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Khatam e nabowat bill passed


May 21, 2006
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Anther bill passed a box " to ask believe in Khatam e nabowat" will be removed. Or do you believe in khatam e nabowat or not question will be removed.
Shiekh Rasheed has challenge the removal of this clause in the parliament yesterday.
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Anther bill passed a box " to ask believe in Khatam e nabowat" will be removed. Or do you believe in khatam e nabowat or not question will be removed.

That's terrible. How will we differentiate between Muslim and Ahmedi/Mirzai/Qaidiyani?

I oppose all discrimination of Qaidiyani/Mirzai/Ahmedi but it is the responsbility of the government to ensure their blasphemy is not passed off as Islam.
Here comes a Secular Nawaz government ... a good day for the seculars of Pakistan!

No need to tag here, they will come eventually.
So it means not believing in finality of prophet saww is not important i pakkstan ?
Here comes a Secular Nawaz government ... a good day for the seculars of Pakistan!

No need to tag here, they will come eventually.

Don't really know the details of this bill but seems kinda ironic that you would question secularism especially when you are enjoying its fruits while living in the UK. If UK wasn't secular you wouldn't have been able to freely and openly practice your religion. Seems like you want a different set of rules for Pakistan and a different set of rules for the actual place you call home.
For our warped minded desi seculars, it is not.
I think all fault is not upon the seculars .
We believing muslims r also responsible for discriminating against our own citizens , our hardcore mullahs have made pakistan a stupid jungle where qadyaanis r mistreated and discriminated .
How our scientist abdus salam was treated for being a qadyaani is infront of our eyes .
Pass the bill or not ... first we have to look at our selves and give a good treatment to our fellow citizens who has always worked hardest for pakistan .
Is it true? and now how will differentiate in between Muslims and Qadiyanis ? or they going to add Qadiyani in religion Section? Is there any new type of Question or its just got removed? And from which forms have it ? and from which forms they are removing?
I think all fault is not upon the seculars .
We believing muslims r also responsible for discriminating against our own citizens , our hardcore mullahs have made pakistan a stupid jungle where qadyaanis r mistreated and discriminated .
How our scientist abdus salam was treated for being a qadyaani is infront of our eyes .
Pass the bill or not ... first we have to look at our selves and give a good treatment to our fellow citizens who has always worked hardest for pakistan .

i know i am going to get grilled for this but i read he was a spy for zionist entity. he was refused entry at nuclear sites.

Don't really know the details of this bill but seems kinda ironic that you would question secularism especially when you are enjoying its fruits while living in the UK. If UK wasn't secular you wouldn't have been able to freely and openly practice your religion. Seems like you want a different set of rules for Pakistan and a different set of rules for the actual place you call home.

it is true that those that say this, live in secular countries but the reason is thier parents came here. most of us were born here and would like to would move back but when you have so call musalmans at the airports robbing you, then you are hounded for money by a crowd of idiots who think you are made of gold. To make it worse your own relatives are plotting against you and finding ways to put fear in you to get money out of you or quickly send you back so they can go back to stealing your land property. Not only that you are despised becuase you are foreigner in thier eyes.

Then in your home country you are struggling with low end jobs and can do much better with your qualification a broad. in pakistan you have life but oversea you dont have life it work work work pay bills tax etc you be drained and nothing to show for it. pakistanis in pak are holding it back,
i can order machines right now send it over and can have nice little manufacturing industry.
But what will happen ? i have to pay hefty tax ?machine might get stolen? they will damage it as they dont a care?. people get jealous and start plotting.
This will be challenged in the supreme court immediately. But the positive aspect is that PMLn govt will seal its fate as religious people will hate them more and you know that vast majority of Pakistanis are religious. The so called libturds are only found at PDF and other anonymous forums online. The double faced hypocrite vermin can't wear it in the public.
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Anther bill passed a box " to ask believe in Khatam e nabowat" will be removed. Or do you believe in khatam e nabowat or not question will be removed.

any link for this?? no news on channels or print media
Don't really know the details of this bill but seems kinda ironic that you would question secularism especially when you are enjoying its fruits while living in the UK. If UK wasn't secular you wouldn't have been able to freely and openly practice your religion. Seems like you want a different set of rules for Pakistan and a different set of rules for the actual place you call home.

I strongly disagree with that.. We enjoy the fruit of our hard work, nothing has been handed to us. You live in Canada, you know that full well.

The first generation who came to the UK came as migrant workers, it was quid pro quo - the UK needed workers, these people needed jobs - it was not a favour for anyone. These people worked and paid into the system. When they then got married and had kids, those kids took out of the same system their parents paid into. This is no different to anyone else who lives in the UK.

The only thing we should be greatful for is that we live in a country where condesending attitudes of how you owe a debt to a social construct do not exist. Society exists to enable the citizen, it is created by citizens for citizens, it is a service, nobody owes it a debt. We live in a country where anyone who exists contributes into society one way or another, that's all that's required of them. Nothing is a golden cow, not democracy, not secularism, not religion.

Also the success of British society aren't built on secularism alone. The attraction of this country to anyone is the economy (nobody comes for the weather). That was built on Empire and capitalism. The good living conditions and workers rights are down to socialism, we can thank the emergence of the modern Labour party and the unions for that. Also we can than the UN and the human rights acts too, as well as the EU and it's expansion.

The fact of the matter is, the state for the most part has always been a tool of the elites, everything the common man has, was hard fought for (including by our immigrant parents and grandparents).

I think a lot of the North American brothers lose sight of this. Correct me if i'm wrong but most of you guys (and the older generations who migrated) were from educated and upper or middle class backgrounds. A lot of people move to America for better lifestyles or having higher aspirations (there is nothing wrong with it). You just need to get that the majority of the UK dispora are here because they were hungry, literally and practically. They started at the bottom and some people aren't too far from there even now. It's not secularism they went to the UK for, it's for bread - which they work hard to earn.

I've got no beef with secularism, in fact i consider myself politically closer to the liberals and socialists rather than the conservatives, but you have to aknowledge there is a trend in our Pakistani community to be fully fledged in whatever they do. The desi secular is no different, they'll step on your throat if you say anything they don't agree with, same way the crazy mullah will.
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