking, rain missiles. If is in a US Navy squadron attempting to infiltrate into Chinese airspace, rain cost-effective short-medium range SAMs.

It is a smart way of ensuring that they have the baggage to attack but very few will risk their necks invading your country. Even with a small air force, if you invest in tactical missile technology, it can get you a lot of long term results. While anti-missile systems are available, the can be overwhelmed with a barrage of them. That's what the Chinese have done and that is very appreciable; something I'd personally love to see our military adopt: A blanket of SAMs, SSMs, SShMs along all our peripheral regions.

You being an island nation, should consider SAMs and SShMs heavily for now.

150 jets may be enough to hold someone off but these days you never knew how alliances turn into enmity.

All the best. :tup:

A tacticle missile that is a ballistic missile mistaking for a nuclear launch. Not a good idea. And no proof it works since all we have evidence was a giant white rectangular shape that the Chinese knew where it was and it was stationary and no defenses at all. Besides with long range missiles beyond SAM range by the U.S. Air Force and Navy that can fire hundreds and even thousands of missiles to overwhelm any defenses. Why do you think the Russians and the Chinese are developing such weapons? And I haven't even included cyberwarfare, smart decoys, jamming, etc. against SAMs.
Yup, it is the initial plan, but there is a push recently to make it in par with F-35, and there are huge TOT that will be given by Lockheed Martin for KFX/IFX program after SK decided to buy F-35.
Don't be a joke. TOT will not cover core technology. The US will not allow TOT of core stealth technology which involved coating formula. This is top secret that even Japan cannot buy.
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