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Khobragade to USA: You have lost a good friend. In return, you got a maid and drunken driver

Ah so that's what it is. Irony?
The irony is that he's making fun of himself, as he's not really racist at all.

In both the cases both Indian and US consular staff got expelled. India knew if Devyani stays there in USA she will be in trouble so they refused to waive the immunity so that she will be expelled.
Khobragade was not expelled as diplomats employ the term. She was not declared persona non-grata as the American consul was:

QUESTION: Did they PNG a specific person, or did they just ask you to reduce the head count by one?

MS. PSAKI: It was an individual.

QUESTION: An individual?

MS. PSAKI: Mm-hmm.

QUESTION: And do you understand why they selected that particular individual?

MS. PSAKI: I would point you to the Government of India for their explanation of that.

QUESTION: And when you say that you hope that this will now come to closure and that the Indian Government will take steps – I don’t remember the exact words, but to restore a more constructive relationship --

MS. PSAKI: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

QUESTION: -- do you have any reason to think that they’re actually going to do that? I mean, they could have just – they got their diplomat back; they could’ve just let it go rather than PNGing somebody. So what makes you think that they’re actually going to lay this to rest and be constructive?

MS. PSAKI: Well, Arshad, time will tell. And as the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. So we’re looking to move our relationship forward, we’re looking to move past this challenging time, and we hope they’ll be a partner in that.

QUESTION: So the --

QUESTION: And the technical – on a technical thing --

MS. PSAKI: Mm-hmm.

QUESTION: -- you described their decision as an expulsion and some – and PNG. Was the Indian diplomat PNG’d?

MS. PSAKI: No. It – we would qualify it differently.​

She is not an ordinary US citizen she is Indian citizen working on behalf of India.
When she was screwing with her domestic she was "working on behalf of India"?
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No, USA got rid of a person who lied on official forms for personal benefit. Not much of a diplomat given that fact. Good riddance!
Do you even understand what you are saying ?

That women had a husband and children in the US. She could have easily done the following for her personal satisfaction,

1. Submit to the black mail by the maid and help her get US citizenship
2. Submit to the black mail by the maid the second time and negotiated a settlement with the maid
3. Pleaded guilty to the crime and then negotiated a settlement.
4. Turned the whole thing around and play the victim herself and blame the GoI and plead for US asylum.

She did NONE of the above because she knew she was representing INDIA and any of the above choices would have compromised Indians dignity.

She acted with Courage and Dignity.

In exchange for this brave act she now has to be separated from her husband and children. She made this SACRIFICE for India. Do you understand such simple Facts ?

She is an bonafide Indian Hero and as such deserves our Respect. Others can go suck an rotten egg.
Yeah, if she's a hero, then I'm the President of the United States
The irony is that he's making fun of himself, as he's not really racist at all.

Khobragade was not expelled as diplomats employ the term. She was not declared persona non-grata as the American consul was:

QUESTION: Did they PNG a specific person, or did they just ask you to reduce the head count by one?

MS. PSAKI: It was an individual.

QUESTION: An individual?

MS. PSAKI: Mm-hmm.

QUESTION: And do you understand why they selected that particular individual?

MS. PSAKI: I would point you to the Government of India for their explanation of that.

QUESTION: And when you say that you hope that this will now come to closure and that the Indian Government will take steps – I don’t remember the exact words, but to restore a more constructive relationship --

MS. PSAKI: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

QUESTION: -- do you have any reason to think that they’re actually going to do that? I mean, they could have just – they got their diplomat back; they could’ve just let it go rather than PNGing somebody. So what makes you think that they’re actually going to lay this to rest and be constructive?

MS. PSAKI: Well, Arshad, time will tell. And as the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. So we’re looking to move our relationship forward, we’re looking to move past this challenging time, and we hope they’ll be a partner in that.

QUESTION: So the --

QUESTION: And the technical – on a technical thing --

MS. PSAKI: Mm-hmm.

QUESTION: -- you described their decision as an expulsion and some – and PNG. Was the Indian diplomat PNG’d?

MS. PSAKI: No. It – we would qualify it differently.​

When she was screwing with her domestic she was "working on behalf of India"?

Regarding USA diplomat expulsion , he helped the maid's family to get tickets by violating the Indian laws and so the expulsion.

If Devyani was not expelled then what exactly was it called??

Those are maid's allegations still the truth needs to come out based on Indian laws.
Regarding USA diplomat expulsion , he helped the maid's family to get tickets by violating the Indian laws and so the expulsion.
Expelled in the line of duty. Very different from Khobragade.

