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khilaf suntan hamid 2nd. Glorious history of muslims.

No idea why you are bringing supremacy into it. Anyway go ahead and ride on this cloud and give yourself cheaps. Whatever makes you happy. Bye.
No idea why you are bringing supremacy into it. Anyway go ahead and ride on this cloud and give yourself cheaps. Whatever makes you happy. Bye.

One minute-

I have a content for you, hope u will watch it - for increasing ur knowledge.

You should start a thread about nabab siraj uddoullah instead of this unknown Ottoman ruler in Bangladesh forum.this is crazy. Haha you funny

Sultan Abdulhamid II was born in Istanbul on the 21st of September, 1842. His father is Sultan Abdul Medjid and his mother is Tir-i Mujgan Kadin Efendi. His mother is a Circassian originated. He lost his mother as a little child and he was grown by his step mother Pristu Kadın. He was weak child and used to fell sick often, by this reason, he was showed great interest especially during his father's reign. He was very well educated and learnt to play piano besides his other courses. Sultan Abdulhamid II lived a free life before he had married. After his marriage, he spent his all spare times with his family. He was inherited an empire which was about to collapse, by his political and social administrations, the empire was saved. He ruled the Ottomans for 33 years. Abdulhamid was a religious, gracious and a generous man. He lived a life of a common person. During the Greece Campaign, it is informed him that, there was not enough money for a campaign. He spent his personnel wealth for the campaign. He was also a brilliant carpenter, he used to make marvellous furniture and used to sell them gave that money to the poor. He was a really gracious man, he even forgave many people intended to him. Sultan Abdul Hamid II had established universities, an Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Finance and Agriculture. Moreover, he openned a many primary schools, high schools, blind and handicapped schools. He had Sisli Etfal Hospital and Poorhouse built with his own money. He had the excellent drinking water called Hamidiye brought to Istanbul. He extended highways until the internal parts of Anatolia and had railways spread through Baghdad and Medina. He had rider trolley roads spread in capital cities.

His Wifes : Nazik-eda, Bedr-i Felek, Safi-naz Nur-efzun, Bidar, Dilpesend, Mezide Mestan, Emsal-i Nur, Ayse Dest-i Zer Musfika

You should start a thread about nabab siraj uddoullah instead of this unknown Ottoman ruler in Bangladesh forum.this is crazy. Haha you funny

If people haven't heard of him, I doubt anyone heard who that Nabab is lol.
You should start a thread about nabab siraj uddoullah instead of this unknown Ottoman ruler in Bangladesh forum.this is crazy. Haha you funny

Nope brother. this is a forgotten history for us. Unfortunately. this bengal was under the ruling system of khilafah. This is our ignorence that we don't know about khilafah and our khalifs.

If people haven't heard of him, I doubt anyone heard who that Nabab is lol.

If people haven't heard of him, I doubt anyone heard who that Nabab is lol.
We knows our Nababs pretty well . The general people knows mustafa kamal pasha and sultan suleiman the magnificent because of a tv serial haha
No idea why you are bringing supremacy into it. Anyway go ahead and ride on this cloud and give yourself cheaps. Whatever makes you happy. Bye.

Why did you refer to Bangla in a deragatory manner without knowing its history? Your statement said of a false account that only Bangla people are the converts in the sub-continent when you Pathans were the most difficult of people who resisted all efforts by the Persian to keep you up with Muslim faith and habits in the 10th century. Learn your own history of conversions under compulsion. There were many many wars in your land only after which you are strictly following the faith, although you are fond of killing Shias and Hanafis.

After the demise of Umayyads and Abbasids in Damaskus and Baghdad (mid or early 13th century) the effort by the Mamluks in Egypt to create another Khalifat dynasty (Fatemide) ultimately failed. Turkic Muslim power was rising when Arab power was waning in those days. This resulted in the taking over the Khilafat by the Turkic Sultan.

The Turkic Muslims were then the strongest empire in the world that reigned over Asia, Africa, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, most of the regions in the north Africa, Persia, Syria, Iraq and many others in Europe. The Muslim Kings/Emperors in Hindustan ruled independent of the direct domination by the Khilafat, but were obliged by custom/Mullahs to send emissaries and gifts as tokens of alliance to the Khilafat.
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We knows our Nababs pretty well . The general people knows mustafa kamal pasha and sultan suleiman the magnificent because of a tv serial haha

kamal pasa was a traitor. He was agent of Britain and helped to destroy khilafah.
kamal pasa was a traitor. He was agent of Britain and helped to destroy khilafah.

Yes, a man who killed more than 100k British troops is a British agent.
Yes, a man who killed more than 100k British troops is a British agent.

she stooped arabic language in turkey , by force changed islamic dress and banned adan, banded all islamic holidays. that man is a traitor. see outcry hiz but tahrir. everything will be clear , how it happened. he didn't kill British troops. but also helped thenm to enter ottoman khilfah for its destruction.
she stooped arabic language in turkey , by force changed islamic dress and banned adan, banded all islamic holidays. that man is a traitor. see outcry hiz but tahrir. everything will be clear , how it happened. he didn't kill British troops. but also helped thenm to enter ottoman khilfah for its destruction.

Sorry but your a retarded extremist. We never had Arabic language, we had Ottoman Turkish and he changed the alphabet which is easier for our language. I never ever heard he banned Islamic holidays I don't know where you got that from.
Why is this in Bangladesh Defence Forum? Dont we have enough retarded threads already lying around?
kamal pasa was a traitor. He was agent of Britain and helped to destroy khilafah.
Do not please write your own story in this forum on Kamal Pasha. Today's Turkey owes everything to him. He was great in his time when Turkey was called 'The weak man of Europe.' Please learn from history, otherwise people may ignore you.
Sorry but your a retarded extremist. We never had Arabic language, we had Ottoman Turkish and he changed the alphabet which is easier for our language. I never ever heard he banned Islamic holidays I don't know where you got that from.

Every muslim is a fundamentalist. when khilafah was exist the language was Arabic. u may search it . i have a documentary for u- watch it and increase ur knowledge.

Do not please write your own story in this forum on Kamal Pasha. Today's Turkey owes everything to him. He was great in his time when Turkey was called 'The weak man of Europe.' Please learn from history, otherwise people may ignore you.

Kamal pasa was the national father for turkish. But how it happened do u know that ? Eberything to him means he destroyed khilafah by the agenda of the west . He banned arabic language when khilafah destroyed. wanna see my proof. then watch it -

Why is this in Bangladesh Defence Forum? Dont we have enough retarded threads already lying around?

whats wrong with that ? khilafa is obligation for all muslims. i think bd forum is muslim forum.
whats wrong with that ? khilafa is obligation for all muslims. i think bd forum is muslim forum.

Surely it is but has nothing to do with an online defence forum. Please post such articles in other similar sub-sections.
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