remember the qadiyani massacre in 70's it happens because a useless paperwork give indricet legtimization to it in 70's
just see the difference between jeddah and dubai you will see what economic prosperity and positive development in passport value freedom(even Dubai is still some what restrictive in some issue but still better than rest of the gulf states) can bring.they have made religion their personal matter unlike saudia.
really then why wasn't there so many cases of blasphemy killing before the law.
hahaha right you call us the narrow minded PTSD generation well lets believe it for a second that it is true than who pushed us into war? who let Afghani in? who destroyed the economically prospering Pakistan of 60s? who made religion a sate affair in 1973?
it was your generation.we are trying to cleanup your mess the level best we can.
hahaha yet it is at its highest in pakistans history and much higher than what it was when your so called beloved constitution of pakistan was made have a look to get the rough idea which generation is better equipped and informed to make/amend the law according to 21 century