If Devyani was not expelled then what exactly was it called??
Listen to the Indian Foreign Ministry. She was reassigned.

Those are maid's allegations still the truth needs to come out based on Indian laws.
Under the Consular Convention Indian laws don't apply but American laws do.
Under the Consular Convention Indian laws don't apply but American laws do.

Please read my earlier post, Bilateral relationship , diplomacy do not go along with local laws some times.
He's an American citizen.

What college is going to keep somebody on its faculty if they are found out to have had a maid work 16 hour days for under minimum wage and also grabbed her passport and had filed a lawsuit against her in India for absconding.

There will be student protests!
He's unhireable.
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Ms. Diplomat sounds like a doll. There is a word to describe her which rhymes with beach and pronounces the same as beach. No wonder she got finger poked.
Do you even understand what you are saying ?

That women had a husband and children in the US. She could have easily done the following for her personal satisfaction,

1. Submit to the black mail by the maid and help her get US citizenship
2. Submit to the black mail by the maid the second time and negotiated a settlement with the maid
3. Pleaded guilty to the crime and then negotiated a settlement.
4. Turned the whole thing around and play the victim herself and blame the GoI and plead for US asylum.

She did NONE of the above because she knew she was representing INDIA and any of the above choices would have compromised Indians dignity.

She acted with Courage and Dignity.

In exchange for this brave act she now has to be separated from her husband and children. She made this SACRIFICE for India. Do you understand such simple Facts ?

She is an bonafide Indian Hero and as such deserves our Respect. Others can go suck an rotten egg.

Yeah, if she's a hero, then I'm the President of the United States

He and others like him will keep deluding themselves as long as they are getting unjustified reservations and freebies.
Where is the justification in daughter of IAS officer getting reservations ? None at all!
Infact this defeats the purpose of upliftment for the SC/STs for which the reservations were made.
It is due to people like Devyani that even after 65 years of reservations SCs are still backward.

And yet parasites like DK still cling on to reservations even if it means selling the country to corrupt politicians. When will we reform a system which is only helping the elite few to keep the rest of us down ?
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Please read my earlier post, Bilateral relationship , diplomacy do not go along with local laws some times.
The Consular Convention allows flexibility in matters beyond the basics. See Article 71:

1.Except insofar as additional facilities, privileges and immunities may be granted by the
receiving State, consular officers who are nationals of or permanently resident in the receiving State
shall enjoy only immunity from jurisdiction and personal inviolability in respect of official acts
performed in the exercise of their functions, and the privileges provided in paragraph 3 of article 44. So
far as these consular officers are concerned, the receiving State shall likewise be bound by the obligation
laid down in article 42. If criminal proceedings are instituted against such a consular officer, the
proceedings shall, except when he is under arrest or detention, be conducted in a manner which will
hamper the exercise of consular functions as little as possible.

The "additional facilities, privileges, and immunities" are governed in India mostly by bureaucratic fiat, whereas in the U.S. they are - nowadays - governed mostly by law.
What college is going to keep somebody on its faculty if they are found out to have had a maid work 16 hour days for under minimum wage and also grabbed her passport and had filed a lawsuit against her in India for absconding.

There will be student protests!
He's unhireable.
Then screw him...we dont care...he is not an indian citizen...
And you can also screw the maid and her family....
USA to Khobragade: well we had fun in the process
If Devyani was not expelled then what exactly was it called??
Once Khobragade received her accreditation and the Indian gov't refused to waive it as called for under India's agreement with the U.N. and U.S., I think the only people the U.S. could "properly" expel were those Indian diplomats and consuls involved in making or transmitting the decision to refuse the waiver. That would likely be more than one person.

"Reassigning" Khobragade was a lot less trouble. I suppose the State Dept. arranged with the Indians for this, that the U.S. would accept "reassignment" and afterwards the U.S. would refrain from expelling the diplomats responsible for violating India's duty to waive immunity under the 1946 and 1963 Conventions.

Note that according to Indian news reports Khobragade had declared that once she had immunity she would remain in the U.S. until she had satisfaction in court. She may have been aware that if India refused the waiver the only people the U.S. could logically expel were her superiors. Khobragade did not get her wish.
What college is going to keep somebody on its faculty if they are found out to have had a maid work 16 hour days for under minimum wage and also grabbed her passport and had filed a lawsuit against her in India for absconding.

There will be student protests!
He's unhireable.

*His wife
*All unproven allegations
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