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Khorramshahr multi warhead ballistic missile

“I am not sure why the Iranians are lying about the range,” one U.S. official said. “I think they don’t want to piss the Europeans off.”

But, as it turns out, the videos were actually seven months old, US officials told Fox News. Iran hasn't launched a missile recently.


Even the Americans realized that the range is more than 2000 kilometers. They say the range of Khoramshahr missiles is about 4,000 kilometers.

I do not know why, in terms of Americans, all the missiles exploded in the air. 40 years have passed and Iran still does not have a well-functioning missile in terms of Americans. What is the problem with American experts?
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lets just assume that there will be antimatter bombs in the future you won't be able to make them until another century, what are you gonna do meanwhile.
Well next century for Iranian come in 4.5 years
By the way I wonder by what measure you calculated that next century comment ?
I do not know why, in terms of Americans, all the missiles exploded in the air. 40 years have passed and Iran still does not have a well-functioning missile in terms of Americans. What is the problem with American experts?
They say that to keep the Israelis feel safe
But especially after the attack on Deirzor, they exactly know what Iran capable of like sun in sky!...
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They say that to keep the Israelis feel safe
But especially after the attack on Deirzor, they exactly know what Iran capable of like sun in sky!...

One of the missiles targeted a bridge and we all saw it. The maximum error rate is much less than 50 meters.
In first, Iran publicly displays S-300 air defense missile system

and atomic bombs were Science fiction in 1942 but they become reality.

همان فشار زیاد باعث شده ه یک عده همه اش بگن ما باید این را داشته باشیم ، اونرا داشته باشیم . آینرا باید خودکفا باشیم اونرا باید خودکفا باشیم
ولی همه اش در حد حرف باشه و هیچ وقت فکر نکنن که برای اینکار یک زیر ساختی لازم هست که همیشه اون فراموش میشه . الن ما توانایی تولید یک تراشه در حد 8086 که 30 سال قبل تولید شد را نداریم ما الان آلیاژهایی را که 70 سال قبل توی امریکا و روسیه برای تولید موتور جت و موشک میساختن نمیتونیم تولید کنیم ولی صحبت از فرستادن انسان به فضا میشه . به هر حال تا زیر ساختهای لازم فراهم نشه تمام این حرفها خیال بازی هست . شما هم الان هر چند تا بمب اتمی بسازی (که تعدادش با این میزان اورانیوم که در اختیار ما هست محدود هست) باز هم حریفهایت بمبهای خیلی بیشتر و قویتری دارند . در ضمن یمی اتمی به هیچ وجه جلوی جنگ را نمیگیره نمونه واضحش هند و پاکیستان هستند که با هم بعد از تست یمبهای اتمی وارد جنگ شدند یا درگیری چین و روسیه یا آرژانتین و انگلیس
Yes,but only because of the real fear that the nazis were working on such a thing,in addition the program itself was not only incredibly technologically challenging,not to mention enormously expensive,around 23 BILLION!! in todays money,but there was also no guarantee that it would even succeed.
Lastly you might just want to check out the estimated prices for usable amounts of antimatter cause it aint cheap and thats an understatement,indeed for a tiny fraction of that cost iran if it so chose could build itself a very nice practical little deterrent force of thermonuclear armed icbms.
By the way I wonder by what measure you calculated that next century comment ?
considering that antimatter is only made by CERN at the moment, and only a few dozen atoms of antimatter are made up till now which are contained using an electromagnetic field I think the century figure was pretty lenient it would take a lot more then that.
Yes,but only because of the real fear that the nazis were working on such a thing,in addition the program itself was not only incredibly technologically challenging,not to mention enormously expensive,around 23 BILLION!! in todays money,but there was also no guarantee that it would even succeed.
Lastly you might just want to check out the estimated prices for usable amounts of antimatter cause it aint cheap and thats an understatement,indeed for a tiny fraction of that cost iran if it so chose could build itself a very nice practical little deterrent force of thermonuclear armed icbms.
You are wrong here . the price problem And the hardship for developing meaningful amount of antimatter is only because the technology is in its infancy you develope it more and then it'll be a lot cheaper .also newer technology can help you reduce the price . you only need to try not to say it's impossible . if you say so some country build such bomb themselves and then made a treaty to Bart others from doing so.

considering that antimatter is only made by CERN at the moment, and only a few dozen atoms of antimatter are made up till now which are contained using an electromagnetic field I think the century figure was pretty lenient it would take a lot more then that.
How much uranium 235 was made in world in 1935 in how many facility and then how many was built 10 years later in 1945.
How much uranium 235 was made in world in 1935 in how many facility and then how many was built 10 years later in 1945.
not just talking about quantity how are you gonna contain antimatter to make a bomb out of it, they surely knew how to contain Uranium 235 in 1935.
How much uranium 235 was made in world in 1935 in how many facility and then how many was built 10 years later in 1945.
The big difference is that at that time uranium was available in commercial quantities,but even then it still took a lot of work,effort and expense to develop the requisite technologies to transmute or to purify and concentrate the required isotopes,by comparison antimatter does not exist in anything even remotely approaching commercial quantities,indeed at the moment it requires enormous machines like the large hadron collider at cern to produce only a few atoms worth of antimatter which is a verrrry looong way,to put it mildly,from the milligram or gram amounts you would need for a weapon,I`m sorry but frankly at this point in time its little better than science fiction.
first of all, in this video, Iran released the impact moment too, while Americans said it has failed at reentry (Iran denied), so this is their first paradox.

in the previous case, Americans claimed that missile flew 600 miles before explode, while in this video we can see warhead separates while it's still in the range of camera sight. so it's the second paradox.

fake is the whole American's claims.
first of all, in this video, Iran released the impact moment too, while Americans said it has failed at reentry (Iran denied), so this is their first paradox.

in the previous case, Americans claimed that missile flew 600 miles before explode, while in this video we can see warhead separates while it's still in the range of camera sight. so it's the second paradox.

fake is the whole American's claims.

actually i agree.... video is very detailed one.... US either failed to monitor the test... or spreading mis info
The big difference is that at that time uranium was available in commercial quantities,but even then it still took a lot of work,effort and expense to develop the requisite technologies to transmute or to purify and concentrate the required isotopes,by comparison antimatter does not exist in anything even remotely approaching commercial quantities,indeed at the moment it requires enormous machines like the large hadron collider at cern to produce only a few atoms worth of antimatter which is a verrrry looong way,to put it mildly,from the milligram or gram amounts you would need for a weapon,I`m sorry but frankly at this point in time its little better than science fiction.
@JEskandari this is what i was trying to tell you, antimatter bomb is impossible even in another one to two centuries, to say the least.
The fact the US is discrediting the Iranian launch is a good thing for Iran. It shows they are trying to avoid confortation over this new missile. Because this missile with a 1 ton or .8 ton warhead could travel 3500-4000 miles potentially.

This would have given the US the perfect excuse to increase pressure On the UN about Iran's BM activities. Yet they decided to take the, "the missile failed" "video is fake" approach.

Very interesting.

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